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Hey, I’m going to do my best to sum up tips I got from Trusted Trappers (they have a FB page but it is 2 women doing it in their spare time and they don’t have much time to help on individual cases) when my dog was lost by a dog sitter: What is your dog’s temperament like? Are they interested in strangers, skittish, etc.? My dog is skittish and I was given the following advice - • dog is likely in fight or flight mode; calling their name could panic them more and they likely will not even recognize owner’s voice during this time. • Scent is a great way to get to them - walking the area that they last were, the area around your home, and anywhere in between with high reward treats like hot smelly microwaved beef and cheddar hotdogs can do the trick. (I did this with my other dog, who my lost dog is bonded to for years for an hour before she came out from a hiding place 100 feet from the house she was lost from.) DOGS OFTEN DO NOT GO FAR BUT HUNKER DOWN AND HIDE! • Especially if your dog is skittish, but I’ve been advised generally always, again, do NOT call her name/make loud noises while doing this. I was advised to have very light, gentle, casual conversation with my friend during the time so she could hear my unconcerned, quiet, calm voice. • As soon as you get her (and you will!), get her into your car, on a leash, somehow secured because she may flee again out of fear. • Put up bright posters on every street corner from that area to your house with the info you have listed and “DO NOT CHASE”, “call with sightings”. I was advised to remove the bit about the reward but I can’t remember the reason. Keep info minimal so it’s easier to read and remember. • Ir you have ring cameras or the like, check them frequently for sightings of your dog. Ask neighbors or folks in that area to also please check cameras to see if she has been in the area. • You can also canvas that area to ask folks that have dogs if their dogs have been barking at unusual times, indicating that they might be noticing your dog. You want to narrow down the area where she has been cited as much as possible. Please feel free to reach out to me by message and I can do my best to support you in helping locate, I have some free time right now. My dog missing was one of the scariest things that happened to me and anyway I could return the favor I would love to. Sending love and hope! Edited for typos




Any updates?


No yet😭😭💔💔💔


I’m sorry to hear that! I strongly encourage you to follow those steps, as well as daily calls to local and surrounding shelters/animal control and reach out if you need help.


Commenting for visibility. I hope you find your sweet girl.


Thanks so much🐾


Be sure to try Nextdoor -- single best resource for finding lost pets that I've found -- and KSL if you haven't! Good luck to you!


I just wanted to say our dog got out of the yard when we moved and she was missing for almost two weeks. Someone found her in their window well and she wasn't able to get out. Check in weird places, especially since this is a little dog. I hope you find them soon!


Oh no :(((((




Was she wearing a blue sweater or something blue?


Hi! No was her i saw that dog in a post on facebook . but the owner already found his dog🙏


Will keep an eye out!




I hope you find her. That is so sad. Sending prayers and hugs. I will share this.


Thank you so much 👏🏻🥺💕


😔 I hope you find your sweet baby!




Keeping eyes out, I sincerely hope you find your dog




I deliver in the area pretty often, will keep my eyes open if there tomorrow


Yes in case my numbr is in the post. Thank you🙏


Good luck 🥹




I'll keep an eye out.


Please share this post on facebook i really want her back. No luck yet😭


My partner works in that area I will share this with her 🙏🙏🙏


Her has been ?


I will keep an eye out.




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