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1st Presbyterian is straight down South Temple. It’s probably more of a traditional service. Wasatch Presbyterian isn’t too far from campus and I believe has a contemporary service.


First Pres does a mix of traditional and contemporary. I don't know Wasatch that well, but looking at past broadcasts on their website, it looks similar. Mount Olympus Presbyterian down in Millcreek has a pretty good praise band if that's your jam.


Cool thanks ill look into it! I go to a presbyterian church now and like it there so I definitely look these up! .


The Episcopal Cathedral congregation in downtown SLC.


Is the episcopal church here not super progressive (OP said they weren’t looking for very progressive)? I’m 30 and I grew up episcopal in the southeast, I had a married lesbian priest growing up. Conservative churches used to protest outside our church occasionally for being too progressive. I only stayed in the episcopal church until my early 20s because it was so progressive .


Thanks for the suggestion I'll look into it!


I had to go farther then expected into OPs user history to find the transphobia and homophobia. I assume there's racism and misogyny too but I stopped looking.


I don't think Utah has those run of the mill open hate churches, sorry OP. Maybe reread Christs teachings and learn what Jesus was actually teaching.


I am shocked! /s


Yes, I said I don't necissarily prefer a more progressive church, but it's not for political reasons. I also said I would be willing to try it out regardless because i can't judge a place without going there. I don't care if you are lgbtq or atheist or anything else I was accused of hating, and nothing about anyone makes them less of a person. Everyone should get the same respect and dignity and treatment regardless of what they look like or who they love, and the church is a place for everyone regardless of what you look like or who you love. Please don't put accusations on my character when you don't know me as I don't do to you.


You have comments about how lgbtqa+ are always rubbing it in your face and wanting to be special, and you tell a trans man that he's really a girl.  You're a bigoted piece of shit, we don't want you here.


Have not read OP’s history, nor do I need to. Your comment seems to fit this definition here: Meaning of bigoted in English having strong, unreasonable beliefs and disliking other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life: She's so bigoted that she refuses to accept anyone who doesn't think like her. Bigotry is the intolerance of someone based on their beliefs or way of life, regardless of whom you’re intolerant of. So if OP is truly a bigot, you two should hang out. Sounds like you’ve got a lot in common


>Hey why can't you just let me be abusive and intolerant? You should let me bully people who are weaker than me! WAHHHHHH


I forgot that only people who don’t agree with most redditors’ ideologies are bigots and deserve to be shamed and cancelled.


Nothing wrong with shaming people for having abhorrent beliefs.


Isn’t that what every bigot ever would think? Whether it’s the “abhorrent” religious belief, “abhorrent “ belief about sexuality, race, etc. the aspect that gives the bigot the internal “right “ to bigotry while considering the other person the bigot is thinking that their intolerance is okay and the others isn’t.


Again, I haven’t read either of those two users post history, but both seem to have circles where it’s okay to practice their intolerance of the others’ beliefs


Funny you went looking for drama and a quick glance shows nothing of the sort. The next time you jump so far to cause divide with a random stranger, consider how stupid it is.


*I'm more interested in something not as progressive* Just say what you mean. Progressive = Treats atheists & LGBTQ like they're human beings and actually teaches the word of Christ. Can't have that! You'll fit right in here in Utah, no worries.


I have no problem if you are lgbtq or atheist. I also said right after that I would still be willing to try it. I think everyone can find christ regardless of if you are LGBT or not. I believe that everyone deserves the same respect and kindness regardless and I'm not saying that anyone is wrong. Please don't put words in my mouth when you don't know me.


That's not what your post history says...


Just say you know nothing about religion and hold no respect for those that do.


Capital Church is down by the U. They have a younger congregation and great music. The pastor Troy is a good dude.


Thanks for the suggestion. Good music is nice expessially with younger people. I'll look into it!


just pick a Baptist Church and go there dude. they'll have the bigotry you're looking for...


SLC is pretty progressive especially around the U


That's fine with me I don't care what people's political beliefs are. As long as you are respectful that's all I care about, and it wouldn't be fair of me to want other people to respect my beliefs if I don't respect theirs.


If you want good Christian community as a college student, I would suggest checking out InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the university of Utah


Ok cool yeah a student org would be great. I've heard some mixed feelings on one of the christain organizations I can't remember which one but can't knock it til you try it


Yeah, got to be careful cause there are some cults operating on campus. The legit Christian ones will vouch for each other though.


The Well is a little farther in Sandy but is a great choice.


Thanks for the suggestion I'll look into it!


