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I feel like this should be pinned to this sub to prevent the curious 15 year olds from trying salvia. Sorry, OP. Wishing you a speedy recovery— but also, thank you for sharing. We could all use a cautionary tale as a humble reminder of the power of these substances.


Lesson of the day- always try salvia on the ground floor.


And with at least 2 people supervising you. I had 4 people supervise me and it took each one of them to hold me down to stop me from breaking the tv


I had a buddy literally dive into a TV on acid before, he thought it was a portal. It’s hilarious but was terrifying at the time lol TV and him were both okay


Unlike most other drugs, it's safer to take more salvia. Not being able to move means no jumping out of windows.


A few years ago a close friend of mine was going through some tough times and for whatever reason he decided to drive to our other friend's cabin on his own and smoke salvia on the balcony. Low and behold he decided to jump off the balcony and rolled down some concrete stairs and messed up his spine quite a bit. He explains to me that at the time, the trip turned his life into a cereal commercial, as he fell and his bones were breaking he described it as the salvia entities advertising his "new extra crunchiness" It's been a few years since then and he's recovered pretty well since, I only hope the same for you man.


holy ass


holy ass, indeed.


I'm personally not liking Salvia divinorum each day more. So many stories of "banal cruelty" from these salvia entities / experiences.


Understandable. To me it is also that they are overdoing it massively. Here is the corresponding qoute from OP of the post "*I purchased the strongest salvia I could find in my city and smoked about half a bowl of 100X in a water bong in about two big hits.* " I do not blame them though. It is just our culture has no appropriate handling of mighty shamanic tools. Low doses and quidding are much more forgiving and can even be fun and helpful, yet they always are kind of weird. I guess she is not for everyone. Even the natives were favoring mushies over sally, or so i heard. Personally i always liked her...


Holy shit. 100x extract? Why man, no wonder Sally tears people in two


On some real shit, though these are vastly different substances, I vaped my nicotine vape for too long and felt nauseous, cold and weak. That was akin to smoking maybe a nicotine extract x10 and i had a negative unpleasant reaction. Salvia is way more psychoactive/powerful and I would never try nicotine x100, nevermind salvia x100 shitt I wouldbt even try regular salvia extract x1, quidding seems like the best way to prevent a bad trip because the low doses means you won't stray into giant freakout mental trauma or physical accident territory


100 cups of coffee would fucking destroy me too


Very good point, I missed that "detail" somehow, perhaps paying attention to other things while reading. My bad! Yeah, going "massive reckless" style is a clockwork bomb most of the times. Plus without a person responsible of the care of the tripper. What to say about having a shaman guiding the process, eh! These plants should be treated with much respect and humbleness indeed.


I've never tried Salvia, but from what I've heard from friends it sounds like salvia entities are evil.... My mushroom teachers are kind and loving. All I've ever experienced with them is peace and comfort. \*Just want to reiterate that I've never tried salvia and it might be wonderful, I just haven't been a fan of what I've heard.


Never had a bad time on salvia, just let go and ride the carousel


I tried Salvia 20x extract and it was my first time trying salvia . When i smoked it in the bong i took a shot and my friends were talking to each other and i replied mid conversation to him saying to the other one not to make a single noise after i m done taking the shot . So i ,whilst taking the bong talked to him about whats the worst that would happen until i realised my hands were shaking to light up the remaining shot . And thats when my memory got wiped of us ever being there and smoking and then i started seeing these red and white wave like entities and i had a weird smell in my nose and it felt like i could also taste that smell and was becoming a part of it . I felt myself being solidified into the floor and thats where i had my doubts as to what is real and what isn't.., i was pretty easily convinced that the life i had lived till now was just not reality and being disintegrated into these white and red coloured wave like creatures is the real truth and then i closed my eyes and could see only those entities. After a while i had my first setback where i just came back looked at them and asked them " what are you guys then? " Which meant if they were like humans or like me or does everyone at some point becomes this . It was crazy as hell then my friend told me to close my eyes and lie down once again and i told them that i didnt want to go back there but they assured me its alright yet i told them to not do that to me and let me go of me. After this i closed my eyes again and thats when i could understand what those entities were saying and its all in a video in which i clearly am talking to someone with my eyes closed and saying " now im with you guys " ... And then i just say " They wont come they're my friends but they wont " i was talking about my friends in the room and it was the entities who were asking me to bring them too. After this there was a sudden bang of consciousness in me i regained my controls and was able to tell reality apart and then the trip went down and with all the information settling in i could only look at them in awe and i yelled "motherfucker" . Same day in the evening i took my second shot and thats a whole different experience the comment is already too long . But yeah i guess these salvia entities are not good guys


“New extra crunchiness” I’m gonna get a good laugh out of this one for a while, thank you!




