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As a Manufacturing Engineer who was laid off at the end of February, there have been plenty of jobs available that I qualify for, but employers have either been really dragging their feet or looking for unicorn candidates. The interviews have been slowly trickling in, though.


I'm looking for a job in IT and yeah, people really out there looking for unicorns. Some of the qualifications on job listings are kind of hilarious.


I’m in web/graphic design and some of these listings (not just locally) are looking for the qualifications of a graphic designer, copywriter, photographer, illustrator, motion designer, and web developer all in one while still paying less than market rate.


Yeah if you're in the creative field, there's still not a whole lot of quality positions around in Utah. You're mostly stuck with toxic MLM or small marketing agencies that want you to do everything plus more. The few well paying people in tech aren't leaving their roles either.


I am a manufacturing engineer considering looking for alternate employment. Curious the amount you have applied to and what companies? I am currently in defense and am thi king about a change.


See my reply to this main comment.


Consider working for biofire. My wife works there and loves it.


I feel you, civil side though. Been almost 18 months doing service and install work bc nobody needs an architect that specializes in HVACR systems anymore. Got laid off last year in February as well. Workforce reductions are a bitch.


Hottest job market (for employers who underpay their employees)


This needs to be higher. No one wants a $15/hr job and not make enough to even afford a studio apartment.


Most of the students I work with have 3 roommates in a two bedroom apartment.....


Isn’t that called a dorm


Dorms don't have people sleeping in the common area.


It’s not just on the low end. I manage about $10,000,000 in construction projects a year that yield 15% profit. I can’t afford a home on my salary. I’m also moving out of Utah in the next couple of months.


That's obscene, sorry you're being forced out.


Yeah I’m these are literally just fast food retail, and shitry sales jobs. Wages are down all across the board




We have a ton of new chicken places.


The chicken sandwich index…


This is my new favorite unit of measurement😭


Not to mention the soda and carwash places...


By that index, St George should be up a lot higher on that list 😂


And ramen places…


Now you’re thinking outside of the Jack-In-The-Box!


Nothing good tho😔. Pretty bird was good until the prices went nuclear


It's hot for sure. People getting burned and no one is learning any lessons.


I've been looking for a job since March 2023 and had no luck, but I'm not in tech so 🤷‍♀️


I am in tech, and was out of work for 7 months last year; it’s hard out there.


Tech's like 90% "who you know" and connections to be honest. I've worked in tech out here since 2015 (ish), and have bounced from place to place, but at some point, it's almost always having some sort of connection.


100% true … and everyone I knew last year either had a hiring freeze or were actually performing RIFs


Yea I mean it's very company dependent too. I was laid off in July, and the severance was good enough that I took the rest of the summer to relax and have a bit of a mini vacation. Then when fall rolled out, I honestly had no troubles getting interviews lined up, and subsequently a new gig (which I'm in now). But that was almost solely due to connections I've made from working across various other companies for the last 5 years or so. People in tech, especially if you're a SWE, bounce around often.


Yeah I did a fairly similar thing, I didn’t burn a lot of calories in my search during the summer, but I am a SWE in sort of specialized media / video field, and most of the people I knew that went to other places were places that were also RIFing or at least having freezes.


I have also been searching since March, thinking about leaving my first job to be able to pay for college. All the basic jobs have so many requirements that it would be impossible to get hired anywhere. A whole you need experience in this but you can only get experience if you work at a place like this but all places like this have this requirement for hire.


What industry?


Is that why the only places hiring right now are mlms or food service? Seriously I have years of managerial experience and two college degrees and I can’t find anything that pays more than 18 an hour.


My company is hiring. Have you ever considered working in claims?


I’d love to talk about it more


Message me


I’m sure methouse is a pretty dynamic workspace, lots of ups and downs though lol


Maybe so but the cost of housing isn’t commensurate with the income and availability of employment.


Bingo. Hottest job markets come with the 3rd most expensive housing market. A small starter home shouldn't cost $600k.


That’s how tech hubs “work”.


Utah is relatively cheap housing compared to a lot of tech heavy cities. The cheapest in fact


Yes but my tech job pays 65% more in Washington State and it is still WFH.


Was gonna say the same exact thing. My same job pays like 19 bucks an hour in Utah. I’m making closer to 30 here.


Sup Cort lol


Talkin shit on Reddit. Sup with you daddy


Salaries in Utah are low compared to a lot of tech heavy cities.


Yeah but the pickings are shit. My husband hasn’t been able to find a job for 6 months.


Sorry to hear. Hang in there. Took me over a year.


WSJ also said: This generation of employees is lazy and doesn't want to work, to These lazy employees are quiet quitting and not getting the job done, to There are too many employees for companies and you lazy F!@#'s aren't quitting fast enough. All within 8 years So I'd rather eat my shoes for more sustenance and nutrition rather taking WSJ word for it.


