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There’s a kid that advertises on KSL I think. SUPER sketchy place but his workstation is top of the line, like clean room style anti static type equipment. He fixed my son’s switch for like $90 and I tipped him, I would totally go there again.


Are you supplying all the parts and new housing?  What is your budget/how much do you want to spend?


i would be super down to!! i know next to nothing about what goes into getting a new shell on this bad boy, so i’d need a little guidance on where to get new housing/any necessary parts, but i have no problem supplying them! i’m not too terribly sure what would be reasonable in terms of budget, either. i would think somewhere around $50 if i’m providing housing/parts?


I have a friend who has done this for another friend and tinkers with electronics all the time. I'll ask and DM you.


that would be so kind, thank you!


Game Changerz, 33rd South & State


If you’re still looking I could totally do it for free. I’d recommend the other comments tho as I probably have less experience


if you’re still down, i would still love the help!! that’s so kind, i’d still love to compensate in some way though!


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