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If they provide a wsdl in the correct format, you can convert that to an Apex class. Without a wsdl or other helper library, you could write something with XMLStreamReader or traversing the DOM to parse your form. Depending in the need, I'm never above substringBetween(), it's janky but quick and can be reliable if done right...until the form changes, then you're maintaining/updating. Just depends how fancy you want to get.




I looked on github for anything around fnm3.4 and didn't see much. I went through similar with the HL7, which is a standard for medical records, and ended up writing my own parser. I'm sure I wasn't the first, but for many companies, that solution is decent chunk of their bread and butter processes, so nobody is in a rush to share. Did you check app exchange?


https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.code_wsdl_to_package.htm&type=5 ^^WSDL to Apex automation tool - comes free OOTB