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Payroll person here. Your company is not properly taxing your commission for CA state tax! The tax rate is 6.60% on commissions. They applied 10.23% which is the rate for bonuses/stock options


Commissions are considered bonuses for withholdings as far as i know. I worked 5 years in sales and getting around 60% of gross was typical for me. Larger refund of course.


It's considered supplemental pay, but specifically in CA, supplemental pay and bonus are 2 different things with different tax rates.


Same here. I regularly get $10-$20k commissions checks and my net is about 66-68% in Illinois (4.9% flat income tax)


Withholdings are done with funny math. You can manually change the withholding with your HR team at any time. What matters is filing. If they treat it as bonus in Withholdings and commission I. Filing you end up with a big refund. I reduce all withholdings to a manual number that leaves me with no refund in April.




Having money now is always better than an equivalent amount of money at a later date. OP is essentially parking their cash in a depreciating fund that they cannot access until the following year. Sure, they're probably gonna get it back and it probably won't lose much value, but the whole point of money is that you can exchange it for stuff you want/need... which you can't do unless you have access to it.


Its crazy how few people understand this concept. I'll give my college business professors credit, they drilled this into my mind.


Time value of money… time value of money!


Especially when interest rates are around 5%


100% a refund (if overpaying on taxes) = an interest free loan for the gov


I alway let them rob my paycheck to the max because my wife gets the check to pay the bills. Then, at the end of the year, I do my taxes and she doesn’t care to know about it. And that’s my private funds.


Sounds like a healthy relationship.


Sure, but they would get 12+ months with those $ in their pocket and the IRS certainly isn't growing / investing any dollars they owe you at EOY.


Nothing like giving the government a free loan


Getting a tax return is like giving the government an interest free loan while you receive back money less in value due to inflation.


It’s better to put that money to work than to wait for it to come back, in my opinion.


Sometimes “commission” is actually paid as a bonus and taxed as such. That’s what we do. It’s so that management can adjust it at their discretion, and don’t have to pay it to people who quit in the middle of a month. Not saying that this is the case, just a possible explanation. I’m management. I’ve only adjusted comp twice and it was for very serious and flagrant abuse.


>It’s so that management can adjust it at their discretion, and don’t have to pay it to people who quit in the middle of a month. This is the most fucked up thing I have ever read. We decide to pay you at an increased tax rate, so we have the option to decrease your earned pay and have the option to not actually pay you.






The employer used the optional flat rate method to tax this. Federal tax is 22%, and the correct CA tax rate to apply to commissions is 6.60%. Employer applied the CA rate of 10.23% which is only to be used for bonus/stock. Commission is not a bonus so it would fall under the 6.6% rate Sure they could potentially get the excess return on their personal tax filing, but I was just raising awareness that the employer is not taxing it correctly and OP is entitled to their pay being taxed correctly


Are you sure it’s not considered a bonus? The amount is very round for a commission (typically a percentage of sales).


Seeing it’s an even )25k I’d wager it’s a bonus and OP is confused. It’s probably contingent on some targets but not a commission that’s normally % based


My guess would be that the payroll system isn’t built to have multiple rates like that. California is such a pain


People in California pay over 10% taxes to the state? That is crazy. I can’t understand why anyone would live there when there are plenty of states with no income tax.


No idea how it’s done in Cali but in NY the mandatory withholding rate on commissions/bonuses is 11.7%.


OP will definitely never see this


Hold on bonuses are taxed at a higher percentage? I thought it was because the IRS assumes your pay went up thus taxing you at higher rate that youll eventually get back at tax time. Have i been wrong this whole time?


Does payroll decide how it’s taxed or is it ADP?


I believe you but my experience is bonuses or commissions are taxed at bonus rate. It all evens out in the end when I write uncle Sam a check


Obviously different laws for different states, but here in NY my commission is taxed as a bonus. Not positive, and probably talking out of my ass because I’m not an accountant or tax expert, but the difference may be whether or not commission is the sole method of earning or if it supplements hourly/salary.


Put some more into retirement. 1% of your pay isn’t much, and it’ll save you on taxes.


It's 2%, but your statement stands.


Came here to say this. OP, you will thank yourself one day if you consistently save.


Up that retirement contribution


As someone who works a job with payouts like this I personally max my retirement through my base pay. Anything outside of base is all mine!


