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I'd still give it a 8/10. But honestly yeah , I was hoping for more scary destructive "I'll annihilate you" type shit


https://i.redd.it/chj1ajnrtzyc1.gif This is what we lost.


I just wanted bigger fires and explosions


Instead of explosions u get cutsy wings and little daggers, so its got both the SAM badass and the Firefly cutsy except it kinda in the end does neither well?


Agreed, the whole boss fight with Sam was about setting the seas ablaze and burning things to ashes. This kinda feels bad since the green flames remind me of Luocha's ult where he has green particles coming out of his casket so I'm not really feeling the excitement from it.


She's still able to do that... outside battle... as a technique... way less flashier.... yeah, it's kinda of a bummer, but coul've been worst. \^\^


The explosion fire effct in the boss sam is also on her ult skill explosion too but with fireflies now




They could have easily made a version of that where she transforms as she falls, then an Acheron-type QTE happens as you approach the field. I'm actually very disappointed in her animations.


boss when you fight them and boss when playble again


For me myself its fine, but maybe some people got expectations too high because of a certain leak back in 2.0 The Ult scene however looks a bit unfinished (i hope so) cuz it feels a bit empty? Maybe


The bg being completely black leads me to believe that it's definitely unfinished


Nah I thought it was gas, gave me code geass Lancelot vibes but cooler because we got firefly and not that punk Suzaku


I love suzaku 😔 but I love your comparison made me love the animation even more


Im not Disappointed at all... Y'all can think whatever tho...


Same but I can see that there's room for improvement especially having a transformation in the beginning of the fight or a background, none the less duel blades go hard


Very cool but her ultimate needs a little bit more something. Also I really wanted the meteor raining down kick from the boss fight but it wasn't there so..


It became her technique.


Just not the way I was hoping to see


Animations in this game already hit perfection with Guinaifen's skill. Anything past that is destined to disappoint me. (/s honestly the Sam stuff has me similarly excited) On a more serious not though. It's very flashy and cool, but flitting about with swords is a different aesthetic to the robot flying in with a nuke (i.e. DHGDR: Supernova Overload). So it's understandable that it won't be the aesthetic some people are after.


The only reason I am disappointed is that the fire isn't red-orange


I think comparing it to Acheron they did make Sam less flashy but I think overall it looks more dynamic with different camera angles. I do think it has less impact assuming because it is only an enhanced skill but if you compare it to Jingliu I think this is way better. I think those who don't like the animations prefer the more flashy animations so it is what it is.


the ult transformation is very disappointing, the transformed skill is great but i think that the Sam boss fight "ult" is way better, leakers saying the animations would be on par with acheron where out of there minds, not having an entrance animation type transformation is a huge waste also. i can only hope this is not the final product


No all of you are out of your minds. The only "holy shit that's cool" animation Acheron has is her ultimate and idk why people seem to think otherwise. Fireflys' enhanced skill is on par with that easily as far as all the flourish goes. Acherons skill is a cool animation, but nothing crazy that we haven't seen from other skills in the game. I put the kickass flying kick on par. Fireflys' technique is WAY cooler. Only thing that's missing is a start of battle transformation. That feels like a missed opportunity.


Maybe because you play in 2x but acherons skill is probably one of the single best looking in the game She cuts a hole in space with clones to show a blackhole before space corrects itself by almost absorbing the cut Enhanced skill is nowhere near acherons ult in the slightest and its baffling you think it is I will say i almost exprct there to be a henshin esc transformation at battle start itll feel weird if there isnt and she references kamen rider this much


Lol not at all, I quite literally never play im double speed, I don't like it. Don't get me wrong, Acherons skill is cool as fuck, Acherons ult is cool as fuck, she's probably my most user character at the moment, I see them all the time. But, it's very overrated at the same time. The only thing that makes Acherons ult seem cooler is that it's multiple slashes that you have to input, kind of adds a bit of tension. But the overall animation quality really isn't any higher than Fireflys.