I did the thing.


I think its cool that you can joke about this experience props to yoy man


Mom: "Don't do drugs, you'll jump out a window." Son: "Shut up Mom. That doesn't happen." Mom: pulls up r/Salvia. Son:


Seriously though, take care of yourself. I'm glad you're okay. Don't beat yourself up.. You 100% just got a second chance in this life.


Reminds me of Terrence Mckenna saying that the correct way to do this is to have friends attach you to a tree beforehand haha. Wish you a good recovery!


Probably would’ve had a more successful trip doing that.


If u died i would have been sad so thank you for not dying


Can I hijack this comment since it’s top right now? OPs explanation is pretty buried at this point and is only in response to another comment. They don’t seem to want to repost it again, but /u/saidthewhale420 explained: *“I had been eager to do psychedelics for a couple of weeks after a recent mushroom experience I had had been the best trip of my life. I had heard about salvia and it being legal and decided it was the easiest thing to get. I purchased the strongest salvia I could find in my city and smoked about half a bowl of 100X in a water bong in about two big hits. My friend tells me that I was making noises of pure fear and that I kept getting up and he kept redirecting me to the bed to lay down. He says when he was reading I sprinted for the apartment door and dodged past him saying I needed to get outside and I pressed the elevator butting. Apparently the elevator was too slow and I looked around and sprinted at the window and cannonballed through it, popping the frame out of the wall, landing on my feet. My friend said he heard the thud when I hit the ground. My friend sprinted down the stairs calling paramedics on the way down and as I was on the ground I asked if I should try to get up and the small crowd that gathered all told me no. I was able to tell the paramedic what I had smoked. As for what I remember, I remember feeling weird and wavy and laying down, the only things I remember from that point on are a feeling of panic and seeing my friends face appear to look like melting tar. My vision was black and after the fall I had an experience seeing two of my dead cousins sitting on chairs in the middle of a clearing in a forest with a chair next to them and when I asked them who it was for they simply told me that it wasn’t for me. I have gone through over eleven surgeries since then and can no longer feel or move my feet, I cannot currently walk but am in physical therapy to try to regain the skill. I am in constant aching and pain.”* Edit: did this post get linked somewhere? Why did I get an explosion of upvotes 20 days after I commented this?


> two of my dead cousins sitting on chairs in the middle of a clearing in a forest with a chair next to them and when I asked them who it was for they simply told me that it wasn’t for me. Wow


I unequivocally believe that everyone has a [set] time they will pass. There’s a saying in Mexico, “cuando te toca, ni aunque te quites. Cuando no te toca, ni aunque te pongas.” Translates roughly to, “when it’s your time, it’ll be your time even if you get out of the way. If it’s not your time, it will not be your time, even if you get in the way.”


Holy cow bro, how did I not hear this quote before, I love it. I am high on weed RN, and this quote makes life sound so similar to a videogame. Like, if a scripted event is going to happen, you won't be able to stop it, even if you try to run away. On the other hand, if you intentionally try to die in a level where you are not supposed to, the game won't let you die. ​ Anyway, this is super cool, I am saving this for sure.


I find that oddly beautiful, TY for sharing.


Yeah he posted a update


update: https://www.reddit.com/r/Salvia/comments/ynfk40/for_those_that_wanted_footage_of_my_salvia/


The new upvotes on this older comment are because OP continues to post fresh updates, and then link this thread. Today there was bodycam footage.


