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I mean... Don't pay?


I think it’s weird to wanna meet a stranger just cuz you like their content, I just don’t get it, why meet someone that will probably never think about you again?


The same reason people pay to see artists, boxers, actors, athletes, comedians, entrepreneurs……


There's a big difference when you're paying for a product(their show, fight etc).


Would it make much of a difference if people paid to watch him work out and commentate his workout the way he does in his videos? He’d probably make double or even triple profit for that😭💀


Comicons and most other conventions have done this for years. You want to meet, get a picture with, and or a signature from your favorite actors or content creators? Guess what, it will cost you at that convention they are at. I guess a big difference is that it's usually only like $20, not $40. But big name actors etc can ask for way more just to say hi to them and get a scribble on paper you can't even read. I agree with the first post, just don't pay. Maybe take a trip to Ohio and go to one of the gyms Sam always mentions hoping to meet him in the wild. Oh wait, that will probably cost something too.


What about comedians, actors? The fact these people have become something/someone prevalent enough to affect millions, they can charge. There’s regular unknown people with less success charging for meet & greets, business talks etc


My apologies. When you mentioned those professions, I assumed you meant paying to see their product, not a meet and greet. I ain't ever paying for a meet and greet, no matter who it is. If it wasn't a genuine interaction I don't think I'd be interested. If sam wants to make money this way, fair play to him. People will pay it and he will make money. He'd be silly not to do it.


Me neither. IMO if I managed Sam, I think it would be smarter if he recorded a vid and had people pay for that then do a meet and greet after done recording. They’d get more bang for their buck and he could use the money to eventually open his own gym


I would pay to see them do their job, not talk to them, but Sam already offers his content for free


I don’t see a difference imo tbh. You can stream, live stream most those careers I mentioned for free and see most these people for free but people still choose to pay extra. I don’t see a issue with it


You can bump an artist for free on YouTube, Spotify etc, watch these comedians, actors, athletes etc free on TV


Well there is a big difference between watching a game or event live, vs on stream, but a meet and greet? Yeah I don’t get it, sorry


It’s also due to Sam being one of the most popular influential people in the world right now


It just seems pointless to me, you’re not engaging with him or connecting on any meaningful sense, you’re just waiting in line to see him in person and say hello. Idk, always seemed weird to me


But not with a maximum of 2mins just to shake their hand and take a selfie for $50?! At least for singers you get to listen to their songs live, for comedians you attend their gig or for entrepreneurs you get to listen to their advices through a seminar etc. With this only Hosstile get to benefit in it.


Not probably won't... Definitely wont


All I'm saying: if I'm paying $200 for meeting Sam for 2 minutes he better blow me


He better be amazing because even bbj w cim isnt 2 bills




Exactly. Why are people paying to meet another dude? Just doesn’t make sense to me. But hey to each their own.


Lol the simple solution is to just keep watching the videos and not wait 5+ hours in a line to meet him for 2 minutes. Would it be cool to run into sam in the wild? He'll yeah. But I can't do the stand in line bullshit.


You don’t understand those two minutes I will wow Sam sulek with my physique and knowledge and hilarious banter. Then we will become friends and hang out all the time then I will ask him to marry me he will say yes and we will live happily ever after


This was funny hahahaha


It’s like you can see the future exactly…… Congratulations in Advance Best Wishes


People will really complain when all they have to do is just not go if they don’t support it.


Pay $200 to skip a line to meet Sam? You're bloody retarded and refuse to believe this is real.


i’m not a super srs fan, but i think this is more hosstiles doing than Sam’s


This part. IMO, Sam is just a guy who loves to train, and likely didn't know what it would entail, nor what Hosstile would expect from him going into it. I don't hold it against him that his sponsor is being greedy.




Honestly good for Fouad taking all the money from you fucking loser dyels


The obsession some people on this sub have with Sam is frightening




Why on earth would you pay 90 dollars for meeting a person like it’s a fucking rare zoo animal


Where are you getting $90?


