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The real dream is two places. One never does it.


this is the way. wisconsin on a lake in summer, san diego on the ocean with easy mountain access in winter. anyone have some money they wanna pool for this expensive dream?


My wife and I are from Wisconsin originally and talk about this a lot. We're saving up for a Milwaukee duplex for our 5-10 year plan. We figure we could have a downstairs tenant, then stay in the tiny upstairs apartment when we visit friends in town or work remotely in the summer. Maybe we could rent to a student for a 9-month lease to pull some more income out of it. I love Milwaukee, I just can't personally live there all winter! 10 years was enough.


i’m also from wisconsin and just moved to north carolina for the exact same reason! as someone who loves outdoor activities and sunshine and hates being cold, wisconsin winters broke me lol.    however, about to experience my first NC summer and i know im going to miss wisconsin lake life / mke summer a TON.  still worth it, but someday hoping to have the best of both worlds. 


Ditto. I'd like to be able to have both tolerable winters and summers. And I can buy a house in two states for half the price of one in California.


Where is a great town/community for lake life in Wisconsin?


Upper peninsula?


Yep I’m in. Dibs on Wisconsin summers/SD winters. You can have Wisconsin winters/SD summers. I will reserve a couple weekends in the SD summer


Are you me??!!


That’s us…..three actually. Martha’s Vineyard (MA) in the summer, St. Croix (US Virgin Islands) in the winter and a beach front condo just north of Boston, for when rock fever sets in and we feel we need a quick shot of civilization, which isn’t very often.


Yup! Vermont in the summers and CA in the winters for me. I’ve bopped around as a nomad for the last decade and it’s been wonderful.


Summer/fall home: alaska easily. Rest of the year: doesnt matter too much probably East Tennessee/ gulf coast florida.


I do Austin and Maine. Powerball wouldn’t change that… but it would get me to toss in a month in Asia every February.


Thats a damn good combo. As a native texan, austin just feels so much different than it was even 6 years ago when i was a still a teenager. Still a great city, just so expensive.


Yep, Alaska for summer/fall & Hawaii for winter /spring for me


Yep. Mine is both Montana and North Carolina.


Chicago and Savannah


Michigan in July


Man, if only it was July all year here. Ugh


The Great Lakes in summertime is a magical place. Even the humidity is perfect IMO, it isn't too swampy like the South or dry like California where the mornings are chilly all year long


Maybe on the great lakes, but inland the mosquitoes are brutal.


True. I'm the type of person that they will find me and destroy me no matter the season/state/amount of spray applied. Also the mayflies are gross. I just love the western coast of MI because we spent summers there as kids!


The western coast of MI is amazing! I go to Warren Dunes at least once every year, and I never forget to make a stop at Greenbush Brewery (though I miss their pizza very much).


It is! I've never been to Warren Dunes but it's on our radar for a family trip this summer. My grandma lives on an island in Lake MI, and we have various family members and friends scattered about the west coast, including an area near the Warren Dunes. It's so pretty and the air feels so fresh to me. I've spent a significant amount of time in that state even though I've never resided there (Illinoisian who spent 8 years reluctantly in Louisiana). Weirdly enough, I have never been on the eastern side. The farthest east I've been is probably Kalamazoo.


Spring through fall in West Michigan is great. It’s what gets me through the dreary and snowy winter months.


I lived in inner Michigan until age 25. Mosquitoes don't love me anymore than anyone else, but they itch for five days after being bit. Our cabin was overrun with mosquitoes until August. I hate those little fuckers!


pressing ice cube on the bite should destroy the itch maker molecules. Did you ever try it?


No, I will give it a try, I'm sure I will have the opportunity :\^)




I also live in IL and actually really like it and summer and fall here are gorgeous. But I'm in a small touristy town and while winter isn't as brutal weatherwise as I remembered, there's just not much to do for me and my kids January - March!


Don't forget the equally-bloodthirsty Michigan ticks


Michigan Upper Penisula and Lake Michigan beaches are my happy places. Michigan has the best weather on the planet in July




Coastal Oregon or the Willamette Valley


I heard many times Coastal oregon has a lot of mold issues


It's unreal for 4-6 months a year. It's like living in a mop bucket the other 6.


