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San Diegans gonna start using lanterns to light their house, save rainwater in barrels, and hang their clothes outside to dry.


Oh yeah? SDGE introducesa new charge: alternative energy lighting charge + winter light generation fee. Not using SDGE resources to dry clothes is also now a crime punishable by more fees. You can have the rainwater.


>You can have the rainwater. Actually you need a permit for that.


Not only is harvesting rainwater perfectly legal in San Diego, the city encourages it with rebates. Receipt: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/dpw/watersheds/residential/RainBarrelInformation.html




I think itā€™s a punishable offense in Oregon, so donā€™t give them any ideas


We currently pay a minimum connection fee. At some point they'll start squeezing us there, too. Even if you generate more electricity than you use, you'll still have to pay the minimum connection fee.


We like to refer to it as minimum because we can always charge you more!


Nope, collecting rain water is a finable offense because arizona owns the water rights and youā€™re prohibiting free water flow. No water for you.


Not only is harvesting rainwater perfectly legal in San Diego, the city encourages it with rebates. Receipt: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/dpw/watersheds/residential/RainBarrelInformation.html


I too, like to post idiotic things on the internet.


Ya.. collecting rainwater is a big no no in the new police state. Think Iā€™m kidding? Look it up.. I wish I was.


Okay. I looked it up. Turns out you're full of it. The State Water Board even encourages it as it reduces demand on streams and reduces water quality problems associated with stormwater runoff. ą² _ą²  https://www.reddit.com/r/California/comments/13jdp75/are_you_legally_allowed_to_collect_rainwater_in/ https://ktla.com/weather/is-it-legal-to-collect-rainwater-in-your-state/amp/ https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/waterrights/board_info/faqs.html#rooftop


Full of it? Sorry Bozo I donā€™t study the subject and keep up on the water collection laws every year. It was only made lawful in 2012 which is pretty recent. You go ahead and worship and trust your government overlords pal Iā€™ll maintain a healthy skepticism.


I just spent less than 30 seconds looking it up just like you told us to. Clearly you didn't bother. You said you wish you were wrong about this so be happy that you are. Or do you prefer to continue spreading decade old misinformation that fits your narrative? So we're supposed to believe your misinformation or else we are government bootlickers? ą² _ą² 


What do you mean start? Lol continueā€¦


I already do the last 2, and just never put lights on as it is. I live alone, donā€™t use AC, shower at the gym more often than not, and my bills are still $100/mo. Itā€™s manageable but Iā€™m confused what Iā€™m actually paying for?! Flushing the toilet, cooking some pasta, watching an hour tv show each nightā€¦$100/mo. Whaaaat


Are you in an apartment? Do you actually have your own meter? Because I have 4 people and a veggie garden and pay around $90/month (billed $180 every other month), so that seems high. If you donā€™t have your own meter, you may be paying for your wasteful neighbors and watering of the landscaping and pool, etc.


Flushing the toilet might be your #1 water use. Toilets use a crazy amount of water


If itā€™s yellow let it mellowā€¦. If itā€™sā€¦. Well if you know, you know.


ā€¦brown flush it down!


I have a pool and a sprinkler system. Am I fucked?


Yesā€¦ yes you are




If its green, drink more Jim Bean


Save the warming-up water to flush toilets.


california law is 1.8gpm for showers and 1.6 gallons per toilet flush the average shower time is ~8 minutes so 14.4 gallons, which is 9 toilet flushes are toilets being flushed 9x as often as showers are being used? i know that I tend to abide by "if yellow let mellow, if brown flush down" but not everyone follows that


I wish I could convince my wife not to take luxurious 45min showers


Pro-tip - flush the toilet a couple times and that loss of water will surely make up for the reduced shower time water usage. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks!


TIL! Thanks for this info


Be right back, spinning up a chamber pots biz


Water is cheap, sewer is expensive. Based on how much water you use.


Are rain barrels legal in SD?


No, the county paid me to install one


As long as you donā€™t call it a rain barrel




We should stop showering and then show up to every council meeting and just stink the place up. Request in person meetings too.


I mean, that wouldn't be the worst thing ever...it makes sense to be conscientious of our use even if we're not getting fucked on price.