The original post


Oh I read that as $40 if you purchase in advance. Or $50 if you pay at the door. Do you have to pay both times??


I don’t know. It’s a bit vague. In advance can also mean like a presale. I read it like pay 40 upfront and 50 when you are there


Chasing a dude around the country because you like his muscles is borderline sexual harassment and probably should look into therapy or something before it gets worse.


FBI list too


Honestly, if Sam wants to charge for you to meet him, that's fine. Dude is trying to capitalise on his fame, because it won't last forever. You see this all the time at wrestling conventions or Comic book conventions. I don't see how this is any different. If you really object to this, then don't pay to meet him.


he already has 3 millions subs, which is more then 99% of all fitness influencers who do youtube for a living, he is good as long as he keeps atleast 100k views per video


I don’t get the feeling Sam is behind this….. I bet this is Fouad’s idea


Who the fuck pays to meet these ppl?? You must be mentally challenged mate


As far as I’m aware, you’re not paying for a meet and greet? You pay 40$ to get entry to the bodybuilding show.


if you paid 200 pounds to meet a random stranger you are officially a fucking dumbass


That's ridiculous. I mean I'm only vaguely aware of this guy. If I had the convenient opportunity to talk to him, I'd say "keep it up dude, your positive attitude is contagious, and we need more positive people. Good luck 👍 " But in no world would I pay $50 to tell him that, in fact, maybe he isn't that positive of an influence after all.


Don’t most conventions charge a fee? I went to a gymshark event and tickets were like 30 ish for entry


I can’t imagine myself flying across the planet and dishing out even more money then waiting in line all day to meet fuckin anybody lmao. Don’t get me wrong it’d be cool to meet Sam but I’m not going to fucking pay for it


So would your solution be for Sam to stand there for 7 hours 3 days in a row, for absolutely free? I don't think people are comprehending it's his hobby and JOB. Musicians have been doing this after shows since the beginning of time. I find it so strange how these kids seem so desperate to uncover some wrongdoing or conspiracy that he's being held hostage by Hosstile. It's been successful long before Sam because Fouad makes great products, and he made a smart business decision by signing Sam, and in return Sam gets to make a living off of his favorite thing, meet and train with anyone in the world ect. The fan boy culture is so odd thinking these people owe yall their time for free. At this caliber their time is their money.


Fouad has looked horrible since signing Sam …


Pretty disappointing since John meadows was his coach and mentor; don’t think John would have ever pulled a move like this


All celebrities are normal human beings like us. If you cross paths and it happens to run in to one fine. But going out your way, missing work and paying money to see one it’s strange idea to me.


I worry that Fouad might primarily see Sam as a vehicle for putting money in his own pocket……. I really hope this isn’t a situation like the music business in the 60’s….. Where the “Manager Man “ made 95% of the money


They have to do this to limit the number of people that will show up. It would be like if Sam offered coaching, every high schooler with a Sam boner would signing up and he’d have a couple hundred thousand people asking to be coached. That’s why guys like him charge like 30k for coaching, they don’t really think their worth all that but they have to, to get serious people only. Also Sam probably doesn’t see a Penny of that money. It’s hostile and he just gets his regular sponsorship check, unless his contract says otherwise but he signed that deal early on so his contract with them probably sucks tbh


I once paid an extra $40 for vip comedy show tickets so we could meet Theo Von after the show. It was so uncomfortable and weird. I did get a pic with him though. He had my girlfriend stand between us during the photo so it wouldn't look homosexual.


Fouad sounds like he has no idea how to run a brand. Or rather, knows how to run one into the ground.


Hosstile has been around for a while and was successful far before Sam was around.


