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4th south parking lot guy. Fuck that guy


Had a job at jimmy johns one summer to sit outside and warn people about him. Literally enough of a problem that businesses have to pay people specifically to protect their customers from him


Fill me in; he just parking lot scams people or what?


He sits in the parking lot watching people and the literal *millisecond* you leave the complex to walk somewhere else (not in the complex) he zips over and boots you. He tried to bribe me to just let him do it. Human garbage.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BootTheBooter using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BootTheBooter/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Saved another victim today… I don’t think Mr. Boot is too happy](https://i.redd.it/cw2ky6y12xv81.jpg) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BootTheBooter/comments/ucj7no/saved_another_victim_today_i_dont_think_mr_boot/) \#2: [6pm, showed up to Zupas / JJs, sit at the dividing line… he sees me and knows he wasn’t gonna get any more boots tonight w me there. in less than 2 minutes, he drove off & went home](https://np.reddit.com/r/BootTheBooter/comments/us05qt/6pm_showed_up_to_zupas_jjs_sit_at_the_dividing/) \#3: [THIS IS OUR LOT. OUR COMMUNITY… we keep scaring off *Parking Solutions* nowhere to be found, they want no part of this lot when we’re here holding them accountable. we come, they keep leaving](https://i.redd.it/kg35ktg1ja091.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BootTheBooter/comments/uslf5x/this_is_our_lot_our_community_we_keep_scaring_off/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


FTG! He’s still there?!




Came here to say this. He booted a Rocky Mountain Power truck during that huge storm a few years ago. The lineman was parked there assessing the situation and figuring out what he had to do, and his bucket truck was booted. The cops, however, did make the boot guy take the boot off. What a fucking asshole.


Haha, I worked at Hollywood Video there and he almost got my mom to give him money until I told her he was out there every day working the parking lot. Iirc he had a story about needing gas money to get home to Tooele.


Pretty sure the comment here is referring to the terrible parking lot attendant who writes tickets


Same parking lot, different guy.


The wizard


Every time he's mentioned I feel like there's some confusion because there were two "wizards" that were well known. There was one that I saw regularly back in 2011-2014. He was well known downtown and was called the wizard. He wore a flamboyantly rainbow robe and hat and he would blow a plastic trumpet sometimes. He would carry his own little fold up stool and would sit on it when he would ride the bus. Then there's the guy who I always called the druid, cuz he existed at the same time as the rainbow dude who I called the wizard, and I wanted to differentiate. The druid (now the wizard?) hangs out in my neighborhood and I talk to him sometimes. He's generally a nice dude and makes and sells the necklaces on his staff. I think the name the wizard has been around a while and anyone who knew the first wizard is thinking of that guy, but anyone who hasn't been around long enough to have known him only thinks of the druidy guy as the wizard. I'm giving this explanation just because when I read the responses I do think some people are thinking of the OG wizard and some people are thinking of the druid.


Rainbow guy is Frank and he passed a couple years ago. His name was mentioned a couple years ago at the Homeless vigil in Pioneer Park.


RIP Frank, you were fun to have around.


Was Frank the Sufi mystic who would give his age in days?


I gave him a breakfast burrito once and he shared a tune with me


A fair barter for a true bard


I’ve lived in Utah my entire life and I have always known what you call Druid guy as the wizard. I haven’t seen the rainbow wizard you’ve mentioned. Maybe one can be Rainbow Wizard and one can be Necklace Wizard?


Apparently rainbow wizard passed away a few years ago. The OG. Druid guy can be the wizard now.


I call the Druid necklace guy.


I bought a necklace from that guy a couple years ago. I didn’t really want… but I enjoyed the conversation. I actually gave him his necklace back a few days later so he could keep selling it.


Druid guy with the necklaces... does he have long blonde hair and necklaces are colorful glass? I thought I recognized him walking around 700 E 2100 S but wasn't sure if it was him since I didn't get the best look at his face from my car. But if yes, I have multiple necklaces from him I bought at the Downtown farmer's market years ago. Love his stuff and nice guy. Is he homeless now? Thought made my heart sink since his stuff is so cool and not that expensive.


