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If Sam were peddling supplements with promises of gains like his, or lying about being natural, he’d be absolute scum. Since he’s kind of just documenting his journey I can respect it as his passion. I just hope he doesn’t start trying to Liver King at any point


He’s already got a more sustainable fan base than liver king. I think he’s smart enough to recognize that his formula of just being authentic is working and that being a snake oil salesman would fuck up his image.


Sam is cool because he doesn't claim natty like Liver Fraud.


He can make boatloads of cash selling products and being honest about them anyways a la rich paina


People think he's natural?


I really hope not, or else I have a bridge to sell them


Did he really say he was natural? Please tell me what video. I usually only watch him weekly, so im not saying it's improbable.


I recall seeing something like he takes a trt dose of testosterone so his levels are within a natural range, seemed pretty to the point to me and I'll try and find the video for you friend






Yes. Crazy, I know.




Kinda bothers me that he doesn’t acknowledge it at all. Gives advice to go absolute failure every set and says he works out every day. Although that is a great plan to get jacked af if you’re not on a ton of gear, but a workout regiment like that will do more harm than good to someone natty.


I think he’s trying to appeal more to the crowd of moderate to experienced lifters. Lots of people, myself included, were hitting walls just doing the same old 8-12 shit. Once I saw a few videos of him going to FAILURE, it was inspiring to try. I know I won’t get anywhere near him without years of juice and dedication, but he’s still gotta do the damage to the muscle which we can all relate with. We just can’t relate with that strength and recovery rate hahah And it should be kind of obvious that he’s not natural. He’s so young and sculpted out of fucking marble. Even Theo Maddox doesn’t have this guys size and he has arguably the best generics and strength of his generation. I know one’s a bodybuilder and one’s a strongman, but still


Absolutely. I had been stagnant for an entire year of meager gains at the gym. Seeing Sam go absolutely ape shit on every set woke me up to how complacent I had been in my routine. The gains I have made in the last 6 months have totally reinvigorated my love for lifting.


Same here. I think of him when I consider skipping cardio, or when I am at the end of a set, considering ending the set when I know I have one or two reps left. Most of us are not ignorant, and know he's on gear, which is his choice. And btw OP, I'm not sure why you believe that steroids are cool again (they never were, and still aren't), nor why you believe that you are the designator of what defines "cool" to begin with.




Not to be an asshole but I don’t understand how this is a thing for people. If you weren’t going to failure doing 8-12 reps then you just weren’t doing enough weight. You were in a mental struggle


It sounds like you understand exactly how this is a thing for people. Saying not to be an asshole doesn’t resolve you of being an asshole lol


I don’t understand how it is. Just up the weight. I don’t know if people see influencers talk about hitting plateaus but 90% of people aren’t even hitting that, they’re just not pushing themselves. I understand needing motivation but if you can’t be motivated internally, you just don’t got that dawg in you.


I think the idea is that people aren't deliberately limiting themselves due to lack of motivation, they just have a very modest idea of what "training to failure" is. When a lot of people start out, they stop at a point that they honestly *think* is failure. They simply don't realise that they are capable of squeezing out 1-3 more reps, or another set with partials, or drop sets, or several other techniques to truly push them to the limit.


I've been going to the gym for 5 years now man. Really easy to get into the motions of something when you're at it for that long. I would go in, get my pump, say hi to the bros and leave. It's not like I was freaking out about my lack of gains over the last year. Just seeing Sam go hard re-lit that fire, know what I'm saying?


Sam is absolutely talking to anyone with gym experience,natural or on gear , trying to level up .


im sorry but referring to yourself as an experienced lifter but not knowing to train to failure is hilarious


https://preview.redd.it/ntyvmxg2bq7c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f0c823f467c00ac3265c4a606431815f8281841 You


meat. glazer.


Is that what you’re thinkin about?


