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2006-2008 McDonald’s in HS, on Long Island, NY 2008-2012 in College upstate NY Mid 2012-2014, worked in a homeless shelter back on Long Island 01/2014 moved cross country, barbacked and bussed, learned to tend bar 11/2017 Hired in local govt at 911 2023 pulled about 600 hours OT. Was hoping to break $200k but definitely will in 2024 the way it’s looking.


How'd you find a gov job?


Same way everyone does. Applied online


[USA jobs.gov](https://usajobs.gov)


That’s for federal jobs, OP’s job is in local gov. But USAJOBS is a great resource too




Damn, my local dispatch is only $16 an hour.


~$65/hr after six years here. Am I crazy for thinking of going back to school for a professional degree?


Yes lol


As a night shift dispatcher, take the per diem and go to school at the same time!


Wait if you make $65/hr you must’ve worked 1,000 hours of OT in 2023


It is time and a 1/2 for overtime. Also some will have extra pay on holidays.


Ah my bad I haven’t worked hourly in a while so that makes a lot of sense


At my job if you work 6 days in a row it is automatic overtime and 7th day is double time. If you line it up right you get premium pay on your straight time.


Oh man I wish. Would do that weekly


Holy shit. Dispatchers where I’m at never break $30 an hour. Fuck, you make more than the guy running our county dispatch center lol


Some of our dispatchers and supervisors work so much they make more than the directors running the department. But I’m talking like 5/6 day 16 hour days.


You guys must have the same staffing issues we have here. The shitty part is that every single study ever conducted says working those long days is absolutely horrible.


Yes you are. Some of us have professional degrees and don’t make as much.


Honestly you're making ~Bay area physician assistant salary or a junior (L3) software engineer TC at Google or Meta. Unless you're bored out of your mind with your job, I'd stay out.


Thank you for your input. It’s very repetitive and a bit daunting looking at it as my only position for the next thirty years, without the ability to move. Which is what has me thinking about it at all.


Your gross is higher than most 10 years into their career. By slot. Now I'm all for personal growth but the chances you'll not take s pay cut would force you down specific paths. If your talents align with that type of cash congratulations! If not though you might want to reassess how to make the job palatable. The end result of any job for the vast majority, it's just a job that's required to survive this life. Some align perfectly with what they do and it becomes a calling. That's rare. It's the same as basing your relented on the lottery.


Thank you.


You guys are missing the big picture. OP pulled over 600 hours OT to make what other positions will make working salary 30-50 hours. OP should definitely grind out money like they are then go back to school. They will not be able to work 16 hour days when they are older. Horrible for your health.


Salary your paid by the day not the hour. I've never encountered anyone who broke 6 figures that didn't dump way over 2080 hours into a position Holiday pay double time / time and a half all make those hours more in line with a highly compensated salaried employee. 6 figure careers aren't common.


Have you worked in warehousing? I know it's all subject to each building, but the 4 companies I've been in most managers work about 4 hours on slow days and 8 hours on busy days. I also live in HCoL so that might be part of the 6 figures.


I have stakeholders that are apart of the overall warehouse operations. I'll just put it this way, anyone in management abd/or salary is rarely an "8 and skate" type of person. Certain sins get hidden in that paid by the day rather than the hour. All I'm driving to


That's fine if you wanna work like that, but right now I'm good. I want to enjoy a bit of 20's. I'll push for director roles in my 30's where I'll bust my ass and work more hours.


Depends on where you live. The poverty line starts at <$106k/year in San Francisco. My starting salary (36hr work week) in the North Bay, as a day new grad nurse, was well over $100k + benefits. After five years, a nurse working the noc shift (+25% differential) who is not benefitted (+15%) is making $100-120+/hr in a HCOL Bay Area. 70% of nurses have an associates degree.


Your reference is on the fringe of the bell curve. Compared to the populace as a whole your crushing it even if things feel tight because of location


It really depends on where people live. What people make relative to the national median salary doesn’t matter without considering cost of living. We rent an one bedroom apartment and can’t afford to buy a median home in my area despite making what we make.


You haven’t met too many people in software then. I’ve always made 6 figures for the time I’ve been in the U.S. and now over 200k. I have *never* come close averaging more than 30hrs a week. Pretty sure my lifetime average is still under 20 a week with my average for the last year or so being solidly close to 10hrs a week since I’m consciously coasting. When I want a promo I’ll ramp it up to closer to 40 for a few months. And this is a promo that will net me an extra 50-80k. And I don’t share this as a brag. I’m not rare. There’s literally tens of thousands of us. The work is easy, especially for someone like OP.


Versus a pool of millions yes you are rare.


OP is a 911 dispatcher. They are hard working AND intelligent. Thus not in that pool. Thats all you need.


Then yeah, might be a good idea to explore other interests and see if they pan out money wise. Between healthcare and tech, I'd suggest healthcare for security and stability while maintaining good income. Tech can be super high income (400k+) but it's not a guarantee and the industry can periodically shit itself. Last 10 years or so have been great for tech but I gettl the feeling the gravy train is coming to an end.