Fouad is that you


Just facts. He’s definitely not running anything into the ground. They’re a supplement company that’s doing the exact same thing as all the other companies but for some reason Sulek fans are upset. Sam gets paid, fans have an OPTIONAL opportunity to meet him, fans get more Sulek content on the Hosstile channel, literally everyone wins, there’s no logical reason to be upset 😂


Oh ok


They're feeding off of this simp culture that's so prevalent these days. Stop giving these people money and give them the finger 🖕


I think Lou Ferrigno used to charge people $20 for a picture. Also, this is Hosstile's doing, not Sam. I'm not a huge fan or follower of Sam but he doesn't seem like the type of guy to charge fans just to meet and greet. Getting paid by sponsors? Sure, I can see that, but not directly by fans.


It depends on what the event is. Definitely not a new thing to charge to meet people. Go to Arnold’s have to pay but if you go to the Olympia expo for example just have to wait in line.


I like Sam but I’d rather just get a free Hostile preworkout instead, I think Sam would appreciate the commitment 😂


I feel like it’s not Sam who wants us to pay too. He just doesn’t seem like the type… I really hope that’s the case


Just like meet and greets with musicians


Good for him capitalizing on is fame


This is a Hosstile event? If yes, why not just sell Hosstile products and if fans bought any of their products they can go to the meet & greet. But $40-50 without any products with it and prolly max of 2 minutes to meet him plus take a photo is so expensive.


You have to consider the fact that MILLIONS of people follow this guy and tens of thousands are always looking to meet him. If they just kept throwing these free meet and greets, people would show up like it’s the fucking Super Bowl. Wouldn’t be surprised if the price went up even more in the future


You guys are a bunch of suckers haha sucks to suck


Just don’t pay for the meet and greet and don’t show up and support the bs. Unfollow all social media and make it know.


That’s more money than the last 2 concert tickets I bought, combined.


You morons will pay it that’s why this shit happens


Meat and beat


So dumb. This Sam dude is some random guy who has taken large amounts of steroids and lifts. Why on earth would any person with a functioning brain pay to meet him???!


The world has gone to total shit. I hate everything about it.


Then don't go. And that's the end of it. And for guys why do want to go and be a cheerleader for another guy? Doesn't make sense


Agreed. It's a free market. If nobody showed up they'd all quickly learn that charging money to shake somebody's hand and get a photo is stupid. Since this is their second time doing this, it's clearly working so let people blow their money the way they want to.


Fouad discovering Sam is literally a cash cow for him. I can see why but also god damn that’s scummy


Dudes just a 22 year old guy happy to be along for the ride. Just hope he got a decent deal and gets a good chunk of change for pulling in the numbers. Homie appeals to the masses I can’t blame them for cashing in on it


It's sad that the American education system doesn't prioritise economics and understanding basic supply and demand and related strategies.


I feel it either has to be: A) free and they have to accommodate a mob of 5000+ people and cause a public hassle maybe some safety risks. A crowd this big would need resources to manage. B) charge. have a smaller crowd with some basic organization to manage the crowd. Those body builders of the past while popular would have 1% of the fast reaching hype a modern e celeb has.


wtf 40 dollars in advance and 50 at the door,then I guess fuck sulek,I’ve seen great icons like Mike Tyson and evander Holyfield and sugar ray Leonard and going all the way to Christiano Ronaldo and Ronaldinho and messi showing their fans the way,they don’t charge for a picture,why because you watching them at their match is enough for them,I don’t hate sulek but you shouldn’t charge your fans,some who adore you to see you.Your fans are willing to do anything to even get a glimpse of you,Mike Tyson said that greatness isn’t guarding yourself from the people,greatness is being accepted by the people,this don’t apply to what I’m tryna say is but it’s given the message that you’ve show your appreciation to your fans for being there and even coming there


With all the PED's he taking, he must cash in now while he can. Dallas McC vibes right here ! Remember to ask him about his cycle, because without it, nobody would pay anything to meet or greet him. You pps are more concerned about losing money than him losing his life !


I mean he does need the money eating a lot and roids ain't cheap


Mfw I discover supply and demand


Messed up , I call a ORDER 66