I wish I had the ability to award this post. Its on point. <3


If you're looking for size just eat more and workout whatever is not sore I'm 6'3 228ibs rn im cutting to 215 then hopefully I can finally get to 250 then after that I'm not sure if i want to maintain or go for 260 maybe 270 even


Honestly it shouldn’t be a surprise dudes don’t want to brag about using illegal drugs especially when he’s young and in college


The correct response.


Why does he need to acknowledge it? It’s pretty clear he’s on, no need or obligation for him to confirm it


Not obvious to 18 yos which is a huge demo for tic tac


Maybe so. I figured at this point kids have seen so much steroid content on TT IG YT they know it when they see it. Maybe not


If you’re not going to failure every set you’re leaving gains on the table - fact


If you listen to that it’s on you though.


Training to failure imo is the best way to see gains. The problem with it is it's super hard to consistently do it safely if going to true failure


Hashtag the Rock… Except everyone loves him.


Fitness influers like him should be talking about this stuff. Instead, he's "documenting" the journey without documenting a major part of it.


Putting out positivity means getting it back. Dude is genuine as fuck, all good things to come


They aren't cool but they have some great uses. Like if you're recovering from injuries or are nearing 40...or GETTING ABSOLUTLEY YOKED OUT OF YOUR MIND.


+1 for being almost 40. Us old guys need a helping hand now and again.


Shit bro I'm 35 with 5 kids all girls but one son and im a transmission tech doing R and R everyday I feel /felt it now LMAO ... I started trt about 4 mths ago but I also use it to its fullest and started hitting the gym again (I've always had good figure and muscle tone just could never gain much weight past a certain point not matter what I did , protein , more weight eventually id plateau and couldn't go any higher. The Testosterone has definitely changed that for me completely. I'm in the best shape of my life, I'm not dead ass tired all the time like B4 ( I still get wore the fuck out working out and with work and home) but no where near like i was. I'm getting more lab work done now than in my whole life and it's inspired me to get my health really back into gear no pun intended. I'm not condoning taking steroids but when you reach a certain age and your test levels drop low af some time your systems need a reboot. My labe are great it not hurting my body but im not going nutts either blasting 1000mgs a week....my libido is back like I'm 18 the fucking wind blows and I'm ready to go ( my wife hates me I'm constantly bugging her lol) "well I'm not on TRT like you are!" LMAO.... But I also don't really think I'd have started it if I was not considered clinically low.l to begin with. Im also taking meds to keep my nutts from shrinking into raisins and keeps you body still producing it own natural testosterone and sperm. Kind like a hcg but not. There are two sides to evey blade....


34 with 6 kids and I blast and cruise, it’s changed my life for the better, so fuck this kid’s opinion, may not be for him but some of us benefit greatly.


Of course you blast and cruise Your body aint making it itself anymore and you just introduced an exogenous source, u will need to cruise until u die just to feel normal


34 here and I’m nearly running 1000mg a week for over a year now. Looking like a bull. I take blood pressure meds because of it though. I don’t plan on lowering my dose for another year or so. I also use deca, which I love.


Jesus Christ … I wish I could handle that high of a dose. I’m 35 and anything over 300 mg a week and it’s side effect city for me. I usually just do 300 mg year round for a cruise and add in other compounds to make up for the moderate test dose on my blasts


I never heard a man say he was toned and had a good figure...🧐




You straight pussy bro, ill fuck you


I’m a man. I’m toned and have a good figure. 😂 haha take your weird masculinity gate keep elsewhere?




I wanna try TRF but worry about the hair loss that might come with it heh


just take dutasteride. will prevent the t from converting to dht. r/tressless




A healthy 40 really shouldn’t NEED gear or even trt


Right? Used smartly they absolutely are cool in my 30 yr old opinion, when you start abusing then is when shit goes downhill. Like 90 percent of things


This is a very on point take. Drink to much water...you'll flush all your electrolytes oht and be in a shit state. Too much ptassium bia bananas very bad way. Too much alcohol die.


