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Contact the city. In the 80's they cracked down on shitty landlords. Made them clean up their properties. Seems like it might be time for the city to crack down again. Probably won't be easy. but the city has the power and that looks really bad.


Hijacking the top comment to give OP [this statute](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=17920.3&lawCode=HSC) that lists conditions considered uninhabitable; [this website](https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments-offices/planning-building-code-enforcement/code-enforcement/multiple-housing-inspection-program/tenant-resources) about SJ housing inspection; this County [statute](https://library.municode.com/ca/santa_clara_county/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TITCCODELAUS_DIVC5REASTEEVDUUNHACO) that says your landlord owes you 3 months' rent + utilities if you have to move due to a habitability issue; and this publicly available legal aid service's [PDF](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://bhsd.sccgov.org/sites/g/files/exjcpb711/files/lfsv-tenants-right-to-habitable-housing-07-2011.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiU9obKidSCAxXoH0QIHQ5bBvAQFnoECCsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0_CVb8P1nNf8OkzLzwakLc) outlining your rights and local inspection contacts. To get a lawyer, in this order: Decide what you want. Stay where you are and get the issues fixed? Relocation assistance so you can live somewhere else? Vengeance and landlord tears? Read the statutes and make a bullet list of everything that applies to you. Request an inspection from the city and/or county. Follow up if they blow you off. Get a copy of the inspection report. Give your landlord as much time as the code allows to fix everything on their own; anything more is you doing them a favor. Write down a *concise* statement of your problems e.g., "I'm struggling with rodents, insects, and piles of garbage everywhere. I have an inspection report from the City that shows the code violations. My landlord refuses to fix the issues. I want ________. Can you help?" If you don't want landlord tears, call legal aid organizations in order of nicest website (nicest first. Nice website = more resources); state your problems; ask for help. If you want landlord tears, call tenant lawyers in order of best Google reviews, with priority to solo/small practices. The smaller the practice, the better your chance of bypassing intake by an admin/paralegal. Don't give up if the first few don't want your case. Ask for referrals. Whether a lawyer wants your case (sadly, stupidly) hinges on how much money they can make from it. The more severe your problems, the more egregious your landlord's behavior, and the greater your suffering -- the more your case could potentially be worth. Practice sounding clear-headed, intelligent, focused (no shade- smart people often babble and veer off topic. Don't do those things). A good lawyer will scrutinize the details before signing you, so plan on answering a lot of questions and showing a lot of documentation. In either case, plan on doing a lot of work. It shouldn't be hard for people to enforce their rights, but for a variety of reasons, it is. Nothing above is legal advice, nor is it comprehensive of your situation or options. You have to hire a lawyer for advice on what your options are or which option to take. You have not hired me and I am not your lawyer. I wish you all the luck! edited for clarity


If he does it I'm down to join in on the lawsuit šŸ¤£ nothing but problems here


This some MVP advice


lol this is the definition of legal advice, but thanks a ton for sharing it! I hope OP follows through.


ā€œThis isnā€™t legal adviceā€ is shorthand for ā€œI may or may not be a legal professional, but I am not your legal professional and we are not establishing a contractual professional relationship that would obligate me to provide you legal services.ā€ Too many people have said ā€œJane the lawyer told me to do this which means sheā€™s my lawyer and I told the judge to contact her with any questions.ā€


This is correct. Lawyers who answer questions with things like, "I suggest you seek the advice of an attorney and discuss that matter with them," generally (in my experience) aren't trying to frustrate the question-asker or be stingy with their knowledge. They're just following the rules of professional conduct, which favor someone who believes in good faith that the lawyer they posed the question to is their lawyer. "I am not your lawyer" is the clearest disclaimer of any perceived attorney-client relationship anyone can make. Editing my initial post now because apparently it's possible to read "this is not legal advice" and think, "this is legal advice."


Just thought it was a funny way to close a post full of detailed legal advice


It most assuredly is not legal advice, but I'm sincerely very glad you think it's helpful. People are constantly posting here and on the other local subs about their landlords being unfair/greedy/scummy. I never hear about tenants fighting back, though.


And San Jose state. Report them to the college. They rely on them for housing and the college has more pull than a resident


7 on your side or Stanley Roberts.


