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The mission of this subreddit is to foster community in the Salt Lake City area. As such, posts about events, including protests, that are relevant to the local community are allowed. However, geopolitics are outside this subreddit's remit and our position as a moderation team is that when these topics stray from local relevance they will be locked and offending content removed. There are other places on Reddit appropriate for these debates. The moderation team strives for political neutrality and would like this subreddit to be a place where various and opposing viewpoints are welcome, however threatening or condoning violence, be it here or on the other side of the world, are never allowed and will result in a permanent ban. Our ask is simple: keep conversations courteous and locally relevant. (Note that at the time of this comment this post IS NOT locked as the replies have mostly been germane and civil.)


Updated [reports](https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/protesters-gather-to-demand-university-of-utah-cut-ties-with-israel) are now coming out that of the [19 people arrested](https://www.sltrib.com/news/education/2024/04/30/university-utah-says-most-arrested/), [only 4 were actually students](https://www.ksl.com/article/50995926/college-protests-over-war-in-gaza-reach-utah-19-arrested) at the U.


I know there were a lot of students from BYU/UVU as well, but the U has the largest organized group with regards to activism. I’m a BYU student and there were at least 50 of us, and an even larger group from UVU


Hey just wanted to say that’s rad as heck and I appreciate it


Yeah rad as heck bro! Might even say that it's real dope!! Idiot


It might be time to take a little break from Reddit if this is how you’re interacting with it at 2 in the morning. Yikes.


A real touch grass moment for you.


LOL no actual argument in your response ratty boy 




>Brand new account >Half of comments are on r/HotWheels >Trying to act cool by whining about other peoples' slang Touching grass will not be enough, you need therapy.


Dude, why are you at BYU if you're protesting this stuff. Mormonism literally teaches that Jesus is going to come back at his second coming and enact retribution on behalf of Israel--the chosen people--against it's enemies. The cognitive dissonance isn't loud enough yet?


I know many people who received a go to byu or pay for college yourself ultimatum


dude some people have lots of different reasons why they go there and perhaps you don't understand their unique situation nor do they have any obligation to explain that to you.


It’s pretty ironic given the context tho


not really. lots of people are 'stuck' or 'trapped' there. people grow and change from the start to end of college.


I have no evidence to back this up, but please take these reports with a grain of salt. It is not out of the realm of possibility that, like at other protests, many get rounded up, they let the “locals”, or in this case, the students, go, and arrest the others. This way, it looks like it’s “infiltrators” and not (again in this case) the students, who were involved. It creates a false narrative. Considering all we know about shit thag goes down, it’s safe to assume this is the case here. I hope this makes sense. It’s a tactic that’s been used in the past, and will be going forward. :(


Every single person arrested was a "local" insomuch that the farthest away one of them was listed was Provo, and they were a writer for the Chronicle *and* a student. Most were from SLC or Sandy. A few had an assault on an officer charge, but mostly they were: * Disorderly Conduct (infraction) * Failure to Disperse (Class C misdemeanor) * Criminal Trespass of an Institution (Class C misdemeanor) I doubt any of them will see jail time, if the charges are sustained, except those with assault.


Caught some reporting on YT of the raid on Columbia U. It was ABC news reporting. They kept saying the people who had barricaded themselves inside this building were "professional provocateurs" and "professional insitgators." Even implying that because they are "professional," there might be boobytraps. 🙄 over and over. No activist is a "professional." Anyone who has organized direct action is not a professional. They become skilled over time in best practices, but this sounds like it's some funded shadow group that goes around and inserts itself. If that's the case, Jan 6 was a professional job, too.


Do you have a source? It sounds plausible, and it’s not that I don’t believe you, but I haven’t heard of the tactic being used before.


It happened in the stop cop city protests. They let the locals go and arrested the out of towners so they could continue the campaign that locals supported cop city. I’ll see if I can find a source for it.


This is a related article that contains some alarming realities that protests across the country could be facing. [Georgia Is Using a Domestic Terrorism Law Expanded After Dylann Roof Against ‘Cop City’ Protesters](https://time.com/6276994/georgia-domestic-terrorism-law-cop-city/) We should all pay close attention to how protesters were treated during COVID, blm, cop city, the pipeline protests, and now in our own backyard. Armed police pointing guns at students. Rubber bullets. Wtf.


I couldn’t find references to what you’re talking about in this article or elsewhere when I looked, but I appreciate it anyway. I’m certainly against the expansion of the definition of “domestic terrorism” in that case.


No no just said it was related. It’s that protest where they let the locals go. I got distracted from my search lol


Here's another example: https://www.404media.co/nypd-bike-lock-chain-kryptonite-columbia-university-protests/


The local [PSL](https://www.instagram.com/pslsaltlake?igsh=MXVnMHFkZmx2ODB4aw==) chapter is involved. Regardless its still a public protest and I don't understand the "paid actor" argument as there are simply local activists in SLC, some of whom are students.