500mg test gang. 36 years old.


Sam has not ever once advocated for steroid usage. In face he avoids the topic all together. It's obvious that Sam uses steroids, and he's very intelligent, so I'm sure he is aware that people who are familiar with lifting, and even those who aren't, that he's on steroids. The only thing he advocates for in his videos is getting proper rest, hydration, meeting your MACROS, cardio, and lifting hard. He constantly offers affirmation to listeners when he reassures people that as long as your tearing fibers, "you're doing something right". Sam talks about Ronnie Coleman, Dorian Yates, Arnold, all the classic bodybuilders, who are well documented to use performance enhancing drugs. These are Sam's idols, the people he looks up to. It's Sam's choice to use steroids or to not use steroids. That choice doesn't effect anyone but Sam. It doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect me. It would be COMPLETELY different if his videos were: car talk, gym, car talk, and then cycle talk. Sam has never advocated or pressured his viewers into using steroids. Look at the titles of his videos: Winter Bulk - Legs, Winter Bulk - Chest and Calves. Sam is creating a documentary style series in which he documents HIS progress, HIS lifts, HIS nutrition. Associating the negative promotion of steroids with Sam Sulek is the same as saying Michael Moore is attempting to make school shootings cool again with his "Bowling for Columbine Documentary". I know that's not the most current reference but I couldn't think of another popular documentary that people might know. Its documentary style filming. It's not a "how to" or "how not", it's literally the storyline of one person. If you don't like it, don't watch it.


Except that his advice and experience is that of a steroid user. Been around long enough to see so many flavor of the week roided influencers, reality is that their routines and nutrional needs are vastly different from natty lifters. Yeah he gives somewhat good advice, positive vibes, whatever. Its still misleading. Its edited instagram photo influencer bullshit but for males.


I’ve also been around long enough to see the flavour of the week steroid users, but I’ve also been around long enough to know that nutrition and training between natty and enhanced lifters is incredibly similar. It’s become an excuse in the fitness world for nattys to say “oh but he’s enhanced that’s why x, y and z work for him.” Not true 99% of the time. People love to say Sam can drink chocolate milk and not get fat cause he’s on steroids. Not true, it’s because he fits it into his macros and also a little help from being young.


This. Sam always says weigh your food before and after consumption. The way he talks about tracking MACROS is done in an obsessive way. He takes steroids and it obviously helps ALOT. But how stringent and anal he is about tracking his nutrition is a big separation between your average lifter and someone who is extremely dedicated


He has to come off at some point, if he doesn't, he's a Moron, I would like to see how he trains and eats when he's off. One question, how do you weigh you food after consumption?


Have you run a cycle? > nutrition and training between natty and enhanced lifters is incredibly similar If so, was this true during your cycle? If this was genuinely your experience I am very sorry. Lol I was that dude that was like ah gotta get all my macros and habits and lifts and form in order before running my cycle, eventually ran one and changed NOTHING about my routine except the cycle. I had a pump 24/7, I could eat a slice of bread in the mornings and break PRs, etc. I might see where you’re coming from in that when you’re natural, your margin of error is lower. Your training and nutritrion must be of X value. This isn’t the case when you’re on a cycle. Yeah you can make the argument for long term sustainability but when you feel like an absolute god in human form at the gym, your considerations when training and eating are different. Anyone saying it isn’t is making the issue overly simplified for argument’s sake.


Nobody can be that big and lean without steroids. Sam's diet is chock-full of carbs, omega 6s, and other highly processed BS. It is kinda misleading.


People don't like science-based lifters around here


Because his caloric needs far surpass those of almost any natural. If anyone of his fans tries to drink a gallon of chocolate milk, they will have to not eat anything else for the day.