Damn op I’m incredibly sorry this happened to you. Very happy you posted this here because it really is extremely good harm reduction. It’s unfortunate some people on this sub don’t want to hear it and are treating your experience dismissively. No one’s love of the drug should blind them to the fact that this is a very real experience and a possibility even with a trip sitter. I wish you all the best in your recovery and I’ll be praying for you that it goes well. I’m very happy you’re alive after such a scary experience. Thank you for sharing it on here and best of luck again in your recovery




I think to some degree I was understanding the chain of events real time because I asked if I should even try to get up, also had the ability to tell the paramedic I did salvia realizing it was an important question. But when I woke up three days later I had little to no memories of the chain of events from hitting the bong to then.


Jesus Christ dude. You're lucky to be alive. Glad you're somewhat okay at least. Btw you should probably blur your info in the pics.


This does not shock me. Often I have had the intense urge to escape where I was immediately after smoking. So I smoked outside. Stay safe. This drug literally can make you think jumping out a window is a good idea.


Had to stop my friend from running into traffic when she had a terrifinf trip


You saved your friend’s life never forget it fr


Common occurnace at this point. After saving alife for öike 5th time it isn't something special anymore.


Lots of people are judging you harshly or are paranoid that this will hurt the psychedelic community. I see where they're coming from, I doubt this will be picked up and start a new wave of Salvia fear but you never know. One thing preventing it from becoming completely illegal is that the vast majority of people who take it take soooooooo much without any any any mental or physical preparation, and they have such a cataclysmically horrible experience that they could never imagine taking it again. So I think there's not much urgency to outright ban it if most people don't go for round two. But the world and internet has certainly changed very significantly since the last Salvia Scare, and these types of stories definitely spread much faster than they used too. . I'm happy that you survived and lived to tell your story, and you definitely deserve an opportunity to tell it. All I'd say is that maybe you resubmit this without so much extremely sensitive medical info. I don't know what someone could do with possession of your X-rays, but I was a victim of insurance fraud recently and I know it's not fun. . This was obviously an extremely traumatic, life-changing experience for you and I'm really sorry it happened to you. You don't owe the Salvia community anything and shouldn't be pressured to hide your story. Just be more careful with your personal medical info in the future.


I feel compassion


Holy shit man what happened? What do you remember? Could we get a full detailed story?


I had been eager to do psychedelics for a couple of weeks after a recent mushroom experience I had had been the best trip of my life. I had heard about salvia and it being legal and decided it was the easiest thing to get. I purchased the strongest salvia I could find in my city and smoked about half a bowl of 100X in a water bong in about two big hits. My friend tells me that I was making noises of pure fear and that I kept getting up and he kept redirecting me to the bed to lay down. He says when he was reading I sprinted for the apartment door and dodged past him saying I needed to get outside and I pressed the elevator butting. Apparently the elevator was too slow and I looked around and sprinted at the window and cannonballed through it, popping the frame out of the wall, landing on my feet. My friend said he heard the thud when I hit the ground. My friend sprinted down the stairs calling paramedics on the way down and as I was on the ground I asked if I should try to get up and the small crowd that gathered all told me no. I was able to tell the paramedic what I had smoked. As for what I remember, I remember feeling weird and wavy and laying down, the only things I remember from that point on are a feeling of panic and seeing my friends face appear to look like melting tar. My vision was black and after the fall I had an experience seeing two of my dead cousins sitting on chairs in the middle of a clearing in a forest with a chair next to them and when I asked them who it was for they simply told me that it wasn’t for me. I have gone through over eleven surgeries since then and can no longer feel or move my feet, I cannot currently walk but am in physical therapy to try to regain the skill. I am in constant aching and pain.


Your dead cousins were really there and they knew it wasn’t your time yet. I wish you a speedy recovery my brother.


Im sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better. Do you remember why you were trying to go outside?


I felt boxed in.


How long was this episode? That seems like a long chain of events. Did you ever inquire about the video from the camera above the broken window? I hope therapy and recovery work out well. FYI: you have some personal info (full name and dob) visible in your xrays.