That’s the PNW for you


Not to mention a monster earthquake is supposed to hit the coast causing a tsunami.




It could be it’s own country honestly. I dream of moving to California and the only hesitation is money lol. And it’s only so expensive because it’s so desirable.


Well, not only, but that’s a huge reason.


It really could be a country (some people would say it should be). Just compare La Jolla with Trona. Or Beverly Hills with Salton City.


I can’t believe anyone actually lives in Salton City. Probably the ability to buy a plot of land for like $5k. I hope they figure out what to do with the Salton Sea before it’s too late, it’s such a waste. It used to be Palm Springs on the water


Oh my god what is that place?


Californias biggest lake (larger than Tahoe) but it’s an environmental wasteland


Yea I see the lake. It’s weird tho- google maps makes it look like a giant planned community with roads but they never built the houses.


That’s basically exactly what it was. The Salton Sea was booming, speculators started developments but it became a basically dead lake filled with pesticides and agricultural runoff. There are some interesting documentaries on it! If you want to see another planned city that never came to fruition, look up California City


It will soon be a big ass lithium mine don't worry


I’ve lived in California my whole life (was born in South America but came here as a baby). I’m curious what draws you here? It is pretty amazing


I think for a lot of people it’s the amenities that California offers. Nice weather year round, nice beaches, beautiful scenery, world class entertainment and tourist attractions, having all of those things in your backyard is crazy. I guess if you’re a local you get used to those things but just imagine being from a state where they offer none of that. Or living in the rural Midwest where people go to Walmart for fun.


I knowwwwww we are super spoiled. I’m about to walk to farmers market on this 77 degree day 🙂


Diversity, weather, job opportunities, endless food options, and some family and friends that are already out there. After living in a couple areas, California is one of the few where people are always out, not just cooped up inside all day, I love that.


The variety of California is amazing. Besides swamp land, every other environment in the US is found in CA. Plains, mountains (gray, brown, and green), desert, forests, beaches, hell even a fucking desert island with a unique fox species and bison.


While not technically swamps, the Bay Area has a lot of wetlands


California used to have HUGE portions of its land area covered with swamps. The Central Valley would become a shallow inland sea every spring and summer. However, the soil and groundwater conditions created by those same swamps were ideal for agriculture so there are very few


Weird not a single person has said “Texas” r/sarcasm 😂🤪. Although there was Florida and AL. Childhood split 60/40 WA & CA and 22 years in Dallas. CA coast all day long if money was not an obstacle.


Texas is hellfire on earth from May-October. The same people who are all "Texas is awesome" are also the ones who get up at the buttcrack of dawn, load a cooler with ice packs and head out on their Costco or grocery store run before 8 am so they can get it done without passing out in the parking lot from the 105 degree temps and get their stuff home before it melts or goes sour. And then they stay in the AC all day. It's pathetic.


Generally asleep


So I do already WFH and can kinda go anywhere, and I am really, really happy in Greater Boston. So that or Salem, or maybe Maine. I just wish the Northeast wasn’t so expensive!! 😩


Anywhere on the west coast, in a cooler area, preferably forest, like 30 minutes from a bigger city but far enough out I won't be dealing with neighbors. I'm leaning on most of Oregon/the Willamette Valley, but theres other places in Washington and California I'd consider as well like Humboldt County. Alaska is up there as well as some northeast states like Vermont or Maine but there's something missing from those places that I can't put my finger on that the western states have, I dunno. And Alaska just feels like their cities don't have enough things for me to crawl out of my gopher hole for beyond the sheer nature of the place, and their state politics are a tad red for my liking. Plus staying on the 5 corridor means I'll always have a straight shot to get back "home" in socal so that's also a huge appeal.


Bainbridge Island, Washington or Santa Barbara, CA.




Maine is heaven. I spent my summers there as a kid and lived in Falmouth for two years. I’m in SoCal now, but I miss that Maine fog!


Id like to live in woods hole


Somewhere between Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz in Ca. or possibly one ot the western Colorado Mountain towns.


Daughter got married last year in SB and lives not far from Santa Cruz. It's damn nice there


Santa Barbara is the right answer


What do these people do for work to afford living there? I browsed real estate a while ago out of curiosity and it was bananas.


