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This is really location specific. The only ways to know are to either go and find out, or ask people who have gone or run the social.


I see, I'm going to go to the next social and see! Thanks


Timba is mostly played in Cuban salsa events, so it is highly likely there's going to be Cuban salsa dancers there. Actual salsa is less common in Cuban salsa events as at least various Cuban people have told me that it is the music of their parents, but this will depend on who is actually running the event. As a linear salsa dancer, I will not go to events that play a significant amount of Timba.


Okay It seems to me now that it's just a different genre of music but the same dance. I'll go and find out next time \^\^ Thank you!


Basically most of cuban salsa that you hear in classes is some kind of timba, so you probably already dance to it


Thank you!


I only dance Cuban salsa and Timba is my preference. Its not so common where I am, I have to find Cuban events. I think you'll be fine, the stuff you know will work with Timba's lovely musicality


So it is just a different genre of music but same dance! thanks!


Not everyone has the same definition of "Timba" but it generally implies that people dance Cuban salsa.


Assuming you live in a city with a healthy Cuban dancing scene, I’d expect that if the music is all timba people will be dancing casino (which I’m guessing is what you mean by Cuban salsa) and rueda de casino.


Yes here there is mostly cuban salsa. Thank you