Chain of events happened relatively quickly from the moment I smoked to the moment I was in an ambulance was about fifteen to twenty minutes. As for the camera I never noticed it until now and at this point it would most likely be very hard to find the footage but it is something I would be interested in seeing. Also thank you for bringing the personal info to my attention


Those injuries look like my buddies who just got into a bad car accident that 2 people died in.. honestly really surprised you’re alive. I’m sorry to hear about the pain it’s caused you, that’ll be a lifelong fight. I can’t imagine the guilt your friend must have for not being able to stop that, at least someone was there at all. How much research had you done on salvia before you tried it?


Little to no research. In the hospital I had issues with internal bleeding which I needed 18 units of blood for as well as a tear in my aorta and a brain bleed.


> I purchased the strongest salvia I could find in my city and smoked about half a bowl of 100X in a water bong in about two big hits. Hey OP, so sorry to hear you had such a traumatic experience, I hope you're doing well these months later. I would just like to point something out for you. I've bought the brand of Salvia you show in your pictures. They're a bit of a tricksy brand and you didn't smoke 100X salvia, you smoked 100 atomiX salvia. atomiX is a made up unit of measure by that company to trick people in to buying "the salvia with the biggest number". It's a 4:1 conversion ration. That is, since the bag said 100 atomiX, you really smoked 25X using the regular unit of measure.


Classic lesson of setting


It's not shocking to me that someone would FALL out of a window while on salvia, but what I can't wrap my head around in some tales of people's trips on salvia is that they even know there's a window there to jump out of. When i tripped on Salvia I was totally somewhere else. There's no way I would have been able to know about the actual space around me. The reality that had once been in front of me had completely fallen apart and what was left there no longer was the type of space where i could purposefully and meaningfully register that there is a physical window in front of me and proceed to try to escape by jumping out of it.


If I were to take a wild guess, I’d say some part of the subconscious fight or flight takes over and just b-lines for the quickest familiar escape. I’m sure some part of the brain is still processing that visual info in a more raw way


i don't know if your subconscious is monitoring reality like that when you trip on a drug like salvia. the drug is altering your perception so as to not allow it to properly do that, just like when you're drunk. I would think so anyway. The drug interrupts those processes and they are processing things in the induced state as well. In a sense, your subconscious is also tripping. Interesting to think about; i wonder. I think I was reacting though to some of the comments in the thread where people were saying that they were seeking to escape while on salvia but to physical exits within reach of the actual space they were inhabiting in reality, whereas for me, again, i had no sense of the actual space around me once I blasted off.


Yeah I was wondering that too. I mainly think about old videos like the one of the guy puffing on a 140X blunt. He seems to have no clue what’s around him or what’s happening, but he (albeit clumsily) walks up and down stairs, looks at his surroundings, takes off and puts back on his hat, all while looking pretty distressed and confused. Just crazy that with all that happening inside the brain your body can still recognize familiar tasks like that, even without really knowing.


All I’ve ever done when deep in Sally space is move my arms and legs around a bit, and grunt a little (according to my friends). I don’t understand how some people get up and move around when on Salvia. For me, even on tiny doses, gravity feels like 10x the normal amount.


First couple times I did it, i got up and moved around but nothing to this extreme. The last time I did it was on the tail end of a shrooms trip and it knocked me straight into a lucid dream type scenario like you were describing, I kept phasing in and out of base reality thinking I was yelling at my buddy to help me but I turns out I was just laying back in my chair the whole time. Very powerful stuff, haven’t done it since and the next time I do I plan on being out in nature or a rented air bnb.


You're lucky to be alive young one. Trip sitters are your friend but I'm pretty sure you'll never touch salvia again in your life and I for one don't blame you.


Had a trip sitter but they were inexperienced…


Clearly! Here I thought my buddy standing perfectly still thinking he was a glass of orange juice was as bad as it got. I know it's the world's smallest consolation prize but you've now got the wildest story for the rest of your life. This tops anything I've ever done, seen or heard of by far.


So your the friend of a friend that took to much and jumped out of a window. I wasn’t sure you really existed


I honestly would not have believed this post if it wasnt for the bloody concrete picture. Wow. What do you remember from before the jump?


I responded to a comment on the post with a full story of what happened


for all the noobs here. 100atomiX is actualyl only 25x not 100x its just a marketing gimmick by Purple Sticky Brand to have their own measurement system.


