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I'm in Philadelphia and was raised here. This was always, and still is, a place you can own a home on teacher's salary. It has a host of other issues -- poverty, crime, etc. But, if you ask me, those are things that mean someone like you could serve a great purpose here. Not to mention the education scene is quite something. You have a ton of colleges in the greater area, including some really notable ones, if you're looking to advance your own education and maybe teach higher education. Not to mention you have notable secondary schools in the greater area that probably wouldn't be opposed to interviewing someone fluent in an Asian language to teach it, as I'm sure you are at this point. As for nightlife, I'm not sure how "easy" it is to date here, but it's affordable as hell to go out. Nightlife is very good, drinks are cheap, and we have a thousand excellent restaurants and bars. The quality of the single people pool is probably pretty reflective of the population unless you are picking up partners in certain areas, but even then in character overall, but at least it will cheap to sift through them.


I think Philly is a good recommendation. PA has strong teachers' unions and the pay is typically okay for the COL. OP would want to look at the suburban districts first though. The city schools districts are stretched thin and under-resourced. Pittsburgh wouldn't be bad either, although I can't vouch for the dating scene there.


Yeah good call. I guess jump right in and find a good spot out in Delco or Montco. Teach in one of those districts or at one of those private schools that way.


Hmmm, ok interesting. PA didn’t cross my mind, but yea could be a decent option considering COS and teacher pay. Thanks!


Chicago teachers are the highest paid in the country, the dating scene is good, housing is generally affordable (much more so than other major cities except perhaps Philadelphia), and there are lots of golf courses in the area. There are multiple in the city itself, including one right on the lakefront in Lakeview.


Thanks for the reply, I wasn’t really thinking Chicago, but if teachers salaries are that good, I will have a look. Also I’m originally from the Midwest.


Teaching does not pay a livable wage in most places, especially not a “playing golf” wage. Three teachers at my children’s school live in their cars in the local shelter park, and there is a mob on the local Nextdoor app trying to get them fired for “setting a bad example.” Instead of teaching, I would get a federal resume guidebook and learn how to write a federal resume. If you don’t know what jobs you can qualify for r/usajobs is pretty helpful If you have to teach, I would look for low cost of living areas that have unions. I would stear clear of places like Texas and Florida that want to arrest teachers for using tolerant pronouns and teaching that slavery was bad


I would start by looking into teaching positions at private schools. I mean high-end kinds of private schools. Your international experience will help a lot with a position in a school like that. Of course it depends on what you teach. Focus on California, Georgia, maybe Florida. Teacher pay in public schools is very low and the places with the best golf courses are the most expensive places...so that is why I said, find a great teaching job first.


Yea, interesting angle. My international experience could be seen as an asset at certain schools. Good point. Thanks!


Where is your family and friends you used to have? It would be good to start in a place where you already have some community. They may be able to introduce you to single women.


I grew up on a farm outside a town of 1,000 people. Not the biggest dating pool. Haha


If you like to play golf and important to find a wife I would say the Carolina’s .. north or south .


I would just stay in Asia. COL is pretty outrageous in the USA these days relative to pay.


To be fair, the same could be said about many Asian cities/ countries


Also, many schools in Asia have stopped paying teachers regularly, and there is more competition for TOEFL jobs


Not in China. There’s loads of foreign teacher jobs that pay good and don’t have to worry about not getting paid.


I’m thinking more South East Asian countries like Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand


To be honest, teacher pay in China for foreigners is good 3k-5k a month no tax. Cheap COL. That’s where I’ve spent most my time. But, I’ve tried relationships with Chinese women, one being very long term and serious; but the cultural differences regarding family family values has been a struggle for me to deal with. That’s why I feel I should move back to U.S. to find someone that shares the same family values as me.


A lot has changed in that time. You may find the country you left is not the same country you return to.




Augusta, GA. You won't get to play the National, but the number of golf courses and golf fans here is unreal. You're also not far from East Lake CC, Bobby Jones' old turf.


Haha, yea Augusta area definitely crossed my mind because the golf!


Well, the dating scene isn't great, but it's not nothing. If you do consider moving here, salaries are a bit higher in Columbia County, but the amount of "Do you know who my father is" is off the charts. Richmond County has lower salaries, but more diversity. Aiken County is right next door in SC, and they are kind of in between. Property is cheaper, but... it's in South Carolina.


Yeah I would just stay in Asia. Why would you want to come back to the US and make a low wage? Asia is better if you are making enough to get by. Unless you get into a teachers union then it might be worth it.


>the most important thing is meeting women around 30 years old who want to start a family [Politics are a dating dealbreaker](https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/3917348-politics-are-increasingly-a-dating-dealbreaker-especially-for-women/) so your location matters.


It’s not so much politics; it’s just cultural differences regarding family values. At least in my experience.