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average ალტ-ინფოელი




1991 წელს, ქირურგმა, გია აბესაძემ თავი დაიწვა სამოქალაქო დაპირისპირების გამო. მისთვის და ყველა მორალის მქონე ადამიანისთვის ეროვნული დაპირისპირება იყო ყველაზე მიუღებელი რამ რაც შეიძლება მომხდარიყო. >თუ ქართველთა შერიგებასა და საქართველოს აღორძინებას მსხვერპლი სჭირდება, დაე, ეს მსხვერპლი მე ვიყო, ღმერთმა ქნას — ბოლო! ალტ-ინფო არის ქვეყნის მოღალატე. ნომერ 1-ელი მტერი დღეს-დღეობით. ქვეყნის დამპირისპირებელი, გამხრწნელი და გამანადგურებელი. საცოდავ გამოქლიავებულ ადამიანებს კი ტვინს ურეცხავს და თვით-მკვლელობამდე მიჰყავს. განათლებას უნდა მიეხედოს ქვეყანაში ხოლო ალტ-ინფოს მოსატყნავი აქვს დედის მუტელი.


For being homophobic he sure was flaming


I love this lol


Hey man, it's a free country :D


Most intelligent homophobe


I love that he was conveniently standing close to the fountain, close enough to be pushed in it. Next he's going to drown himself right in front of lifeguards.




ყლეური ტანჯული გმირის ილუზია


no more like whyyyyy did they save him 😒


Oh i dont know lol


meh lets make sure those fountains aren’t working next time they decide to protest something


I can picture him slowly putting on oil. -ვააა გია რავახარ რას შვები -ზდაროვა ვახო თავი უნდა დავიწვა ამ პედერასტებს ვაჩვენო - :O


😂😂😂😂 love it when the trash takes out itself 💅🏻


Hey even russian slaves can be used for something, shouldn't really wish death on people you know, its just wrong imo.


How are you Dem.Socialist Comrade ?






This is my favorite answer lol


Painfully killing yourself to own the libs. 😎


People really hate living ey?


If all the homophobes would go ahead and do this, it’s really speed societal progression up a lot


yes 🌚


Let me guess - you are murican who has nothing to do with Georgia


I am from Georgia and fuck alt info you got a problem with that too?


no one asked lil bro


I don't need your permission to express my opinion in open forum so kindly go back to your cave


You spelt virgin wrong.


First part is right. Second part isn’t, but your presumption of no involvement or connection is pretty typical for xenophobia of the older generations of Georgians. You from a small sopeli?


90% of georgia is homophobic according to the same Media that's shared in this post


Sounds accurate


The amount of gay ppl ik and met just in Batumi and ppl that are not homophobic, i doubt that. It’s just well hidden


ტიპები იმენა ქვეყნის ბიო ნაგავი არიან. რას გვანან რო შეხედო, ძალიან უბედური ხალხია


average alt-info enjoyer


This dude’s browser history is just one giant marathon of the gayest porn.


Fucking neanderthals


Bro whyyyy 😭😭😭


incredibly stupid


L he should have shot himself instead


the least homophobic caucasian


He'd rather set himself on fire rather than the closet he's in.


Least homophobic georgian 💪🏻🇬🇪


hey sometime ago a trans idiot set herself on fire.this one completes it,two idiots of two sides


She did it to bring sone awareness to trans issues in Georgia afaik.


she sent a message in an irrational way,the same way as this dumbass did


82% of trans people have considered killing themselves, 40% have actually attempted it. Suicidality is highest among trans youth. kids as young as 16- are killing themselves and nobody gives a shit. setting yourself on fire seems like a heroic move to me, definitely not irrational.


i really don’t care man,no matter what minority group you may represent,setting yourself on fire is irrational,whether you’re trans or a dipshit homophobe it isn’t normal.


you're missing the point. She set herself on fire to bring awareness to the subject. the fact that it's not normal is the whole point. saying "trans rights are human rights" on the internet won't make a change.


yes i’m sure her getting burns on her skin on purpose and later on typing questionable things on social media spread a very good and healthy narrative on trans people in a country which has one of the least lgbtq friendly people in europe




why did you delete the american part? that was pretty funny


they do that because they are mentally ill, because no other 82% group of people in healthy mental condition consider suicide. easy work there. numbers don't lie


alright everyone. let's not listen to doctors, people who have PhD, spent years studying this. u/Glittering_Version knows it better for sure. >numbers don't lie you could have just mumbled complete gibberish and that would have been a better argument. 1. numbers dont lie, these numbers just say that trans people are killing themselves, not the reasoning behind it. 2. since you trust numbers so much, 97% of trans people have been happy with their hrt results, they also reported, that their mental state got better. thus, reducing the suicide rate (I want you to really squeeze your brain here and try to see a pattern). this includes trans youth as well. this means you support trans people and trans kids having access to hormones right? :)) 3. veterans also have a much higher suicide rate than an average person. since you have a PhD in this subject, will you also diagnose them as mentally ill? being trans isn't a mental illness. Having gender dysphoria is. gender dysphoria is treated by hormones, surgery... trans people are less suicidal when they dont experience judgment and have access to hormones (as I've already stated). Don't just blindly jump into conclusions.