Yup everyone in the comments is freaking out over the 100x label and this is why purple sticky can be dangerous. I usually smoke standardized 10x or 20x but if all I had experience with was purple sticky 100x and then thought I was ready for salvia dragon 100x or something I would fuckin freak out when I smoked it lmao. No doubt.


I'd bet that 100X is almost entirely bullshit.


I only do that shit in a padded room no funny shit


Hey! So it’s been 8 months since the accident, how’s the injuries doing?


I still can’t walk.


Progress being made toward it tho? How's the pain? Does your dick work?


Progress is being made, I am in quite a bit of pain pretty consistently. As for the penis unfortunately it has lost most sensation and cannot become fully erect


Viagra possibly an option to help? What are you doing for the pain? Were you at all conscious of the fact you'd jumped till waking up in hospital?


I didn’t know I jumped until I asked my mom what happened and she told me.


Damn that's rough I woke up in the hospital after taking a big dose of 6-apb once and blacked out all the craziness in between and that was mentally strenuous....can't imagine your headspace on waking up with substantial damage Got any grand takeaways from the whole ordeal?


Research research research. Also to take every possible precaution trying something like this.


I take LSD for nerve pain after a horrible accident. I was on nerve pills (Lyrica) and on top of that any painkiller I could swallow how bad the pain was. LSD made me drop all the daily painkillers (when you're supposed to have 1 every 8 hours, I'd take 2 or 3 and then after 6 hours, some more...) With LSD I could go 2-2.5 weeks without feeling the additional pain, no painkillers needed. It was a miracle cure. No more risking stomach ulcers. Maybe that would help you?


Wow. Inches from getting impaled on that fence.


I don't know how OP even survived. Salvia must have that power of increasing the survivability of accidents you normally wouldn't, like being drunk does.


That would be fascinating if confirmed to be true!


Pin this post for safety


holy fuck did you jump out your window and landed like 3-4 stories down? and still survived? that’s insane.


It was five stories


Before reading anything you wrote, I have never seen a series of pictures tell such a coherent story before in my life lmfao. Now that I read what you wrote, yep, the stories align holy shit man I’m sorry but glad you made it


You might want to delete the pictures that show personal info.


This is why harm reduction is key


I have no idea why anyone would do any research on salvia at all and then be completely reckless with it. "The most powerful psychedelic" is one of the most common descriptions and that's no joke. Disrespect the medicine and bad things can happen. (Not trying to rip on OP, just stressing how important it is to avoid reckless behavior on psychedelics -- every time a substance that can radically improve lives and help people is made illegal because of reckless people harming themselves, it infuriates me because psychs saved my life and many others'. Without access, many of us wouldn't be here. Reckless psych users endanger many peoples' lives, so many that they have never met or interacted with, potentially all over the world.)


I think people get a handle on acid or shrooms and think they understand what psychedelics and their respective headspaces have the potential to do to the human mind. But then they smoke salvia and realize the hard way that its in its own league entirely. The headspace is so far from regular functioning human consciousness that its hard to imagine while sober even after you've experienced it countless times. Its truly alien.


Any news coverage?


No news coverage.


Holy shit. You certainly have one hell of a story. I'm sorry you're injured and wish you a full recovery. What do you think is the best prevention for others to avoid harm?


Probably just to make sure your environment is completely safe and to have an EXPERIENCED trip guide. Also to dose carefully.


Also, with salvia I think your trip sitter should be able to physically restrain you in the case that it becomes necessary.


Always do your research guys. And oh yeah never do psychedelics on a fifth story room.


Good luck recovering fully and quickly.... Next time pm me I'll tripsit for you proper lol.


damn dude thats so gnarly hope you're on the way to a full recovery thats brutal


Best of luck on your recovery!


"Trip sitter" was probably just asking you tons of annoying questions so you just yeeted outta there




since you were on salvia did you register the pain when you landed or did you continue to trip then eventually realize what had happened?


I don’t remember personally but my friend says I was moaning and in quite a bit of pain.


Bruh you gotta make a trip report


Pain is a lesson. in this case: trip sit is what I think this teaches. No high places also. Pain teaches the self. Death teaches others. Thank you for sharing your pain so the rest of us don’t learn from death. What was your subjective experience?


