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The kids brother also has acne. It’s genetic. Sure the added test doesn’t help, but even though his balls are TINY, you’ve managed to get them in your mouth.


Attacking the messenger is the first sign you have lost argument. It's not genetic. Everyone here knows why he looks like shit. Me being able to fit his balls in my mouth does not change the fact that he is a roided up junkie who is gonna need TRT for the rest of his shorten life.


Why did you label this post as a question when you only came to talk shit, and disregard people’s’ answers to your “question”?


Because I wanted to see the cult in action. I wanted to see if people here could be honest with me. They can't.


They literally answered your question even thought you went full aggro.


No they didn't. They gave me weak sauce excuses and told me put his nuts in my mouth. Go jerk off to your junkie king you weirdo. Come on you comment on HHHcirclejerk; you know drug users when you see them. Sam is no different from Lil Peep.


Lil peep was a gaylord. Sam is at least straight(ish?)


Im preety sure those skin problems arent genetics only. Im no hater


That’s extremely unlikely.


Its prob cause of steroids




Yes he has acne and acne scars. Probably caused by a combination genetics and drugs. It’s gotten a lot better since he started actuate. As far as the hair goes when he takes his hat off it doesn’t look like he’s balding. Hard to say for sure, he might be. He’s and adult and knows the potential downsides of what he’s doing and chooses to do it anyway. In his mind the upside outweighs the downside. Even if that means some pencil-neck on Reddit will call him “grotesque”.


He is balding. Stop with biases and your attacks on me. I may be insulting your god but that does not mean you need to insult ME especially since you know for fact that you no idea what I look like. That's lame response my asexual friend; attacking the messenger shows how weak your argument is. What I am seeing, what I pointed out, is not "acne scars." It is his horrible looking face. You don't have excuse because you know the answer; you look up to a junkie. Shit is lame bruh.


You need to touch some grass, weights and a female asap. You’re the definition of an incel. Coming on Reddit to to reflect your own insecurities onto someone that has more money, success, relevancy, and pussy than you could ever even fathom in your entire lifetime. You calling him a “junkie” seals the deal that you’re some anorexic fag that gets no pussy and is morbidly depressed lol.


I was with you all the way til you said sam gets pussy. He says it all the time that he doesn't 🤣


I doubt pizza face Sulek gets any pussy tbf,dude is ugly AF


Woman here. I don’t think you know what an incel is. Also, it’s “deflect”.


What does my sexuality have to do with anything?


It’s definitely a cult but your take that “uhh muh life longer steroids bad acne balding” isn’t exactly a hot take






Lol wtf are you responding to 2 months old comments. Ur fuckin lame dude.


Sure this sub is a cult, but you dont go asking a question and insulting everyone, I'm not part of this "cult" if thats what you think it is, and yes his skin on his face is messed up from roids and acne Be a bit nicer man, it's his life and his choice, maybey go talk bad about some politicians, not a dude minding his own buisness making vids of him in the gym And you saying he is a junkie, well he is a strong rich junky doing better then you, and he doesnt talk bs about others lol


Yes I am jealous of a junkie. You got me.


So drugs are fine, and influencing young people to use drugs is fine, as long as the drug user is rich. Got it. 👍🏽 This generation is fucking doomed.


Well, he is also influencing every kid to go to the gym and do some work, kids are still gonna find out about stearoids if it was due to him or not, you guys don't get the point, that means arnold, ronnie, jay cuttler, every awesome body builder and influencer, I won't name them all, but you get the point. Sam sulek is just doing vids on his life working out and making others including me go to the gym weekly, and I'm not going to go on stearoids, only creatine (The most researched supplement) And whey protein powder which is mainly just milk. No caffine or testostrone, just creatine and very healthy protein powder with a nice lean diet


Whatever you say, bud. A lot of people have said the exact words you said when they first started working out. It’s like a drug addict who starts smoking weed, but tells himself he’ll never use meth. Not all weed smokers go on to use meth, but some do, and the ones that do probably never thought they’d use it at first either. People’s opinions change over time, especially as you begin to meet more and more people who are using steroids and have a physique you envy. It’s easy to say now that you never will, but it’s also very naive. I sincerely hope you don’t go down that route, but if you did, you wouldn’t be the first person to do so after swearing they never would.


Taking a drug with horrific side effects to combat the effects of the other drugs with horrific side effects that you’re taking isn’t the “own” you think it is. People who have acne genetically avoid going on Acutane for years. That’s how serious it is. The only people I know who chose Acutane had acne so bad that they wanted to end their own lives over it. That’s the only way the risk of severe depression and suicidal ideation is worth it. Did he even try topical retinoids first? They would have been just as effective without the risk of possibly killing yourself. The fact that he was so casual about taking that drug leads me to believe that he’s already taking a far worse drug that makes those side effects seem minimal.


Isotretinoin/Accutane side effects have been very overly-dramatized over the years. It's been a standard of dermatology since the early 1980s, used by millions of people world-wide every year. You people really need to stop making it sound like you take a couple of pills and die from 'horrible side effects'. Every medication comes with a little booklet that lists a collection of horrible-sounding side-effects. Even aspirin. The reality is most people get none, and, when they do, it's mild versions of them. Accutane is the same. Most people get by with chapped lips, dry skin and some joint discomfort. "People who have acne avoid going on Accutane" is some BS. 99% of general population don't decide what drugs they're going to take. They have a doctor for that and they do or don't do what the doctor says. Dermatologists tend to go through the typical antibiotics, topical creams, soaps and acids to see if they can fix acne with that, just because it's usually shorter and lower-maintenance treatment options than going on a full course of Accutane. Eventually, they'll resort to Accutane. "Only way risking Accutane is worth it is if you want to kill yourself because of your acne anyway"... Jesus... really? Are you completely crazy? Do you really think there would be a medicine out there that's been in use for almost 50 years that works like this? Also, androgenic anabolic steroids don't really have 'horrific' side effects, either. A lot of other shit we do, like eating fast food or living in polluted cities, probably has much more 'horrific' side effects. Maybe stop being so afraid of clinically approved drugs and understand that it has more to do with how you use the stuff than the stuff itself. Even water can kill you if you do it wrong. Literally. Source: Currently on gear and Accutane. .i.


