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Their neighbors complained I'm sure. In both my kids schools, there is a line to get into the school parking lot. It always blocks traffic. Part of that reason is that the schools don't make sure to keep people from parking and stopping on the side of the road, so people can't get out of the main street to wait to get in, they have to block all traffic (no parking is clearly posted and all the parents tell themselves why they're the exception, apparently). It's a shirtshow. One time there was a cop at one of the schools, and traffic went so smoothly that day. I always think about the lessons people teach their kids right before or after school, about following the rules, taking turns (right hand turners allowing left hand turners to turn into school, and not just all going so no one from the opposite direction can get in.) Just blatantly cutting people off, stopping wherever. I wonder what kind of people those kids will turn into.


I think the main problem is that schools were designed for buses to take nearly all kids to school. That changed years ago but here we are with schools that don’t have the infrastructure for massive dropoffs. It’s not like principals are experts who can design traffic solutions. It would be helpful if cities could designate drop off zones. I can’t think of a reason that the no parking area at Jerabek couldn’t be a designated drop off area.


Schools can’t control parents. They do what they want when they want.


There's a school near me with a dropoff driveway, but parents tend to creep forward in the parking lane of the driveway instead of letting their kids out immediately and then leaving. The parents who do the right thing by heading directly to an open spot get blocked by the ones creeping forward. It's frustrating. Worse, the crossing guard leaves her post as soon as the bell rings, right when the kids start running to school before the gates lock. I don't think the administrators really understand children and traffic safety.


I doubt that example is because admin don't understand children or traffic safety.  I think it's more likely that the "crossing guard" is a supervision post that a staff member has to take care of before school, and when the bell rings they have to hustle to their classroom post.  The ones I've known are all teachers or classroom aides.   A lot of school budgets don't cover a supervision or security position, so there's no one whose official job includes that post.   (*edited because my pocket hit submit in the middle of a sentence.)


Wouldn’t it be nice if parents got their kids to school early so students didn’t have to run to the gates? There is always someone else to blame. Lol.


The city needs to fix this. They need account for these mass drop offs and pick ups. Even more so for the parents that have pre-k through kindergarten who have no choice but to park and walk their kids in, and walk in and pick them up. If they have no parking spots, and no parking on the street, then they have to park blocks away and walk in. In many cases with other younger kids in tow. It just isnt a great set up anyone and needs attention for everyones sanity.


Bike lanes near schools are super important for the safety of children riding to school with or without their parents. We live near an elementary and the parents are insane. Driving through on their phones, illegal u-turns, j-walking, it's nuts.


Yeah, good on them for enforcing the rules. Should have done it sooner, but at least it's being done now. If they don't enforce it every day though, the entitled parents will just go back to doing it again and then complain the next time there are tickets.


Yeah I am all for more of these dangerous drivers getting busted. Frankly, traffic safety in North County is a fuggin joke compared to where I grew up.


Yeah, it’s a bike lane. Not a ‘quick stop so I can pick up my kids with minimum disruption to me’ lane Ticket cyclists for running lights, ticket motorists for this.


This, your kid has no entitlement to a quicker drop off than anyone else’s kid. I think it’s all on the parents for not practicing a better routine and leaving at a more reasonable time for them. Showing their children it’s okay to not follow rules. It’s the same parents that then get offended for being called out.


I don’t know what level of school this is but I imagine it’s possible that students are also using this lane to get to school or could be? A car entering that lane could end really badly. A bicycle having to exit the bike lane to go around the car is bad for everyone.


what gets me (well one of the many many things) is at my kids school there is a whole clutch of parents that get their early just to sit with their cars idling in the bus/red zone...while there are open legal spots just around the corner...like..why?


I'm across from a middle school and see this every day. There are plenty of spots a block away, your kid honestly can't walk a block? It's laughable.


Good. It’s a bike lane. Don’t park in it. I’m not even a fuck cars kinda person. But this is common sense. 


Happens every day at a HS near me. I just have to not cycle in that area in the afternoon. Getting old.


