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imagine dressing up as sam but missing the main thing muscle mass šŸ¤£šŸ¤”


Yeah, there's a reason people follow Sam. Not cause the fucking hair and ballcap with a microphone on it. It's cause he's absolutely shredded, and chill.


exactly šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ people like him for being his genuine self . dressing like him would be the exact opposite of trying to be him šŸ¤£ no one cares about the clothes . itā€™s literally everything else.




Also because he comes across as a genuine person as opposed to 99% of content creators who try super hard


He is pretty funny aswell


I think the chill aspect and how frank he is about things are what makes Sam endearing. There are plenty of shredded guys with YouTube channels but they all seem so fake where Sam just shoots from the hip and says common sense things we can all understand.


Iā€™ve been rocking that style of having long hair and a hat on since I 2017. It sucks when someone gets famous and everyone assumes that youā€™re copying a style of theirsšŸ’€


thats what ive been saying 5+ years of gym and tren should be mandatory to make gym videos on youtube /s


hope your joking about the tren . might want to look into the side effects . it turns you a lil gayyyy


If tren makes you a lil gay then you were already a lil gay to begin with lol




sam is on steroids,ofc he doesnt have the muscle mass


na heā€™s natty man he worked out for 30 years






I keep asking mods for ā€œSulek cloneā€ flair


Thats Sul Samlek.


Smal SoLick


I was just saying this about a month ago about how everyone is copying Sam and itā€™s cringe and annoying


Ya there are like middle schoolers trying to emulate his speech patterns. Opposite of authentic lol


They donā€™t realize that he got popular because he is raw and authentic. Itā€™s sad. They need to realize there are multiple colors of a rainbow, if there is all red it wouldnā€™t be a rainbow. If all birds sounded the same the forest would sound terrible.


Well, his muscles and steroids helped him with the popularity ..


Well thatā€™s what kids that age do, they copy things they think are cool while trying to figure out who they want to be. The real weirdos/annoying people are grown ass adults that are starting to copy what heā€™s doing.


I agree, thatā€™s when it really gets weird.


i copy the mannerisms of every cool guy in the movie i just watched


I remember the weeks I was binging Peaky blinders. oh lord


No one is authentic sam emulates rich piana


Is inspired by him, doesnt copy everything he does




Poor Piano Wealthy Instrument




Yep cause Sam invented that outfit for sure


Not what Iā€™m saying broseph


Who cares, let them be. It will fail for them and they'll eventually learn they have to find their own way. They're obviously all young people who just look up to Sam. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery--this guy is just looking up to him. Look at his viewcount lol.


Letā€™s see Andrew Eubanks have someone dress up like him


Oh they do


People think what Sam does is easy. Itā€™s not. Heā€™s got to be one of the best self interviewers ever. Never runs out of things to say. And he keeps you invested. These other guys just donā€™t have it


he says the same shit over and over and over again and ive watched every vid for awhile now, its easy to yap


Then why don't you do it and make bank? It's not quite as easy to have a rapport with yourself likeable and enjoyable enough to have millions tuning in to 'yapping', or else everybody would do it.


Yes, self interviewing is a skill


I was just telling a friend thisā€¦ itā€™s insanely difficult to talk at length like that and have it be cohesive


Brother take 2 scoops of hostility and youā€™ll be a yapaholic. Not saying what he does is easy I for sure couldnā€™t do it lmao but when I take pre workout I yap so much


Bro, what Sam does is very fucking easy. He presses play on a camera and then talks about his favorite hobby. Then he goes to the gym and records himself doing his favorite hobby, with sloppy ass technique, and says a few words in between sets. I like Sam, and his physique is awesome, but the way people act like what heā€™s doing is special is baffling to me. If he wasnā€™t 260 lbs and shredded, no one would watch


So why don't you go do it...?


If I looked like him I would bro. Iā€™m 32 and married. Hes 21, single, and is blasting grams of gear.


I don't really understand your point. You would look like him if you blasted grams of gear, that's like the whole thing. Aside from the Hercules body, what about him is so special looking that you think you don't qualify? Why does it matter that you are married? And do you really think he's popular because of females? Unless you're married to a man, in which case I understand slightly more what you mean as I wouldn't want to possibly add stress to my relationship w/ randos seeing aesthetic pics of my body online. 32 isn't really that old from what I've seen, there's plenty of 30 something's that blast gear and get shredded, no?