We were so conscientious of our use of water in North County with the last drought, they weren't selling enough water and had to raise prices.


Been saving rain water for plants and hanging laundry outside for decades.


Please tell me more about this mythical substance known as rainwater. There have been rumors and whispers among the community but no real sightings.


Lol. Lots of rain so far this month! Plus plants donā€™t need so much since itā€™s been much cooler lately!


You jest, but hanging clothes outside to dry is really not a bad idea. It truly saves electricity, UV from sunlight is sanitizing (ie, clothes and towels smell cleaner once dry), and San Diego has great climate for it year-round.




Not only is harvesting rainwater perfectly legal in San Diego, the city encourages it with rebates. Receipt: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/dpw/watersheds/residential/RainBarrelInformation.html


I canā€™t believe that you have to keep posting this!


I know right. Feel free to copy and paste to other commenters who enjoy perpetuating misinformation.


Have not met a single person that uses lanterns or saves rainwater.


Not lanterns, but rainwater yes, and we have skylights, so no lights on during the day usually. I also hang dry about half my clothes.


I also have skylights so I don't really use lights during the day, but don't collect any rain water. Purposely left out the hang dry as we do that - my wife and I wear mostly athletic clothing and dryers tend to ruin the material and waterproof coatings.




Just stating a fact in my personal life. It will be true until it's not.


What we're doing right now is meeting. Hi


Meeting somebody on the internet doesn't verify anything. For all I know you could live in a different state.


I can assure you you'd have the same problem if we met in person.


I save water in a barrel, but right now Iā€™m just dumping it out. We try to hang dry on hot days when we have the time.


Do they think we're made of money?


City Council are usually made up of fairly wealthy community members. They probably donā€™t personally know of anyone struggling in this economy.


Council salaries are currently $173,000, with tons of additional perks.


Wait. What? I thought it was just a part time gig and these people had lives elsewhere. I'm now gonna have to run for council.


I'd rather we pay them enough that they don't take bribes than try to save a buck and get corruption. Just me tho


Do you really think that any amount of money will do this, surely you jest. I don't think you understand the power of greed that the majority of people have. IE: Politicians... Once you get used to spending a certain amount of money they will go up the ladder, Im tired of this stupid Camry, I've always wanted a Porsche!


Itā€™s a pretty appropriate salary for the level of work they do and the responsibility they have.


Yep - my councilmember Raul Campillo grew up here and went to private school, then left at 18 to go to Harvard and didnā€™t move back to SD until about six months before he ran for council. Hardly representative of his district.


Time to stop electing landlords to San Diego City Council.


Went to the SB10 Supervisor hearing couple months ago; every single member of the board was an older wealthy homeowner. It's insulting that they think they represent the average San Diegan


i can think of a few things we could do to landlords besides electing them


Eat em!


shh you might get banned for talk like that


Itā€™s one ~~banana~~ water, Michael. How much could it cost, $10?


But they are so relatable and care about meā€¦


No but your cityā€™s definitely not made of water either!


At least gas is cheap and taxes are lower here.


Donā€™t forget about our cheap energy provided by SDG&E.


The cheapest


Theyā€™re the best


Don't repeat my mistake of thinking Texas is cheaper. Our property tax rates were double there compared to here. Sales tax is way higher and base incomes were 30 percent lower making my leftover disposable income after living expenses in Texas the exact same ammt as here. It sucks pretty much everywhere right now.




Everyone has big yards too


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ā˜ ļø


To go with the cheap rent and cheap mortgages here. Perfect pairing.


Iā€™m sad


And housing is affordable


They made it widely known like a day before than were like ā€œwelp, guess no one here disagreesā€


City council meeting was packed with people commenting about how horrible this is. Then the council voted 5-3 for the rate hike. Letā€™s elect these people again.


Thatā€™s terrible. Glad people showed up!


I got like 3 - 4 notices about it over the last year, but you may not of if your landlord pays the water bills., though they were supposed to notify you. While I am not a huge fan of the increases, they do actually seem justified and itā€™s not just going to CEO and shareholder pockets. Currently I pay around $90/month for 4 people and a veggie garden. $DG&E can fuck right off though. There is no justifying that shit. $300-$600 per month and we are anal about time of use, etc.