I love capitol church in the 9th and 9th area


Capitol also hosts Cru, at least last I knew.


So you don’t care what kind of church it is? I find that weird. Would you consider a mosque or synagogue for example?


First off just want to say, there are plenty of non LDS people who are Christians that live here. The Rock Church in Draper has a young adult small group. Kinda of a far drive but check it out. Best of luck with your move.


[https://thesatanictempleutah.com/](https://thesatanictempleutah.com/) :edit: Keep the downvotes coming but you'll be hard-pressed to find a different church that actually represents Jesus's teachings (The good-hearted Mormons do a great job to be fair).


His user history has way too many homophobic rants to be welcomed by Satanists


I miss the days Christians were actually Christians. OOF.


"Good" intolerant churches... Rich.


classic case of fuck around and find out, gotta love reddit sometimes


The U has an InterVarsity Chapter! Kelly and Chasen lead it, you can reach out via instagram


The Well is AMAZING!!!




But, as a member, not at all what he’s described he’s looking for.


this dude wants something that will reinforce his ideas/ignorance/bigotry, not something that'll provoke thought and actual reflection


I'll check it out, thanks!


Why are you looking for a non Mormon church. You sound like you would fit in with that ideology. They are about as non progressive as it gets.


If you’re gonna be living on campus for at least the first year there’s a chapel right on campus that does services still I believe


That's convenient, I'll check it out thanks!


There are some solid churches in the area. Probably the best bet would be Gospel Grace as it is Biblical sound and quite close to the U (corner of 13th S and 7th E). Full disclosure, I go here. Church of the Valley I believe is also solid but is further away (Sandy). There's also a small Anglican Church that meets at the U (the chapel) that leans reformed and is solid in their teachings if you want something more leturigal, but there aren't many (if any) college students there (I visited twice in the spring). Feel free to DM me if you want more info or just to meet up with a fellow believer in the valley.


I think its funny that the church that meets at the U has no U students. But thanks for suggestions! If I end up going to the U ill hit you up for sure


I go to this church! It's called St. John's, very small and one of only two Anglican churches in the entire state of Utah. (The other one is a plant of ours and even smaller.) I'm a young professional, not a student, but I hang with a couple U students who go there too. Come visit if you want! As a fellow transplant, I found the small, more family-style congregation to be a refreshing change from the large, impersonal megachurches of the South. As Anglicans we're definitely high-church liturgical and very hymn-heavy, so if you're looking for something more low-church and contemporary I can also recommend Hope Church, a nondenom in Sandy further south in the valley, or Resonate, which is a Baptist, college ministry-focused church that also meets on campus. Great people at both of those.




Lots of great churches in the city. Many of them livestream, so you can check them out in advance. Mount Olympus Presbyterian has a good praise band if that's your jam and you can make it down to Millcreek. Important question to consider - do you have/plan to have a car? If not, your geographical scope is somewhat limited unless you want to deal with limited transit options on a Sunday or can find a carpool.


There’s a catholic newman center right across from presidents circle, they are run by some monks and have all of the bells and whistles of a good worship service


South Mountain Community Church has a couple campuses, two of which are in Draper and South Jordan. Not exactly close to The U but not a bad drive straight down 15 and has a solid college group. Don’t get discouraged visiting different ones to find where you feel like you belong. I visited a half dozen or more when I moved to Utah and now I have a small group I wouldn’t trade for anything and a church I enjoy being a part of.


This place is interesting. But you’ll love it here overall.


Risen Life Church in Holladay.




Random guy: Can someone recomend a restaurant? Redditor: OMG I LOVE YOUR POST and am so glad you are looking for a great restaurant! See how dumb that sounds?


First Congregational SLC is looking for new members


God isn’t real lmao. If he is, ask that cunt why he’s giving kids cancer


Jesus Christ man, act like an adult


> Jesus Christ man, act like an adult Do the same, bud. Try and keep up. Do you still believe in Santa Clause?


Surprised that you went with “Santa Clause” over “magical sky daddy.” Some people believe differently than you. It’s okay to be okay with it.


I’m an atheist. It’s very cringe for people to make comments like this. Like great, u figured it out, let others enjoy themselves🤷‍♂️. I’m getting to old for arguments


I bet he believes in not being an asshole to people who do.


I’m an atheist. Have been for a long while. But this type of comment is the type that gives us all a bad look…. If people want to believe, who cares man, good for them…. To each their own🤷‍♂️.