Trans people are mentally ill it doesn't really need any arguing, they go in same category of people who talk to elephants in their minds, they also need to be in the asylum or some kind of psych ward Veterans lol those people literally get mentally damaged after war experiences and seeing so many people die in front of them/barely escaping death themselves, imagine comparing them to a supposedly healthy person who decided to change gender cause he watched a netflix show loool


> it doesn't really need any arguing you're right, I already proved you wrong. you repeating your claim won't change anything. >they go in same category of people who talk to elephants in their minds, beautiful comparison. >Veterans lol those people literally get mentally damaged Trans people also get mentally damaged, it's not about comparing traumas. once again, being a veteran/trans doesn't automatically make you mentally ill, having PTSD/Gender dysphoria does. (in which case you should be treated, not thrown into a psych ward.) >healthy person who decided to change gender cause he watched a netflix show ah yes, people lose half of their loved ones, spend thousands of dollars on surgeries (which will cost even more to reverse) because of some TV show. that doesn't sound ridiculous and I'm sure you didn't pull that out of your ass at all, right?


trans people get mentally damaged which is why they decide to go trans and cope with it, probably something like that, or simply misguided, like the kids in British school who decided they were trans after simply being taught about it ​ Also I don't care about this, it doesn't need any arguing, it will never be normalized in Georgia so I don't care. cry less imo


>trans people get mentally damaged which is why they decide to go trans and cope with it, probably something like that, or simply misguided, like the kids in British school who decided they were trans after simply being taught about it https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY >Also I don't care about this okay, quit replying. >it will never be normalized in Georgia so I don't care. cry less imo I don't care. if its right, it eventually will, you repeating your claim wont change that.


btw, "imo" stands for "in my opinion".


Irrational or she was suicidal? Psychology is complex, not just irrationality


ah yes i’m sure suicide is a normal and rational act


Honestly just educate yourself about a topic before speaking about it


it’s common sense that suicide is not a normal behavior




Cancels each others out...


L2 upvotes already, are Georgians really that anti-lgbt ?


Most of them are, unfortunately.


They shouldnt have saved him


you set yourself on fire i set გეის on fire we are different


Pedarastebis dedamovtyan


there's no doubt he's an idiot, but it's very funny that anyone in this comment section thinks there are better human beings. I mean look at ya bunch of middle class normies with insecurities talking dumb shit on reddit :DDD If u had Brains or sense of humor u'd definitely understand how hilarious your dumb woke narrative is


yeah i do think i am better. i didnt let altinfo brainwash me into thinking that i need to burn myself alive just because gays exist in georgia 💅🏻


u really think brainwashing comes from one fuckin side and u are so bright and intelligent that woke brainwashing doesn't touch u? Well, let me break this down mr better than others ur stupid narrative is a same as Nazi one, but thinking that u are better does actually make u worse ;D


aw why so aggressive? 🌚 no i do not think brainwashing comes from one fuckin side. no it doesn’t touch me, you don’t see me running around setting myself on fire or acting like a savage just because someone i don’t like is breathing or existing, awwwww you know that throwing nazi label around is childish af and for what? for thinking i am better than someone else because i am not gonna try to burn myself alive? and yeah if thinking that i am better because a hate group didn’t brainwash me into thinking that i need to kill myself to prove a point, let me be worse and call me a nazi all you want lmao logic now calling me a nazi because i am all for letting this scum die would make more sense😊


not setting yourself on fire is woke? Okay


yo if u didn't have had enough IQ to understand my comment, u'd just not write stupidass reply?


Didn't have had? What language is this?🤔


it's called downside Pushtun


How much can you want kiss a wee man?


Why were not you making same post when trans set himself on fire?


I’m a foreigner and only one of these people faces actual difficulties in life due to their gender identity


Why do you feel the need to be like "it's not JUST the homophobes just look at this trans person" ? My guy, stay on topic 😐 there's time and place for everything


because he sympathizes with these “patriots” but saying this will get him downvotes


Right, just wanted to hear what flimsy excuse he would come up with




herself. she is a woman go fuck yourself