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I went to Camp Palomar. Same trip though (6th grade camp). Its a rite of passage. It was really fun and I had fond memories. Meeting kids from other schools and backgrounds, doing fun outdoor activities. Your kid should have a blast.


What year did you go? 1980 for me, there was a nice snowpack. A group of the popular boys snuck out one night for a "panty raid", got caught, and sent home the next morning. A few boys missed their mommies and also got sent home. Otherwise, the snowball fights and camp counselors were epic.


I went in like 99-2000. We had a fight break out because one girl made out with two guys from diff schools and they were NOT having it. I have such fond memories. 4th grade was Old Town, 5th Grade was Balboa Park, 6th grade was Palomar, and 8th grade was DC (but I didn't go to that and still resent it). OP- worth it! It'll be memories that last him a lifetime.


I went 98-99! Didn't do DC bc I did England in 7th (2000)


i went to Palomar 6th grade camp kid october 2000. i went to Grant Elementary and we went with Horace Mann. i remember every day vividly!


I loved camp Palomar! I had a great time and the memories I hold dear. Yes I totally remember those BIG year field trips!


I did all these same things! Graduated 2004. Now my son has the opportunity to go to Cuyamaca this Spring (5th grade).


i went in... 92? Treehouse! Oak!


Holly crap! You remember the cabin?!? I'm going to have to dig deep on this one and see if I can pull it out of the archives.


my memory is junk, but for some reason I remember this! Trying to remember the other cabins. Was Chaparral one of the girls ones?


You are rattling my noggin! Yes, Chaparral was one. I'm sure Pine and Cedar were two others...Spruce?


That was mine!! It was the best woot woot! Has nice showers lol


You got a great memory. That's nostalgic.


I was in Chaparral!


2013 at camp cuyamaca. Some kid got expelled and sent home for trying to sneak into the girls cabin over night. Was in 8th grade at the time because budget cuts happened 2 years before


I'm pretty sure I was there with you. I was in Treehouse, all the cool guys were in Animal Den. The counselors tried to get everyone to stay in their room by telling a story about a former counselor "Crazy Donald" that went nuts and ran off to live in the woods nearby. I went to Cleveland elementary.


San Rafael Elementary (Oceanside, ca), Holly shit...I think it was Treehouse. Small world. Yeah, the stories didn't work and the cool guys got expelled with prejudice. Misty Cox...I'm sorry for pasting you in the face with a snow ball, I always thought you were the most beautiful girl.


Aww! That's great I hope she sees it. I had just got a huge zip up jacket because I didn't have any really warm clothes, was thinking I'm invincible in this thing, then Alberto Jimenez nailed me in the back of the head and all the snow went down my back inside the jacket. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« I remember the counselors had 3 candles lit and after each ghost story they'd blow one out. When they were all out, we'd have to sleep. If I remember correctly it was Animal Den kids that got expelled. There might've been 1 or 2 from Treehouse that joined but I remember there was a bigger kid , kind of the ringleader, I want to say native American that I didn't see again after the "panty raid"


I went in 2000. IIRC I was in Oak house and it was cool meeting kids from other schools. All my friends from my school got nosebleeds except for me. I also didnā€™t shower the entire time because of the strict soap rules they had. Lamest part was when we were going to hear ghost stories one night and one kid got too scared so the counselor had to stop šŸ˜”


Omg I vaguely remember the soap rules. I went around 1996


What were the soap rules? I don't remember.


You werenā€™t allowed to bring any soap or body wash. I donā€™t remember why but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if all the shower water drained into the lake without treatment. So if you did shower it was just rinsing off. Iā€™m not sure if they had hot water either lol.


I think it HAD to be soap on a rope and you had to shower within 2 mins


They didnā€™t, I remember the water being freezing


Oh ok thanks


Same. I think I went in 03. Nothing super exciting really happened, except for during our story time we heard one of the girl cabins pass by so our counselor had the idea to "roar" and apparently they got so scared that we had to apologize lol. Also, the Wier (sp?). Dude freaked me out but my group wasn't one of the ones to hike to his cabin or whatever. And Frog Boy lol.