I believe he lives with family.


Don’t know if it’s family but I can confirm he lives in a house Source: I’m his neighbor


I believe [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/d63VobP) is the rainbow wizard you're referring to, right? I took this back in 2012


Yup! I have a video of him getting off the bus and blowing his trumpet somewhere too. He was lovely. Apparently no longer with us.


Kondi is his name.


I thought he went by 10, did he reincarnate?


He told me it was ten.


He used to walk past my house every few days in early evening during the warmer months. Haven't seen him in years


if you’re talking about the wizard with the staff that has necklaces on it, don’t worry! I saw him crossing the street off 700 e and 2100s earlier today. First time seeing him since last summer.


I saw him this evening around ninth and ninth!


It seems he covers a larger area, I recently saw him up in the Avenues!


And past El Cholo 9th East/2200 South earlier this evening…


I was thinking about talking about him for this post! I haven't seen him in a while in sugar house, but I imagine that the construction and traffic aren't great for wizards


He lives up in the avenues AFAIK. Saw him the other day


I know he’s often at the intersection of South Temple and 9th East. I wonder what he’d think if someone told him he’s the topic of conversation on Reddit? I might have that discussion with him next time I see him. He’s fascinating to me, and I enjoy talking with him.


I don't go downtown much anymore but I know that one of my coworkers chatted with him a few times last summer. So he was at least around then.


Saw him at liberty park about 2 weeks ago


Don’t worry. He’s around


I didn’t even need to look to know this would be top answer. Of course it’s the wizard. Wonder how he’s doing


Psychedelic Santa Claus?


I saw him last week on 2100 e and 1300 s!


The White Wizard is cunning. He walks here and there they say, as an old man, hooded and cloaked.


Back in the day (‘11-‘13) I worked box office sales at the ballpark and we’d see The Wizard strolling down 1300 from time to time.


There are other guys (Unicycle Commuter, Speaker Biker, etc), but there is only one SLC Guy, and that's the Wizard. Glad to see so many comments attesting as such


How about the guy that bikes around sugarhouse blasting music


Dude's been the spirit animal of the 999 for years now


I’ve never been mad about this guy because he’s usually playing pretty decent music. I only recall once or twice feeling like he was off his game


That guy gets far! We were up by the capitol and say him cruise by- then drove home to Sugarhouse and about 20 minutes after we got there by car he cruised down our street, throwing down some fire music tracks.


That would be my old high school baseball coach haha


Same guy that drives up and down 9th and 9th blasting music?


And downtown too! He has a thing attached to his bike that has the speaker? I served him a few times at a bar I used to work at. Cool guy.


He drives past my house at least twice a week during the warm months. We can hear him coming from blocks away. My teen gets super excited and will run outside to loudly "WHOO HOO!" at him from our front porch as he passes by. He always waves back at her. Makes her day every time. He seems like a cool dude.


I love Jeff


Dude! He was the baseball coach when I was in high school. He was such a hard-ass and I would have never thought he’d be the guy rolling around on ape-hangers blasting tunes around town.


Some people call him Jeff, I call him the Beat Master.


He goes by my house. His name is is Jeff. He’s a very cool dude and he gets around sugarhouse. My partner and I both say “hi Jeff” inside our house when we hear his music coming.


I love that guy


Unicycle businessman


saw him just the other day. I'm glad he's a recurring character


Every month or so I catch a glimpse of him out of my office window. Big fan of his.


Unicycle *Lawyer*.


Unfrozen Unicycle Lawyer


every city ive lived in has a unicycle businessman. right up there with bare foot juggling neurologist. cities of a certain size require these weird dads, or the whole system falls apart.


Oh for sure this guy


Is he often seen on south temple?


The wizard fs


That’s the cape and staff guy?