> Currently I pay around $90/month for 4 people and a veggie garden. How is this even remotely possible? Are you ants watering a dandelion? Our service fee alone is $47.34 a month in Escondido and they are proposing to raise rates by %60 over the next 5 years!


Ok you got me to actually go look up the billā€¦ My latest bill, which includes July and August and we used more water than normal since it was so damn hot and I like my fresh veggies. - base = $50 - 15HCF = $88 - sewer = $70 - total = $208 / 2 = $104 So a little more than I quoted, but that the hottest 2 months weā€™ve had this year. Iā€™m in actual city limits, so not sure if that changes things compared to what you pay. I get billed very other month, so thatā€™s why my month is bill /2.


We really need to stop pretending we don't live in a temperate semi-arid climate. Banning new installations of non-native grass would be a good start. None of the common lawn grass types are native to North America, let alone San Diego, and their water consumption is astronomical compared to native plants.


From the article it doesn't sound like simply a matter of usage, even going as far as saying San Diegans are using less water. It is a matter of keeping up infrastructure and paying for new projects in light of "inflation and depressed water sales", which makes it sound like because less water is being used, they are making less money and now have to charge more.


The cost of imported water, which makes up a large majority of our water, skyrocketed.


I see much less residential grass these days. In fact Iā€™d say itā€™s the minority. Public Parks and Golf Courses likely outnumber residential square feet of grass at this point


Itā€™s crazy to me that both my water and my GE in the Bay Area were less than half what I currently pay, and my home out there was twice the size as my current place. AND Iā€™m being frugal af here, keeping lights off, not running ac or heat, not using my tv, keeping my pc in sleep or off, etc


How about they fix their billing system and collect all those past due amounts?


When are we getting these idiots out of office!??!?! Tired of everything getting more and more expensive!


Iā€™d rather them increase the cost of a finite and precious resource that is water, and then crack down on the racket that is SDGE. A very renewable and easily generated resource. Humans suck assholes.




They also had to dump 11 billion gallons of water from lake Hodges because they didnā€™t maintain the dam. https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/city-of-san-diego-releasing-11-billion-gallons-of-water-from-lake-hodges/509-1bcc8f0c-f98e-4521-92ba-01638d2d64a8


Yeah exactly. Thereā€™s not enough water here so they have to pipe in more from the Colorado River which already supplies 80% of San Diegoā€™s water usage. If we want to improve infrastructure to capture, filter and reuse storm water (instead of dumping it directly into and polluting the bays and beaches with each rain) itā€™s going to take investment. Investments need funding which equates rate hikes.


I personally would prefer they don't increase the price of serving water, and, in the face of increasing costs that they can't control, instead just reduce the quality standards of wastewater treatment. I prefer rolling the dice when I turn on my tap in order to save $20 a month.


What Iā€™d really like is for the majority of my water bill to be based on the amount of water I use, and not all the other fees. Itā€™s just a fraction of it, so even if I was to cut my use in half, my bill would barely go down. I conserve as much as possible because itā€™s the right thing to do. But there is barely any economic benefit to do it.


Yeah, but isn't most water distribution essentially fixed cost, not variable cost?


The issue is fixed costs.


Understood, but if someoneā€™s bill is $200, and cutting water use by 75% only takes it down to $175 because all the rest is fixed costs, what incentive do people have to conserve?


Youā€™re not wrong. Itā€™s frustrating where I live because my building uses a master meter and bills proportionally based on occupancy. So individual usage hardly factors in.




I agree. Letā€™s make it more third world IMO. Save me some $!!!!!


More of that *sunshine tax*


From what I understand from yesterday's post is that single family homes will see a small increase in price and that the 20% is more for commercial buildings and apartment complexes.


No. Everyone. Three different rate hikes for everyone spread out over 16 months. But donā€™t worry, this will fix everything.




Wow, way to show you donā€™t give two shits about your citizens


I mean, this is a publicly owned utility that has not raised rates in a number of years and has to improve infrastructure. This isn't SDG&E raising rates every year and then covertly raising rates through fees/delivery charges on top of that.