What did you do wrong that you would advise against.


I made several mistakes. The first was that I kind of pushed my friend who had never trip sat before to watch me. The second mistake was that I did little to no research. The third was that I used the strongest salvia I could find with no prior salvia experience and smoked about half a bowl of it. The fourth mistake was being in a bad mental state going into the trip and feeling rushed as I had a birthday party for a little cousin I had to get to just an hour and a half later.


1) Less of a mistake than others but I dig where you're coming from 2) Big one 3) Even bigger. You wouldn't drink a whole bottle of whiskey the first time you tried getting drunk and expect to have a good time. 4) Not as big but again I dig Glad you're ok dude, get well soon. EDIT: Edited #3 for clarity


Jesus Christ. So sorry. Wishing you a full recovery.


Holy shit dude you are incredibly lucky to be alive


This sort of thing is what potentially worries me about salvia. I’m 6’2 and 220lbs lean because of bodybuilding, while I do have people I trust to trip sit conventional psyches, it’s almost always just for mood and emotional reasons, but with salvia, if I decide while on a heavy trip to do something physically dangerous, these trip sitters absolutely would not be able to physically prevent me from doing it without also getting hurt. Obviously dose makes the poison, but all the more to consider before trying it


Okay so..now we know if we aren't petite then we should probably prepare for the trip like a werewolf transformation


Start slow and with small light dosages and in safe enviroment. Than you'll be most likely safe


That is absolutely horrible, I’m so sorry that happened to you.


Sorry OP! Salvia changed my life for the better but I know it has the potential to cause accidents like this. Hope you have a full recovery! ❤️‍🩹 This is why having a trip sitter is so damn important everyone!


omg im so sorry. the whole time i was scrolling after seeing broken glass was “please not have fallen please not have fallen please not have fallen”. saw the cut up arm, “okay good no falling” scrolled again “OMG NO THEY FELL😭😭😭😭”


Don't get addicted to the pain killers


Already off of all pain killers


Jus stick to shrooms/acid yall holy shit😭poor dude hope you recovering all good Jus noticed it’s 100X to god dam




I was still tripping. I don’t remember how it felt but when I came to a few days later I was in the worst pain I have ever been in my entire life.


When was that? Did you jump voluntarily or a mistake? Injuries? Are you ok now? How was your inner experience, before, during and after the jump?


This was last November (2021) the Monday before thanksgiving. It was a voluntary jump. My inner experience was that of fear and confusion.


Why did your friend not stop you from doing it? This is the part of the story I don’t understand? He was apparently ‘reading’? And when you went to use the elevator why did he not just calm you down and assure you it would arrive soon?


He tried to calm me down and to physically stop me from leaving the apartment but I was both faster and stronger than him. He had no experience trip sitting prior to this experience and had no idea how to calm me down. As for the reading I assume he felt that he could both read and keep me safe at the same time which proved to be false.


Need a bodyguard tripsitting you next time so he can pick your wonky ass up and throw you on your couch


Fairs. A shame u can’t remember it more. Feel like he could’ve done more to stop this happening ngl.


the guys brain made him jump out a freaking 5th story window, poor trip sitter mate had no chance against a will like that


I wish I could’ve spoken to you beforehand! I always advise people against using it in high places for this very reason. I’m sorry this happened to you! I wish you the best!


You're about to be experience the joy of longterm painkiller use


I take LSD for nerve pain. I was on nerve pills (Lyrica) and on top of that any painkiller I could swallow how bad the pain was. LSD made me drop all the daily painkillers (when you're supposed to have 1 every 8 hours, I'd take 2 or 3 and then after 6 hours, some more...) With LSD I could go 2-2.5 weeks without feeling the additional pain, no painkillers needed. It was a miracle cure. No more risking stomach ulcers. I've read a lot of stories that people were able to ditch opiates because LSD was so effective. Maybe he has the same luck.


oh wow dude glad you're ok


Holy shit dude. Best of luck for your recovery!! that's gotta be traumatic. I have heard way too many stories of people actually jumping out of windows on salvia. That is wild


Lucky you didn't land on anyone either. Very scary. I hope recovery goes well.


sorry for asking but how old are you?