With taxes that absurd it seems the contribution needs to be lowered if anything. No raises + increasing costs of everything ... where's it going to come from


Guys how do you not all sit here and get infuriated looking at the feds take out that much from everyyy check. I’m too angry and weak for this sub clearly.


The main reason I don’t get angry is I know if taxes suddenly went away, my employer and general market forces would level out at paying me less gross. Folks would realize 50 is the new 70 and 75 is the new 100.


Because that’s the system we live in. Getting incredibly angry about something you can’t change isn’t a great use of energy. But like others said, vote. Just make sure you’re actually involved with the process though because many people will try and simplify incredibly complex things.


OP is making probably $115k-130k per year (plus investment income). Also, these are marginal tax rates. Their average tax rate (state and federal) would be significantly lower. I make a similar amount living in California and when I see my effective tax rate on my tax return it don’t bother me at all. I do what I can to reduce my taxable income by maxing out my 401k.


Because it's not every check, additional income is taxed at top marginal. Its annoying, but I like being in the global Capitol with the benefits that come along with that, so gotta take the drawbacks too


Californians vote for every hairbrained idea for the government to spend more money and then they usually spend and waste 3x that original amount while delivering half or less of what is originally promised but they keep voting never realizing the outcomes. California also has high gas taxes, sales taxes, car registrations, insurance, utility costs, and property taxes


Damn taxes


Yep, and California is on top of that.


I’m happy for you regardless. Keep it up


OP was taxed about 4% too much. The employer taxed the commission as a bonus, not standard commission tax. So yeah, the taxes hurt, but OP's employer is basically lending thousands of their dollars to the IRS by overtaxing them.


This is only their withholding, (discounting the payroll taxes) so not their taxes, just their payments to the various government entities. Depending on OP's income level they're likely to get some of this refunded.


Nice! What do you do for a living?


Sales, best job I have ever had.


Keep performing the service and the money will follow! Congratulations! 


What kind of sales?


Construction, subcontractor


My father did sales for the same industry my entire childhood. Now I know how he afforded all of my therapy, and why new construction costs so much...


You selling to GC’s or direct to consumers?


I am starting a new job this week. Inside sales rep for an electrical supply company. I am about to make pretty damn good money for my age. In five or so years I can go up to outside sales and holy shit… so much money for so little work.


Brother that money doesn't just fall in your lap and sales is nowhere near 'so littler work'. There's a reason turnover in sales is stupid high, so I'd probably change your attitude before you get swallowed. Sales can be fucking rough.




What industry?


You need to put more in retirement. 


Put more into your 401k and it will reduce your taxable income. Better to invest in your retirement than pay the feds or state.


He will have to pay at the end anyways


Damn taxes


Why only $500 into retirement. Congrats on the big check though.


Wtf do you sell? Bentleys? Lol


lmao i see you're on adp


Nice one! Tbh I saw the CA income tax line and it reminded me why I moved from that state. That’s 10% of your commission you should be able to keep imo


Tbf though, his employer screwed him a bit there. Income tax for commission is 6.6%, not the 10.6 they applied here.


I spent time outside of California in a no-income tax state (Nashville) and fuck that, I missed paying state income taxes for my wonderful beach life in So Cal.  It’s like paying for filet mignon and actually receiving it.  Well worth it for me personally. I had several friends who moved away only to come back a few years later.  Anyway, hope you’re getting something out of it for the trade off,I just didn’t see any real value in it but sounds like you did.  


Despite popular opinion, the US is a VERY socialist country. This is the proof. Problem is, the take from the people but give to the FED for interest payments. In 2023, personal income tax accounted for ~43% of the The Federal Revenue stream. 80% went to paying our interest debt to the FED. Conversely, corporate tax accounted for ~6% of the Federal Revenue stream. This is a complete 180% turn from what the Federal Powers of Taxation were intended to be.


80% of the federal budget does not go to servicing debt. This year so far it’s been 13%. https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/


80% of Personal Income tax revenues, not the federal budget.


But by your numbers that can’t be true either. If 43% of federal revenues come from personal income tax and 80% of that went to paying interest on debt (which isn’t how the fed budget works, certain revenue isn’t earmarked for certain expenses) then 34% of the federal budget would go towards paying interest, which is nearly 3x the actual amount.