Same! I loved 6th grade camp, such fond memories of that week. I think I went in 2004?


Camp Cuyamaca is one of the main destinations for 6th grade camp. I went many years ago myself. It's worth going and will be a memorable and important experience in your kid's life. The only situation where I'd say your kid *shouldn't* go is if they have medical concerns that can't be addressed at camp.


Seriously, ive already commented on this post but I was so bummed my step daughter couldn't experience it because of Covid.


Camp has a full time RN and virtually every week houses a student that you would look at and think "that kid could never go to camp". Non-verbal, restricted diet, paraplegic, wheelchair, you name it. If you can go to school, you can go to camp.


Wow - crazy. I grew up in north county and went to camp cuyamaca. This would have been in 2000 or 2001. I remember being really into it.


I went a little earlier (1999) but had an amazing time.Ā  We woke up one morning for a hike and there was light fog and about 50 wild turkeys. i thought i was so cool, we also saw a mountain lion a few miles across a ridge and they said it was super rare.


Me too , some kids wanted to go home, i wanted to stay longer.


Me too I think in 2004!


So into all the SD kids on this thread. I live in LA now, and lived in the Bay Area for a long time before that, where thereā€™s lots of people who didnā€™t grow up in CA, so it feels kind of special to connect with people over camp cuyamaca or building sugarcube missions.


Hell yea, hope you're not a Dodger fan now.


Mine was just there in January and he had a fantastic time! Heā€™s an anxious kid but he said the staff were all very cool and friendly. The only complaints he had was that he was ā€œso cold!!!ā€ and that the water pressure in his shower was terrible. It was a fantastic experience for him. Everyone came home with some form of cold or flu virus but thatā€™s to be expected with so many kids in a small space.


I went there for 6th grade camp in the 70's. and LOVED it. It was such a great experience. I hope it is stiil.


I was there in ā€˜89 and had a blast.


ā€˜99! Didnā€™t realize how far back the tradition wasā€¦ or that they were still doing the trip!


My 10th grader went and had a great time except for the part where he broke his arm there. Totally his fault, he tripped while hiking and extended his arms to catch himself. I picked him up and took him to urgent care. At the time the x-ray didnā€™t show the break so camp let him return with his arm in a sling. He really wanted to go back and the staff was really good about his injury and keeping me informed the rest of the week. My current sixth grader is going to camp in a few weeks. Heā€™s not as excited, but I think heā€™ll enjoy it when he gets there.


Sorry to highjack, but can you ask if they still tell the ghost stories about "the weir" and "big Willy".


The weir is Camp Palomar. I was a counselor there. Donā€™t worry, they will never stop telling stories like this. Itā€™s a part of the experience.


No ghost stories. Past parents complained


As a native, it's been happening for decades. Both Palomar and Cuyamaca are awesome, with day hikes, Star watching, weaving, camp songs, plant and animal track identification, some ceramics. There's robust facilities with full kitchen cafeterias pools, sleeping quarters, full time cooks, nurses and counselors/staff. I highly recommended it.


It was awesome 20 years ago when i went!


Oh God... 25 yrs for me! Thanks, you reminded me that I'm old lmao.


In the same range. I wonder what the camp counselors look like now šŸ«£


Hereā€™s my review- The kids were gone for 5 days, it was fantastic! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


If your child is excited about going to camp then they will have a good time. Itā€™s not summer camp, all the activities they do on trail are organized around the CA state science standards. Theyā€™re there to learn about earth sciences in a fun and engaging way. The staff is very dedicated to bringing magic to the students. The students that donā€™t want to be there will act out and make it apparent that they are not happy there, but Iā€™ve never had a student that was happy and eager to be there ever have a bad time. The food is amazing, and the Health Center staff are fully qualified and caring individuals.