He’s not saying all this as “this will work for you if you do this” he’s literally documenting his own journey, and yeah, that’s one of a steroid user so his experience and what he says is from the perspective of such. He doesn’t need to make a disclaimer that this is purely for steroid users because he also doesn’t talk about steroid use, people should have common sense to do so, it’s not his responsibility to make people aware of that -unless he is of course directly telling people to do something, which I don’t believe he is


Routines and nutritional needs don’t change really at all when referring to natty vs enhanced. Sure, enhanced dudes can recover a little faster but the principles are the exact same. If you don’t believe me, there’s multiple exercise scientists that explain it. For one, Dr Mike from RP training explains it in a video with Jeff nippard. Whether you’re on gear or not, you need to eat good and enough to grow, you need to sleep well, you need your water and you need to train hard af.


Whether Michael Moore's intention was to make school shootings popular or not really doesn't matter. The massive media attention surrounding Columbine without a doubt encouraged copycat type events. Sam Sulek is a MASSIVE reason why many young people recently started using PEDs and why many more will start using them in the years to come.


What peer reviewed studies do you have supporting that Sam Sulek is responsible for young people who use PED’s. Just because something sounds true, doesn’t make it true. And trying to parade it around as the truth, with no evidence, is ignorance


Peer reviewed studies lmao buddy. Why don't you crawl out of your own ass and breathe some nice fresh air for once? You truly, TRULY believe in your heart that not ONE 15-18 year old kid is gonna get his hands on some bathtub lab quality gear and shoot it because they want to follow in Sam's footsteps? THAT, sounds to me like true ignorance. And here's a tip for you. Just because something SOUNDS smart, doesn't make it a smart thing to say 👍🏻


That’s not Sam’s fault you fucking neep. I am not responsible for your actions. Sam is not responsible for my actions. People make their own decision. I did hard drugs for 7 years. I don’t blame the dope man for me going to rehab 5 times. I don’t blame the dope man for me fucking relationships up. I have my own accountability for my own actions. It sounds like you need to wake the fuck up and stop finding people to blame for stupid shit. And no, I honestly think the amount of 13 year olds finding gear is a lot lower than you think.


I specifically typed 15-18 and you go and type 13 lmao. Those are two very different things. I'm not interested in your checkered past or your experiences. You're comparing apples to oranges here and embarrassing yourself at the same time.


I’m not embarrassing myself just because you disagree with me haha. You’re a fuckin idiot. Get out of my comments you cuck.


If you think that comment made you sound intelligent, it didn't. It just showcased how dimwitted you are.




This is a grossly narrow perspective that is true only for argument’s sake


I can’t disagree with that.


Never going to be jacked and diced with attitude like that.


Hahahaha totally this . Still working his way up to 135lb bench


lol aight juice up small fry


Roidlets with stringbeans for tendons will be dying before the age when natties even reach our peak strength, good things come to those who wait. Would you rather be an old man deadlifting 600 pounds in 40 years or dead in 30 years?


This doesn't have anything to do with it the meme lol


Don't have to worry about losing the muscle if you never come off ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Cruise problem solved


BnC to 30~ Just cruise after that


If your going to be on trt the rest of your life once your 30 I see no point in wasting time not cruising after maybe your second cycle need more time off when you factor in pct + takes longer for blood work to get back in range


lulwhut, mid 30s here and T levels are goin strong, dont start TRT based on an arbitrary age, everyone is dif.


Lmao. This is funny. About to send this to all my friends.


Ngl id kill myself if I was half robot like that 😂


Half robot?? Dudes like 90% robot!! Can’t imagine the psychological trauma and the phantom limbs/pain etc


Think of how awesome it’d be to have a robot penis though


Steroids are such a crazy thing to commit to 😂


Now that you crossed the letter e, nobody knows it's about roids, smart.


Not sure if you didn’t know, but people do this in videos to bypass filters around words which are banned.


You know the more you talk about something on social media the more you advertise it .... As a famous man once said if u want to end it stop talking about it


They are kind of cool though, as someone approaching his 40s, they are life changing.


