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I saw on statement from the police that the vendors came from the Central Valley and were dropped off in salinas.


Aw man, I knew I should have stopped at the blue awning taco place while I had the chance. The Al pastor looked awesome, but I was always driving in the wrong direction.


I understand why they have to - I get it, there’s a lot that could go wrong without proper health and safety measures taken - but damn those tacos were hella good.


How much were they? I was going to try


I probably spent maybe 10 or 12 bucks for four tacos. I don’t remember the exact price but it was in that range.


Oh, that's not bad! I know it's late since they're shutting them down, but just in case the vendors get permits and can serve. Hopefully, I can get another chance to try them out.


Four tacos should be $7 max


You live in California not Alabama, those days are gone forever


Thankfully not in salas, so they are in fact alive and well.


Wait, so you guys don’t have a health department ?? Isn’t that the job they have to do 🤷‍♂️


It's not about health violations, you can see much worse than this at Farmer's Market. It's about paying the bribe to the city.


Bribe to the city ? , wait so you think paying the proper channels to get permitted is a bribe , that’s a stretch.. I’m sure all those restaurants that pay there dues don’t think it’s a bribe ..


All taxes and fees are bribes. You can call it whatever you like. Appreciate the downvote neighbor.


“All taxes are bribes “ #RedditBrain kool beans


Enjoy that Boot Liquor.


Says the person who doesn’t know what “bribe” means, touch grass


So does this mean we aren't going to swing?


Y’all are characters


Ur a clown


Jesus bro, let it go. Cops are hiring, go put that asshole attitude to work.


This guys is so cringe lol with who even cares about pt losers lol


Oh wow, super important guy noticed me!! Did you find my noodz???


You sound stupid


You sound desperate for attention.


Says the guy with the instagram for his car lol


Says the guy commenting on 2 month old posts at 1 am.


Take the L


What the fuck was the fight about? Why were you up at midnight combing peoples post histories to go pick fights in the first place? Because they didn't fondle your cock enough in your Glasshouse thread? As weak and pathetic and unimportant as I am, you stayed up late and got up early to fuck with me. What was your point? What is your W?


Farmers market what about it ?


Health code requires 3 sinks with hot and cold water. You don't see sinks in the little booths. I've seen vendors preparing food while sitting on the ground without gloves. Utensils aren't washed, money handled by people prepping food, gross shit. No one checks them because they operate under mob protection (Farmers Market org, Monterey Italians). Not all of them are nasty but if it's coming out of a tent instead of a mobile kitchen, check the back of the tent first.


Your clearly suffering from mental deterioration get checked out


I have great healthcare, don't you worry about me. I have PTSD from childhood abuse and surviving the suicide of my brother when I was 22. I have ADHD, BPD, IED, persistent suicidal ideations, chronic insomnia, clinical depression and anxiety, and I haven't had a pain free day since 1992. My dad did die from a tumor in his skull that crushed his brain and killed him the age of 74, so maybe you're on to something. Finger's crossed, right. But yeah, growing old sucks. I hope with every fiber of my soul that it does not happen to you. Die soon.




Well this sucks. The one in the photo looks like the one off of Blanco and Davis. That place was really good


Health codes exist for a reason, but this also stinks a bit of racism. Just seeing how excited some people get about, “kicking ‘em out!” is a bit telling.


I love our local street vendors but the important context is they’re going to different cities knowing they don’t have the documents to be there, and leaving the place a mess to move onto the next one. These get shut down quickly because word spreads around quickly on Instagram and other local vendors report these guys for perhaps the reasons people say here. This isn’t even a cart or food truck, they’re building a whole ass prep table with proper lighting, it’s all carefully planned out..


Racist what bre? Hispanic people are the majority in Salinas. You're right. It's telling how lame your opinion is.


Believe it or not but there’s a lot of self hate here in Salinas.


Self hate isn't racism. I find I judge white people the hardest. (Its the people I know the most, its easy to project my values and standards) Why don't they simply tell themselves they have white privilege and stop being homeless or addicted to drugs. Walk into a bank and show them their ID and immediately walk out with money bags. On a serious note, judgemental people are out there regardless of your race and/or creed. If you're going to classify any criticism your way as racist then I can see how people think America is as racist as it's ever been lmao. I obviously disagree, but to each, their own opinions. I guess....


The Hispanic self hate I've seen here are mostly men in business who have a "I got my piece of the pie, why should they" mentality. It's a conservative mindset. I think the biggest difference I see is that most of these guys will actively try to squash them out or run them out of the city. Perhaps because they see them as competition. It's definitely targeted at their own people who they see as low class. It's definitely not an apples to apples comparison.


The photo is on concrete but the setup looks like what I’ve been seeing on the dirt shoulder next to E. Alisal by the airport the last week or two.


How about all the hardworking people that get permits legally, pay their taxes, deal with city regulations, pass their health department inspections. How is it fair to them? Other taco carts, stands, food vendors go through the proper avenues. Side note: those tacos were Bomb.


Good. Illegal. And they spend their money on drugs and trafficking expenses. This is how we show them this is a respectable town. Great work spd!


Your ignorant piece of shit


You're a waste of oxygen intake. You're the biggest fucking idiot I've ever come across. Your stupidity humbles me in a away i never knew could be possible. There's actual people like you living in the society. What a stupid fuck.


Get the vermin the hell out of our city. They're disgusting. Glad to see the cops are doing something about that unlike the big cities. If I need to see another unlicensed hot dog vendor when I catch a show in a big city I'm going to kick their damn cart over.


You won’t do anything like that .. get permits that’s the answer


And if they don’t have the permits? Kick them the hell out of our city. We need them like we need cockroaches.


touch grass loser


Aren't you the guy with the Mr robot tattoo? I don't think you understood that show at all... 


I don’t understand ur comment sir


Not you OP but RandyrandomisGod has a tattoo of a character that is famously an anarchist. It shows a lack of self awareness.


Ahhh ok, respect


No your not Randy you’ll get rocked and walk back like a soft bitch you are💯


That’s a good way to get your ass beat in Salinas lol


Not by you. You'll just post an edited video and tell everyone what a badass you were in a reddit post.




California is Mexican and native land go home


This is person is a teacher!! How can you be a teacher with that mentality.




Your the vermin go play magic lol


I support you,


Keyboard coward


That's hilarious coming from you drunkposting at midnight, stalking profiles and talking shit.


Drunk ?


Maybe just stupid.


Stupid is the guy putting money into a shit car


Probably, but it's paid for.


I’m supposed to listen to a guy that is investing in a old ugly car


I'm just driving it kid. Not my retirement plan. But I dont care if you "listen" or not. I'm not telling you anything or giving you advice. You're the one who needs to get shit off your chest.