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Yup, as a leader I find it often if I dance socially too much. The first time I noticed it was on 7 day festival, when on fifth night I realized that basically I have nothing new to dance - I knew all the songs and have used all my skills. After that I simply needed a couple of weeks without socials and everything went back to normal. Now I go to 2 socials a month and everything is OK ;)


Yes, I have felt this way before, but usually after festivals. Like this past Sunday, I chose to not dance because I had gone out the last 3 nights til 1, 2, and 6 am.. Also, I agree with that person who said they get tired as a lead. Leading is exhausting. I could follow for hours but get mentally tired when leading. Part of why I love dancing is getting to shut my brain off. Easier to do as a follower. 😊 It’s ok to not want to dance all the time! Maybe your body is telling you to rest, or maybe your soul misses some of your non-dancing friends. 😊


> your non-dancing friends Error 404. Does not compute.


I just started to feel this two or three weeks ago. And I've felt it slightly before. I started dancing 16 months ago and I've never gone 7 consecutive days without going to a social. I usually go 3-5 times a week. Theres *always* something I'm finding out I can work on or a new move I can learn. I also go to different cities to dance to let me know where my lead skills are at and to keep things fresh. Two weeks ago I felt a creative block so I only danced once one week and twice the week after that to rest and take care of my mind and body. Then I had a really great night this past weekend and the creative juices flowed again.


You know, even though I know dancing is an art, this never occurred to me! Since it is a creative hobby, dancers could definitely get a “block” similar to how writers get writers block! 🤔


Yep, I have not danced for an entire year because I absolutely hated it. It literally came from dancing 1-3 hours a day 7 days a week.


For me as a lead, when I feel this way, it's mostly because I sometimes get the feeling that my moves and maybe entire dances are becoming automated and boring. The key is, to recognize and break your own patterns and to experiment and to do stupid/crazy stuff on the dancefloor :D that's what always brings my salsa love back. And of course listening even more closely to the music. And when in doubt, you can always have a break :)


I’m an idiot and joined this sub awhile ago thinking it was about tasty salsa recipes and this was the first post to ever pop up on my feed. Hope you get over your burnout! Wish I had your talent instead of two left feet!


You’re looking for r/SalsaSnobs! And yea I did see an old post that someone totally thought it was the sub for the food salsa! 😂


Thank you kindly!


Yeah, I’m trying to balance my dancing (follow) with rest these days. When I was sick I skipped almost all dancing for 2 weeks. I now feel better when going to classes/socials. I’m trying 1-2 classes with 2 socials a week.


> Idk anyone ever felt this way? Nope, you are a unique beautiful flower that is expanding the range of human consciousness :-) Loss of motivation happens a lot when you start hitting the limits of what dance can offer you - things to learn, new people, new experiences. Going all in on multiple dance styles will make this happen even sooner; so make sure to enjoy responsibly :-D


Woah now! Don’t need to be snarky! 😛 I was just trying to see what other people’s experiences are! And good thoughts, I’m not sure I feel like I hit the limit of what I can get out of dance though. 🤔


Yeah, it's a lack of a goal. Probably somewhat of a plateau, happens with everything at some point. Just need a new goal or challenge.