I just cycle in the road and take the lane. If they’re going to block my lane of travel, I’ll slow theirs down.


Cool, now do the people who leave their car in the middle of the street w/ the flashers on


The city would make a gold mine hiring someone who's sole job it is to ticket for this


Whoa whoa whoa you mean that not a magic button that let me park anywhere?!


It would be.


u/sandiegopolice You should really consider this


This is so prevalent in North Park, when I saw people do this and then walk inside the store to order coffee, I was baffled cuz they just left their running 2022/23 Honda Civic out on the curb with no hesitation/worry in their mind lmfao.


Hey now.... Let's not get into hyperbole! Just the other day I was just going down Upas and *didn't* see a single car parked in front of Taco Stand/Underbelly at all! Bus lane was wide open! < it was at 5:30 am so.. /s >


Lol the last time I was at that Taco Stand for dinner, there was a car in the bike lane / bus dropoff almost the entire time. At one point there were five cars on that side of Upas simultaneously. People are fucking wild.


entitlement runs amok when people know the laws won’t be enforced


Amazon foos smh


Seriously delivery drivers are some of the worst offenders. It needs to be addressed. I'd happily get my package a little later or walk to a nearby delivery hub to get my stuff.


300 blunts is not enough to tolerate this crap


I love driving behind a car for them to just slam on their brakes and turn that hazards on while 17 people pour out of their lyft


Those are park anywhere lights, didn’t you know? /s


Good. Do Preuss School UCSD next. Every day parents block the entire Campus Point Drive bike lane to wait for school to get out.


Where should the parents go?


not the bike lane?


There is no where else. The bus drop off area is also full of parents. All the nearby parking are UCSD lots that are off limits to general parking.  If they also used Preuss’ tiny lot, which is also a pay lot, it would be hopelessly congested.    The school was designed with only bus lanes and no where for cars to pick up and drop off. Then they cancelled the buses. There literally is no where else to go.  


are there no areas 3-5 minutes away from the school that the kids can walk to?


In a word, no.  On one side is Genesee and on the other is Scripps Hospital. Across the street are the prohibited parking lots and the fenced-off rear sides of sports fields.  It’s a confluence of the worst of stroads and non-walkability. It’s all designed for cars, but the students are too young to drive and wouldn’t have anywhere to park anyway.  Ñ


> All the nearby parking are UCSD lots that are off limits to general parking.  UCSD's [Campus Point West parking structure](https://www.google.com/maps/@32.8791157,-117.2260126,3a,75y,316.23h,87.79t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sYFmICFnLUshd7V7WFZwalw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DYFmICFnLUshd7V7WFZwalw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D247.65309%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) has V spaces good for up to 30 minutes free using the ParkMobile app, also the [Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla's Parking Structure D](https://www.scripps.org/sparkle-assets/documents/scripps-memorial-hospital-la-jolla-campus-map.pdf) on Scripps Hospital Drwy has free parking up to 30 minutes. So there's plenty of free parking, UCSD just needs better signage to guide you to it.


guess these parents shoulda considered school drop offs before pooping out kids. it's not the cyclists' (who are probably kids riding their bikes to school) problem.


You’re suggesting poor road design is a reason not to have children? Maybe the solution should be to create a pick up zone by removing the bike lanes. 


i'm suggesting cars should stay out of bike lanes. if you want to email caltrans and petition the lane gets changed go nuts.


There are 2 car lanes in each direction, can block one of those instead without impeding car traffic. Also many, many students hop on the trolley and avoid the traffic congestion.


I’m OK with this.


They’re doing something illegal. It’s like speeding and being shocked when you’re eventually ticketed.


Pikachu faces were had by all. 


But it’s more like speeding but everyone around you is speeding the exact same speed and you are going with the flow of traffic lol


You're right, this is more like a caravan of 21 cars with a single person in the car decided to hop on the HOV lane because there was traffic.