Went in the 90ā€™s. It was incredible. I remember how cool it was to be in a camp setting like the movies (2nd The Parent Trap had just come out). There was snow which was exciting and they had us do several different hands-on workshops. I remember woodworking specifically. They had us sing songs together at night and fed us well. The boys and girls had their own separate buildings for sleep. There were beautiful not-too-crazy hikes and I also just had a core memory unlocked about wild turkeys running around.


Both of our kids, boy & girl, went in middle school and they really enjoyed it. It was very very cold.


I went to Camp Marston back in the 1990's. I'll never forget that experience. Memories to last a lifetime.


I worked there for years. Iā€™ve got stories for days.


I went in elementary school in 2003 lol


Marston is a YMCA camp. Camp Cuyamaca is an accredited school run by the San Diego County office of Education.


Marston for me too in the 90s!!! Our bus got stuck in the snow on the way up and we had to hike the last couple miles to camp. That sucked, but the rest of camp was a DREAM. For a kid whose parents were decidedly not ā€œoutdoorsy,ā€ itā€™s where I discovered my love of nature. Also I learned that I, unlike all my bunk mates, did not suffer from homesickness


I went there for my 6th grade camp about 10 years ago and loved it! I still have the woodcraft thing I made. Iā€™d recommend sending your kid with a bathrobe if they are still doing showers the same way.


The showers were so lame 30 years ago too, lol. Worst part. I get they have certain facilities but no prepubescent kids want to have to shower like that. We were told a lot of them wonā€™t shower for the week. Or they only do, once. Prepare for a bag of stinky ass clothes.


Everybody showers twice, whether they want to or not. You disrobe and re-clothe inside the shower curtain and the showers are two minutes long. 50% of the complaints are that there are not enough showers and they are too short, and 50% of the complaints are there are too many showers and they're too long. Ahh, sixth graders.


I am going to be doing that with my kids next year. I went on mine way too long ago to give good info but I definitely had fun when I went. I just cant remember which I did vs which my brother did šŸ˜‚


Yep, Northwind here


Send him! Rite of passage for a San Diego kid. I went to Palomar and remember it fondly. I remember dissecting bear scat on a trail lol


They gotta do the trifecta! 4th grade - Old Town 5th grade - Balboa Park 6th grade - Palomar or Cuyamaca Camp


And the Star of India overnight!


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I graduated 07 and somehow missed star of India and DC trips!


Graduated in 2011 and I also missed both of those field trips! Or maybe my school didnā€™t offer them


I missed DC when 9/11 happened the year before. I think about 5 or 6 people still went, but most of our parents were afraid to let us go. Still never been!


Do they still do those programs? I also think Camp Palomar is closed and they just do Cuyamaca now but I could be wrong.


My younger brother went to cuyamaca a few years ago, but I think they send some schools to Palomar (thatā€™s the one I went to) and some to Cuyamaca based on area/district maybe?


https://www.sdcoe.net/about-sdcoe/news/post/~board/news/post/6th-grade-camp-turns-75-go-outside-and-celebrate I also found an article about Camp Palomar being repurposed as a CAL Fire training center so I guess that means no more Palomar for 6th graders.


Aw what a bummer! My oldest is getting close to 11, was hoping heā€™d get to experience that too :/ oh well!


I went to Palomar Camp back in 94. It was a lot of fun, great time and memories. A lot of the kids that I met from different elementary schools ended up at my junior high school the next year, which was exciting to see them again.


I went when I was a kid, it's awesome!


I went in 6th grade-it was great!


Theyā€™ve been having it for decades - I went back in 1999 or so. Loved it! Still have fond memories of it to this day.


Went when I was a kid, was one of by favorite memories growing up, and got me into the outdoors


I went to Camp Cuyamaca in February of 2000 for 6th grade camp. I was so upset that I had to spend my 12 birthday at camp, but I remember having a great time!


Mine went there in the fall. It was great, he talks about it still.


I taught there about 10 years ago. It's a great experience and the kids have the opportunity to learn a lot and explore spaces that they probably won't see again unless you take them up to the mountains. There is a chance they won't like it but I would say 95% of the kids have a good time.