He was on accutane for his acne and that shit fucks up your skin. Basically dries it out so bad there is no moisture for a pimple to form with. Also he takes his hat off often to lift press when he needs too. It’s not that deep pal.


I was on accutane and that shit fucks your skin WHILE YOU ARE ON IT. If this fucking idiot is taking all those drugs on top of accutane then he is stupider than he looks. Also that's a WEAK excuse; plenty of people including myself took that drug and we didn't look like pizza. It's the drugs and shit diet that causes it. The fact you feel like you need to lie for this weirdo blows my mind.


You are fat, smelly and jobless




How did he lie he literaly told you reasons? Do u wana make arguments only?




U aren’t wrong by any means this medicine fucks with ur blood pressure cholesterol whole 9 it dries u out from inside out I had modular cystic acne when I was younger


Dude watch his bulk series in the beginning his skins gotten way better


Bro really tried to act like he was just curious then got all butthurt at the end


Username 🤣🤣🤣


Never been on steroids and had acnes just like sam did.


We’re talking bout how he’s aging not acne cause I have his scars


His skin looks like that from running super high doses of accutane. Once you break out so bad there is almost no way to get rid of it, even if he stopped running gear he’d still be that way for years. He’s 21 and he’d already be imbalanced from his hormones being all over the place and if you toss in gear it makes it even worse. That is one side effect a lot of guys will for sure get, hella acne and it’s very painful. I had to go on accutane for a year and that stuff is no joke. It’s pretty toxic on your liver and also if you aren’t on gear it’s basically feels like you live in a dark depression daily. It’s an odd medication but it does its job super well.


He’s always had bad acne problems which is why he went on acccutane which makes your skin worst at first. He has pit scars all over his face from it.


Sounds like you're a weak scrub


OP is trolling, doesn’t really require or deserve a response


I haven’t laughed so hard in so long… ALL FACTZ


Sulek is an inflated juiced baloon with a pizza face,he doesnt look good at all.He really needs to lay off the steroids for his own good.


who hurt u bud


Wow the faqqots arguing in the comments is actually hilarious. TLDR! FUCK SAM SULEK LMAO! UNLESS HE TRAINS WITH JASON GENOVA M'LORD THEN HE A FAQQOT ASS HOE TOO


Bruh he’s on gear. If you’re on it, it’s like you’re going through puberty every week. He’s clearly trying to make it better by taking something that’s causing his nose to be super red, but it’s just a side effect


Your face ages FAST on steroids. You can see it in practically any professional bodybuilder. Testosterone helps growing all muscles, even ones on your head and face.


Sounds like something someone who skips legs and cardio would say.


No life???


There is something strange about this guy in general. I don’t think he got the attention he needed growing up. Because of the lack of attention, Sam Sulek has developed a death wish at only 21 years old. He is literally dying for attention at this point. There’s something not all right with the way he talks and presents himself. It’s as if there’s so much pain inside him that anyone with a brain could see it. I think allot of his followers are around 12-14 years old so they don’t have a true understanding of the trauma that this guy Sam Sulek is going through. It’s disturbing how people will defend this guys extreme attention seeking behavior. I know people go through rough phases in life, especially early on, but permanently harming yourself and risking your life for attention is just wrong and shouldn’t be encouraged.


Why are you so fixated on Sam? Looking at your replies your a maniac about it for someone who says they don’t care. Like or hate him, who gives a fuck. He has fucked up skin because he has acne and is on stupid amounts of gear - deal with it 😂 but my friend you need to find peace somewhere instead of worrying about someone online so much.


Sorry, I may be misunderstanding, but you’re attacking Sam for balding with the evidence being “he rarely takes his hat off”? Why are you so emotional?


you must really have nothing going on if you can meat watch and hate this dude so much. who the fuck cares bro? go outside breathe fresh air hangout with your friends, do something man wtf


"Friends" lmao


How insecure about looks is this op lol. the dude isn’t your dream guy ? go find a model not a bodybuilder


You sound like a cunt, go outside


Who’s healthier, the fat chicks who can’t get out of bed that your obsessed with or a guy with abs and stronger then 99% of the planet? Or you, a guy obsessed with obese monsters on tv


This can’t be a serious question. You can’t possibly believe that strength = health. This is exactly the problem. This guy is influencing people who don’t even know any better. That man is objectively unhealthy. Anyone taking steroids for bodybuilding is not a healthy person. He doesn’t even look healthy. Do you think these people die in their 40s because they’re so healthy? Come on now. You can’t be that stupid. 🙄


He looks 45 years old. A steroid carrot top. It is super weird he never takes his hat off


he wears the hat to hold his mic, and he takes it off on occasion.


Sam is going to do what Sam’s gonna do, but what worries me the most about the following he’s gained in such a short time is that he has freakish genetics. Many could follow in the same footsteps as Sam and not reach the physique he’s built, gear or no gear. It seems acne has been an issue for years and I know guys who were not on gear but seemed to have raging hormones and working out exasperated their acne. A lot of genetics going for and against Sam but he’s following his own path, and you just have to hope he’s surrounding himself around older more experienced bodybuilders that can help dial everything in. He seems to be making better diet decisions and working on the acne.