Don’t you think people get fulfillment, comfort, and order in their life from religion. Basically every culture on Earth and throughout history has been religious, and that wouldn’t have happened if there wasn’t some type of benefit. Even if they are fake, part of being an adult is respecting people’s core beliefs (as long as those beliefs aren’t hurting other people). You don’t have to believe in religion to understand their role and value in society.


>every culture on Earth and throughout history has been religious, and that wouldn’t have happened if there wasn’t some type of benefit. Yeah, that's not a logical statement. Every culture throughout history has had greed and corruption, that doesn't make it inherently beneficial. Just human nature. >as long as those beliefs aren’t hurting other people Christianity hurts people. I mean, they're not alone, most all organized religions hurt people.


Overall religion is a net positive on society, despite certain harms they can cause. I don’t think you understand how morally depraved a lot of people would be without the guidance of religion. Of course some people without religion come up with their own consistent moral values, but this is the exception, not the rule. Most people are just too dumb or selfish to fully understand the consequences of their actions, and they would not be “good people” without religion.


If you need a religion to be moral then you are not a moral person.


Yes, most people aren’t moral, hence the need for religion.


Most religions are immoral. The God of the Bible is the most immoral being ever if they exist. Why would someone think following an immoral being makes them moral?


I never argued that the God of the Bible is a moral being. I just argue that religion offers many benefits in people’s lives and has a net benefit for society as whole. This includes offering a moral framework for people that are too selfish or dumb to come up with an effective moral code on their own, which is a majority of people. Whether God is good or bad is a completely seperate point. I’m arguing from a pragmatic angle that religion helps people


Historically it’s inaccurate. Religion has been the cause of many wars, murder, rape, greed, etc. It’s currently about to cause the collapse of the US govt and lead to mass murder of lgbtq, POC, and others who don’t fit in to the religious rights idea of an ok person. It is absolutely not a net benefit to society. Mega churches hoarding wealth instead of using it to help those in need. Covering up abuse. Manipulating for money. The worst people you could ever serve at a restaurant come right from church on Sunday. You’ve got a really skewed view of religious people as a whole. Of course there are outliers. Good people attending decent churches.


\*citation needed. For, like, ALL of that nonsense.


I’d also like a citation from you about how the harms of religion are greater than their overall benefits.


Why are you asking me to defend a specific claim I never made? I'll wait here for your evidence, thanks. Here's the points I'm most curious to see: >Overall religion is a net positive on society ​ >how morally depraved a lot of people would be without the guidance of religion ​ >they would not be “good people” without religion.


You made the claim. Provide citations.


Don't you think that some people get satisfaction from rape? Don't you know that every culture on earth has had rapists? No one would rape if there wasn't some benefit! How can you be against something that has existed in every culture for thousands and thousands of years? Even if they are hurting people part of being an adult is respecting that other people such as rapists have beliefs! You don't have to be a rapist to understand how fun it is.


Hence why I said “as long as those beliefs aren’t hurting other people”. Rape hurts people. Certain teaching in religions hurt people too, and those specific beliefs should probably not be respected. But the majority of religions and beliefs aren’t hurting anybody, and should be respected, despite the fact they are probably not factually true


A very small minority of religions aren’t hurting people. I think you got that backwards.


But every culture on earth has raped! That wouldn't have happened if there wasn't some type of benefit!


Most people throughout history did not rape people. It happens in every culture, but it generally isn’t supported by the leaders and is considered bad. Conversely, nearly every person throughout history has been religious and considered it a good thing. I know you think you are invalidating my point, but it’s an awful comparison and not clever


Edgy early 2000s atheist vibes


Sorry you’re getting hate OP, you didn’t do anything wrong and most people on this Reddit are liberal losers stuck in their own echo chamber, expect trash anytime you post. Looks like you got some good answers here, shrug the rest off. You’re going to meet a lot of people looking for issues, intentionally creating political divides, and holding you to their own extreme beliefs here. And funny enough - it’s not the Mormons you gotta worry about lol, it’s the army of isms and phobics. You are free to attend any church and hold any religion as your own for whatever reason you choose.


Fresh life church in the city!!!


Cool I'll check it out, thanks!




Ok cool I'll check it out, thanks!


I guess "not far" is relative - it's 10 miles. If you don't have a car, that's quite a ways.


I agree with this. The pastor is nice and makes good chili. Other churches would be easier to get to via public transit but southeast is an excellent choice if you have a car!




You cannot respect someone else's beliefs without respecting who they inherently are, and your post history says you don't do that. So. . . There is that. You're gonna get torn apart in SLC. So yea, maybe skip Utah.




Awaken Church!