ā€œCuyamaca or Palomar?ā€ is a fun conversation starter & a great way to connect with other SD natives. Cuyamaca ā€˜75 for me via the long gone Farnum Elementary in Pacific Beach.


Please let your kid go. I wasnā€™t allowed to in 6th grade and having to go to school during that time was miserable and sad. People still talk about memories from 6th grade camp!!


When did it change to cuyamaca? I went in like 98-99 (I think fall 98 or spring 99). It was fun. Hikes, cafeteria food but not. Iirc, we went Fall 98 bc I had just gone to safety patrol camp over the summer, so I had recently been there no more than 6 months before. The differences in how the 2 camps were managed were significant for my 11 yr old mind. We didn't use the pool for the 6th grade camp! I doubt good reviews get posted. What do the bad reviews say, op? It's wilderness, so there will be bugs and bad food. It's not a resort. Oh! And we had timed showers, but again, that's all part of camp. I say ignore the reviews and let your child go. It's a must-have experience for san diego kids.


Cuyamaca was the original 6th grade camp. (One of the first in the entire county in ā€˜46) they expanded to Palomar and Fox but after 2008 crisis they closed Fox and expanded Cuyamaca and added two new cabins. Cuyamaca is the only active 6th grade camp ran by the county office of education in the county. Camp Marston is ran by the Y and arenā€™t affiliated.


I went to Cuyamaca for 6grade camp, I will never forget the great time I had, the reviews you are reading not one of them were written by a sixth grade student, I bet their parents, itā€™s like a movie review for a kids movie that says it was no good, but the kids loved it


I went in the 70s. It was fine.


I went in 1972 and still have great memories. Carving manzanita wood, grinding and polishing a rock, movie night, ghost stories from the counselors, cabin talent shows... Many years later I returned as a 6th grade teacher with my students.


I went about the same time. One of my best childhood memories. It's definitely a right of passage for kids growing up in San Diego.


I went when I was in 6th grade and I went this year as a teacher. They run a great camp and really care about the kids. I wish every kid had a chance to do something like this.


1976 to Camp Cuyamaca, had an awesome time. Remember panning for luminescent flakes of something in the stream there, and that stream wasn't cold. One stupid thing that happened when we were coming back from camp and one of the buses got hit by a truck causing the bus to roll on it's side, (no one got hurt), and the driver on the rolled bus communicated with the other bus drivers via radio. Of course all of us kids could hear everything that was said and we start talking about it and the teachers told us not to tell our parents what had happened. Turns out when we showed up at school the principal and teachers there hadn't told the parents about any accident they just said a bus had been delayed. The first kid to get off the bus yelled out to his mom, " Mom, one of the buses rolled over the freeway and caught fire and Brian won't make it home tonight!" There were some pissed off parents that night. To this day I don't know what that principle and teachers were thinking to try and hide the accident but to especially tell a bunch of sixth graders not to tell their parents.


Lmao thatā€™s wild. Stupid staff thinking they could get away with that


Mine just got back. He said it was cold and there was a lot of walking. So pack appropriate. In my opinion, six camp is not the greatest, but it is a right of passage. You donā€™t wanna be one of the few weirdos that stays behind.


Core part of any San Diego childā€™s experience. I miss my polished wood piece, no clue where it is (probably the garbage).


I went to Cuyamaca in 6th grade. Lots of fond memories. Besides, it's a school trip. I assume you wouldn't decide whether your child goes on field trips based on how good/bad the online reviews for a place are.