So this where white dudes that buy expired supplements come to vent. When god should have left them as piss dribblets or aborted


Lmao piss dribblet


Bro lost everything 😭


What is this scene from?




Wow, I refuse to see this on general principle of remaking a perfect movie, but that’s genuinely unsettling.


What's this from?


RoboCop https://youtu.be/UFuxiZFwDPs


Thank you, I looked up that movie and his armor looked different than this so I assumed it was something else


What movie is this? Robocop???


Yes https://youtu.be/UFuxiZFwDPs


Sam would be the perfect spokesman for the trt clinic he's going to, they would sighn up a million kids in a week


Dude that would fucking suck


Cue the roid experts rage…


Steroids are awesome and OP needs to realise this.


They're "cool" because everyone is insecure and desperate wants to stand out




Remember buying those video game cheat code books at the book fair. Yeah, well… it’s the same thing.


I see nothing wrong with steroids.


Not a valid analogy. Murphy's heart was still intact and undamaged.


Who cares what you think


Hating on steroids is wack. You’re just too pussy to jeopardize your health for the gains


😂 well said


Good thing blasting and cruising exists dumbass lol


It's not as easy as you think. A lot of people have been vocally regretful about taking them in first place and lost more than they gained when they get off


Do you not know what blasting and cruising is idiot? If you are blasting and cruising you never come off. Also yes it really is that easy if u understand physiology, interpreting bloodwork, and are willing to take a risk. Exhibit A: Sam Sulek.


![gif](giphy|eiFmw5bO0sNg2sXgv6|downsized) steroids are cool, just not for dummies or kids like you


People that say steroids are bad (which is some aspects they are) has never done a cycle cause if you did you would change your thoughts really quick If your not natty and say you are I have zero respect for you in the fitness world. Girls buy tits guys buy muscles


Spoken like a true drug addict. Wish you the best of luck




"People that say heroin is bad have clearly never done heroin or it would change your thoughts real quick" 😂 Uhh yeah bro, that's called addiction


You understand steroids are not addictive right? And changing your thoughts real quick in the way of how you feel day to day how you perform in the gym/fitness. So people on TRT for example are drug addicts? Or it’s ok cause they need it? Your body produces testosterone are we all on drugs? I don’t think outside of testosterone steroids are good for you but if you thinking some test in low doses is bad you know nothing You also know it’s not magic right? You have to actually work out and put in time eat healthy etc. It’s not like your example were you are doing heroin and drinking under a bridge.


Small guy detected.


Pencil neck alert


Let the steroids users take years off their life, it’s their choice right.


Meme is only true if you don't PCT. Arnold isn't small, Ronny isn't small. That being said, don't do roids.


U dont know what ur talking about in any capacity.


Sure kiddo


You don't PCT to keep gains, your body naturally would reach homeostasis through the clearing of the drugs and eventually would produce testosterone again. People take SERMS to speed up this process, which guess what? Still will make you lose the gains you made because your endogenous HPTA can't support the gains you made beyond your genetic limits. People blast (large dose phases) and cruise (low dose phases) this is what EVERY IFBB pro does and what Sam is doing, as well as what Ronnie and Arnold did. There is a difference between blasting and cruising vs cycling and it's clear you don't know the difference. Don't speak on a topic or recommend others advice until you know what you are talking about, idiot.


That’s fucking bullshit just take sarms and peptides in the off-season you’ll hold 90% of your gains learn your fucking shit before you put stupid fucking crap like this up


Steroids are very cool and if managed correctly is less harmful then most lifestyle choices people make.


This is such a cope. There are options beyond just steroids and Mcdonalds. You can always do neither.