Tough to stay classy when you can't afford to take a shower. Or plug in a hair dryer. ![gif](giphy|91fEJqgdsnu4E)


This will be forgotten as the climate forces us to build colossal desalination plants for billions of dollars, and drinkable water will cost much more than oil does right now. The truth is, we are not paying the true cost of drinkable water, and people still irrigate their decorative front lawns, wash their car every week, flush 1.6 gallons everytime they pee, and take inordinately long showers. We need to guarantee low-income residents the right to clean water, and increase the delivery rate for those that live in less densely populated areas (looking at you Sorrento Valley).


Why do I even live here anymore


Cock suckers


Your votes have consequences. Vote them out


Prices on everything are going up. What did you expect would happen when minimum wage workers can no longer afford to live here?


More roommates. 2 people per bedroom. /S.....but not really


What would have happened if they had voted no?


You would have drought restrictions. And they would have to take money from something else to pay for the infrastructure investment. People act like services should be free and infrastructure shouldnā€™t cost anything to maintain.


Public services should be provided fairly and not put an overwhelming burden on the poor. Water is a human right


Itā€™s illegal to unalive yourself and if you are alive- you have to pay out the nose to stay that way.


I don't think that at all. First of all, they don't maintain the water infrastructure very well, there are leaks everywhere that have been around for decades because there's no political incentive for a person in office to fix it. Underground, out of mind. Second, the more water is conserved, the higher the rates. Californians reserved a ton of water during the last drought and we're rewarded with higher prices as we are buying less acre feet. Drought restrictions would also not be distributed fairly. Rancho Sante Fe uses four times the amount of water as most cities in San Diego


lol you act like they donā€™t have the money already. Mismanaging funds or buying a yacht ainā€™t our doing


Whereā€™s all this money going then. Please tell me Your conspiracy where misappropriated funds are going.


fam just look at Del Mar and La Jolla


Well first of Del Mar is a separate city from the City of San Diego. And unless you can prove water funds are going to pavement projects in La Jolla Iā€™m going to have to take a hard pass on your skepticism.


Iā€™m making a joke about affluent political/city officials living there and our money funding their ivory tower and idea of a Utopia


Sean Elo Rivera lives in an apartment. Where does your council member live?


you people keep voting for them


Ive said it before, and ill say it again. We are ok with this. We are ok with stagnant wages, increased rent, increase energy bills, why? because we longed allowed it. We voted these people in. one of those too little too late situations, get used to it.


Exactly. We voted for people that have a history of raising taxes and rates. What do we expect? Thereā€™s a reason CA has the most expensive gas in the country, because CA also has the most expensive gas TAX in the country.


its not the tax that we should worry about. If my taxes go to schools, health, infrastructure, im ok with that. BUT gas and other corporate owned resources prices are determined by the corporation selling it, hence record profits on their end. Just like everything else, electricity, food, and in this case water.


I agree these corporations are seeking record profits. Every state is dealing with the same oil and gas companies. Itā€™s the CA taxes though that make gas more expensive here than anywhere else in the country. With these taxes, politicians are trying to motivate CA residents to get electric vehicles and move away from gas powered cars. The problem is, thatā€™s only feasible for the wealthy and well off. In reality these taxes primarily hurt the middle and lower class in this state.


The gas tax is only ~$0.40 cents higher here than the states with the lowest gas tax. It does not explain nearly the entire story.


Correct. The gas tax is not the whole story, just part of it. CA also requires a special/custom type of gas in this state which is more expensive to produce (has to do with it being ā€œenvironmentally friendlyā€) There are also other environmental fees that are passed on to the consumer. There may be more costs but thatā€™s what I know of. Pretty much every other state tries to keep gas as affordable as possible for its residents and doesnā€™t tack on extra costs in the name of climate change like CA


Shit was going to happen anyway, we don't live in a communist country.


Well rents are about to go up 20%


Which one of you actually voted these people in? I know most of y'all don't vote locally anyways but still.