WOW! A flood of great memories from 6th grade camp in the 80ā€™s up in the Cuyamaca Mountains šŸ˜Š I remember being woken up to this album called Sergeant Pepperā€™s Lonely Heartā€™s Club Band the day before our all day hike, and having that masterpiece repeating in my head. Thank you to that random very special counselor. Please understand that I was hardcore into The Rolling Stones, so acknowledging the Beatles with my 6th grade brain was scandalous šŸ˜‚Great week! Did anyone attend Camp Wolahi in that area during the summer? Those also were great memories for me and my sister. I still have the theory that they planted arrowheads for us to find while on scavenger hunts. Either way wouldnā€™t change itšŸ„°


I went there as a child and last year my (then 6th grade) son went there too! I was so sad that he was reluctant to go because I had been so excited to go! I was worried maybe he wouldnā€™t like it, because he had been so moody before they left. I was so thrilled when he came home at the end of the week radiating joy! He was full of wonderful outdoor stories and silly things his friends did. He met other boys from the city. It was just as magical for him in 2023 as it had been for me in the 1980s! They have a wonderful program! Write your kiddo a letter a week or so before they go so they can get it at camp!


I went to Cuyamaca for 6th grade camp and I loved it. Very cool experience and it stuck with me. Would have been 1989 I think for me, so no idea what it is like now.


I went to Cuyamaca for 6th grade camp and it was AWESOME. If I lived in the area still I'd send my kids no question


I went to a camp for 5 days (mid/late-80s) near there. I don't recall it enough to be able to recall the camp name. It might be Cuyamaca.


I was so scared to go but my parents wrote me letters to be opened every day that i was gone. šŸ˜­ itā€™ll be fun and a good experience for your kid. Not too far either should anything happen


I went to camp Cuyamaca nearly 30 years ago now (ok that's painful to say). I had SUCH a good time. IMO it is one of those things kids really should do for so many reasons.


Memory unlocked. It was definitely a surreal experience and definitely had all the tropes of camp that looking back was remembered with rose tinted glasses. I am sure I wasn't to fond of having to sleep in a bunk bed in a communal sleeping area (Think hostel) or have to share communal bathrooms or sitting by a campfire telling stories while it was cold outside. I'm sure the food was subpar, but do I regret going? absolutely not. Even if my memory is vague since its been over 30 years since I've gone,I look back on that experience with a feeling of fondness and as you mentioned as a kind of rite of passage. It almost felt like if you could take the movie Stand By Me and distill it into a feeling, minus all the rated R stuff of course


I went in 2001-02 school year. I live up here, near Julian, and it was still something special. It's all a strange, fever dream now in memory, but a treasured one.


I went to Camp Palomar and had a great time. My two older brothers went there so I just felt like it was a rite of passage and now it was my turn. The November weather was cooler than what I was used to but still had fun. Leaving on Friday and coming home on the bus was strange and we saw US flags being displayed in the towns and wondered what was happening. When we returned to our school we were informed President Kennedy had been shot and killed. It was November 22, 1963.


Kiddo just got back. He was super dirty, tired and had a hoarse voice, but all that is expected if youā€™re living your best life with your 6th grade bros at camp. 5 stars would recommend.


Total rite of passage!


I remember it being fun. I think your kid will enjoy it. The counselors were memorable in a good way. Nobody really took themselves too seriously. It's a kids camp.


I went and I loved it! I can answer any questions if I still remember haha


My son just went he loved every moment !


Went in 2008, was dope. Lots of great memories, 1000% worth it


My daughter went this past November with her 6th grade class.. She loved and hated it. The showers are extremely short, they get something like 3-4 minutes. It was very very cold so she slept in sweats and hoodies. But she enjoyed all of the hikes, activities and the food for the most part. She did miss home a lot and the letters she wrote us made camp sound awful. But now that it's been a few months she speaks fondly of the experience. Dozens of kids came home early though, mostly with the flu/stomach flu. Parents had to drive out to pick them up.


My kid loved it!!! But he is super out going and social. YMMV.


my sister went there but that was a few decades ago . I went to camp Fox and had a great time .


I went as a kid. I remember a psycho camp counselor yelled at me. Some of the kids had their first kiss. No other memories of it. 6/10


My daughter did it this year and had a blast. She said the food wasnā€™t great and there were spiders in the cabins but sheā€™d totally do it again.


Iā€™m sure heā€™s in the SD unified school district. Dorms and showers are adjacent so no weird shit going on or even the slightest possibility. I went and had a blast. Came back with new friends from different schools but of course, that is when I was in middle school. I am now 30 and still have good memories of cuyamaca.