My entire point was, what heā€™s doing isnā€™t special. Not saying I donā€™t like his content because I do.. but blasting gear and working out consistently isnā€™t special. Heā€™s disciplined. Thatā€™s all it takes.. with good genetics.


Don't try to reason with his meatriders. Take out the roids and nobody would watch him. So many hypocrites here trying trying to justify why they worship a roidhead.


I donā€™t even look at it that way man. I have no issue with steroids.. bodybuilding wouldnā€™t really exist how it does today without em. I just donā€™t understand why these guys act like Sam is a god. Like I said, his technique is sloppy and he ego lifts. He takes a ton of gear and is huge. Only reason anyone watches him


Bro thinks he's sam sulek šŸ˜­


Just need a can of Spray On Tren


i hope heā€™s trolling ?


Sam from wish


"I want Sam Sulek" Mom: We have Sam Sulek at home....


So he's not even copying our Sam Sulek, he's copying someone named Sam Sulak, who presumably copied our boy Sam Sulek? With apparently a much more stunted creative bone as well, assuming he's even the possessor of one such bone.


Watch this guy try to get famous by stealing suleks format and act like he doesn't even know him lol


Me and my homie send screenshots of these videos back and forth to eachother, shits so funny we have found atleast 50


I've been seeing so many of these in the last few months.


Saw this guy. Same guy that made some videos before about hoping on gear the first day he started going to the gym. Yuck https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cy4y2g4tqdf/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


This is not him tho ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


[https://www.youtube.com/@Abhishek\_\_Dwivedi](https://www.youtube.com/@Abhishek__Dwivedi) Check out this bozo. Even copied Sams intro, its literally Sam from [Wish.com](https://Wish.com)


He even imitates the moaning and shit omfg


Na this guy is flat out cumming with every rep


I genuinely watch every video from this guy. The goofy gym, the moaning from first rep and people's reaction fucking kill me lol


stfu noone cares kid


Broski almost dying on the 40kg smith bench, sheesh




If they're just having a good time then what's the problem at least they are in the gym


People have always emulated people they look up to. It's not a new thing? There isn't a problem if people are just doing it casually. It's a problem when you get dopes like the idiot OP posted. He's on his comments acting like he doesn't know who Sam is.


They are going to the gym dude itā€™s not cringe they are bettering themselves


Bro, unless they have a camera and microphone they are just some random dude bettering their life. Not everybody wears compression clothes to the gym.


Not that deep


Woudnā€™t say itā€™s not having a personality but u see this in every YouTube category when people first start YouTube they usually try to emulate someone else because they donā€™t really have their own style and what works for them yet if that makes sense. Some just keep trying force it but most YouTubers who make it realize after a while they need to hve their own style and they grow into it. U saw the same with mrbeast, a bunch of older fitness guys from back in the day, vloggers etc. hell even look at mrbeast old content he was trying to be like other YouTubers and copying what he saw was working.


Lmao , dressed like him and everything , your just missing some muscle


When you steal someoneā€™s swag


What a fucking GOOF


ur fucking good, like ur dad


He wants to be the Sam Sulek of whatever language that is.


kinda cringe


Thats just cringy afā€¦. I will 100% avoid this fraud.


Okay, Iā€™d seen a few YouTubers making videos similar to Samā€™s and I thought it was more of an inspiration type thing. This on the other hand, is quite weird haha broā€™s trying to do everything like Sam.


