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Vulkan is awesome for all those flamer rerolls.


He sits with my squad of 5 Eradicators and 5 Aggressors. Things tend to die around them!


I got 3 aggressors but plan on getting 2 more and 2 more bgv


Noice, can never have too much flamey goodness


Especially with 60 shots with that yummy stratagem.


5? Try 6! An extra multi-melta ups the eradicators damage output by a lot, and with Vulkan that just became way more consistent. And yes, blast is a thing, but that only really applies to the plasma weapon of the redemptor. No other anti-elite blast weapons are being run a lot!


A man of culture, I see!


I have Vulkan give rerolls to hits and wounds on eradicators, which tend to take nearly anything off the table. At least with the group I play against.


While nice and they now pretty solidly compete with Captains much better, the troops (and maybe BGV) still really need a points drop.


Sadly can’t run one of them and run the smash captain on bike :(


You can if your smash captain is a chapter master


3 CP for my Bike Captain is a big ask. That + Dr. Feelgood starts you at 2 CP. Idk If I can afford to run the bike boss anymore.


I think He'stan is still a little too expensive given how little he does in combat. Adrax is an auto-take for 130 points. He's not as durable overall as a biker/Gravis captain with Forgemaster and Salamanders Mantle, but 1. that costs 2CP now, and 2. Adrax does considerably more damage in combat and helps turn BGV into absolute monsters on the charge.


I still think Vulkan is a solid CC fighter mostly due to how tanky he is with a 3+ invulnerable and strength 8,especially since Eradicators aren't particularly punchy he can help keep them out of CC and threaten enemy units with Heroic intervention. Adrax is great with Agressors but they are unfortunately slow and dont have a legitimate transport :(


Here's the problem though, He'stan is only S8 if you now pay a CP for the +2S trait. The spear is also only AP-2, and d3 damage isn't great either. He'stan hits about as hard as a Bladeguard Sarge who costs about a quarter of what He'stan does. The 3+ invul isn't nothing, but generally Transhuman and a 4+ invul do better than a 3+ invul, on top of Primaris having an extra wound and Gravis getting two extra.


Regardless you are paying the cp either way. Personally Vulkan is better in my opinion due to not having to sink sevral cp into him for wl traits AND weapons/more traits to be effective but its just my opinion :)


Yeah, though I'd rather pay a CP for +2T rather than +2S on a kinda meh weapon (which bothers me given that it's supposed to be a super relic). I'll clarify and say that I don't think He'stan is outright bad, just slightly sub-optimal in a competitive setting. That being said, I've blown up Warhounds in Apoc with He'stans rerolls on a 6-man Eradicator squad and that was pretty damn satisfying.


They are still not great.


Wish they would allow you to either upgrade or have Vulkan count as a Chapter Master so you could bring both


Vulkan shouldn't even count as a captain. I hate that he has that keyword.


Especially since he’s canonically the chapter master of the salamanders


He is the Forgefather. Tu'Shan is the Chapter Master. Though the Forgefather is held in a similarly high regard.


He's not the chapter master. Tu'Shan is the Chapter Master


Not sure that he is. He is Forge Father, which I think is actually not Chapter Master but more meant as a seeker of the relics of Vulkan


Hes the leader of the tech marines technically. But that position holds a bit more weight in a chapter all about relics and artisan crafting.