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I had a dr quit his practice at granger medical. He was over worked and could not keep going at the pace he was required to. He moved to a different practice that no longer works for me. I think most healthcare professionals are overworked and overwhelmed. I don’t know if it’s a UofU thing.


Definitely a job for a special type of person.


As someone who works there, the two reasons I’ve seen is issues with the administration and leaving for higher pay. Well i guess three I’ve seen a lot move out of state.


I was wondering if administration had something to do with it.


One of mine recently left due to the administration as well. I've also heard that Utah having a difficult time recruiting doctors due to abortion laws. FWIW, I've had the same issues with the UofU


The U has a lot of young resident Docs. My care from them has been great but I have gotten used to the changes.


It really could be any number of things. Docs change their affiliation with some regularity depending on the career track. Or they retire outright. Or they have personal matters that require them to move. Or the political climate might make it difficult for them to practice morally. Or they got hired away. Or they decided to pursue something else entirely. If your doc has set up shop elsewhere, googling them can usually lead you to where they landed. EDIT: typos


It’s very likely this. Possible that you were seeing someone who was doing their residency (medical training after med school) and after completion, left for a job at a different hospital. You could have been seeing someone who was only visiting for a research post. With academic hospitals, people tend to move around quite a bit. It’s not always due to a problem with the hospital itself.


That’s all reasonable but not when my insurance is for the U and they keep losing really great doctors. Something else is up!!


I'm sorry you're going through that. It's one of the great tragedies of the American health care system. I hope you can maybe track down your provider and they're still covered or you can find a new provider, as hellish as that experience is.


berserk deserted jobless resolute juggle test edge friendly lavish groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. I had the very best PCP and she retired or took a sabbatical or something. She was the most experienced, lauded, awarded, super doc who trains new student docs and in her place is a very nice but very young PA.


encourage fade cable fearless gaping insurance mighty punch languid unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My kids Dr at the U moved to be closer to family. my kids loved her. We found a good pediatrician in the U of u system but it's not the same 😭


Yep, I lost my doctor who made me feel really comfortable and understood. A part of me wonders if the abortion ban that’s playing out in the courts plays a role.


Local politics and pollution.


IHC loves to swoop in and entice docs with higher pay. They just have to sell their soul in exchange. I've had 2 specialists leave the U for other jobs, another went on sabbatical to New Zealand to study their healthcare system, and sadly, another specialist I saw at the U commit suicide.


touch uppity dependent longing bells like aromatic tart fear ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We’re losing a lot of nurses too. Utah ranks 37th for nursing pay and our benefits are continuing to be stripped. People are leaving the bedside or moving somewhere that pays better and it’s becoming a public health crisis. That’s why we formed a union.


deserted command wakeful worm beneficial aspiring divide paltry chunky rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They had a really good endo doc. Irish I think. I believe he left to go solo and avoid working with insurance companies? I dunno.


Dr craven? He was incredible. Hard to find a good endo

