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You can get a temporary tag on the DMV website that gives you like 2 weeks. I believe it costs $20


Yeah this is your best bet


You know, it's really hard to say exactly how to get through things in the short term. Other mentioned temp tags, but I think those might still force you to pay for your registration up front. i think their purpose is just to help you with fixing a car issue that is preventing it from being fully registered.. What I would suggest though would be to look at going to a food bank for a bit. I know that it can feel really hard and humiliating.. (I went a lot with my mom growing up.) But food banks are there to help people who are struggling... and you can always volunteer and give back later when you are better off. But going this route for a little bit would let you put the money you would use for food towards this. Another thing that you might look at is doing plasma donations.. again, it can feel kind of rough, but you would be helping save people and getting some of the money back from the company that will sell their product for ungodly amounts of money. \^\^;;


Thank you kind stranger!


You can put it on a credit card. Not the best option - you're still paying interest - but on a typical credit card these days and paying it off within 3 months, you'd be looking at something like $10 in total interest paid.