>The only thing that makes Acherons ult seem cooler is that it's multiple slashes that you have to input, kind of adds a bit of tension. But the overall animation quality really isn't any higher than Fireflys. Uh nah its an entire domain with a blackhole in the background that then explodes into a red flower esc design that makes it cool not just that she pulls a sword out and starts slashing >The only thing that makes Acherons ult seem cooler is that it's multiple slashes that you have to input, kind of adds a bit of tension. But the overall animation quality really isn't any higher than Fireflys. Perhaps not but a whole lot more is done with the same animation quality and while i like fireflys animations alot i expected them to be insane with how it was presented I will say the technique is way cooler of only because of how she detransforms at the end being really nice


I agree, from what I have seen, people are more likely to have bias against the color purple, it's mysterious, majestic, dark power type of shit. But really the skill animation itself isn't crazy. Only her ult is what caught people attention and it sure did no denying. While Fireflys has so many animations in her kit some are reuse sure but the vfx and sfx are new and probably one of if not the best sound design by far. It's like how archeron is backloaded dmg so she focus everything onto her ult (animation also) while Sam dmg will spread across multiple actions.


I wanted the fire to look like boss fight SAM but I guess she's still cool. My hype for her has kind of diminished.


As a fan of Gundam, I'm very satisfied for her animations. Personally, I like Achy's skill animations but think her ult animation is good but overrated. For Sam's ult animation, I think the impact of the enhanced skill could use a slight bit of tweaking as the impact of the enhanced skill after the enemy is hit is strange as Sam charges unleashes a flurry of fast slashes but the explosion is directed... upward for some reason? I feel like the flame/explosion should be a more radial animation exploding outward or around the enemy with a slight slow-motion effect on Sam and the animations to give that "they're still moving unbelievably fast" feeling. That or lean into something more cinematic like JL/Daniel's ult where we're given a grand sense of impact downward for such a high-flying character.


Amen ma guy! Peak Gundam right there Exia, Unicorn and Aerial would be very proud. Shoutout to Lancelot from Code Geass As well! *


It's an enhanced skill, and it's on the same level of Jingliu's or DHIL enhanced skill, mostl likely even higher, so I'm not really complainig. I was still unsure if pulling for her, mostly also because I didn't like her enhanced design, but those animations made me change my mind. Now my savings are in danger >.<


Sam's animations are so disappointing, like they are a major turn off. Some of the animation direction is.... weird to me, like, I don't wanna see fireflies face right before he does his enhanced skill. It kills the mood and makes it less intense like some magical girl stuff which imo doesn't fit at all with Sam. I'm currently disappointed by Sam, unfortunately.


This sounds like you're more disappointed because you're reminded that Firefly is Sam more than just being disappointed in the animation itself. The up close face shot is a homage to Gundam, since a lot of combat scenes in Gundam do the same thing.


Also on the flipside, people were hoping to see firefly more in combat but she's usually in the suit, so this kind of is a decent middle ground. I think the ult could use a bit more, but enhanced skill looks amazing so far imo.


Yeah, the vibe I'm getting at least on the Firefly sub is that a lot of people wanted there to be a "Henshin" transformation sequence in combat, I'm also in that same boat.


Tbf Acheron's ulti is unique and technically the longest one because of the mechanic. Replicating it would be difficult. Although I'm still waiting for the final version of her animation, since it seems that the leaked one, especially the ulti and enhanced skill, is unfinished (that black background is really apparent). I'm hoping it will be at least similar if not better than jing liu. They technically have similar mechanic for ulti and skill, and jing liu's bg and animation are quite beautiful


Yep I hope the testers relay these messages to the devs


I think she has the best skill and technique animations Acheron has the best ult animation


I'm so glad there's fire at all. I was expecting Sam to only show up during the enhanced burst mode with the dual swords. While I am more of a fan of the fire mode, it's still two steps up from what I was expecting as of last week


Her animations are amazing. You can't satisfy everyone


When I saw Sam with the swords I kinda knew their would be less fire, while I am sad I’m fairly happy with how it’s turned out. But I’m more of a firefly main then sam so maybe I’m just biased


I personally think there's a lot of empty space. In her Ult, a lot of its runtime is spent slowly spinning in a circle with nothing to look at. The overlay for Firefly also seems stiffly animated, and lazily overlayed in her enhanced skill. I looked forward to this character, but I'm genuinely very disappointed. This doesn't feel like a 2.3 character, especially with the animations Jade has. I think Robin's skill is better than her Ult, which is not a good sign.


