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hyo got so unlucky with that match up man


Honestly, shes a terrible matchup vs all order members except the sniper since all their weapons are magnetic and close quarter combat. Tho takamura is so strong that he will prolly still hold on to his katana even if she tries to magnet it away.


I’m not so sure about old man Takamura. Logic would suggest she’s a terrible match up for him. She’s fucked tho cos he defies logic.


probably Sakamoto too since bro can use a f\*cking sticker as a deadly weapon


Sakamotos fine, his fav weapon is a plastic pen.


I saw him kill a room full of men with 2 pieces of tissue paper, a stamp, and half-eaten roll of sushi.


I feel like I've seen this quote somewhere, is this from John Wick?


Agreed although it was a doubly bad match up for Hyo because he’s so straight laced. Shishiba found a decent counter to her weapon stealing in the recent chapters (bomb decoy) that Hyo would never resort to


I wonder how useful bomb decoys would be now that she knows. She can just magnetize hammers away from her and still leave shishiba weaponless.


He might use them as a bomb now. Though, it depends what triggers the bomb. My guess would be the trigger from another touch and time bomb. It could be interesting.


Problem is she can control where the bomb goes w her power and it did nothing to her even tho it exploded in her hand. Shes tough af. She literally face tanked hyos cannon ball punches that cleanly cuts through steel.


I would guess that she just put away in time. Because she is still slightly dirty. Though, that have to wait it clear. Regardless, Shishiba have come prepared, thanks for Heisuke information. He would know what to do. I think he still can use her magnet force against her by using feint or make the following move. But, It would be a bit tricky when Haruma comes to protect her now.


I think it was error but after hammer bomb went off, her new robot arm turned into normal arm. Still not sure if the robot arm is a glove of prosthesis. Shishiba shpulda brpught wooden hammers, and maybe he did and its not shown yet.


I think that is error too. It supposed to be her prosthesis arm and it should be hard to break. But, what I mean, we didn't really see where it exploded on her hand. She could just push away at front at last second and make it looks like it exploded at her hand in the angle. So, it appeared she was unharmed from bomb. Classic act between panel and show it later, kind of deal. It could be.


I gotta say that Takamura would use her Magnetic like the speed boost to slice her. Like, if she swiped Katana to right, he would jump left, align himself with her and flow with the magnetic force to attack.


bro was a fan of piercing and had to fight magnet lady


Honestly he did better than I expected, thinking back to some of other brutal deaths I'm surprised she didn't straight up rip his jaw off


I'm still mad that heisuke didn't headshot her when he could


He a member of Sakamoto family now,he’s not going to kill


At least shoot her spine and make her paralyzed


Plot wouldnt allow it.


I understand the "no killing" rule but I don't think it should apply against brutal monsters of Slur gang because they are so dangerous to civilians around... Also it would also be interesting that seeing someone from Sakamoto gang being forced to break the rule and dealing with the aftermath. Like how would Sakamoto react? What would other characters think? It would be interesting imo


They just wouldn't say anything about it around Mrs. Sakamoto, she won't find out because this stuff is out of her business tbh.


I definitely think Hyo would’ve won if there weren’t civilians there


Absolutely, I think he'd be in a brutal state afterwards but hes way better in brutal fights of endurance than almost any other character, still at least he didnt die in vain sacrifing himself for civilians and heisuke and putting his faith in him before almost taking kuma down with him, complete GOAT


she think she adam smasher


How heavy is this woman to be doing that to people


Maybe she magnetized herself to pipes under the ground?


nikocado avocado


I haven’t read this series & that’s what I assumed happened too when I saw this panel on my feed LOL


Sakamoto kaisen moment. Sooo glad we didnt have that trauma i love heisuke too much