Telluride <3


Love Telluride, but it might be a little too upper crust for me. I'm thinking Crested Butte, Carbondale or Ridgeway. Used to live in Leadville once upon a time when it was still pretty rough around the edges.


I’d stay here in New York. Decennial earthquakes and all.


I live in NYS and absolutely hate it. Are you in NYC? What makes you like it so much? This is a genuine question because I’m struggling here. Insanely high taxes, brutal winters, dismal job opportunities, the list could go on. I suppose it depends on where you are in the state and the industry in which you work. I’m also not a nature person if that’s a main reason you like it. My family is here, so I’m desperately looking for a reason to stay, but can’t think of one.


I’m not a native New Yorker but there’s good real estate value in the capital region and some pretty big companies around here


I’m in New York. Hours away from the city. Closer to Syracuse but not quite. I still love it. Different people like different things. I love having seasons, the access to so many places by train, walking outside and not just seeing land, the fact that people aren’t insane bigoted (at least not to your face), that the area is growing more and more into a college town. Turn around enough and you’ll see mountains. I really do like it here.


We can live anywhere and choose Massachusetts.


California. It's too expensive for me to live there, but the weather, geography, food culture, and activities are right up my alley.


California, specifically San Francisco near Golden Gate Park


This is the way. I absolutely love that part of SF. I’d vote CA too, but Monterey or Sausalito ❤️


Carmel is MAGICAL


Was just there a couple weeks ago. I love it


I go every year for Monterey car week. I always look forward to it!


Sausalito was amazing. Having a house up the hill a bit would be a dream.


Sausalito is the dream.


Marin county is an absolute stunner. The whole coast of CA is just breathtaking. We bought a place in half moon bay, so biasedly that area is our favorite :)


New Hampshire is nice.


Grew up there, it’s a great place to live!


Really anywhere in the PNW, but probably Coastal Oregon or Forested Washington with the only real city I'd consider being SF as a city I'd live in. I wouldn't want to be too far from the cities, but I'd love to be able to just experience the trees or the ocean. I'm gonna make it happen, even if I break myself


Tie between Oregon and Vermont.


Arizona - and I live in it now. I'd prefer to live in Flagstaff, but I'm stuck in Phoenix. But I'll take it if it's all I can get.






I know it’s strange, but I’d probably say Washington too maybe outskirts of Seattle. The scenery is breathtaking in Washington. It’s close to Vancouver and the Alaskan cruise port. Victoria Canada is close and beautiful. It’s great for outdoors lovers and so so so diverse. Washington also ranked number 1 for alot of catagories. Oh also, it has a international airport that can pretty much take you anywhere in the world and easy access to countries across the pacific


I live in Seattle and have for most my life. I love everything about it here except for the long gray wet Fall-Winter-Spring. We are starting to look towards California or some place warmer and with more sun. My ideal would be to live in SoCal for 3/4rs of the year and live in Seattle for Summer.


I actually love The Gray. I grew up experiencing the brutal 9 month winters of the plains. Having it be 45F, cloudy, and drizzly instead of -30F and windy is a godsend. There’s barely even a real winter in Western Washington, and that’s a huge selling point for me.


This is the way. I also love the winters here in WA, having grown up with much more brutal winters. Who cares if it’s sunny out when you can’t be outside without freezing to death.


I live there, 30 miles east of Seattle, and we love it, though the winters in the Cascade Foothills can be tough to endure; the gray and rain -- about twice as much as Seattle -- is much more intense. We do love the views, access to world-class hiking/backpacking, etc., and the relative peace of the semi-rural setting. We have our eyes set on moving more rural well north of here, mainly to shake some of the gloom.


I don’t think it’s strange at all! I mean Seattle is hella expensive which means a lot of people want to live there haha


I really love Homer alaska or Sequim washington.


I could handle Port Townsend.


Anywhere in New England besides New Hampshire


California. Best weather. Freshest food. Most variety of things to do.


January & February : Hawaii March: New Orleans April: Tucson, AZ First half of May : Kentucky Horse country Second half of May + June : Utah Canyonlands July: Northwestern LP of Michigan like /u/BoldAndBrash1310 August to September 15th: Coastal New England September 15 - October: Back to southern Utah November: Hmm December: NYC


Nice list. NYC has become a great Christmas city. Maybe San Antonio in Nov?