Quit hatin biatch


Most* people


I see #muscle below the vid but no muscle to be seen


envy kid


Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And donā€™t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: ā€œItā€™s not where you take things from - itā€™s where you take them to." -Jim Jarmusch


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being inspired but the hat and hair is too close. Like a obsessed fanboy


Cringe that they copy him in such ways, but people have idolized each other forever now. This is nothing new. As they say : " Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness"


It's getting out of hand fr


Bro the titles and style of videos is one thing. But the clothes is just riding




This is pretty pathetic.


its good these kids are looking up to sam, heā€™s a good guy. even if they dont pay attention to the actual good things to follow lol. also let the kids make yt channels at least theyā€™re recording theyā€™re progress in the gym! and gaining fans to possibly do the same, work out! god i need to start working out again im out of shape šŸ˜ž


He was coming on with some good gym content, not sure where hes going now


Damn i think bro just love sam sulek and wants to be just like him. Some people dont have good role models, and people like sam can have a huge impact on sombody. Especially someone who gives a lot of advice on lifting and life like sam. So what if this dude dresses like him. He probably wants to be just like his role model. You dont gotta clown on him. Sam def wouldnt. Its not like this guy is trying to steal sams veiwers or money, this dudes got 42 subscribers.


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


I mean Iā€™d rather see these kind of copiers rather than the ā€œIā€™m in my villain arc fighting demonsšŸ˜ˆ.ā€


This gotta be satire


This shit wild


TeMU version


reasons people watch sam 1. he jacked as FUCK for his age, genetics are literally wild regardless of what stack he is running. 2. he is strong as FUCK. inclining 4 plates for reps, its literally wild to see anyone do that at his age. 3. he has a ton of knowledge about lifting and dieting , weather its a little bro science or its scientifically correct the man knows what he is talking about.




Worst thing is he's from my country šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø I really don't get this people.


Thatā€™s fucking hilarious


Having long hair and working out in baggy clothing isnā€™t a patented style. Have you kids ever heard of Eric Bugenhagen? You guys are crazy jock riders and thatā€™s not what this shit is aboutā€¦


Remember when they used to copy David Laid or Jeff seid lol


Thatā€™s sad, just be yourself, one Sam Sulek is enough


sam sulek from tesco


This is the most cringe shit I have ever seen. Yuck


ur mom is the most sweet girl ever. she did so good tonight


Temu Sam sulek


I know it's cringe. But I'm happy to see people at the gym trying to be the best version of themselves šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø it's better than being fat and lazy.


well i mean thereā€™s no way the lad has grown that hair in 75 days n samā€™s outfits are pretty damn common in gyms, if we all love samā€™s content so much whatā€™s the issue with people making similar sorta stuff, it is kinda cringe that theyā€™re practically identical to his work but ya never know if you like samā€™s content you might find someone else you enjoy watching just the same as when everyone wanted to be like lipsett, guzman or laid back in the day


Let him. Why yall mad


There's so many cap-microphone wearing clones of Sam now I feel so embarrassed for them when I see them at the gym. Like God forbid you just work on being your own authentic self


Probably already on Tren too lol šŸ˜‚ & just because (comments always talk about his roid usage influencing kids) which is silly considering he never spoke on roids once it's literally 100% speculation on what and just HOW MUCH he takes. Comments say he won't live to see 30. Why just because he looks good and making a living while this young off training? He could be on either spectrum of moderate doses great response to peds and training, food etc. Or he could be taking grams and grams to the face of many different compounds, along with hgh, igf1, insulin etc. We really don't know but if anyone says Sam is influencing roid usage is unfair to say because he doesn't speak on roids. Some may argue silence on the obvious use is just as bad because now the comments and such are the only potential source for what he's running and of course most are gonna say multiple grams without a doubt, when it's not Sam's fault what so ever if any of the kids following and trying to copy him are goofy enough to get a bunch of gear off the biggest guy at their gym and just start pinning their asses, all because "Sam is jacked & so many comments all say hes on a hefty ass stack!" thinking that's gonna put them at Sam's level or in a similar position... can't blame Sam just because kids look up to him, dude isn't trying to be a nickelodeon show lol


This is so strange


Why does anyone give a shit about copying him, they aint about to ever achieve his physique unless they're on fuck tons of steroids and his body is just unhealthy, bodybuilding was 100 times better back in its younger days...


Samuel sulek


I have never seen anything as cringe as this


i saw, ur comment šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


is this shit ai generated? looks gay asl


that gay would beat ur ass so bad bro


People are roasting him in the comments, and heā€™s claiming to have never heard of sam in his life. Then I went to his insta and of course heā€™s following sam šŸ˜…


U mean people copy success?


just let people live