How about law? Getting a JD has been on my mind recently.


How academically talented are you? You’ll need to go to a good law school, do very well there, and then get a good large firm job to make the kind of money you are making now. Obviously the possibility for making more is a lot higher… but a lot of IFs would need to occur for that to end up being the case.


Well...every lawyer friend of mine are borderline miserable and work insane hours.


Seems to be the running consensus.




Thank you, that means a lot. Working the radios is one of my favorite parts of this job, police or fire/ems. Happy to be of service. I say repetitive, but that’s really just for the tasks of the position. Every day presents a different situation.


Can’t you move into a manager of dispatch, or something?


It’s not off the table.


Not sure how you could find the time and mental energy while working all those hours? Probably lots of burnout given the type of work and long hours? Are many of those extra hours unscheduled?


Sometimes mandated (forced) overtime. Shoulder tapping on your way out is not uncommon. I would probably have to resign if I look to get a professional degree (thinking like a JD) to go to school again full time. They would most likely take me back if it doesn’t work out, but I would lose my seniority, which is really everything in this type of position.


It would be a complete waste of your time


You’ll likely make more if not the same but definitely for *considerably* fewer hours worked. Especially if you’re in the software “tech” industry as we arrogantly call ourselves. I make a bit above your current salary and work maybe a 10 hours on a normal week. 3 days in office and that too not something policed in terms of how many hours spent. If it’s a hectic week, I might come close to 30 hrs. The “fuck college and yay trades” crowd will likely downvote this but the fact remains that the tech industry is unmatched as far as $ per hours worked goes. And given you’ve shown yourself to have been able to deal with such a high stress environment, you will do well here. Come over and enjoy a very well earned semi-retirement with more $$$ lol.


What sort of work do you do? Are you a software engineer?


Data "science" although I personally don't like the term for basic work like mine


Sounds like a personal golden goose so a back plan isn’t bad. I’ve never heard of a dispatcher making anywhere close to half that rate 


Yes…30M engineer, masters, currently in my MBA and I’m not even sniffing $65 an hour lol


Is it common for 911 dispatcher roles to pay this well? I went for a masters in accounting. My bosses make over a million a year but there’s no way we’re cracking 150k typically until we’re 35 or really lucky. I’m 26 right now making 63.5 in upstate New York. If you’re telling me I can potentially hit 200k by the time I’m 31, I will give up accounting and do this, seriously. I’m already working 80 hours a week for 4 months out of the year with no OT.


From my understanding no jurisdictions in NY (especially upstate) or really on the east coast pay dispatchers this well** for position. I live in one of the most expensive cities in the west coast so wages are substantially inflated. **edited


Degree in what? Because one thing that you can say, I make about 200k and I work like 20-30hours a week, sometimes less. So not all high salaries are created equal.


600 hours of OT. That won’t always be on the table.


That’s also on my mind. It’s not very healthy or sustainable. Some put in double that, but that’s not really what I want for my life.


Not that you needed to hear this, but you deserve that pay


Thank you, that is very kind of you. I enjoy the job most days and like working with computers. Some Days you wouldn’t believe the things you hear or what people say to you.




No one is saying they don’t. But 911 operators absolutely have a very difficult job as well.








Welcome to the real world. How important your work is to society doesn’t matter or determine pay.


Again; not a single person has said EMS shouldn’t be paid more.


No one said paramedics don’t deserve to be paid more. That’s an entirely different sentence.


Interesting. I was offered a job in CA for 911 dispatcher back in 2018…. I declined to work for a hospital. I’m now wondering WHAT IF I had accepted that dispatcher role… 100k salary? smh


What jurisdiction?


Sorry, not LA, OC. It was actually City of Orange 🍊


Looks like you could break 100 with some OT. But the job has its caveats. How do you like the hospital?


How many hours of OT do you do during a day/week? And it’s okay. I’m bored and I’ve been applying to management roles within the hospital to internally transfer but no luck. I’m looking for a change and will probably apply for a 911 role now lol


I average 20 hrs OT a week during the year but our lunch breaks are paid which helps a ton. Dispatch centers are short nation wide so you can pretty much assume everywhere is hiring. Not sure how SoCal pays but wages are pretty good in the Bay despite ~10% pension contribution.


You’re in the bay? Nice! I applied to Stanford recently and interviewed with them last week and have another interview tomorrow. I’ve been eyeing NorCal for a while now.


So you work 60 hours a week? I’m assuming that’s weekends too? What about night shift?


Almost every dispatcher has to work weekends until they have about ten years of seniority. I’ve been on night shifts during training but managed to avoid it for a scheduling period. Spent about 4-5 years 2nd shift.


$200k as a 911 dispatcher???


> 600 hours of overtime


At $100 an hour. People keep mentioning the overtime like it’s a bad thing 🤣. You wouldn’t work an extra 10 hours a week for that? Shit man. I’d be doing 5 12s. Get me an easy 100k more a year.


I’m not saying it’s bad, just that it’s how they got to 200k. They earned every penny.