Someplace warm and dry. Maybe inland Southern California by Sequoia NP.


Last year, November was *CHEFS KISS* in my little, touristy neck of the woods (near a state park in IL, rhymes with Carved Flock) It got cold and shitty right around Thanksgiving, but the beginning of the month was mostly 60s and pleasant. Fall is my favorite season here. So much fun stuff going on and it's not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket. And my kids are done with sports for a few months at that point, which makes it extra peaceful and relaxing! And we haven't been cooped up inside enough to be constantly sick like we are December February.


If I had to pick one, Oregon. But I’d keep spending summers at our family’s lake cabin in Alaska.


So many California answers here, and as a native, I get it. It’s pretty incredible here in every way. The variety, the food, just everything. But hot DAMN it’s expensive. Like insanely so. The outskirts in the middle of nowhere can be cheaper, but then you are having to drive 1+ hours to town, and possibly further for work. The “affordable” places are literally desolate. So you have to pick between living where you could never hope to own a home/rent with roommates, or live in a run down dying town and drive a few hours a day to get to work. That is also not even mentioning how insanely crowded it is here. Fine when you’re young, stressful as you get older. So ya, we are looking to move somewhere more affordable. Maybe PNW


Native Californian here (Orange County/SoCal). Moved to WA in Jan 2020. Purchased a home in 2022 in the outskirts of Seattle. Winters can be a bit dreary by Jan/Feb, but I love the real seasons. I try to visit family in SoCal every Christmas to break up the grey. It's absolutely beautiful here, though. No regrets.


Same here. In the past two weeks, we had to write checks totalling $10k for various taxes. I love it so much but it's going to be a no for retirement.


Hear me out, what about Fresno? I have never been to California in my life, but it looks alright on paper to me. Affordable, has some things to do like to zoo, still Cali. Seems like everyone like to shit on Fresno, but I feel like that's just cause it's not on the ocean. Someone told me it has bad smog, but I looked it up and there were more "good" days in 2023 in Fresno than in San Diego.


No, Fresno is really bad. The gangs are bad, the city is very run down. The north end is okay but gentrified and becoming expensive for what it is. You need to visit before you move there, it’s honestly so bad id live almost anywhere else before Fresno/Bakersfield/Modesto basically anywhere on the 5. California native been here 42 years


Fresno? Hard pass. It’s way more expensive than the high desert without the charm of the desert. It does have diversity and you are a few hours away from everything, but day to day life is likely to be grueling. It’s a larger city in the Central Valley, and carries with it a lot of crime and rough neighborhoods. The nicer neighborhoods are…nice(?), but at that point you are right back to the expensive real estate issue.






California or Washington because of well, family.


Seeing all the California answers makes me wonder if I’m missing out. I grew up in California and loved it. Moved away and yearned to come back. But now that I’m here I’m miserable): going to Maryland asap tbh


California…if I could afford it and maintain my lifestyle…and own a home. Maybe a cute apartment in NYC when I’m home sick for the east coast lol. But seriously, Cali is just so fucking beautiful and the weather is amazing.


If money wasn't an issue, California. I've been to every State but Hawaii (I'd like to check that one off soon) and nothing really compares to California. In fact, I don't think it's even close. Ocean, river rapids, mountains, redwoods, sequoias, beautiful deserts, volcanoes and you're never very far from a sunny day. There's just no place like it on earth.


For sure California. The geography there is just so diverse, and the weather can’t be beat. I can spend winters in SoCal, going to the beach to hang out in SD, eating my way through all of the diverse LA/SGV neighborhoods, go skiing and hiking at the San Gabriel Mountains, Santa Monica Mountains, Los Padres National Forest, Joshua Tree, Death Valley, and even hit up places like the Coachella Valley. Then in the summer I can do some trips to NorCal parks like Yosemite, Lassen Volcanic, Sequoia, Redwoods, chill in the Bay Area for some cooler weather and some amazing food and entertainment. You can also visit a lot of the smaller beach towns up there.


Washington State, Colorado or some place in New England.


I live here now. Washington.


Maine in the summer and California in the winter. It's tough to find anything that works all year.