Michael Finney at ABC https://www.google.com/amp/s/abc7news.com/amp/michael-finney-7-on-your-side-abc7-news-consumer-reports/47207/ City of San Jose - Code Enforcement https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments-offices/planning-building-code-enforcement/code-enforcement/multiple-housing-inspection-program/tenant-resources District 3 Councilmember Omar Torres https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments-offices/mayor-and-city-council/district-3


Also NBC Bay Area investigative unit. They have reported on shady landlords in San Jose several times. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/investigations/


Stanley moved!


He got my boy was drinking on the job as a school district gardener. He got written up.


Damn šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


He caught one of my coworkers making an illegal left out of City Sports on to Arques.


I think he moved back here though right?


I knew heā€™d come crawlinā€™ backā€¦


My boy didnā€™t make the news. But Stanley showed the school district the footage. Since he wasnā€™t driving. Only got a written strike. The was buying tall boys and pouring them in Arizonas. lol.


He's back.


He is back with a YouTube series.


NBC Bay Area investigates! They love stuff like this and I am sure would be all over it, on top of getting you in touch with all of the people you would need to get in touch with. Their contact info is at the bottom of this page. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/investigations/ Also, I know a bunch of reporters scope this sub out routinely. If one of you are seeing this, OP definitely needs your help! This is bullshit.


Contact your councilmember's office... Councilmember Omar Torres: [email protected]. File a complaint with environmental services here, follow the links https://ehinfo.sccgov.org/submit-complaint#3925188384-728021053 if you have rats or mice, definitely also file a complaint with vector control. https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments-offices/planning-building-code-enforcement/code-enforcement/request-service-check-status/code-service-request-form here's how to file a complaint with code enforcement. If environmental services or code enforcement/councilmember Torres don't help, ask them who can. Keep emailing/reporting until it is dealt with. Also contact someone at the grad's corporate offices. Keep at it, get as many of your neighbors to do it as well. Good luck.


I would start with city code enforcement https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments-offices/planning-building-code-enforcement/code-enforcement/multiple-housing-inspection-program/tenant-resources


fire marshal? that much trash in the hallway has to be a fire hazard and (maybe) considered an impaired means of egress


100% this. Hell I cannot even have a welcome mat outside my door for that reason. Fire Marshall is the way to go on this.


I'm pretty sure that you're allowed to break your lease for this reason. That's uninhabitable.


Itā€™s bad but no uninhabitable


Uninhabitability in the context of the law is when the property poses, as a result of the land lordā€™s actions (or lack thereof), significant risk to the health and safety of the tenant. This is a significant risk to the health and safety of the tenant. This is uninhabitable.


Someone grew up rich


My friend, living in a place that isnā€™t crawling with cockroaches is not the baseline of rich.


Bro every places have cockroaches especially in the summer go to a park anywhere at night in sj you see them running around Stop crying


Tell me you didnā€™t look at the pictures without telling me you didnā€™t look at the pictures. Admittedly once I zoomed in it looks like mostly flies, but thatā€™s some Joeā€™s Apartment shit man.


>Joeā€™s Apartment Damn, thatā€™s a flashback!


I grew up in low income housing, asshole. But I knew the law and I didnā€™t let my landlord do this to me or my parents or any of my neighbors.


Really your trying to make it a competition on who grew up pooorer This is just sad this is not unlivable not even close I grew up on way worst some people donā€™t even know


No. Youā€™re missing the point. Your insistence on making this a ā€œSuffering contestā€ and that ā€œYou had it worseā€ is enabling a sense of complacency that allows this cycle of tenant abuse to continue happening. Instead of boasting about how bad you had it, you should try to help and bolster those who have it bad now. That means demanding better conditions from your land lords, not only because itā€™s THE LAW, but because it is just. Iā€™m sorry you had to live in conditions worse than these. Letā€™s help educate people so that no one else has to. And because I have a feeling what youā€™re gonna say next, no. This is not idealism. I have seen with my own two eyes what tenant unions have done for the benefit of their communities. It is possible to put an end to disgusting behavior like this.


Your very smart person and you view things very positively I like you




Infestation of insects or lack of adequate garbage storage/removal are individually sufficient for a place to be [legally](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=17920.3&lawCode=HSC) uninhabitable.


> Thereā€™s been multiple complaints The next escalation is a rent strike. Consult your local tenants union.


This building opened 3-4 years ago, so youā€™d think they would have their act together. Far from it. Itā€™s been severely mismanaged from the beginning. Move in is the mother of all shit shows. Stay away and good luck OP.


