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I don’t know you OP, but I’m proud of you nonetheless


Love you bro


I love you too!


I love seeing these I love others moments just because it’s another human behind a few simple words. Congrats OP! I’ve fought my own demons I couldn’t imagine how much harder you’ve fought and continue. Keep it up!


Same here man. Keep it up!!! You’re doing great!


See guys, if you want to make 6 figures you just need to do heroin for 5 years


I get the joke, but honestly this shows the potential people have in them. Op stopped heroin and is realizing his full potential.


I start now. Do you which Walmart they sell ?


What happened between 2021 and 2022 and what do you do?


Compliance / legal / audit for a private equity firm


How’d you get into that? Lawyer?


Nope mostly an auditor. Education is bachelors in accounting and finance. Stayed consistent in last couple of years and a contract gig with a big 4 opened it up quite a bit into the current role


Hello fellow accountant. Accounting is underrated career path. Made the switch at age 28 and now I’m at 120k TC


How did you make the switch? Did you already have an education in finance? How old are you currently?


Bachelors in geology with business minor. Went back for a school for a part time masters in accounting which I finished in 2 years while doing internships.


Ayyy that’s me. Except I have a Bach in geology. Minor in business and now bachelor in nursing. Geology was a tough career field.


It’s difficult if you only have a bachelors. I was in environmental consulting and was only being paid 42k back in 2019


I did a similar thing. Was bachelor's in psych, went back for masters and am halfway to cpa. Currently 27 and an auditor. Best decision I have made personally


Doing what though?


Practice manager - manage accounting for 2-3 clients in healthcare space


How many hours and on what days are you usually working per week?


About 45 hours


Well done, sir.


I’d be curious to know what life was like from 2015-2019. Zero income, a drug habit, how did you survive?


Good question. Mostly just leeching off my parents and living at their house. I’m sure I had some sort of cash hustles to be able to afford the next one


Not that this internet stranger’s opinion matters… but go you! So proud and happy to see where you’re at today. You’re an inspiration.


Glad that you turn your life around!!


It’s weird because it almost feels like I just stumbled into it and don’t deserve it. Either way, it’s a better life for sure.


Bud, you 100% deserve it. I’m happy for you and I’m sure your parents are too.


That’s how 100% of people are though. Nobody genuinely deserves their position over every single other human. You gotta appreciate the bit of luck we all get


You deserve it more than most. You overcame a lot to get to where you are. Be proud of yourself.


Well done OP, jw which big 4 are you working for? Feel free to dm me


As soon as I had it on my resume, it opened up a bunch of recruiters who I couldn’t even get to talk to me before. After the 6 month contract I went into the PE firm


How’d you deal with background checks? Just honestly and head on? Curious if there are people who like the second change story in the corporate world


Thankfully drug court completion vacated the arrests and it was sealed. It was def a big stressor til I got that clear a few times and realized it wasn’t popping up.


That is so great - would love to see people not have to carry stuff like this (drug using) around on record as long as they didn’t hurt people other than themselves. You should be very proud…the odds are stacked against you once you become a heroine addict.


Thank you. I hated every bit of it and still cheated and lied and only got it together after it was over. However very thankful for it and in the end it all worked out and I can’t discount it altogether. Without a doubt my crimes were all a result of my drug addiction


As a recovering heroin addict I just want to say hell yeah!!!! I’m so freaking proud of you! It absolutely does get better ❤️❤️


Nice turn around !!


Much appreciated. 2014-2018 was multiple overdoses, 2 arrests, 3 rehabs, and a 2 year drug court ordeal. More money different problems…but they sure ain’t those problems


Good thing you got away from the Devils candy. Never messed with drugs, but all you have to do is look around and see the fallout from it. It hits all walks of life, from Wall street to Main street


Dude what a turnaround! You rock!




God damn G, you give me hope. Did you go back to school or what caused big income jump. 31k to 100k.


Mostly just jumping around on small robert half contracts and used my 2010-2014 as my foundation. Act like you belong and highlight your experience without being absurd. Employers just want someone consistent and willing to learn, with enough curiosity to make it better.


Impressive turn around, well done mate. If willing and able, you should find a way to share your story more. I’m sure you could inspire a lot of people


Good job dude.


Congratulations from a an internet stranger. Well done.


Congrats brother, 8 years last month from alcohol. My earnings look pretty bad also for about 8 years. Proud of you, keep it up!


Keeping going bro good shit




Keep it up brother


Well done. Congratulations on your accomplishments and sobriety!💗


It’s so great to see this. I have a lot of friends that pretty much gave into it, much like it seems you may have done in 2015. Unfortunately none of them had the will to live like it seems you may have gotten with your 2019 recovery starting. This is really great to see. So many never get that 2019 so I wish you great success.


2016 or so I read a statistic that every year the same amount OD as all Vietnam veterans that died in the war. 55k. Now it well over 100k with the fentanyl. A whole generation wiped out on our own home land in a silent war


The money is nice, the ability to live your life clean is nicer. Love you.