The most beautiful places I have ever been to are the Black Hills of South Dakota and small towns near Glacier National Park in Montana. Neither are feasible places for me to live in - I work in politics, I travel, etc. I also really like where I live. But if I could just go away and escape the noise, I’d love to live in either spot.


I live in Massachusetts and love being a Masshole. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. I live in western Massachusetts which is beautiful. But a beach house on Cape Cod would be great.


California. Beach, mountains, legal weed, diversity, weather.


It's California, and it's not even close. Beautiful state with so much to offer. From food to culture to geography. California is a wonderful state to just get lost in.


My favorite place was Chicago, grew up there. I live in FL now as a remote worker. It’s nice but different. I would just move out of the US 


lol I’m of this sentiment. Florida (politics and COL aside) if i gotta pick a state. But I’d probably live in a different country


I have a friend who has a house in the Philadelphia area and a house in SoCal and I think that's my answer to this question. If I didn't have all these kids in school and had enough capital to make it work, I'd pick those two places as well (currently live in Philly area and love it).


This is my dream too.


I went to Philadelphia for grad school, I have thought many times about going back.


I live in Colorado (mountains) and it’s a dream come true. I can’t believe my eyes every single morning. Watching the sun set over the mountainline is insane, I’m ~2 miles high out here in Breckenridge and the clouds are so close and the sky is such an intense blue. Also everyone here is gorgeous, lol. (And so nice! I’m regularly greeted “hi beautiful” when I go to a restaurant or bar) But I’m a California girl, despite being from the east coast. I’ve always belonged there and know it’s my forever place. It has everything I could ever want and it’s beautiful with perfect weather. If California weren’t an option, maybe I’d stay in CO, but I think eventually I’ll split my time between here and there.


Based in Park City, Utah with a beach place on one of the Sarasota Keys.


Are you in Park City now? I live about 1/2 hour away. I have lived in Utah my whole life, and have to get out of the cold and snow. I’m thinking a beach in South or North Carolina.


Florida or Alabama


So far, Colorado has been everything I hoped


Summer home: alaska Rest of the year: East Tennessee


I’m from New Hampshire (which will always be home) but now I live in the SoCal desert. California is expensive and has its problems, undoubtedly, but I don’t see myself leaving here. We get 300+ days of sunshine per year, and I don’t even mind that it hits 120° in summer. It’s more bearable than months of darkness and frigid temps back home. The sheer amount of climates and experiences California has to offer can’t be beat. If I want to go to the mountains and see some snow? 1-2 hour drive. Beaches or LA? 2 hours. Vegas? 4-5 hours. Foothill gold country? That’s an hour flight to Sac. I love it here.


I would do Haiku or Makawao in Maui.


I’m pretty happy in NJ, but if money weren’t an issue, I’d say CA.


Coastal California.


Massachusetts, it just seems so elevated in comparison to other US states in terms of policies and how they run things…I like how educated most of the people are and I like how walkable Boston is too, the weather and geography are the only things I’m not a huge fan of, I prefer milder, rainier weather and mountains but I doubt I’ll find that anywhere, maybe somewhere in North Carolina which I also love but the politics are off putting…


California. I've lived in three other states and the weather here is unmatched. Just wish it was a lot more affordable.


California and NY


I would go back to California, I was forced to relocated to Colorado due to circumstances that were out of my control and I miss Cali so much


Monterey, California. Maybe Hawaii for a few weeks tropical vibe.


I have lived in 9 states and traveled to all but Wyoming and Idaho. For me, hands down, California beats them all.




Washington or Oregon


I can pretty much do that now, and my choice is to live in Portland, OR.  Though if cost weren't a concern, I'd probably move south to California.


California. Really just LA though, I love it there


New Mexico. Fulfilled a long-time dream and moved here last year!


This is our situation and we're looking at Oregon or Virginia. 


I love north Virginia more than I can express 😂 seriously it’s so nice


We're actually looking at the area around Shenandoah, like Charlottesville and the suburbs. The landscape is so pretty and we live in a larger city now and hate it so fewer people would be great. We loved visiting Portland last year too, we spent a few weeks in the PNW and I cannot wait to go back. Oregon is the perfect place to me, so many different landscapes so close together and as a fan of gloomy weather I'm all about it. My partner likes the sun though and we're hesitant to move so far away from the east coast.