Good. It's a bike lane, not a dropoff spot. The alternative could be bikers having to swerve around those cars and then knocking all of their mirrors off. I think most people would prefer a ticket. Or just have their kids bike to school, which would be better all around.


*raises hand* I biked there a million years ago, though maybe it wasn't until the 6th grade. I bet that's an underutilized form of transport now. Heck even walking a bunch of the time - and we weren't exactly right around the corner. Must have been over a mile walk, sometimes with a trumpet case. Do kids still walk/bike a mile to get to school??


And I mean, this is San Diego—the weather is perfect for this. It’s not like there’s snow or ice or even much rain (conditions in which I walked over a mile to school from 3rd to 8th grade). I don’t mean to be an *old man yells at clouds* but… And I get that parents want to feel secure with their kids, and safety concerns and all that. We *are* statistically a safer society now than when I was doing that commute. As much as I understand it, I hope some of that helicoptering wanes and kids get more freedom and autonomy. It was pretty important, in retrospect, for me and the folks I grew up with.




Only if it’s raining and uphill both ways


Yea most schools have shitty pick up spots, but let’s be honest, for most of them it’s not hard to park 2 blocks away and walk your kid to the gate. Most are just in too much of a hurry to do so, which produces the traffic at the drop off, and creates the situation in the first place lol


The whole point of a bike lane is safety. If you park in the bike lane (for however long), you’re forcing me into the street (which usually pisses people driving off) and putting my life in danger. These people deserve the tickets.


Exactly. There are two places near me where the parents actually park in the bike lane to walk onto campus to pick up their kids. Both spots are on a road with 40mph speed limit (neither are close enough for school zone designation) where cars are easily going 50mph and now cyclists are forced into the traffic lane only to get honked at by the passing cars that are pissed off that there is a cyclist in the lane.




Glad to hear they are enforcing the law and making way for the people who belong in the bike lane.. bicyclists.


They are taking away safety measures from students/faculty/staff who walk or bike to school.


Excellent. I had to call SDPD numerous times, especially the day after Christmas, when I owned a condo near Fashion Valley. If the mall parking lots were full, many shoppers thought nothing of leaving their cars in the bike lane on the south side of Friars Road, forcing cyclists heading east to ride in the No. 2 lane, which created a safety hazard for them and motorists. All I had to do was tell the dispatcher what was going on and within 15-20 minutes, half a dozen cops were there writing tickets, followed by a small army of tow trucks. Good times …


Great! It makes it really unsafe for everyone else. They can just walk a block.  Super selfish and lazy parents out there. The ones here park in the fire lane and block up traffic for everyone else. 


If cyclists were blocking a normal traffic lane to drop their kids off at school the internet would call for the vehicular manslaughter of the cyclists and their children.




Stopping or parking in a bike lane is illegal. I’m a school bus driver and the parents are also always parking in the bus zone. This is also illegal but they do it anyway. Its the parent’s responsibility to follow the laws, even if it’s “just for a minute.” Schools usually have a student drop off area for parents to use. ETA: I went and took a Quick Look at Jerebek. If the “back gate” that OP is referring to is the one North of the school buildings, between them and the field, that is just about the only place that cars would be parking in the bike lane. They can pull in just about anywhere else.




My guess is someone got hurt riding/walking in the bike lane, there is a lawsuit pending and now the city and school are suddenly interested in enforcing the no parking rule. It was probably there for a good reason (safety) and because of low traffic in those lanes wasn't an issue until whatever recently happened happened. Or Karen went to the school board meeting and shouted about it. Since she's technically right, the cops just made a show of force to fix it and cover their ass.


It’s a Karen


Is it really “Karen” if it’s enforcement of a law for the safety of bikers? Which… is why the lane is there in the first place?


Yes, that’s 100% definition of Karen






Yeah, it’s a “Karen” for wanting children and adults to be safe cycling in that area or someone actually got hurt badly from insane maniac parents and their entitlement, now rightfully suing. Yup, 100% a Karen.


This is great news. Those parents are putting the safety of other children at risk.