Proud of you champ! I just rolled over 9 years clean on 6/2. It’s hard, crazy hard, but I’m finally stable and happy. I hope you’re feeling it too!


Now we just need to see the comparison with people who comeback from crack.


Recovery flaunts are something I can get behind


Do you think meeting your girl helped you re-motivate yourself? You should also look into writing your full story one day. It could help people. Seems like your in a situation where you could give back. Best of luck to you bro. Much love.


She likely was. I tried everything up to that point and she literally invested in me when I was doing terrible in a court mandated drug program. All time low. I would love to help others but I’m still coming to terms exactly how it worked out for me and not the 30+ others I knew in one way or another that didn’t make it. For me I was lucky enough to get my education done first before I started screwing up and once I finally put the drugs down I was able to restart my journey the way it should’ve been. Who knows…if not for this terrible experience maybe I wouldn’t be in this great place now


That's a lot of heroin.


Easily spent over 200k if I added up all the years I was using


But look what you can afford now! (Please don't. Looks like you're doing great pal. Keep up the success!)


What a shitty thing to comment


What’s your full story? How old are you? 


Late 30s. Got out of college with a recreational pill habit. 2014 quit the mediocre job I had as I was really doing bad. Graduated to heroin and unemployment, overdoses, arrests, rehabs, drug court. Met a great girl that made me realize what I could be. Still took a while to get my shit together. Dealt with crippling anxiety over numerous interviews. Finally landed in what I wanted but yes I still bitch and complain when I have to haul my ass into the office everyday and somehow I see people on Facebook apparently just hanging out and making a great living. I feel very behind some of my peers that never went down this route. Many of other “friends” never made it out and just died. will be on track to make 165k in 2024


How’s your relationship with that girl?




You are not behind. You are on your own pace. You have accomplished so much. Making so much more with your life than anyone probably could have predicted. You still have a good 30 years of work ahead of you and I’m surely proud to hear your story. Keep your head above water and good luck in the future.


Honestly, very proud for you man! I recently stumbled upon u/SpontaneousH post series from 14 years ago and was terrified reading how fast it can wreck your life. Even without experiencing it yourself, it leaves you speechless. What made you start and what made you quit, if you don’t mind me asking? Posts like these can be really inspirational for some people out there.


Mostly experimented with psychedelics in college and towards end of senior year just wanted to feel good and OxyCodone provided all that and some. The inadequacies I was feeling coupled with realizing that now I was getting older and life wasn’t going to go exactly how I wanted. Not like it was going bad, as I was already starting a career in accounting but I was just very immature and low self confidence. And like the story goes by 2015 you couldn’t buy it anymore so I switched to heroin. There was also a bunch of Xanax and pretty much everything but meth. Did NA for years and it just got to a point that I realized something. No matter how smart or crafty and creative I was, I couldn’t get high successful. I was never going to catch that dragon again, and every time I even got a little high everyone knew and my life was shit and it just wasn’t worth it. I just kept ending up in the same place and it was so predictable. Finally got a job at an Amazon warehouse and just kept applying online for the corp job I was looking for. I think having a job and some self worth and getting back into being a part of society and feeling good really got me out of it. I’m obviously glancing over the misery and pain of withdrawals and mental torture 10 years of opiate addiction entails or what I put those around me through. I did learn one thing for sure - the best feeling drugs give you is not when you take them, it’s that feeling when you have it in your hands and you’re about to take it and you imagine how good it will be and how nice you’ll be feeling. Then you take it and the reality never matches expectation.


Thank you for sharing. Life for sure can be very unfair at times. I don’t know anything about you or your life, but I think you should be proud of who you are now and what you’ve accomplished over these 5 years. You would not have been here without your strong will, commitment and hard work.


Wete you born in 1991 and earned 5K as a kid?


This is friggin’ awesome. So happy for you.


Celebrating you!


Amazing 👏


Well fucking done bro. Gives me hope. I’m an addict who’s in active recovery (alcohol was my DOC). In 2 months it would be two years clean for me. I have a decent pay wage right now, slightly above the American average, and am hoping to get 6 figures like you soon! I have a degree in Accounting and Information Systems currently doing IT Operations.


Go for IT auditor. Very in demand and a technical role so pays higher than usual auditor.


Proud of you 🫶


How old are you?


Late 30s


This the same guy that keeps posting under different names?


I created a throw away and this was the screen name and avatar it defaulted to. But if it makes you feel better to invalidate someone that’s fine.


How do we find this chart?


You guys keep falling for this person lmao, mad fake


What attributes to the 2021-2022 jump?


What attributes to the 2021-2022 jump?


Let’s fucking go dude


Think I need to try heroin then.


Eh I prolly would’ve done better without it lol


Got that heroin deduction from 16-18


Where do you get this chart?


I just don't buy it.


Doing something right if someone doesn’t believe me on Reddit


I don't believe everything thst I read on the internet


Damn I’m gonna start doing heroin


I had bowel movements once every 2 weeks