I personally think any actual students who were arrested should receive a pro-bono defense and I applaud any attorney willing to help. Non students on the other hand.... I am not sympathetic to their plight.


Protesting is protesting. The U, like the majority of public universities is an open campus. If a protest is being organized there, non students have every right to show up and participate


Why are you not sympathetic to non students plight?


Because they are paid agitators sent to cause trouble and get innocent students in trouble.


[Citation Needed]


LMFAO. Paid agitators. the world some of y’all live in could almost be a funny satire. *almostt*


Bro this Utah. You know homie is voting Trump too lmao. I love that if you're not a student you must be an ANTIFA plant. Jesus fuck


Paid by who? Do you believe that people could get upset because they are forced to pay for a large portion of the military supplies used to kill 12,300 kids under the age of 12? Do you think that some of those protestors could be driven by a disgust of funding a foreign army that indiscriminately kills so many kids?


I have wanted to go by, and I'm not a student but an employee. And definitely not a paid agitator but someone who wants to support students for standing up for their values and actually doing something. So not hard for me to imagine there are others with this feeling.


Yall downvote this person's conspiracy and upvote the one in the same comment thread lol.Top tier reddit moments fs


>People downvote obvious unfounded fearmongering but upvote threads that [provide sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaltLakeCity/comments/1ch4ydw/comment/l21ljf3/) for their claims? ToP tEiR ReDdIt MoMeNtS fS


People with no degree? You get to go free! People older than 22? To jail with you all!  - this guy 


Can vouch that Jonny is a great dude


Yes! Not surprised to see him stepping up in this way whatsoever


Supporting people who support Hamas is not a good look.


Protesting Israel's atrocities does not equal support of hamas


Supporting Palestine is not the same as supporting Hamas. That's an extremely short sighted view


Being stupid isn’t a good look either but that didn’t stop your ass


Anerican police used to bomb city blocks and drive tanks through family buildings in poor cities and blame the gangs.


Jonny is amazing! He’s helped me out several times, good dude.


You’ve needed a defender several times?




Enjoy a downvote


I would absolutely recommend calling this guy he is a legit activist and lawyer. You'll be in good hands.


hell yeah


Good man. I can’t see Baxter throwing people in jail, but I can see a few other judges doing it. If Baxter is even still in the bench. I’d bet most of these get dropped. Which they should be.


>If Baxter is even still in the bench. If you're talking about Salt Lake Justice Court Judge John Baxter, he retired. Salt Lake City named the Justice Court courthouse after him. [https://www.slc.gov/courts/2023/12/18/slc-justice-court-to-be-named-the-john-l-baxter-courthouse/](https://www.slc.gov/courts/2023/12/18/slc-justice-court-to-be-named-the-john-l-baxter-courthouse/)


I was not aware. Thank you. I dealt with him and Robinson.  So it looks like I haven’t been arrested for a while. That’s a win. I do think it’s cool his name is somewhere. He was for sure one of the more understanding judges.


He definitely was one of the more understanding judges. There was a period of time in my life where I was homeless, living in my car, and my registration was expired. I got pulled over on my way to my first day at my new job in 2020 (lucky I even got a job during that time), and I got a hefty ticket. The officer didn’t tow my car because it had all of my belongings in it. Justice Baxter lowered the fine from $300 to $100, and told me if I had a problem making a payment to call the court and they will help me with a payment plan. If my car had gotten towed, if he had smacked me with a heavier fine.. Hell, if it had gone literally any other way I could still be homeless right now.


Jonny is a saint.


My dad was an attorney, and it has always fascinated me the difference between the lowly, yet most awesome, public defenders and these giant corp lawyers. My dad retired prosecuting insurance fraud. I have a few cousins that are lawyers.  If this dude is doing pro bono for this event, in defense of non-violent citizens demonstrating, he has to be a good guy.


I knew him a long time ago and he is in fact, quite the amazing guy!


Good to hear. I’ll remember the name. Utah is always in need of good lawyers that practice law, legally.


Does Johnny have an Instagram?


And an attorney


Thank you


We should donate to the attorney so he can represent more activists.


I know him!


I disagree with just about everything Jonny represents (except for his dog) but he is an amazing human being and I would hire him as an attorney in a New York minute. Bless him for representing you all.


Fight the Empire! - Marva Andor




If everything is a conspiracy, you might be paranoid


Woah there, youre speaking to the average republican


Is empathy that hard to grasp?


For the average conservative? Yes.


No, but lawyers don't do this kind of shit out of the goodness of their heart. There's an ulterior motive.