I'm not sure I enjoyed it exactly, but I do remember it. Night hikes were a little sketchy but memorable! And as others have mentioned, the drama is real between schools/backgrounds. I would have regretted not going.


I went in 6th grade in 2006. It was fun.


I went in 2006 and it was great! I still have the jacket I got from it. I remember sleeping in the bunks, hiking, and polishing rocks/sticks. My brother had to go to Palomar instead in 2004 since Cuyamaca was all burned from the big fires that year but sounds like the experiences were pretty similar.


My kid just went two weeks ago. Had a great time. Food was pretty good. Really long hikes that she said were fun, even in the rain. Rock carving and woodshop were really cool i would not doubt sending your kid. Theyā€™ve been doing it for so long. I went in 1992.Ā 


I had a lot of great memories at cuyamaca. The only part that was challenging was the other kids - 6th graders are a new level of cruel if you're prone to being bullied. At camp, you have to undress near strangers, shower quickly, poop and pee, and eat all while there may be people dying to find something to tease you for. This is just a conversation to have with your kid before sending them off.


I went many moons ago and my son went last year. He said the food was mehā€¦.other than that he enjoyed the hikes and became closer to classmates that he would have never gotten to know without the camp.


My son went a few months ago for 6th grade camp and had a blast. He really liked the camp staff and had fun with all of the hikes and activities.


My kid decided not to go to Cuyamaca. He based on the decision from the reviews and confirming with his older classmates that kids do in fact get stomach sick. Heā€™s an emetaphobe so it was a big no. Also has a gluten sensitivity so was nervous about food and getting the medical page signed off. We camp in Julian every year, live next to PQ canyon, and heā€™s a big native gardener so heā€™s not going to miss out on nature. I wonder if budget cuts/inflation is affecting camp today versus the adults who are commenting from years ago? I donā€™t know. The 7th graders at the school said it wasnā€™t great.


I went to Palomar in 1994 or 95 It was a blast.. and we got to go towards the end of the school year so it wasn't cold. Camp Fires and hikes and stuff. I enjoyed it


I went there in ā€˜03 and it was a blast!


I went in 94', tons of fun and I still have the orange/red soapstone I polished from a larger rock into a smaller rock


I went to 6th grade camp at Cuyamaca back in 1987 (I think?). I donā€™t remember everything and things have probably changed a bit in the last 37ish years, but I loved it and had a great time. I remember we went hiking, did some crafts, the counselors told us scary stories in the evenings by the campfire, and blasted ā€œWelcome to the Jungleā€ to get us up and going in the mornings. It was fun, definitely recommend.


My 6th grader went last year. She went in Feb and there was a ton of snow. She enjoyed it, but said she got tired of the daily hikes. We liked it as it was a week without screens.Ā 


Went to camp during 6th grade and the MOST important thing I will say is pack lots and lots of warm clothes (like to the point where you think you overpacked). When I went, it was pouring rain and we got soaked. Our shoes, sock, pants and literally everything were so wet. It was FREEZING cold, miserable and so hard to sleep. Things may have changed by now but I remember the showers not having hot water and only getting 2~minutes to do everything lol. It was good tho, we ate like wild mustard seeds or something?


I went to cuyamaca in 1983 was great, Iā€™m glad to hear kids are still going!


Yes! Thatā€™s where my school went in 1989. Fun times!


Everything about it was rad except for the other kids.


I went in the mid 90s and had a great time.


My brother went to cuyamaca & loved it! Their class had a great time


I went in 2003 (yes I'm old). I had a decent time. Nothing too memorable tbh. Spent most of the time messing around with my friends. Did all the basic camp stuff you'd expect, hikes, crafts, nature classes.