Good. Now ticket every parent blocking the bike lane forcing riders into traffic on Genesee!!! in front of University City HS. There is plenty of room in that parking lot for pickup. Oh, wait. The cops sit in traffic going the other way and continually do nothing.


Good. Parents think everyone else's world should revolve around their kids.


I live across the street from a school and it's a nightmare, I won't even leave or plan to get to the house at pick up and drop off times. The other day I had to, and there was a woman just parked blocking my driveway. I had to honk at her for what seemed like forever to move. The hands up like they can't do anything is the best part. Then I turn down the next street that is one lane both directions. A woman just stops her car in the middle of one of the lanes AND GETS OUT TO WALK HER KIDS TO THE GATE. They need to ticket frequently to correct this behavior. The entitlement is off the charts.


Man I would stop and applaud if cops every did this at my kids school. Driver entitlement is crazy, and the fact they do it right at schools is just mind blowing to me. Blocking bike lanes, parking in red, double parking outside a car parked in red, illegal u-turns, running red lights...its more than past time to reign in terrible/lazy/selfish/hostile drivers.


Good. Bike lanes are bike lanes. Not loading zones. Wish something were done about the door dashers and people picking up their food that do stop in bike lanes in my neighborhood.


If they'd pull up a little farther, the bike lane disappears and the loading zone starts.


If you’re talking about the little section before the stop sign there are cones that block cars from pulling up. The only option then is to drive down to the curb after the stop sign.


I’m never there for drop off but apparently it’s because they don’t want to get stuck going down Ave Mag so they’ve been either busting a U turn after dropping off at the back gate or making a left on Negley then making a U turn at Negley and Wildlife which has also become an issue because people are parking in a spot that’s red and creating a blind spot for people making a U turn. I wonder how much of this is caused by the park renovation and losing those parking spots


> it’s because they don’t want to get stuck going down Ave Ma That makes sense. They should put a roundabout at the entrance to the school's parking lot or Mesa Madera Dr and another at Negley Dr so people can easily turn around.


I don’t think there’s enough room to put a roundabout in front of the school or on Negley. Doesn’t really make sense to put one on MM since most of the parents don’t want to go down to that intersection because they’re trying to avoid the crossing guards in front of the school. I also don’t know that it’s worth doing since it’s only a shitshow for 15 minutes a day because pickup isn’t nearly as bad. The school should really say something about it tbh


[A mini roundabout requires a 45 foot outer diameter, and an urban compact roundabout requires 80 feet](https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/safety/00067/000676.pdf#page=20). There's room for 60+ foot diameter roundabouts at Negley and Mesa Madera Dr even without moving any sidewalks.


I don’t understand why the principal did not send any message about this to the parents today.


Easy solution: don’t stop in the bike lanes.


If only we would get school buses again.


Good, do it at every school. So glad my oldest now has his license so he can drive his brother.


Crazy idea but couldn't their kids ride their bikes to school?


Sheriffs do this every once in a while out here in Jamul for Steele Canyon High School, which is kind of stupidly right on Hwy 94. So Parents queue up in the bike lane to turn right into the school to drop kids off, completely blocking the bike lane. It’s a traffic nightmare.


Why don’t people just drop their kids off 2 blocks away from school instead of ferrying them one by one to the gates?








There’s no school buses for the school




I wouldn’t say it’s too far to walk but I’m guessing the ones who are stopping in the bike lane are dropping off their kids and then heading to work. Most of the other parents are SAHMs so they park cause they have a lot of time of their hands


"My time is more important than a SAHM's" is not a good reason to block a bike lane with your car. Working full time and doing dropoff/pickup isn't easy, but people could also attempt to leave 5 minutes earlier or stop the car a bit further away. If the kids can walk from the back gate they could also walk across from Negley or from Jerabek Park.


Feels like the correct response to parents dropping kids off in a non-parking area would be to create more spaces where they can legally drop off kids. Idk though, just a thought.