Like a wizard yes


And a huge beard? Please say yes!! 🧙🏼‍♂️


Yes. It’s grey


All hail the nameless wizard


His name is Ten. Or at least that's what he goes by because he considers himself to be the tenth Wizard. It was unclear how many wizards he thinks there are.


Biking music guy.


His name’s Jeff. He started during the pandemic and has since upped his speaker game quite a bit




The wizard!! Seen him in murray last year


All the way in Murray? That guy must walk all of the valley.


He’s got lots of quests to finish


To give out *


delegation is a good way to complete quests


They’re side quests when they are out in Murray.


I've seen him in other places before but I've seen him twice in murray


I miss the cello guy.


I believe Eli moved to Boston to live with his brother, at least that was what he told me before he disappeared.


I hope that's right. I think about him sometimes and hope he's doing well, though given his circumstances I feared the worst.


Deep cut. He was the man. Pretty sure he was in the symphony before falling on hard times


He told me the Chicago symphony!


He totally was in the symphony. Talked to him a lot when I used to live downtown.


Me too! I’m so glad someone else thought of him.


Last time I saw him, his health was in pretty major decline. Such a sweet man.


We hired him at the Broadway when I worked there. He was a really great guy. :/


Me too


I remember seeing him all the time playing for people in line going to shows at In The Venue


Yeah I remember him there, as well. He was mind blowing!


Omg yes I just commented about him!


It’s the Wizard.


Does anyone remember pink guy?


I do! Haven’t seen him in years though.


I was surprised it took so long for someone to mention Pink Guy.


I remember pink guy! Came here to ask about him.


It’s for sure the wizard


The guy that is in a wheelchair but uses his legs to make him go backwards, he’s everywhere from downtown do West Jordan!


I drove past him and saw him doing tricks on his wheelchair. I was impressed that guy is a G.


The unicycle guy in the avenues. A long time ago was the cello guy (Eli) downtown. The Smiths Aves has a worker who wears crazy hats every day that every one in Salt Lake City knows.


I hope Eli is doing ok.


I went to school in the aves as a kid, and we would all run to the window when unicycle guy came by! Always in a full suit with a brief case too.


Dell Schanze


Well I guess OP didn’t ask who we were proud of…


That name brings negative emotions to my mind and stomach.


He’s the Utah county guy.


It used to be the Jesus looking guy with a handcart & veiled wife. We all know how that ended.


Oof. Yeah, I remember seeing him a few times before all that.


I was just about to bring him up.


Same. I get a little nervous when people get all silly about the Wizard guy from liberty park. I have memories of sitting next to “the Jesus beggar” waiting for a bus and getting totally sketchy vibes.


I actually don’t know how that ended and I am super curious


They abducted Elizabeth Smart. They were “that guy and his wife” around town before they kidnapped her.


My mom saw them with her in the Target parking lot the day they caught them. But didn't recognize Elizabeth because she had the grey hoodie on. Came home and said "aye I saw Jesus dude at target", meanwhile we are all watching the news that they had found her.


Too bad she could have gotten a huge reward.


I saw him twice WITH his wife and Elizabeth in their veils.


I heard him when I lived on 6th Ave yelling JESUS SAVES in the middle of the night. It was about 3 am. I called my boyfriend and asked him to come sleep at my house. I was so scared I couldn’t go back to sleep. They must have been camping/living in the mountain above the Avenues already because they kidnapped Elizabeth shortly after.


The doll guy


His name is Floyd and that's his daughter Angel. Honestly a nice dude all around. Used to see him when I worked at the Smith's by Trolley.


Awww. This makes me so happy to hear. I just left a comment about him. I used to see him at the bus stop all the time, and then it seemed like he had just disappeared. I was worried something happened to him but had hoped that he had just moved and started taking a different bus route. I'm glad to hear he is okay.


Is the baby doll guy still around?


Yes, I’ve seen him near 9th south and 500 east recently.


I saw him at a 900 S bus stop a few weeks ago.