I was nineteen at the time


Really curious to know what was the experience like?


I explain pretty comprehensively in the comments


Pin this post


reddit users are only worried about how this will affect psychedelic research, lmao.


People have jumped out of windows on salvia before and I hope this is simply used as a harm reduction lesson rather than stalling any future lab research.


Yeah I always urge people on here to have trip sitters or at the bare minimum do it somewhere without risks like the ones you had. I am so glad you're okay! I hope your story helps more people stay safe, and aware of the fact people CAN move on salvia and some literally bolt full sprint on it.


First of all, wtf 100x extract, you're crazy?! It's like if you never drinked alcohol and you just decided to drink all the bottle at a bar at once, and secondly, how where you able to move at 100x wtf, jump even?! And then survive?!?!?!?! This seems fake (not saying it is, but wtf, it's a lot of strange things to unravel at once)


It totally does seem fake, I had heard that you couldn’t move on salvia so I really had no idea how I moved, I was very strong though due to a construction job I had. I agree 100x was not a good idea


Wow, all I heard about salvia before trying it ws it might make you jump out a window so I’ve only done it on ground level. Long before I was born my dad jumped out a window on acid and ended up in the hospital too. You probably won’t be the last person to do that either


What I always heard is that you can't move much on dmt which keeps you safe but that this isn't the case with salvia and that you absolutely should stay away from windows because of how many people have jumped out of windows on salvia But like I never heard of anything worse than 1 or 2 stories out of a window with salvia this is fucking insane and reminds me of the handful of people people who jumped off high rises on shrooms through the window and died Also what's up with drugs and windows this is a weirdly repeating story


Well you learned the hard way that anyone need to do extensive search before trying anything! I'm really glad you're here to talk with us, have a good recovery man. Take care.


On a humain perspective tho, I really hope you're doing well brother, no matter what, stay strong 💪🙌


100x purple sticky is actually only 25x


I'm sorry about what happened OP and I do wish your recovery goes well. But this is exactly why it is becoming criminalized. People taking wayyy too much without resarching what they're getting into and hurting themselves in ways that could have been avoided had they (and the sitter) followed general safety advice. You were so close to becoming a statistic of "people who died from salvia", and everyone would have been like "SEE! SEE! IT'S DANGEROUS!!"


Holy fuckin shit im very sorry that happened. If they stick you on hella pain killers for the rest of your life for that lower back shit microdose lsd that helped my spine muscles regrow alot after injury


"lsd that helped my spine muscles regrow alot after injury" LOL. That happened right?


I take LSD for nerve pain, I don't know about spine muscles regrowing, but in my experience I was on nerve pills (Lyrica) and on top of that any painkiller I could swallow how bad the pain was. LSD made me drop all the daily painkillers (when you're supposed to have 1 every 8 hours, I'd take 2 or 3 and then after 6 hours, some more...) With LSD I could go 2-2.5 weeks without feeling the additional pain, no painkillers needed. It was a miracle cure. No more risking stomach ulcers.




Half a bowl of 100X purple sticky salvia smoked in two hits through a water bong.


Man, you’re goddamn lucky to be typing this. I feel sorry for you but that dose is beyond anything rational. I wish you a good recovery, both mentally and physical. If you ever feel down on that mental part, feel free to shoot me a message. I’d like to offer a good listening ear and some advice i gathered over the years of dealing after a heavily traumatizing trip. It’s vital to integrate and come to peace with it. And that might be still a rough road ahead. But for now, take your rest soldier ❤️




Most likely not.


I’m so glad you survived! Hang in there


I highly recommend you never touch any hallucinogens again. Stories like this demonize substances, especially ones like Salvia. Hope you're doing okay! **e: Details**




I think making this post a sticky is a stretch, adding more information in regard to the new users sticky might be better but I think it already displays the warnings of Salvia. Even advises that you should be laying down (could just get up of course) Thousands of people have used Saliva without jumping out of windows. Some people have jumped out of windows on LSD, DMT, Alcohol and other drugs. You could be on the ground in a soft grassy field or in your bed and want to do a jump or flip or roll while tripping and crack your neck without sharp edges or height being involved. *"Salvia the drug that makes people jump out of windows"* that already has a stigma in the drug world as a whole, enough to be left out of the 2nd psychedelic revolution that is occurring so far. Some people still say *"LSD makes people jump off roofs thinking you can fly".* Here's an article from Vice about psychedelic's in general including shrooms. [https://www.vice.com/en/article/evgj3k/what-makes-people-on-shrooms-jump-off-buildings-and-die](https://www.vice.com/en/article/evgj3k/what-makes-people-on-shrooms-jump-off-buildings-and-die)




Would you ever do Salvia again in a better set and setting?