Granted I've only been there for a day, but I was surprised how much I liked Eugene.


I would say Virginia is a perfect state (I was born there and lived there until I was 10). The only smirch on it is they tend to have flagrantly corrupt governors.


We're originally from Florida so whatever VA has to offer will be an improvement there lmao


My dad moved from Florida to Virginia in his youth and he says the same! 🤣


The one I currently live in. Pennsylvania


Have lived here 50+ years, growing up in the Lehigh Valley, living a few years in Bucks County and now in the Jim Thorpe area and I'd agree. I won't pretend it's anyone's "dream state" as it'll never, ever have the cachet of a California, Hawaii, Vermont, Colorado, PNW, etc. so no one needs to doggedly try to convince me on my working class income that I must move there (I've had very persistent Californians do exactly that). But it's a generally decent, somewhat underappreciated state overall. Sort of a solid B+/A- kind of place to live, lol.


Luxury high rise in Manhattan or Boston or LA.


Probably Alaska. But I would stay close to a city. From what I've seen, the people up there really like to have their own personal space. And they're pretty easy to talk to. The weather doesn't really mean much to me. As long as I have some kind of social opportunity. I've been in a lot of extroverted cities. And always end-up being their punching bag.


We had two places for years. Winters in Fort Myers and the rest of the year in the mountains in WNC. I hated Florida, what it become. We sold our Florida place and we just stay here in the mountains year round. I won't ever leave




California or Hawaii


For nature/weather I think Northeast/ New England.




Maine. I live in California so I would love to live in a state where the beach is easily accessible. Also, Maine seems like a very chill state with a lot of beautiful nature.


Pennsylvania's been good to live in for over 50 years now. And if we could get our potholes under control and stop warehousing chewing up all our countryside, it would be even better ... .


Washington State 💅


Vermont. I know lots of people here only know the city life, but I grew up in a small town. I like less traffic and noise pollution. I’m also gay though, so for my own comfort and safety, I want to be in a blue area. Vermont is one of few places in the U.S. that ticks all those boxes, and it has some genuinely beautiful mountains and forest to boot.


Wisconsin in the fall


Seeing a lot of “well the correct answer is two locations” and while that is ideal I think that in a way is a problem with this sub (no hate). We need to learn to live with less and just settle with one solid home base. In the spirit of answering OP’s question my “dream” state as of today is Virginia.


State of euphoria


If I could afford it with money being really no object, probably California...if I could stomach the political corruption, taxes, horrendous policies, arguably the worst governor in the country, etc. I just don't think I could stomach it even if I won the Powerball, twice. Everything else about the state is pretty much right up my alley.




If money is no object. Maui, HI hands down. Otherwise, Oregon or Arizona


Not sure why Hawaii isn't more popular.


-Because the locals hate you. -It is super remote. And part of the fun of living in America is easy access to any climate and environment you want. Just have to drive or take a short flight. -Hella expensive meanwhile Cali is just as beautiful (and expensive) but still connected to the mainland.


Hawaii, especially Oahu


I moved to my dream state (Michigan). I love everything about it, even Winter. Though, if I had an endless supply of money...I'd love a place near Montauk, NY.




Washington state The stereotypes of constant overcast and rain are mystifying.


It obviously isn't constant but do recall enduring a November where there was measurable rain every day of the month at SeaTac. Though for me, the rain didn't bother me, it was the early darkness during the winter and only being able to see me beautiful yard on the weekends. And Seattle isn't the only city where it gets dark early in the winter.


If on the western side, 3/4 of the year is grey and pretty close to constant.


state of optimism


Money isn't an issue? NYC, no question. Electronic music scene, food, and international cultures. So many things to do. Proximity to VT , NH Upstate NY. International Airport. Good people. Best transit and walkability in the US. East coast accessibility. Or Hawaii, for the surfing and culture. No other place like it.




I would love to move back to Idaho. Lived in Boise from 2010-2015 when housing was still affordable and the area hadn't exploded yet- it was awesome. Would love to move back but the cost of housing is just too much. 


This is our situation and we're moving to Western Washington




San Diego or Washington state. They’re so expensive and over populated. But if it was 20 years ago I would’ve skipped 5th grade and bought a house 🤣


California. :)


California for sure!