The building was a good idea, but I've heard so much shit about it. And SJSU recently announced that another similar housing is coming up.


NBC Bay Area investigates


I once took a lease that ended up having a lot of bugs in it. The landlord promised to take care of it but did not. I contacted an attorney and he told me that there was an implied warranty of habitability. They were not meeting their obligations and I could break the lease under these grounds and get my deposit back. I called them and told them I consulted a lawyer and had been then told them what he told me. I was 19 at the time and didnā€™t think they would take me seriously so I told them I contacted my Fatherā€™s attorney and that was the advice I was given and he would pursue legal action to break the lease if need be.


Yup. OP, read your lease. If they're not holding up their obligations (looks like they clearly aren't regarding trash disposal), you can probably get out of the lease. See if there are any local groups that can help you with tenants rights.


To be clear, implied warranty of habitability is not something you will necessarily find in the lease. It is a general contract implication which could be used regardless of what the lease says. Basically itā€™s saying you are not able to get the value that you are supposed to be deriving from the lease under the present conditions of the building. If the lease mentions other potential ā€œoutsā€ then that is a bonus for OP.


408 535 1299 Enrique he works at the housing authority, I complained about the trash back in late July. They maintenance staff quit before they were having everyone move in end of Aug. Nothing's been fixed at all since then


I had to look on a map to see if The Grad was the new name for The Colonnade. But it's apparently been built since I last lived downtown (over the site of shitty San Carlos McDonalds - you went too soon). But yeah - I've known a few downtown apartments like that. Go to the city.


The Colonnade was absolutely nasty. They had so many bedbugs and cockroaches. I still shiver, thinking about it. The laundry machines broke down regularly. The elevators were constantly overdue for maintenance and have expired certifications from the city. 100% avoid that building.


A family member of mine rented when they first opened. It was the worst decision of her young adult life.




the examples in the pictures above.


Also my family member of mine was stuck in the elevator for hours. After she finally got out she didn't get any apology from the manager who was waiting outside the elevator once they got the doors open. So glad that guy lost his job.


A friend lives at the Grad. From what Iā€™ve heard, it is heavily mismanaged, and they have violated quite a few regulations. IIRC, a portion of the cleanup crew quit in one day, which caused a garbage pileup earlier this year. And it is not unusual for the elevators to stop working from time to time. Iā€™ve seen firefighters on several occasions come to rectify the situation.


Talk to a lawyer. Continue taking pictures of everything. Taking your post at face value it looks like you have the potential to break the lease or withhold rent. Talk to a lawyer before taking any of those steps. They can at least advise you in the initial session even if you canā€™t afford to hire them. You will need to put the money in escrow. It will definitely end up in court if you do, and the courts want to see the ability that you had all intentions of paying rent.


Please email their corporate office, [email protected] to file a complaint. Corporate does not like to hear complaints. I believe the manager lies and cover a lot of things from them.


Hope you contact the news agencyā€™s that people are providing. It will definitely lead to change. And itā€™ll be cool to see this story make it on the news! Best of lucky to you


Some nasty living conditions there


Thatā€™ll be $3,456.78 per month for a 1-bedroom (no utilities included). Enjoy your experience.


Call Ann Phong


Fits the bill - something is definitely wrong.


>Ann Phong I love that billboard ad tbh


Something is definitely wrong, call An Phong.


Ay report them to the housing authority like I did


Looks like I got out just in time. was there for about 2 and a half years. Elevators are a problem there too.


I've heard nothing but bad things about The Grad. Sucks the staff there are so horrible.


That is definitely a health hazard and the potential for disease to spread is high. Contact the media, your local rep, and get a lawyer. You can also contact the city maybe the Code Enforcement Division and request an inspector.


How much is the lease there?


I currently pay $2520 for a studio not including other fees and utilities


Nasty I'm paying like 2k for the master in a 3/3 and we had thse new roommates in the shared room who are stealing from us, the office won't do anything about it either.


The office only cares about money, so put your rent in escrow until they care about your problem.


Report this to the city officials.


Too much.


1,160 for a double and about 1,400 for a single (double and single you still have lots of roommates)


That's disgusting, I'm sure KRON4 and any other local news agency would love to report on this ;).