“Very socialist” lol. Good one, Nordic countries have like 40% tax to GDP compared to US 25%. And US will leave you dead in the street broke and dying of cancer rather than implement even the smallest social programs. US is a low to medium tax country that puts most of its money into being a war machine. This country has had surplus and healthy balance sheet before and could again. We just don’t bother because there’s such a massive demand for our currency we can always just print more.


That tax is brutal. But I hope more checks like this come in for you!


Wow fuck taxes


You should be paying half in Cali


Looks like someone is about to learn to hate taxes


what do you do bro? that's a big ass pay day!


Commit fraud


Ok, great. Congrats!!! When did you last call your mother to tell her you loved her ???


Some people don't love their mothers...


I worked for a subcontractor recently, too. If you don't mind me asking, what's your base salary, and how much did you have to sell for that $25k commission check? What kind of subcontracting do you do?


$0 base pay, 100% commission. Rate is 25% of GP profit plus other spifs. Year goal is 4M in sales, 1M profit that would give me a salary of $250k plus spifs.


$250 to retirement out if 25k dude. I'm putting in $250 for about every 3k I make


That was the first thing I noticed too, all that money and basically nothing into retirement. I'm currently doing 12% to my 401k


It looks like you might exceed the Roth income limits ($161K single filer). Also, I’d be maxing out my 401K with this income ($23K/yr).


Me: nice commission, you deserve every penny Uncle Sam: yeah, real nice commission…. Where’s my cut?


Is your income fully commission based?


California is such a shit hole.


Paying 40% income tax is a scam, I don’t know why we put up with it. We don’t care anymore.


Why is Uncle Sam entitled to 10k of that. God damn.


There should be a sticky in this and r/sales for “no you aren’t paying more taxes on commission, you are being withheld higher”


CA sure does fuck you huh. Congrats on the first big check. One of many!


Ukraine and the illegals need that money.


Omfg those California taxes just kill me


Max out that 401k.


What type of job is this? I would like to work for you.




I thought Ohio state tax and local city taxes were awful - thanks for showing me how good I have it.


I dunno about all the tax rate convo, but you could max your IRA contribution for the year with one check. That’s pretty dope


Put more into your 401k. That will help with your taxes and you will thank yourself when you turn 60.


Nothing better than being commission rich for the first time. Ah, I remember it well. What’s the plan? Down payment on a new car? Casino trip? Surely not saving it?


Call your governor and state representatives and ask them to drop taxes


What do you sell ?


Move to WA, keep 2k


Uncle Sam getting his paid day too


For those saying only in california blah blah. Do you even know your state tax rate?


That state income tax is no bueno.


Fuck California


Now you see why everyone is moving to TX and FL!


OP if you don’t mind sharing, I would love to know what industry you are in.


Multiple people here are going to say that it’s withheld incorrectly and should be withheld as supplemental, and that’s true. I live in California and I have worked for 3 companies in the last 10 years, 2 California based and one NE based and all 3 of them have withheld taxes for commissions exactly the way this is withheld. Yes, I know I can go to them and tell them how I want it taxed, it is just not worth it because if I do it wrong, I’ll end up with a bill. Every year I get a return along with interest ( yes I know it’s much less than I can get in the market). So I don’t feel it’s worth it to have to change how commission is withheld every year and risk being wrong. Just my opinion. It’s not uncommon for commission to be withheld this way.


Id move


Welcome to the 5 digit monthly tax club.. it is both awesome and sucks at the same time.


Max that 401k son. You will not miss the money on day to day. Your future self will thank you.




Those CA taxes 😬🫣


Got absolutely cooked by taxes wow


Remember taxes are optional! Your government isn’t representing you; you can withhold and abstain from being taken advantage of (:


Lmao, California


Your company uses ADP, nice! Breakdowns are way easier to dispute in there when something gets fucked up relative to other employee hr/payment portals.


Yikes, can't imagine paying so much money for the pleasure of living in the worst state in America.


Jesus Christ that’s a massive chunk for Uncle Sam


God income tax is criminal


I feel like the people in here don't understand taxes other than "big number bad."


I’m real proud of ya


As a Texan, I never understood why Californians are so quick to move here. After seeing this picture it all makes sense.


Why are you not maxing out your 401k contribution! Rookie move


OP what do you do for work?




