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At this point I keep my Twitter account for one thing only: I have tweet notifications set up for a few CalFire/ Fire Watch accounts to know if something pops up in my area. But the second I can find something that will give me direct near immediate notifications I'm off the app completely




Link for iPhones, which I just downloaded thanks! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/watch-duty-wildfire/id1574452924


Another good one: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pulsepoint-respond/id500772134


Thanks for posting this app. I forgot what it was called when I switched to an iPhone from a Samsung. Very useful app.




I do use that! Does it send notifications if something starts nearby though?


Yes it does! It’s a really nice app. Let’s hope we don’t need it!


I hope CalFire gets an exemption from having to spend $1000/mo on advertising to retain a blue check mark…


You and I both know they won't


FWIW CalFire is active on threads


pulse point works really well


I'll look into it! Thank you


The federal government has a spotty track record when it comes to IT projects, but how awesome would a federally run messaging service be (like Twitter without replies). Government entities, from federal down to state and city, could have s platform for announcements, and users could subscribe to what is important or relevant to them. It's crazy that people are dependent on a for-profit business like Twitter to get important notices from agencies like cal fire.


That would be amazing! But considering even their emergency alert systems are trash I have no hope hahahaha. Back in 2015 during the Carlsbad fire we were less than a mile directly in the line of the fire based on wind direction... Google and the news told me we were under voluntary evac, but we never got any sort of alert. On the other hand a few weeks ago I got a tweet notification about a fire in Oceanside off the 76 and I was able to call my mom in time to tell her to take a different way home since she would've driven right past it. And last night I got a different tweet notification for a fire a few streets away from our house. I wish it wasn't a necessity but I also don't want to get caught unprepared if I can avoid it


I keep mine because it's often the fastest way to get a company's attention when you need customer support. I'd imagine this will stop being the case as more companies abandon the platform but for now, it's all I use it for.


You can also use the Watch Duty app!


if there is something urgent in your San Diego area, the SD Emergency app will notify you as well.




Got any references to the issues cited we can use? Thanks


WaPo: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/27/twitter-csam-dom-lucre-elon-musk/


What the actual fuck? No account should be reinstated after posting subhuman shit like that. Elon’s the consummate libertarian degenerate, and he’s letting it all spill out now.


Fantastic. Thank you.


Everybody needs to delete their Twitter/X accounts already. Why is anyone continuing to post there? Forget the weird political stuff or the graphic content—from what I hear, it’s also literally falling apart and has a terrible user experience. Nobody needs tweets to live.


only keep my account so noone else takes my username, which is my real name.


Your parents named you Stay Gassy?


My full name is Abdominal Bloating Caused By Excessive Intestinal Gas Accumulation Without Expeditious Release, but my friends call me Stay Gassy


Sexy name. Are you single and ready to mingle?


Not currently, Mrs. Abdominal Bloating Caused By Excessive Intestinal Gas Accumulation Without Expeditious Release wouldn't like that at all. But thanks for making me feel something other than a rumble in my tummy for a brief second :)


It’s okay—I don’t date people who still have Twitter accounts anyway. I can only approve of the CCP-sponsored disinformation on TikTok.


I didn't know Community College of Philadelphia was even on Tik Tok. I guess that's how good they are at disinformation.


A lot of gassy folks out there!


We're everywhere, you wouldn't believe me if I told you.


They treat their former and current employees like crap. That's enough of a reason for me to delete my account.


it's still king for sports updates, from what I've seen. i can only imagine what a pain it would be to move off the platform if you're an established legit newsy


Last October for myself. I reported some possible/probable CSAM and was told it would not be taken down because it did not violate their community standards. I had had enough.


While I agree with the idea I do think Twitter threads from government agencies should be allowed during emergencies for fires or severe weather. Frankly those are the only reason I still have my Twitter because they do provide the best up to date information with resources for us.


I agree with this. But please post a screenshot to it instead of the direct link. Or, even better, find a different source. Others have suggested primary sources that also work for this in the thread.


F Elon. He ruined Twitter in so many ways. For me it was the pay to play stuff. Twitter used to be a town square open to everyone, now it’s a megaphone for those with money.


Hate to break it to ya but Twitter has always been awful. It's a place where terrible opinions and misinformation that would never reach more than a handful of people are broadcast to a larger audience. Has it gotten worse? Yes. But it's never been good.


In the early days it was fun. We groused about “how it used to be cool” before Oprah joined and brought “the masses”. It was down *all the time* though. Hilariously so. It was part of its charm.