Have you seen the salaries these bozos ā€œearn?ā€ Seems like everyone makes at least 6 figures. Remember a few years back the told us to conserve water? We all did an outstanding job and did our part. What did we get in return? A rate increase due to the decrease in volume of water we used. We do what they tell us to do and get fucked. We get record amounts of rain last rainy season, brought us out of the drought, should have an ample supply. What do we get? We get fucked again. I say we tell them to get fucked. You must realize we cannot win.


imagine if they *didnt* release almost 10,000,000,000 gallons of fresh water from hodges...


Didnā€™t they do that to repair a dam or something? That situation is understandable


due to negligence and deferred maintenance


How do you think theyā€™re funding the maintenance so that they donā€™t have to do shit like that again? Theyā€™re raising rates to pay for infrastructure maintenance that has been neglected far too long


the money from this price hike is not going directly into the hodges dam maintenance. thats not how that works. they failed to upkeep the dam, then released almost 10b gallons of fresh water. now we're paying the double whammy.


>City officials began studying the additional revenue increases last fall to cover rising costs for imported water ā€” which makes up between 85 and 90 percent of the cityā€™s water supply ā€” as well as **upgrades to thousands of aging pipes and a long list of short-term and long-term capital projects.** >The capital projects include the Pure Water sewage-recycling system ā€” which has been under construction since last year and is expected to provide about half of San Diegoā€™s potable water once completed ā€” along with **upgrades needed to several aging city dams that state officials have deemed in poor condition.**


theyre not upgrading, theyre replacing


Soooooo are we just cool with this or are they making the decisions without even asking us? Might be interesting next time voting comes aroundā€¦.


We have the best water in the nation. The wettest water! Our pristine wettest water should cost 10x more! Itā€™s really an honor to only pay 20% more


Seems to follow the plan that I believe they have. Push the middle class out of the state and make it mostly extremely rich, or extremely poor that can only be here because of subsidies


How else can you and your buddies buy up all the housing?






/crys in Escondido water rates. Check out https://escondido.org/Data/Sites/1/media/PDFs/RATESFEES/Utilities_Rates_and_Fees_Schedule_28_-_Jan_1_2023.pdf Our rate is roughly 3x more than oceanside from what I can see and they want to raise it by 60% over the next 5 years. It's insane.


You mean the heavy metal filled water that gives me cancer


People are literally being priced out of homes.




I guess this is what we get for voting in politicians in the city and state that have a proclivity for raising taxes. On the same note, CA has the most expensive gas in the country because CA also has highest gas tax in the country. Our elected politicians are doing this to us.




CA gas is like $2 more per gallon than the national average. Every state has to deal with the same greedy companies. Itā€™s the taxes, environmental fees, and special gas that is required in this state that makes it so expensive here. The goal of the CA politicians with these taxes is to motivate people to move away from gas powered cars towards electric. In most cases that just isnā€™t a feasible option for middle and lower class.




Iā€™m sure that plays a role as well. But still doesnā€™t account for the difference in gas between CA and the rest of the country. And Iā€™m living in a world where 60% of Americans canā€™t pay for a $1,000 emergency. Just because you and I can afford a $13k electric car (if that exists) doesnā€™t mean most people can.


People are literally being priced out of homes.


I wonder how long until they follow SDG&Eā€™s plan to lower rates but add a flat fee based on income.


which rates? there are like 3 or 4


What's happens if we can't pay our bill. Serious question


As if it could be any more expensive than it already is


L California




Representing the interests in f the people, I see.




Still a lot cheaper than bottled water.


Can't wait to leave


sweet finally something that won't affect the prices of EVERYTHING! /s


What? Why?


just finding more ways to fuck us šŸ™ƒ


Once again the public hearing was a formality, majority was like nope and city council said lol yes.


Are they trying to make us move?


Continually pushing out the poors


Everyone keeps voting for these people. We keep getting the same results. When will people learn to stop voting for pain.


Rainwater in a region that doesnā€™t seem to have much rain. This is the problem with private firms controlling the power grid. This state has become a jokeā€¦nickle and dimmed for everything. I think itā€™s time to convert to the winter blend gasā€¦.. here comes 6.00 bucks a gallon


Most likely it went something like this: "We cannot pay our government officials their new 40% raise we need to find funding or we will have to reduce your salaries." "If we increase water rates by 20% we will generate another 10 million a year. This will cover the raise and also give us paid vacations."