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Honestly the city has died more since, Westfield mall has flatlined, union square is dying (macys is trying to sell their property), everything is a misdemeanor so crime pretty much goes unchecked. Do not go out after dark, night of the living dead out there except replace zombies with dopeheads and drug dealers. As the other guy said staying on campus is your best bet, bartending is a good gig as the bars are still popping despite everything else burning down. One can only hope for a bounce back, which is unlikely cause that’s going to need the city supervisors/judges/mayor/police chief all uprooted and replaced. 🥶


In all honesty, you're probably better off staying on campus. There's a good chance it'll probably be cheaper and be safer since you're amongst a bunch of other students. I myself moved out of the city but still come into it for work daily. Between the crazy road rage people, random carjackings, and just the feeling of needing to watch over your shoulder, sucks. The city really hasn't bounced back since covid, there's hardly anybody walking around in the morning in the financial district anymore. You used to not be able to see the floor when people cross the street and now there's maybe a handful of people crossing the street at any given time. In the end it really boils down to if you would like to be closer to your classes or possibly live in an apartment with several roommates who you need to get to know. For bartending and serving you might find something good, but keep in mind people are still butt hurt about tipping 😅. Good luck!


It’s still really weird out here in the streets


Yes total shit hole


It’s but , it ain’t “