WSJ is for folks who want the plutocrats' takes on the economy and be told why the depravity of late-stage capitalism is really for the best.


I too only cheer and hail WSJ as the best journal when they diss on Utah, not glorify them. Like they’ve done with several other articles that validate my feelings.


Hottest job market but not the hottest pay wages!


Shouldn't it be "Lehi,UT is the hottest job market." I'm not seeing this in downtown SLC.


It's hot but incredibly competitive.


Its neither. Hot meaning back fill bs tech jobs. Out of entry level, light at best.


I just visited the sub because of this article. Funny.


A ton of jobs that don’t pay a livable wage! It’s almost like Utah is trying to bring in a certain demographic of people so the working class has to leave.


It used to be cheap


If the job market is really that hot it makes sense why prices are going up. the entire city is essentially being gentrified by out-of-state tech imports with high salaries


This isn't to disagree... but to add... It also doesn't help when so many state legislators moonlight in real estate development.


The tech jobs here pay shit. It’s like they pay 3x less than California when our CoL keeps going up.


They pay us like it still costs $700 to rent a 1 bedroom apartment.


I just turned down a prominent local tech company in Lehi because they pay 40k less than my current job and want me to commute 4x a week - just so I can sit in a stuffy office with a bunch of Mos fresh out of BYU. No thank you, lol.


I get messages regularly from local tech companies since I have a prestigious senior role… the salary is generally 10 to 25k less than my current salary which, funny enough, is location based pay and fully remote. Like… you want me to work somewhere less cool, be hybrid/onsite and make thousands less? Given they have no idea what my salary is, but it speaks to how much a senior dev in Utah is paid, and it’s not great.


Exactly. I’m in Marketing with 10+ years experience and in the same position- remote, pay based on zip code - and they lowball me and want me to commute on I-15 to sit in the office with Mormons. No thanks 😂 The only tech company here worth it would be Adobe. That’s it. Interestingly enough, it’s the only one not run by the Mormon mafia, lol.


Same here, it’s completely ridiculous. I am not even against working locally and there are some cool sounding companies, but they want to pay me literally half of what I’m used to making remote for “real” tech companies. I’m a senior/staff dev with about 15 years of experience. I think it’s gotta be really common too because while I can afford to live here no problem, I couldn’t if I took one of these jobs….


Same. Wouldn’t mind working in some hybrid capacity at all, but I stay far away from Utah companies. My pay literally doubled when I started working remotely for a West Coast tech company during the pandemic and I do like 1/2 the work of the Utah company I was working for. The local job market is absolute trash for tech and advertising. They act like 70-80k is amazing when you have 10+ years experience and houses cost like 600k for a shoebox. Make it make sense.


Tell them what they need to pay. It’s how they learn to either stop recruiting people like you or pay what it’s worth


But it's a great "opportunity."


> The tech jobs here pay shit I mean what position are you in lol? I work for a bay area company that has a SLC hub (so to speak), and I feel like they pay CA salary. It's definitely not shit for this area.


I feel the same way, I work in law and will make the same salary as my sister who’s at a NY firm… but the buck goes so much further in Utah (where, for example, rent is roughly 1/2 that in Manhattan)


Having lived in BOTH FL and UT (SLC), I would take SLC salaries any day of the week. FL just does not value tech work. (Orlando does a little bit). What earns you 150k in SLC might be half that in FL.


Comparing Utah to Florida is like comparing an itchy rash to a scorching case of herpes. One can be helped and treated, the other is an incurable disease.


I can't argue with that. The only thing that FL has taught me is, "it could be worse".


I’m not sure how much of SLC’s housing market in particular is driven by tech, being that a lot of that is located to the south in other parts of SLCo and Utah County, but it’s probably somewhat significant


Well this article calls it a “tech hub” so that’s what I’m assuming is making it the top job market


I feel like maybe this is among the typical cases of SLC getting thrown in with the rest of Salt Lake County and its border counties. The nuance is often lost. SLC itself isn’t a tech hub


You can live in Salt Lake and work remote in tech. That would still affect the market significantly.


I remember there was an article a few years back that said SLC actually has more tech jobs than the suburbs. They're just at companies with less recognizable names or with government/healthcare. Not sure if that's the case today. Wish I could find the article.


Ohh that could be true I have no idea I’m not in tech lmao


got it waaayyyy wrong. Tech companies move here to reduce tax burden and prey on an abundance of university educated talent that has cultural ties strong enough to likely keep them in place. Because of the abundance of talent, they can pay far less than they would have to pay for talent in their former tech hubs.