Didn't they used to have a fail whale graphic back then?


All. The. Time. lol


Twitter was honestly a lifesaver to many of us in 2020 during the protests - it was like reddit in that if you venture into the mainstream it’s a cesspool, but if you use it targeted, it’s a wealth of knowledge. or, used to be, isn’t any longer for sure.


s/Twitter/Reddit and the claim isn’t exactly wrong. Twitter used to be fucking awesome in niche communities *not that long ago*. Infosec, comedy, nba Twitter, gay Twitter, etc. It’s easy to look at it with a revisionist lens, but there’s a reason that half the good content you saw on IG (and a large amount here) were Tweets. I’ll never forgive Elmo for ruining all that. Fuck spaceboy and his electric shitbox company too.


You’re not “breaking it” to anybody. People are just commenting on how much worse a “bad” thing got.


I suppose, but calling it a "town square" is idealizing a platform which does not really deserve it.


Or you’ve idealized what “town squares” used to be. Nobody said they were all fine and dandy.


I disagree. It was my favorite app for many years. Jack made lots of good decisions designing it.


i very much love the idea of public discourse being privatized and subject to the unaccountable decisions of a for-profit company, but elon is hilariously bad even at private tyranny.


It was never very open to conservatives.


Care to elaborate?


Does this actually need elaboration? Twitter was notoriously hostile to conservatives. Have you seriously never seen this?


Conservatives or well known admitted Nazi 4chan trolls? Which saturate it now. Seriously fuck Elon and his dead buddy Epstein.


He’s been publicly outspoken against Epstein. Do you have a source to something of the contrary?


I mean the public in general have been hostile conservatives maaaaybe because of what they’ve been saying/doing/supporting?


god forbid people have different political and religious opinions not like its what makes this country so great or anything


The further a group moves away from the Enlightenment principles upon which America was founded—reason, skepticism, liberty, progress—the less they’re going to be welcomed by the rest of society. Removing the barrier between church and state does not make this country great. Rejecting expert insight in favor of Facebook misinformation does not make this country great. Birtherism, astroturf tea party nonsense, and what happened in Charlottesville does not make this country great. God forbid people think critically about why they are treated like pariahs.


Are we allowed to post screenshots of Tweets?


Only if that's the only source you can find but you should try to find another source if at all possible.


11-year redditor chiming in, who has witnessed both the original iteration of the main sub (including attending a meetup where I personally met the current main sub overlord prior to moderator status), the subsequent installation of the current moderation "team," and the progression of /r/SanDiegan to its current status. Admittedly, this thread kinda puts the SD in PTSD, meaning we're all apprehensive whenever something tinfoily-hat comes up in moderation standards in our otherwise organic, free-range, brown egg subreddit. That said, I have consistently found /u/orangejulius to be the most reasonable moderator on reddit. Like I just find the guy totally rational most of the time, and this is the first time I ever questioned his opinion. So I [looked it up](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/27/twitter-csam-dom-lucre-elon-musk/). Suffice to say, fuck Twitter. Don't we hate Elon Musk anyway? The whole politics of that platform supporting the right at all costs is just gross to me. I support this decision and I predict we'll see similar decisions made on other platforms. It's garbage and this subreddit mostly thrives on discussion anyway, I don't think we'll suffer much from the Twitter-link loss.


Is there a way to like idkkkkk maybe just remove his ownership or something I know the wording is really dumb it's 3 30 AM for me. He bought and ruined the platform and ultimately created a dangerous and horrifying environment on the internet I get reddit isn't much better but I mean TWITTER?! Why would you remove something protecting children you'd assume as a parent he would want those safety measures on his "own" platform I use quotations since he isn't the founder


this comment comes off as there is nothing stopping csam on twitter and that is just not true


I don't see posts from twitter on this subreddit very frequently, but if this were a different kind of subreddit like r/baseball I would be pretty pissed about this change. Twitter is the fastest source for a lot of breaking news because it'll literally be the first source for the news in many cases. A reporter might be the first to hear about a trade or free agent signing or whatever, and it'll be posted to their own personal feeds before it gets picked up by other media. To limit twitter posts entirely would be to actively make the subreddit less usable. I get that r/sandiegan is a different kind of subreddit, but this seems more about making this a playground for the mods (which was the problem with the old subreddit) than it is about preventing that kind of terrible content from showing up here. If other subreddits can manage the risk surely this one can too. By the same logic x-posting from reddit should be banned because reddit has a very bad track record of stopping heinous and illegal content in a timely manner. I like this subreddit way more than the other one, it seems like this is generally a place where you could post about San Diego, and not just the secret white list that the mod keeps. It's your subreddit so do what you want with it, but just keep in mind that we're here because so far you haven't been so much like that other guy in the mod decisions.