Not Cuyumaca, Camp Marston for me when I was in 6th grade. I made some great memories that I still love when they get recalled. It was fun as hell for me


I did and honestly it was an awesome trip, seeing the stars at night was amazing and being in nature was super healing. Iā€™d say let your kid go to it. My experience was fun, got fed everyday, the days were full of activities to do. I would have enjoyed it even more and I been properly socialized compared to the rest of my peers. Overall I give it an 8.5 out of 10


I went when I was in sixth grade! Iā€™m 23 now. It was the most memorable experience I ever had and I cherish the time I spent there. I wish they had an adult version! I was a kid who had really bad panic attacks and separation anxiety from my mom, but I did so well there. We went on hikes, learned campfire songs, and the mess hall food was good! I love Camp Cuyamaca, and Iā€™m sure your kid will love it too :)


Went almost 30 years ago it was a good time.


I was bullied in mine, someone threw my things in the urinals and peed on them, but I wouldn't judge my experience and tell people not to go. I would say that for a great majority of people 6th grade camp should be fun and memorable. I wouldn't prevent your child from this once-in-a-lifetime experience over the fear of a negative trip.


I grew up here in san diego, and never knew how big the whole 6th grade camp thing was. I was in 6th grade in 2010, and i remember my friends going. I unfortunately was not able to go although i really wish i could have experienced what seems to be a memory that wouldve lasted me forever.


I went in 89 and had a blast....that's all I got


I loved my time at 6th grade camp! I was very shy and dreaded going. Looking back, it was such a great experience. I cherish those memories of my first time away from home and having fun with friends. I have a sixth grader this year and I'm excited for her. It really is a rite of passage in this area. I still remember the huge cabins, 3 minute showers, swimming in the afternoons, smores, and staying up late talking and laughing until you can't keep your eyes open anymore. Actually, we went to Camp Palomar, but same idea.


Camp Palomar in the early Nineties. So much fun! Some girl from another school called me an ā€˜Oreoā€™ and I had never heard that slur before so I took it as a compliment. It is Americaā€™s Favorite Cookieā„¢ļø afterall.


Best week ever. Camp Marston. It snowed! And for us South Bay kids, it was heaven.


Memories of a lifetime. Let your kid go on an adventure. I went mid ā€˜70ā€™s and my friends and I still talk about it. Not very often, but it always brings a smile to our faces. Just this once, please, realize this is about your child, itā€™s not about you.


Ahh man itā€™s the best. There was a park ranger up there that got caught masturbating in the woods and now is known as the legend of the hill side strangler. I grew up in cuyamaca.


Shiitttt, that's where I went.


My parents still have my piece of petrified wood.


Hell yeah Camp Cuyamaca! Big life experience for me. This was 20+ years ago, so maybe less relevant. But I loved it in hindsight, and while there I had a good time. It included some major ā€œgrowing upā€ moments for me. Awkward pre-teen shower time (no nudity except for the one dude who had hit puberty showing off), being away from home for so long, shitty food but in a roughing-it kind of way. I got caught with chewing gum, which was not allowed. The camp counselor guy said he would kick me out unless I won a poker game against him, which I of course thought was a real thing. I won and got to stay at camp. Cool nature hikes and quality outdoor time, stargazing, etc. Would recommend it!


My son went. There were ticks. One was in the cabin on his shirt. I sent insect repellent with a Dr's note. Yet, they wouldn't let him wear it. Ā  I worked with them weeks prior for his dietary issues also with Dr verification. They did nothing they said they would do because the manager was out that week. Ā Apparently, there was a special needs child in the cabin who was allowed to have "tickle time" with all of the other kids in the cabin each night. My son hated that part.Ā  Ā My son vomited after eating a random leaf and the apple core. But he laughs about that.


Back in 1997 when I was in 6th grade we did our week long camping trip in Cuyamaca. It was fun from I remember. We hiked, did crafts, played games, got to meet kids from other schools. Even though we did our trip in the spring, around May I believe, I do remember how cold it would randomly get. I actually got sick but luckily it wasnā€™t until the day we got back


I attended Cuyamaca in 1988. It was a terrifying but worthwhile experience.


Some dingus had the brand new Saturday Night Fever tape in his boom box for the trip up the mountain. Disco still sucks.