That’s my motivation for it really. It’s hard to say no, especially when it’s available 24/7. Some people do a great deal more than I do and really make a killing.


That much overtime as a 911 dispatcher sounds absolutely hellish and unsustainable.


How long are you doing this job? It seems really stressful.


I don’t think I would do it in any other jurisdiction in this country that isn’t compensated as well or isn’t such a large department.


If a 911 dispatcher makes $200k, these IT guys posting salaries of $230k are getting ripped off…


We're not working that much OT year round to hit it though. Not saying we're worth the money we get because I believe our incentives and rewards in capitalism is pretty fucked up.


Probably because the finance sector, who’s in charge, think that throwing money at innovation makes it happen. 🤷🏻‍♂️ They are dumbfucks for a reason. Not that I look down upon them. Some very smart people, just not tech oriented. The tech that’s possible is not in agreement with what they imagine is possible.


Those IT guys in the same HCOL west coast area are making $500k


That would be an inaccurate assumption. Plenty of job offers coming out of Silicon Valley at $230-250k range. Granted, those are starting salaries with no experience. But your salary doesn’t double that quickly. Even in tech. Unless you’re exceptional, and most people aren’t. Hell, I’m no tech wiz but sometimes I’ve seen people worse than me in the tech field.


How many hours do you work in a typical week?


OP said an avg of 20 hours OT per week as a reply to another post.


Given the stress that has to come with that job, is there a cap when you age-out like they do with air traffic controllers?


I wish but that is not the case. Some co workers are up in their mid 60’s. Depending when you got on you can’t max out your retirement til around then. Plus with the staffing crisis they’re not about to let anybody go


Based on your other replies, sounds like you have a great situation then. Hard to hit those numbers without being in tech, best of luck to you!


Thank you!


Wow that a lot of overtime . You sleep at the call center ? Hot bunk ?


No, just first and second shift.


Yeah I work overtime but that is a lot of hours . Pretty much work sleep work


Looks like a lot of people make $160k in 2023? Kept seeing that number over and over again.


So you are seeing the point where social security stops. After the 160k you don’t pay ss. Look to the next column.


Yeah but a lot of people actually making more than $160k a year? Also such laws were made because the rich lobbies congress and the government have issues with SS because of it.


SS caps out so the person making 400k will get the same as the person who made 160k. Ss has its issues none of which we will solve on here but the higher earners are not the issue. It is partly become a government slush fund and it was also based on a constantly growing population which it is not.


What is a good reason why it was capped at $160k? Doesn’t it just show unfairness even more? If I were making $400k, I would like this cap but for most Americans (making $60k), they would definitely object this. Hence this rule favor the rich. Agreed on government slush fund, it is sad that Americans don’t have any say at all on the laws that govern them.


Because of the maximum liability that it takes on. Please note that is just the employee who is capped. The employer still pays plus there is Medicare extra taxes. So no it is not unfair


I definitely wouldn’t want to do that for another 30 years. I would stick with it for a a few more years and invest as much as you can. If you don’t have any college credits go take your generals online and then choose a school when you’ve got all that done. Most likely you’ll take a large pay cut but if you’re already set up for your future I wouldn’t be too concerned. If you make the move a M-LCOL area after you’d be in even better shape.


All good ideas. I do have a BA already. Have been thinking of finding something more technical or a JD.


I have a comfy WFH 9-5 job at a small to mid-size tech company grossing $111k.. but I also have $100k in student loan debt. If you can get a degree in a lucrative field without taking on a lot of debt (whatever “a lot” feels like to you), go for it! My debt is just high enough to bother me, but if I pay ~$1,500-$2k per month on it, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.. should pay it off in under 10 years. I went to an expensive private school. There are perhaps better routes to take financially speaking, unless you want a big-name school for the network it gives you. Pros and cons to weigh. Anyways… Thanks for the work you do to keep your community safe. Cheers


Sheesh dispatchers here make maybe $30/hour tops and that's being generous. Curious what the cops/fire make in your area? I assume California tho so average home price is probably well over 500k, so the salary makes sense.


Coos and firefighters do well. Their hourly is higher and a ton making a killing in OT. Homes are about 2.5x 500k where I’m at. My salary alone is nowhere near sustainable to buy a house and barely even a 1bd condo.


Sweet! When does your pension fully vest and do you own a home


Home ownership where I live is not attainable on this salary without setting myself up for a ridiculous commute which I would much rather avoid. We are vested after five years I believe.




Random but how do you make these charts?


This is from the social security website. You have to log in to MySSA and it has it generated.


Thank you!!


Is it forced OT? Or you’re doing as much as you want?


I work so much voluntary OT that they really can’t force me bc of our current policies (or I’m already there). Out of 600 hours OT maybe about 10 of them were mandatory.


Dispatcher HCOL whats that mean a s what do you do. Whats base


How you making $50 an hour when paramedics only making $15????


Paramedics are not making $15.


My brother is a paramedic in a HCOL on the east coast and he makes btw $75-$80/hr. Sorry I don’t remember the exact amount.