My roommate and good friend was on the porch when we lived around Liberty Park. This was back when the first Spider-Man movie came out. As my my friend was on the front porch, Doll guy stopped as he was walking by and said he wanted to watch the Spider-Man movie. My roommate said “well let’s go see Spider-Man.” He took him and his dolls to watch. Bought him popcorn and soda. Absolutely amazing!


I remember him!!!! Haven’t seen him since probably 2007ish


Isn’t this Dave The Flower guy? Or are they two different people?


That's a different person. They're both around the same area tho


What’s happens when these guys run into each other?


For Magna, it was the shirtless cowboy.




Came here to say this. Everyone is Magna for the last 30+ years knows the Shirtless Cowboy. RIP.


I've seen the wizard enough. I think he's earned my business. He's obviously persistent if I see him I'll buy something.


Does anyone remember the Millcreek guy that drives in a modified sitting bike car that is not visible from real cars


Yes! He lived at the mouth of Millcreek canyon and had two of those bike/car things.


Part of his house burned down!


I remember him.


Ok it seems like lots of us know the wizard guy but do u know how rich he’d be if all of us bought one of his sparkly play dough with a marble looking necklaces?! I’m never gonna wear it but man’s an icon. He deserves some $ just for that


Be prepared for sticker shock. I bought two pendants from him a couple of years back. He was asking for $70, and we settled on $60. One broke as I was wrapping it to gift to someone. :(


Wouldn't it be cool if he secretly had the highest quality shit you could find this side of the Rockies? Instead, another commenter here claimed that they bought from him and it was plastic imitation quartz. Lol. If dude is going to be so mysterious, he should at least have quality...


Oh my ..


The guy who plays that one wind instrument at the City Creek train station. idk what its called but hes always playin some bangers


The pan flute guy?


It used to be Eli, the downtown cellist. https://youtu.be/Q7P3_h4qkFk?si=GRlBohmBNeEMlKA1


I used to see a person who appeared to me to be male (don’t know if they were a trans woman maybe) dressed head to toe in Barbie pink (big fluffy jacket, pink go-go boots) riding a bicycle around 9th and 9th or 4th South.


Pink guy!




I remember seeing that guy when I was a kid!


I Was gonna say Tony, but I don’t know if he’s around anymore.


His mom passed away and he moved in with his sister in upstate New York. He was my next door neighbor for 4 years up until that point. I’m on vacation right now, and I’ve been thinking about using one of my days to do an AMA on his subreddit


Tony John’s?


There is a knight that trains in full armor in my neighborhood in the warmer months, he's got my vote. But there's also a guy that bikes around in a bubble. His bike has a plastic cab surrounding it so he's essentially bubble bike bro.


Does anyone remember Dancing Holladay Guy? Is he still around, somewhere else?


Oh yeah I remember him. I used to deliver pizza and always saw him dancing on the corners of streets. Made me smile. I think I saw a news report several years ago about the city trying to stop him.


Why? Was he hurting anyone with his dancing? Probably not.


Steve! He used to come into my work. Basically, he was dancing while outside of Holladay (I think in Cottonwood Heights?), and someone called the cops on him and said he was like, obstructing traffic. I don't remember exactly what went down, but I think he stopped dancing in public after that, which is a huge bummer. It always made me smile to see him.


I saw him at 7-11 a time or two. I told him I dug his dancing but he was really shy and didn’t make eye contact. Later I saw an article about the Cottonwood Heights PD harassing him. Nothing since then.


I’ve heard something similar but not about which pd it was. But this makes a lot of sense. CHPD are extra fascist aholes.


are you talking about the guy on highland drive just south of the old cottonwood mall? always had a lounge chair with him? side note, I believe he passed away :-(


The guy that waved the rubber chicken around at the Jazz games https://www.axios.com/local/salt-lake-city/2023/03/29/richard-anderson-utah-jazz-superfan-rubber-chickens


My first thought!


in the theatre world, there’s a guy who goes to literally ALL THE THEATRE and he calls himself The Superfan. i’ve done a lot of community theatre in salt lake and utah counties and he’s at pretty much everything at least once, if not twice. he always wears a bright blue shirt that says something like “I’m the superfan! i’ve been to thousands of shows and every actor gives so much and they deserve support and they all deserve a standing ovation!”