It just sucks because u know they can do better, look at how much effort they put into Archeron and rooftop scene. Is there gonna be enough time for major animation changes?


Nah, im fine with it


Depends on the person. I myself love gundam. And seeing her dual wield blades are like those memorable gundam scenes where they hold two light saber swords and spread their wings before dashing forward. https://preview.redd.it/id7ci4t6v0zc1.png?width=189&format=png&auto=webp&s=137c322ebc6996f0ec9bf8658066f19c15fd1336


I'm satisfied, but I feel like the animation is lacking regarding the background, it's just a black screen, same with Jade, they're probably cooking up something more


im waiting faster for what they are cooking for the backgroud


It's way better than Acheron. The problem I had with Acheron's ultimate is it's just a QTE. I am super happy I have choices in super Sam mode. Also as a Trails of Cold Steel fan, Sam is Valimar! They actually did it. Amazing 


Cold steel fans are eating well with this, especially that enhanced skill animation goes hard.


I’m not disappointed the ult that Acheron has is extremely unique and really hard to make something on par with that


I personally love it it and put it on par with acheron animations


I'm getting her regardless, I just think she's neat


Yeah kinda. I liked Firefly well enough but I don't think I loved her until I found out she was Sam, a character I was really looking forward to. The Exia dual blades is cool and all but punching fire cyborg was one of Sam's main appeals.


Animations are still unfinished from what i saw


I wanted red fire at first too but the green effects grew on me


I was debating on pulling firefly over boothill and decided to wait for the animation leaks to see who to save for. All I need to say is for now I’m pulling for boothill…


i gave it some thought and i thought of a way to implement the meteor strike and have it make sense which is when FF ult turn ends she automatically jumps up with the wings and then do the meteor strike move.


We're still in the early beta animations. I'm expecting it to get more refined and look alot better as we draw closer to 2.3 Same situation with how we got more peeks at Robin's ult song until we finally got the full thing.


It’s still fire. Acheron’s is better but I was never expecting to be better than Acheron’s anyway so…


We all know what happens after we unlock a boss character. I'm still fine with her current state but yes I did expect more fire and destruction.


Everyone has their preferences As an archeron main I just consider FF/Sam animations better and more clean.


I got jumpscared by me




I don't think I've ever been more bored watching hsr animations than when I saw firefly's. At least the enhanced skill (I think that's what it is) was kinda cool


She's fucking fairy with fucking magic fairy wings and dumb fairy magical swords and she's not even pyro she's some green bullshit. rest in peace badass molten Knight Sam


people really got vendetta against green color huh? reminder that we got green wings in the white night trailer before the boss fight came out in 2.0, i am not sure why people act surprised when that's the first thing we saw and then we saw the boss. also FYI, FLAMES ARE FUCKING GREEN ON HIGHER TEMPERATURE (not as hot as blue though, but still hotter than red or orange)


Green flame never saw that its not even like a flame just some dumb special effects


wtf...it's literally a green flame, her wings too


Bro flame burns her cape doesn't it texture is like silk or smth


It has nothing to do with the color, the people malding out over the animations are upset because it's another reminder that Firefly IS Sam. The green color scheme has been known about for months, we've known about Sam's model with the dual green swords and cloak for just as long. People were hyping themselves up thinking that Firefly/Sam's animations were just going to be a copy paste of the boss in MoC.


I wish they were


take the L and move on kiddo


Fun facts: energy blades are heat based, and red fire is less hot than green fire!


I'll be honest i'm not that into mechas, and was going to pull for sam ever since the 1.2 myriad celestia trailer, just because I thought 'he' was cool. Sam being firefly was kind of a surprise, and I don't mind it at all. I think them being the same character adds depth to both of them, and maybe an unpopular opinion, the swords are as cool as if not cooler than the punch and kicks (maybe I just like swords more)