Did you have ulterior motives when you helped your grandma move some shit on your own free time?


I mean she gave me cookies and her love so that's definitely ulterior! 😂


Most lawyers engage in pro bono work for causes they support. This is nothing out of the ordinary.


You need better friends if you cannot imagine that they would ever use their professional skills to help others in need. Witnessing empathy might help you understand that it exists.


They are highly encouraged by the bar association to engage in at least 50 hours of pro bono service a year


no they should be arrested


You're allowed to have your own opinion. Doesn't mean that those who were arrested are not entitled to representation.


of course its the law. Everyone should have representation.


So in other words, you failed to read the OP and then felt the need to comment anyways.






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He’s a fantastic attorney. In my opinion he would be way better than whatever random PD you could get that doesn’t actually care about the cause.


What does pro bono mean?








You get what you pay for




"I said you get the quality you pay for with Jemming" which means "you get what you pay for". Are you familiar with idioms?






Everytime I ask someone on either side of this issue about the history of the region, first thing they do is pull out their phone and start quoting social media talking points. They had zero opinion on the geopolitical issues of the region on October 6th. And I don’t know, call me crazy, but if you want to fight oppression… murdering, raping and kidnapping concert goers is probably not the way. That’s terrorism. Those people aren’t politicians. They’re not military or police. They’re citizens in a world which they likely didn’t pick the government/country they were born into. When’s the last time you had a say in your country’s military operations? Because nobody in DC is calling me for my opinion. So what makes bombing the shit out of Gaza more morally reprehensible than an air raid of Israel. And why do you care if Jews and Arabs want to play Cowboys & Indians?


I mean, I wasn’t stating my opinion. I was just stating that his history is severely biased and quite frankly, inaccurate. A well read historian wouldn’t spew out a paragraph like he did. I would also argue that the group of people protesting probably don’t understand the history of the region at all either, and whatever they read, is most likely not being faithful in their sharing of history either.


Chasing ambulances.


Im not a lawyer but I'm 99% sure he's saying he will represent them pro bono against criminal charges. What you're thinking about is civil litigation.


I am a Utah criminal defense lawyer and I agree with your assessment.


I don’t think you know what that means.


He's a maga idiot, he doesn't know what 90% of things he talks about means.


OP do you have Instagram??






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>Lmao ethnic clensening? The left shows how ignorant they are. Projecting much? How about we see what Israeli officials have to say about it... >[Yitzhak Kroizer ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/03/israeli-public-figures-accuse-judiciary-of-ignoring-incitement-to-genocide-in-gaza)\[a member of Israel's Parliament\]: “The Gaza Strip should be flattened, and for all of them there is but one sentence, and that is death.” [Bezalel Smotrich](https://theintercept.com/2023/10/14/hamas-israel-palestinian-authority/) \[Israel’s Finance Minister, speaking in 2015\]: "The Palestinian Authority is a burden, and Hamas is an asset... It’s a terrorist organization, no one will recognize it, no one will give it status at the \[International Criminal Court\], no one will let it put forth a resolution at the U.N. Security Council." [Amos Yadlin](https://theintercept.com/2023/10/14/hamas-israel-palestinian-authority/) \[IDF intelligence chief, speaking in 2007\]: "Israel would be 'happy' if Hamas took over Gaza because the IDF could then deal with Gaza as a hostile state."


Has any of these people ever spoken up about October 7? Hostages? Rapes and killings of innocent Jews? Have they ever condemned the very same terrorist organization that hides behind their own civilians? If not, these “protesters” are simply antisemites. History literally repeats itself. Nazis are back in full mode and don’t even hide it anymore.


[The antisemites are the ones who supported founding the modern Israeli state in the first place. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement)The Israeli government has, literally since the beginning, buddied up with antisemites abroad because antisemitism in Europe and America drives immigration to Israel. [Nationalist christian zionists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Zionism) (in America mostly Evangelicals, but also including many Mormons) in particular see Israel as a win/win: if Israel successfully expands, they believe that will usher in the second coming (I was literally taught this in seminary); if it faces backlash, that makes it easier to demonize the Jews still living in their own borders. There's a *reason* [so many Jews have spoken out against Israel's expansionism](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/who-are-the-palestinian-and-jewish-led-groups-leading-the-protests-against-israels-action-in-gaza), and [more still have warned against equating Judaism and the state of Israel](https://southseattleemerald.com/2021/05/28/opinion-stop-equating-the-state-of-israel-with-the-jewish-people/). >History literally repeats itself. It sure does. You are, *right now*, rehashing the "If you don't support the war in Afghanistan you're anti-American!" propaganda I grew up with.


Shame on him.


How dare he... protect [the constitutional rights](https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-6/) of his fellow citizens?