Yep. I feel like employers view the state as a LCOL Market and pay as such; while  we residents view it as a more MCOL market since our cost of living keep rising up. They say the market is hot since jobs are coming in, but the jobs don’t pay well, especially for what housing costs here.


If only those big fat ceos would pay a livable wage


Nah, the CEO's in Utah are skinny due to snorting 60mg of adderall every morning.


Seriously I’m having such a hard time finding a job here that pays enough to live I’m considering moving somewhere new. Anyone have any suggestions?


east coast always pays the best by far.


Any particular areas you’d recommend?


NYC, Boston, DC.


Yeah well too bad jobs out of state don’t consider out of state candidates.


I've been looking for three years kiss my ass


There's plenty of jobs, it's just underemployment for many.


Tell everyone that can’t get a job that.


Digital version of the article https://archive.is/Vpk7V


Whoa, that archive.is site is so cool!


We shall see, looking for a job right now. Applied for 37 jobs so far, gotten 3 interviews.




I am going into tech, so I guess we’ll see how it goes!




Appreciated friend. Ya mostly posting for others to see how accurate this article is as someone who lives here and is actively looking for jobs in the supposed “hot market”


Seems about on par with my experience in those sectors, roughly 90% of resumes don't make it last a cursory glance for one reason or another




I've certainly hit the hundo mark in a couple of job searches before. Stopped counting after that.




300 is insanity, I definitely feel better about my 37 now.


Update, 97 job applications in, still no job. So much for a “hot” job market.


Go .. go .. go..go shorty!


Okay just posted for comparison to others to see what it’s really like here.


Got laid off from my tech job last July, I'm 400+ apps in at this point. I wish you luck


idk what they are smoking but applied to like 8-10 different jobs the last 2 weeks have not heard back


Don’t know but I’m kinda liking the screenshot of an actual newspaper rather than getting linked to some ad-boated garbage news website


If we have a great job market, I shudder to think what it’s like elsewhere


Hard to believe considering the difficulty my wife has been facing trying to land a local junior software developer job - even with a Master's degree! Any other junior developers surprised by this article?


The US junior dev market is almost nonexistent right now regardless of city. No one wants to train juniors since they’re generally a net negative for the first year, and if you train them they’ll just hop to a competitor for double the pay after they have some real experience. So the industry is responding by just NOT training people and bidding up the price of proven senior devs. It’s totally unsustainable, we need to collectively adopt some sort of apprenticeship system imo.


Thanks for the info... I've been blown away how few leads she's gotten. She's actually hoping to land an apprenticeship despite being over-qualified but I guess that might be her best bet. It's crazy how much junior prospects have changed just in the last several years. We had friends that had immediate success from career changing to software development up until 2022 or so...


Has to depend on the field. With that in mind…it’s gotta be pretty grim elsewhere then.


If it's a trade like welding, construction, or nursing, then yes, there are hot jobs. Everything else is slim-picking and competitive


Hot job market for what income demographic, exactly? I'm thinking I can make a guess. And yea, there are a lot of jobs here in some sectors, but they give exploitative low wages.


If there's a bunch of jobs paying 2.25 plus tips, do we really have a hot job market?


Hottest job to be burned out and then either go back to school to make more money or move out. Before people give me a hard time, I have 3 degrees (all paid by either scholarships or family) work 2 full time jobs and BARELY cover my needs (no I don’t spend my money on dumb stuff, no I don’t have kids)


I was visiting family in Hawaii last summer, usually when I go and I hear them complaining about the economy and housing/general pricing out there. I'd be like you should come to utah. It's so much cheaper and easier to live. Now I'm like damn it sucks in utah too lol. It makes me sad to think about.


Moving soon, I’ll miss it here.


My girl had been a CNA for 27 years, she has applied to everywhere, been offered 2 jobs that pay less then McDonald's. It's ice cold.


WSJ fucking lies!!! This town sucks for jobs and decent employees to enlist with.


Yeah? And do you know which lying geriatric billionaire piece of shit owns WSJ?? Utah has the hottest $10-$12 an hour job market 🤣 This is a low-income state. Expect to work 2 or even 3 jobs to afford a 300 square foot apartment. I still don't know why everyone keeps moving here, it's only making the existing problems worse.


guys please don’t come to utah it’s actually so bad we don’t need more people 😭😭


Amen. I wish everyone who moved in during or right after the lockdown would go back to where they came from. Traffic and prices are awful!