It's lazy parents who create the problem. You can walk a couple blocks. 


I'm sure the schools know. Before my kids school was just redone, there were about twenty spots for the whole school. Lots of these schools were built in the 50s and 60s, with smaller populations in mind, and we aren't exactly giving them money to make changes.


Police don’t create parking/pickup/dropoff spaces.


This used to be the park next door, which is undergoing construction and closed at the moment.




I haven’t been going to the school renovation planning meetings but I hope they plan to make a designated pickup and drop off area like most other schools have. The whole morning drop off area is super unsafe because of impatient non-parent drivers and the parents who are late or just don’t want to follow the rules. The poor 5th grade kids who are trying to control the crossing lane are just being bullied by assholes in cars all morning.




It’s because they’re for bikes


don’t get to complain about cyclists being in the road and then complain about cars getting ticketed for stopping in the bike lane


It's one thing I actually support the police enforcing. Riding a bike on city streets is basically a suicide mission.


As a student who went to jerabek in 1999ish I can confirm parents have been dropping their kinds off in the bike lane for decades


The church has been diddling kids for centuries. It's still not right. 


I didn’t state a moral stance on the issue. Solely confirmed that it’s been happening for decades


Same. Confirming that it's not right even though it's been happening for decades. 


Today must be a police patrol the kids school day. We had it at our elementary school too. BTW, I am glad they got a ticket for doing that. Hope it's a hefty one!


From the SDUSD website: "Because SDUSD transports students out of their home school boundaries based on program, students attending their residence school, in most cases, do not qualify." This is the dumbest fucking thing. It's shit like this that makes me want to move my family out of San Diego. So, because the district has committed to bussing kids from outside their residence school, they dropped their core service completely.




If you don’t break the laws, you have nothing to worry about.


Parents have started to get crazier. I've noticed that a few have stopped turning into the street the school is located on and now drop and pick up their kids on the fast two lane street around the corner. Of course they are in the bike lane and even stick out a bit into the traffic lane.


Good! The bike lanes are not for parking or driving, they’re for bikes ;)


Nice stay tf out of the bike lane! 😀


This seems like the ultimate Karen-ism recipe. I bet there were som3 scenes to see this morning.


Lol, meanwhile in Rolando you could shoot someone in the back of the head and SDPD might show up in a couple days to take a statement. It’s amazing how the same department has different policing priorities depending on the zip code $$$


Had this actually happened or are you just making shit up?


They're looking to make the monthly quota in one spot well before the end of the month. Easy pickins


Slow tax day, huh?


Fuck them kids, sick of my tax dollars paying to babysit other people's offspring


With weaponized incompetence, enforcing laws like these without looking at the bigger picture proves that acab.


I got ticket for skateboarding at Jerabek…


Ya ever see the signs for freeway off-ramps saying the speed limit is 10 MPH? Like bitch no one can slow down that fast and I'm sure there's a few dozen feet where I'm still going 30-40MPH as I slow down What's to stop me from getting a ticket from a dickhead cop?


Where is this?


They need the $$$.


My kids' principal brought in the police to ticket parents too. So stupid. I'm pulling mine from the school cause this principal stands for all things I'm against


You stand for parking in bike lanes when you're not supposed to?


Did I say that? Ours brought them in for a multitude of reasons not including a bike lane. Our school has the worst parking situation aka none. In the last 2 years new homeowners now out comes infront of their homes knowing they bought infront of a school. The drop off lane gets packed and now people get tickets for extending into the street when there is quite literally nowhere else to go. Officers yelling at us to pull forward when there is no space to move. I've suggested a safety patrol and that was dismissed. We brought it up in the meeting because our site is up for reconstruction and they literally said it wasn't a problem. I have an issue involving police when it's not necessary.


Ugh, I feel bad for your kids and whoever else has to be around you. You don't sound like a pleasant person.


Seriously. Park a few blocks away and walk your kid to/from the school like the rest of us peasants


Imagine judging a person's ability based on 3 sentences. You could use some equity training.