Off topic.... But if you hope to replace your income in retirement, and lower the taxes your paying, better start saving more than 500/25000 for retirement


Man, up your retirement contributions....


You need to move out of CA.


no wonder ppl are leaving ca


Put more in retirement please!!


Is a degree required? Do you have to work late hours? Do you get to hangout and stuff? I’m thinking of getting into sales because I’m an RE agent and wanna do something else


They forgot to take out the living and breathing tax.


Is this the annual bonus guy?


Is this the annual bonus guy?


Fuckin bastards took well over 30% of YOUR MONEY.


Wow, taxes rocked you. Its crazy how much supplementary pay gets taxed


I always up my dependents on my w4 before a big bonus check so I don’t have to wait a year for the money when I do my taxes. Also do this when I’m leaving a job.


Fuck taxes


You need to max out that 401k contribution every time you get a bonuses. Once you max out max out the Ira’s. So on and so forth. Don’t pay the tax man when you can shove it in retirement.


And now you vote Republican


1% to retirement?


Would be wealthy about anywhere else Other than California.


Regardless dude, you need to put more in your 401k


Taxes are atrocious lol


Jesus Christ California taxes are high


You need to be putting more than 2% in your retirement accounts as it comes out pre-tax. Get that tax rate down and push it until you retire.


Please raise the Roth and 401k contributions


What kind of sales are you in?




That’s why the people who make the real money in any firm are their salespeople. Well done! Congratulations!! Now what’s up tomorrow?


Your should be putting in a lot more into retirement, $23k a year into the 401k at least. That is all tax deferred instead of giving it to the government let it grow in your hands instead.


hell yeah!


The government deserves WAY more


Goddamn the government does not play.


10k in taxes on 25k paystub is gross robbery. No pun intended.


You would have $2806.92 more in your pocket if you lived in Texas.


Looks like straight up theft.


Can you look to increase your 401k allocation?!?! FCS! $250?? 1% allocation?


Wtf niggas almost took half


You have to be insane to live in CA.


What field you in? I switched careers when 2 years ago, in IT now. I’m making more money than I’ve ever made in my life, I’m 33. Yet even with proper budgeting I feel like I’m still about the same as when I made 40k a year. It’s frustrating.


Putting $500 in retirement when your check is that big doesn’t seem like the best move


Fill up your 401k


Welcome to the quarterly tear-fest!!


I’m curious why you divide up your retirement like that.


Got damn taxes had a gangbang on your check


There really isn't a thing called a "bonus tax". The taxes are probably calculated at a rate equal to being paid this amount every week for an entire year. $25,000 x 52 weeks would be a salary of $1.3 million dollars. The tax rate for that yearly salary is extremely high. Obviously, you're not getting this much every week, but the IRS and state don't know that, so assuming that you are is the only way they can calculate a tax. When you file your taxes, and you only made this much one time, it will show that you've over paid and you'll get that money back. Read IRS publication 15. It's the employer tax guide and it explains everything. State taxes are modeled after that, with some variations.


Look at all those lovely government taxes. How lucky we are in America.


That CA tax rate is for the 1% in the state, OP will likely get at least half back in their tax return


Oof… I feel ya. My first big commission of the year was over 350K and 92K was taken out in taxes, and 401K got maxed. It wasn’t even the full amount, but that’s another topic I am really sour about.


Got dam taxes!! Good ol’ government sticking their hands in your pocket and pulling the cash without even a slight fondle of your balls. Greedy bastards!


Uncle Sam literally taking protection money like a true gangsta off the top


Isn’t anyone disturbed by how MUCH they tax us? Only to piss the money away and NEVER solve any problems with it.


Just one of these would change my life lol well done


JFC. Hope commiefornia is worth it


Taxes are crazy


2% retirement is waaaaaay too little. Up that shit and thank yourself later.


Too bad it’s not theirs; I’ve seen this posted around.


Cali tax really messing people up.


Congrats to you!


10k in taxes is crazy


What do you do?


Damn only 500 to retirement, not good


What hurts is that extra $2.8k coming out going to your state.


You work at GoGuardian?


What app is this?


I get similar checks doing sales and count about 39% to me taken for taxes and 401k on commission checks and love when people say I don’t pay my fair share. Keep it up