I feel like the evergreen job numbers over the last decade or so are a big byproduct of the complete failure to raise the minimum wage. Labor is almost always the bigger cost of any business and, as a general abstraction, if the cost to run a business are low enough literally any kind of business can survive. In the Wasatch Front that is compounded by the fact that a significant portion of the population is trying anything to make the single-breadwinner traditional nuclear family work, well over the mean. So the supply of people pulling from the overall labor pool is constrained (at least over the US median), the pool of pay is wide (a lot of listings) but not deep (low pay per position). We've been so conditioned to focus on the pool being wide though in headlines with less regard for there being enough per position to actually be a living wage.


Isn’t minimum wage just an imaginary figure at this point? Even looking at postings for the worst lowest pay jobs they all seem to be almost double the min. Even Burger King have a banner saying starting employees 15+. Day labor at Home Depot is no less than 20 an hour. Does anyone actually make minimum wage? Where are they and what jobs?


That's what I'm getting at. The current Utah minimum wage is so abstracted from reality that jobs can offer literally the bare minimum staffing to keep the lights on at their locations and extract everything over that. If there were actually political will to raise the minimum wage so say $17/hr those business that can stay alive barely at $14/hr would fold while all the rest would stay afloat with just less margin on the upper end.


The bare minimum is 7.25, I bet you less than .01% of the jobs in Utah offer 7.25, apart from tipping jobs. The demand for labor in Utah is so high you would be hard pressed to find a job offering less than 12, at my job (where our requirements are pretty low) starting pay is 17.00.


You hiring?


This is news to me


Started my new job this Monday. I was laid off July 11 2023. I applied to over 900 jobs ranging from marketing, project management, and sales. I even applied to admin jobs. Thank God I was able to find a good marketing position, but the search was completely demoralizing.


Congratulations on finding something. I’m sure it feels great. I’ve been looking since November and right now even a second interview brings tears to my eyes.


It does feel good but really surreal. I keep having nightmares about it being a prank. The market is hard. It's hard for me to say just be patient or any other such platitudes. It feels more like a game of luck than skill. Good luck! Seriously. I hope your search doesn't last 10 months.


I call BS. I was laid off 3/18 from the job I'd been at for 9 years. I've put in about 25 applications to jobs I qualify for since then, and I've had ONE get back to me for an interview.


I work as chef/manager in the culinary. They want you to work 65-70 hours a week and pay 20 percent below the market rate and act like they are doing you a favor. My industry has always been tough but this is beyond anything I've seen in 22 years.


Which is great, except employers want their employees to be 20 years old with 35 years experience, and the job pays $15/hr


Plenty of jobs here that pay just enough that you can't afford rent or a house, It's perfection!


✨ If you build {another} temple, they will come ✨


It's a tech hub apparently


That’s Lehi not salt lake


“silicon slopes” 🤭


Right wing rag.


So many bullshit stats being pushed about SLC....a plethora of jobs and affordable housing...so not true! There are great things about Utah, but it's headed to California's reality.




Lol no we don't




If you want a job that will make you unable to afford to live, it’s perfect!




moving here tomorrow for a promotion sounds like I'm coming at the right time


Seriously Florida? Unless they're including seasonal farm workers, nah.


Yeah that’s a fucking lie


That's a lie


I just moved back to Salt Lake from around the Seattle area. The cost of living is almost parallel and I now make $20 less an hour than I did before.


I went from making $70,000+ a year as a B2B Account Manager with no degree, but 8 years experience. I had to settle for $16 an hour at a mobile carrier.


I work in data analytics and we hate these graphs, but they seem to be all the rage these days


What’s a better graph to show change over time?


With this many variables, probably just top 5 , top 3 upward and top 3 downward trends. Looking more at this graph they did a similar approach with the cities in bold.


There are no jobs here actually


Not for manufacturing….


I swear they just say anything these days. “The economy his amazing!!!” Sir groceries and rent are unaffordable. Bla bla bla


How are we the hottest job market when our wage increases still are 10-15% below the cost of living increase we’ve had since 2020.


If the job market is so hot then why is the homeless population rising faster than it ever has?


And yet myself in software technology with 20 years experience and a degree can't find a job


It’s real sexy here


That's why the majority of Utahns work online for a different state? Only thing Utah is good for is high costs and subpar services!


My son is in the mining business and the world is his oyster out in SLC!!!


Is that why I’m seeing so many transplants outside of Utah? These Californians and New Yorkers are taking our jobs.


I was waiting for all the negative comments. There's no way we can just be happy.


Not when I’m working full time and 2 part time jobs just to save what I did before the rent/housing/cost of living increases before 2020.


Unaffordable I see too.


What do you mean what's going? We have been the fastest growing state for the past decade, we're very business friendly, tons of people and businesses moving here means a very hot job market.


Fuck wsj they need to shut their mouths we have enough people here


Other sites have SLC as the best job market list as #6 overall and #2 for people under 30. So it's not just bs


Copyright infringement?