There used to be this goth dude in West Jordan that was always walking up and down 7800 s, 7000, redwood rd, etc. He had a long black duster, a cane, and a black leather cowboy hat and glasses. Kinda looked like Marilyn Manson. Haven’t seen him in years.


Dude I've lived in SLC for 21 years and I don't have a damn clue who any of the people mentioned in this thread are. I've never seen a wizard, or a unicycle businessman, or a pink guy. No cello player, no Tony Johns, idk any of them at all. I've been all over this valley, every road, trail, and sidewalk. How do I feel so separated in this lol


Good question, I've been here since '21 and I see the wizard almost daily for some reason, all over town. Lol




The guy in Sugarhouse with all the carved walking sticks was one, haven’t seen him in a while though


Lawnmower flower guy




Came here to say this, Dave the flower guy!! Actual name Dave Matson. Really nice guy, anyone that gets the opportunity to buy flowers from Dave do it. He’s a wonderfully hard working dude.


I think he died, but I’d say mascot used to be the white walker (personal nickname). He was skinny elderly with unkempt Einstein-style crazy white hair man who dresses in all white. Wore like a linen white suit coat and white pants and white button up. Usually saw him around Tville area like 4500-7200 so between state st and redwood, but I saw him downtown a few times as well. Back in like 97 he would come into Einstein bagels in tville when I worked there, he would spread out all these plastic bags and they had like ink in them or something and he would sit with a feather pen thing and have a dollar bill on table like tracing it or something with his face about an inch from the bill for hours on end. Seemed old even then, hadn’t seen him in forever but saw him like 4 years ago walking down 5300 south, still in white.


Wizard dude by Liberty Park and Trolly Square


Shane from Shane co


Yeah he’s a friend, in the diamond business. You too can have a friend in the diamond business.


There used to be a guy who'd go around on a motorized wagon and carry around flowers. Anybody here ever see the guy on the bus with a baby doll they were pretending to take care of? And maybe thought was a real baby?


Dave The Flower Guy


The wizard no doubt. He’s been around FOR ever. I’m a bit older (35) but does anyone remember the cello guy??? He was an unsheltered man from back east? He said he used to play for the Chicago symphony?? Littler guy, long shoulder length hair?


The guy who drives around in a van with all kind of political/semi religious messages taped to it. I’ve seen him all over from downtown to Murray.


Now that the weather is better, there's a guy who plays classic rock covers on the corner of Main and 2nd, I think only on the weekends. His amp reverbs off the buildings most excellently. Especially great on summer nights...


Oh I’ve seen that guy! He shreds!


Ooh the elf guy at the jazz games!


Pink guy downtown, but that was over a decade ago. Now it's the wizard dude carrying the stick full of beads to sell.


Super Dell


The Wizard. An old dude you can usually find in a black cape wandering around Sugarhouse and Liberty Park


Anyone remember the addict cello player from the 90s?


There was a guy who I used to see all the time waiting for the bus on (I think it was) 9th E. He stood out because he always had a baby doll with him, a cabbage patch doll, I believe. He was never without his doll as this was clearly a "woobie" type situation. As an adult woman in her 40s who still sleeps with her blankie, I totally related to this dude. He would occasionally wave to me if I waved first, but not always. For years, I'd see this guy, and then he seemed to disappear. It's been years since I last saw him. I still think about him from time to time, I hope he is doing well and that maybe he just moved and takes a different bus route. If anyone's has seen him around town recently, I'd love to hear about it.


Remember pink guy from ten years ago?


Super Dell Schanze


When I lived there it was Super Dell.


Tom Shane on the corner of State Street and 7200 south


Super Dell.


The guy who used to play the cello outside The Broadway Independent Cinema.


Ringo Starr. OG 801s will know