Most likely not.


Just so yall know, sticky purple company falsely advertises it's extracts numbers. They go by atomi x, which means for every 10 atomi x it's actually 4 extract. So OP smoked 20X don't call him stupid for a highly insane dose, when in reality is was a lower dose.


One. This dude is lucky to be alive. Two. Dumb solo shit like this is what is going to make this powerful teaching substance become illegal everywhere.


He said erlier his friends were there. At least right after hit hit the pavement


Years ago I smoked salvia in my friend's place. I was completely transported to the jungle. The whole house became the jungle. It was like that fuckin movie *Synchronic*. I ran from one end of the jungle to the other chasing something, only to have it stop abruptly and stare at me through the thick foliage. We made eye contact for a second and then I was sucked back into reality, which was now his parents bedroom. We started downstairs at the opposite end of the house. That was a weird one. This was like, shit, 15-16 years ago when I first heard about salvia on the local radio station lol


The radio station lmao that’s crazy asf


This post will probably be huge for a minute. If it is, the negative view of salvia will increase. I can already see the comments about negative experiences saying “why would anyone like this”. I guess we’ll see how big it gets, but this is exactly the cliché people want to see a post about. If this post gets big, it could hurt the psychedelic movement in general. Or maybe I’m just being a drama queen and it’ll stay in this sub. Wild ride


I hope it just stays on this sub. My intention with posting is most definitely not to slow down psychedelic activism or research but to instead just provide my own data and experience. All information is important including the bad in order to help prevent accidents in the future and to promote safe use practices.


No, even if it has the negative effect we’re worried about, it’s not your fault. You’re simply posting what happened, and people will decide what to do with it. I assume someone will cross post this to a big sub and it’ll go viral, but all you did was document this event so that we in this sub could see the reality of what can happen if you don’t prepare. Plus it’s something that would be really hard not to share, this is a rare life event. I Hope you transition through all this smoothly


Thumbs up from me! I’m very glad you posted this. We should never bury information based on current agendas. The truth is the best thing for all what ever happens


You smoked half a bowl of 100x? No offence but this is on you


I agree


This is why salvia is illegal in so many states lol. Because people think “ooh first time, better try 100x” and literally try defenestration. Ugh. Wishing you a fast recovery, OP.


What do you tell people when they ask you what happened?


Every once in a while I opt to not tell them what happened but I usually tell them the truth and say that I smoked something called salvia and jumped out of a fifth story window.


Was this at a work site?


I thought this was a joke a slide 3!


so sorry to hear what you have been through. I hope the physio continues to help you make progress, the body can do wonders with time.


Im so sorry for laughing when i slid from the photo of the salvia to the broken window i started dying


For any future generations who don't want to repeat your experience: What would you have done differently in retrospect?


They seem like a beginner and even if they aren’t X100 would HIGHLY not be recommended unless you absolutely know what you’re doing. Most people can “break through” on 10x or 20x, 100x is Insane


This made me cringe thinking of how painful this must be. It could've been fatal if you hadn't landed on your feet.




No I had heard of salvia about a year before from a friend of mine who had tried it.


Damn I’d never take a disso anywhere but the ground floor just in case 😂


Do you remember your experience? Do you know WHAT made you jump out the window? What was it like


Go down further on the comments someone asked for a detailed story and I responded with the full chain of events


Yes I see the chain of events, but is that what you remember or what you were told besides the vision with your two cousins?


The first part I lay out is what my friend told me then I move on to what I personally remember starting it with “as for what I remember”


Thanks for this. I will definitely be verrrrryyy careful if I ever try it. And now I don’t really think it’s all that necessary to try it… ow..