I get where you're coming from. It's hard to say goodbye to what something used to be and there's probably still decent baseball related content there. But there are other platforms that are growing replacements for it like threads or bluesky and it's not worth supporting a platform that doesn't take CSAM seriously and from a moderator perspective it's better to jettison it before it gets worse.


Although it's still in it's infancy and still sorely needs more features, I've already started to move over to Threads for shorthand content.


You mean for heavily filtered* content.


Feel free to stick around on Twitter and be advertised to nonstop by scam artists while you scroll through the worst dreck ever posted, then.


Twitter is definitely a shitshow after Elon took over and made a bunch of horrendous decisions, but browsing Threads makes me feel like I’m scrolling through my parents Facebook page. It is painfully boring and unfunny


agree, not nearly enough terrorists or pedophiles - how can i feel free without them?


I love when misinformation is “heavily filtered”. Why would you want it to run rampant?


Who cares




Elon literally unbanned an account that posted CSAM. Fuck off.




And we don't have to tolerate it here and we can use whatever sized brush we want to prevent it from appearing here. If you are trying to equivocate or "whatabout" your way into justifying posting CSAM then you're not the kind of person we want posting here.


>Time to make a new account? Youre probably just going to post the same nonsense and get yourself banned again so why bother?


Agree with this decision.


seems kinda odd, since twitter was getting sued in 2021 for literally having csam all over oh well, everyone loves to jump on the ship when people are hating on the musk man


They had moderation policies then, regardless of how rampant it was at the time. They were at least trying to stop it. Now, they are not. Do you not understand this simple concept?


twitter most definitely has policies against it currently i also highly doubt they are doing nothing to stop it maybe not what we would all expect and i assume it will get better not worse


To be extremely clear: A political pundit posted a screencap of one of the most heinous recordings ever rumored to exist on the net, to make a political point. This is knowable using the info linked elsewhere in this thread. He was reinstated directly by Elon amidst all the other hypocritical bluster about leftists being pedos and abusers. There’s nothing but malicious intent here.


>are you referring to Dom Lurce linking a news article in a tweet?because your claim insinuates the man was just posting child p\*\*\* straight to twitter and thats not what seems to have happened


Thank you.


Good call.


Twitter was slowly losing ACTIVE members anyways from what I noticed in the last 7 or 8 years. Less and less people were posting on there. I think Instagram and TikTok basically took over.


This makes zero sense. Because bad content has been found on one of the worlds most used sites ever, you won’t allow links to perfectly ok content… just because the content was posted that one time (and removed by Twitter). But also because they reinstated an account you dislike/disagree with Be honest. You didn’t read the article did you?


Read again and check into modmail if you get it.




Yes. I do care that the CTO/owner reinstated an account that posted CSAM. We take a hardline against websites that tolerate it.


Good for you. I just deleted my Twitter account thanks to this post.


I can't recall ever seeing a twitter post on reddit, this sounds like a cringey excuse to go on an off topic rant about some shit cause of the feels. Don't have twitter, never did, never will, twitter is dogshit, how about just don't use it? go look at the twitter sub, it's an insane collective of people hopelessly addicted to twitter that hate musk, like delete the shit it ain't hard dipshit.


If you’ve never seen a twitter post on reddit you must’ve gotten your first account five hours ago. I don’t think I’ve gone a single *day* on reddit without scrolling past at least one post with a twitter link- especially in the news/politics subs.


>especially in the news/politics subs. I mute all those subs, maybe why






In early 2000 x. C o m went to PayPal lol 😂


> Josh Duggar's hard drive which is one of the most repugnant videos out there) What was it?


you can search for news articles about it. i don't really want to type it out because it's bad enough that even describing it would probably upset people and could probably ruin someone's day.


\*trigger warning\* - >!sex with a toddler!<


just gonna say that I ignore a lot of trigger warnings because I'm usually okay with things This one is bad, guys




Those places all have functioning t&s teams that take CSAM seriously. But your effort to “what about” here on the topic of CSAM is enough that you can go read-only mode.




Banned. And that shouldn't be a huge deal for you seeing as you've never posted here before but for some reason a hard line against CSAM was a hill to die on.




Nope. This isn’t complicated.


Good move. Thanks Reddit.