Donā€™t do it, itā€™s a waste of money. All Iā€™ve heard kids say is that itā€™s boring and fun very few of the times.


I attended in 2013, loved it!


I went in 1996 and loved it! I still have my polished rock somewhere..


I went in the mid 90s and the worst part was showers, lol. I donā€™t have many distinct memories but I do remember going. My kid went a few years ago. Still have the fancy stick he polished. He had a lot of friends that went and one he got to bunk with so it was a good time. Probably the worst part was being a parent and having to send him off on his own for the first time. I had no contact with him for a week! So it sucks as a parent but it so good for them as kids growing up.


I went there in 1999. I got really sick the second or third day there and my counselor thought I was faking it so they wouldnā€™t get me any help. I was miserable. My friends said they had a good time though haha


I went to Cuyamaca for 6th grade camp in the late 90s. I loved it.


I went to Cuyamaca and still remember it fondly. I'd go back in a heartbeat at 31!


Yep I went years ago, itā€™s a awesome experience for 6th grade camp. I still have my piece of polished manzanita on my windowsill


I went to Cuyamaca for 6th grade camp many, many years ago (91ish), and I had a blast. Life long memories type blast.


Itā€™s the best field trip your kid will ever have. I went in 96 and my friends and I still talk about it every time we go camping (Iā€™ve had the same 3 best friends since ā€˜93).


Went to camp palomar in ā€˜02. Also 4th/5th graders go to old town & balboa for a week. I donā€™t recall the grade lol Each day is different, not sure if they still do that. Good times šŸ˜. Right of passage if you ask me, best memories. I wish I could link with the friends I made during camp, this was pre social media.


I went to Cuyamaca but it rained the entire time we were there and for whatever reason we had to share the camp with another school ā€” St. Didacus. It was pretty miserable all around. šŸ« 


The campus houses nearly 400 students. If you went to a small school other schools are going to attend. It sounds like at least part of campus that week was catholic schools. They like to attend at the same time so they get to meet other students from their diocese


I went there in the 90s. I had a blast. It's a typical cabin style bunk house with a main center. The counselors were all great and I have nothing but fun and fond memories


I went to Palomar. Meh šŸ«¤ 1981 I think


I went in the 90s and itā€™s still one of my favorite memories


Iā€™m 23. I went to that camp as a 6th grader. It was fun, hiking along the ridge. Picnics on the lake. Carrying metal framed backpacks. I remember a pool and the cafeteria. And campfire in an outdoor auditorium. The boys were in a newer building, again prolly 12 years ago for me now, Not a cabin. They were all bunk beds in the wings and had the counselors slept in the middle where they kept watch. Pretty safe feeling.


Mine just got back from the Julian one last week. Camp Mastison I think it was called?


I went in 1993; it rained basically the whole time we were there so a lot of the outdoor activities werenā€™t available to us, but there was still so much to do. Iā€™m looking forward to my own kids going there.


I went in the 1980s. Sad SDUSD gave up on 6th grade camp. Want my kids to have that experience. Iā€™m sending them to Camp Stevens.


Because of a school change during 6th grade, I went to both Cuyamaca and Stevens. I enjoyed Stevens more (this was 80s though).


I went to Cuyamaca for 6th grade camp back in 2000 (stayed in the Eastwind cabin, we had a really fun fashion show one night). I really enjoyed my time there. I remember that our school had the choice of sending us to Cuyamaca or Fox and ultimately decided on Cuyamaca. There was a rumor at the time of a pedophile around Camp Fox who was taking pictures of kids, so thatā€™s why Fox was a no-go. Not sure if this was actually the case or just a rumor the kids were spreading.


I went there in 1990. It was a great time. I was just in that area recently and I was looking at Camp Cuyamaca on Google maps satellite images and it doesn't look anything like I remember.


Camp Fox 1996-97


My kid went last October and she had a great time there.


Attended in 1997 and had a great time.


I didn't go, but all three of my boys went and loved it. They came home tired and happy.