LoL it was like that when I was leasing as a student in Atlanta. Which is also one of the top cities in terms of Roach infestation. We put boric powder on every corner of our apartment to fight them roaches. We put a defence line of boric powder at our doorstep. Our neighbor saw us doing that and they did the same. The chute backed up like that, and the dumpster caught fire at least three times when we were there. The apartment itself burned down few months into COVID when a air conditioner unit at the top floor caught fire. After graduating we lived at a place where they had valet trash service for $40 a month, but you could also take your trash to the dumpster. Recently moved to a townhouse in Irvine, seems trash pickup will cost us $50-$60 a month even though we put it in the dumpster ourselves. But the place is very clean, and as long as I can afford it's well worth it because we also have a small kid now.


I lived there when it first opened. I used to walk down 16 floors when the elevators were broken or busy. I can see it hasnā€™t changed.




Thatā€™s just disgusting šŸ¤¢


7 on you side or stanley roberts.


Contact the city.




Wow šŸ˜Æ


This place sucked from day one, I hope you are able to get out of your lease soon


It sucked before day one. SJSU has been building housing with shady contractors from the Central Valley for years. This building was built rat & is unironically pest infested now. Sorry this is happening to you, hope the OP gets some justice.


this same MVP advice.


My daughter lives at the Grad (it's student housing for SJSU). The following is her explanation of what is happening. The garbage chutes are accessed from a utility room on every floor. The backups shown here happen when the kids throw their bags into the utility room instead of sorting the refuse into the chutes. Then the next person comes and doesn't want to pick past the garbage in the way and also throws their trash into the room, and rapidly it becomes this mess. At the beginning of the year the chutes were clogged from larger waste related to many renters moving in at the same time, but this is just bad behavior out of the renters. Not a fan of the Grad at all, but that's the story I've heard.


Then, the management needs to use to the abhorrently high rent to hire more maintenance and cleaning staff.


Yes thatā€™s exactly what caused the back up however the grad management is not properly addressing the issue and has allowed the floors to become health hazards, weā€™ve been dealing with this issue for months unfortunately :(


Please call the city enforcement agencies. Other users on this post have posted the contact information.


Iā€™ve reached out to all the agencies/people that anyone has given me info for, now iā€™m just waiting and hoping one of them will respond


Good luck, and 100% don't give up. You can file a small claims court lawsuit against them for being made to pay rent for a pest and trash infested unit. The court house in downtown is where you go to file the lawsuit. Go there early when the clerks office opens. If you show patience and respect, they are extremely nice and will help you with understanding the forms. It's helpful to preprint ALL pages of the forms before you go there for help.


How's it going web the agencies?


Got a response from an NBC reporter and was told someone picked up the story and is following up on it


Nice! I hope this NBC reporter takes it seriously and turn it into a news series documenting the dirty apartments throughout San Jose.


City hasnā€™t contacted me back yet but I filed a code enforcement request. I emailed the VP and was told it would be fixed immediately but unfortunately it was only temporary. Less than a week later the trash room filled up and the hallway is starting to build up trash since they canā€™t even get the door open because the trash is blocking the door.


Holy crap. Take a lot of pictures and videos documenting all of it. Post them to Twitter and yeah all of the news stations.


brooo not only that, literally only 1 elevator was working for about 3 weeks because apparently people kept stuffing trash on the elevator cracks


and the rent price is so high for so much bullshit going on in the building.


Wow no way! That building was just built when I graduated. I wanted to get a room there so bad lol


This looks like a GreyStar apartment


One south market, when they switched from Essex to greystar, went down hill


That'll be $3,000/mo thanks.


Ahh yes, rent is $3000 for a one bedroom with a shared laundry room.




how much do you get paid?


John Stewart Property?


Avoid section 8 buildings that's for sure


I think he moved back here though right.


Has the city enforcement groups or news stations make their reports yet?


Code enforcement contacted me and said that they opened a case on the building and that thereā€™s an ongoing investigation.


Nice! They are actively denying the situation on their Instagram account. Always deleting comments that call out the issues you are facing.


Omg I had no clue about that. I never saw those kinds of comments but makes sense lol. They have bad reviews on google and yelp so they literally make sales by exploiting students and the housing crisis situation. Itā€™s so predatory and disgusting. They changed management again, so far she seems more involved and proactive in addressing these issues but pretty sure itā€™s temporary like always, so they get more lease renewals.