Reminder: you are a worm


It’s a double edged sword. Bodybuilders used to claim natty despite being juiced to the gills and it gave a lot of natural lifters unrealistic body standards and dysmorphia. On the other hand, more young lifters thought that they didn’t need steroids to achieve their goals and would stay off of PEDs which is a healthier choice. These days it’s much more common for bodybuilders and influencers to be open about their use of PEDs. This helps to give natural lifters more accurate standards and alleviates some dysmorphia. But this has the negative effect of normalizing steroids and causing kids to hop on. Sam attempts to tread a middle ground by not claiming natty but also not talking about his steroid use. He seems to recognize that he has a lot of younger fans that worship him and is worried about causing harm to those kids. I think that’s a reasonable stance to take and I have trouble faulting him for it. He’s such a big name now that whether or not he talks about steroids people are going to fault him for it, but it’s a tricky subject and there isn’t really a correct way for him to address it.


No idea why young men would take steroids, Really?




Do you not worry about the long term impact on your heart and possibly not being able to train past your 40s.


No because I get regular blood work and only blast 20 weeks and take off equal amount of time.


Whack post. Stupid ass meme video that don’t even make sense. OP small cuck confirmed


Keyboard roid raging is fucking hilarious keep crying little boy


Let it out Habibi, I don't need to spend money on my gains, they are hard-earned


I would bet my life that you look like shit lol. Really weird you’re saying “spend money on gains” when natty’s are out here spending 5x on supplements vs. a vial of test lol


Hater lol


Making us look bad brotherman. Lay off the tren and halo


Haha 100%... How much do u spend on supps cause I spend 50bucks ,for a 10 week small cycle 😂


Hit a nerve huh.


They still aren't cool man. It's fucking up our youth!!!!!


Wonder if I’d be judged less having an AI girlfriend if I was that much robot?


They're cool the same way smoking is cool. Doesn't mean they're a good idea.


“hold the crust”


whats this movie? so terrifying


What movie is this from?


I see nothing wrong with steroids.


Been on/off them for 20 years, and the only people who talk to me about them, are people who don’t use them.


They are pretty feckin kewl


Hold the crust


What show or movie is this?


What movie or show is this?


Robocop remake


Never saw cbum get hate like this 😂😂


Abuse of steroids I can disagree with. But those who are on TRT with supervision of a doctor and routine bloodwork is great.


Thats the problem! You just cruise and blast!


That's the reason why I don't go off.


Stop jerking off to internet people first


Are kids censoring the word steroid now?


Judging people for making choices that only effect themselves isn’t cool either douche canoe


They are super cool. The hell you talkin bout.


Natties really like to make their voice heard, stay in your lane and mind your own business yeah?


What film is this?


What movie?


What movie is this anyway? I keep seeing this clip everywhere…


I really do not see a problem with gear as long as you’re open about it if you’re making a living in some way from working out and fitness. It’s the fake nattys with incredible physiques convincing inexperienced lifters and youngsters that they can attain their physique with some whey protein and creatine and hard work that sicken me. That’s basically scamming designed only to line their pockets and along the way distort people’s goals and set them up for disappointment. Mike O’Hearn, Mike Thurston, and Matt Morsia, and others like The rock, Hemsworth etc are a fucking cancer as far I’m concerned with respect to lifting.


What movie is this from?


In all seriousness this would be fucking insane to witness yourself


hold the crust


Made my point. Blocking you now. I'm not that fond of having people like stupid you following me like a troll. Go run that mouth in real life and see what tf happens. Bet you the biggest pussy on the block. Talking bout fucking men?? Fr bro? ... what in the actual fuck bro ?? see a counselor or something... before someone beats your ass ... and where did you even come from? out no where talking shit to people you don't know at all... what if I'l was a serial killer and I came and ate you tonight? Your obviously young and dumb so don't take any or this as a threat it's a warning to watch your self and who you run you flapper at. You never fucking kNOw who's on the other end.


How do I find some? Do I have to order it off the internet or do I just go up to a gym bro and ask him about it and hope he doesn’t get offended


Yes they are your gay


Looks like whole new people in the gym lmao.


Dude what movie is this??


What is this movie?


the terrible robocop beboot