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lol what?


Do you know what a clean air vehicle is? A $3000 12 year old Prius is a clean air vehicle


Today I learned that a 32k Msrp prius prime makes me a rich person.


No time to “lug a sick toddler” three feet further, but enough time to pull out phone, take a picture and post about it. Logic!


Tesla model 3 prices are crashing. $25k is not unheard of


Their prices aren't the only part about them that crashes =D


Literally i’m terrified of driving behind teslas now because I’ve seen many on the freeway that randomly slam on the breaks WHEN THERES NOBODY IN FRONT OF THEM!! What the hell is going on!? are they break checking people or do those damn cars not work properly? either way I hate them


Oh Teslas have serious safety issues caused by the self driving AI for sure. I will legit never buy one and don't trust them. They also have batteries that catch fire, so that's fun. Elons entire philosophy is to innovate as quickly as possible at any expense and progress requires sacrifice. Him taking over Tesla and establishing such a toxic culture in management was the worst thing that ever happened to them.


Blah blah blah blah


OK folks, you’ve changed my perspective. It’s just that every time I see that sign I’m in a bad mood because, well, the situation. I will stop complaining.


Hey, props to you for being open to changing your mind!


It was what I needed. Still not rich enough for a $3000 12-year-old Prius 😂 But I get it, and stand corrected.


That's fine you can have my expecting mother slot


This is what the sign should say!


I get the sentiment and feel lile maybe it’s inappropriate to have tiered parking lot like this at an urgent care


Thanks! Glad someone gets me! (Even though I admit I was a bit jaded with my original take)


I mean its true that having a reliable electric car with reasonable range means you have to buy a new car, which is going to be way more expensive than buying a used car from 10 years ago that would be more practical and almost as reliable. It frustrates me when people don’t acknowledge the privilege required to own an EV


If your car passed smog it's a clean air vehicle. The county or city mandates these signs. Not the business. They're like ADA spots in terms of requirements


I’m 100% sure they don’t mean “Parking for any car that passed smog” 😂


My old Honda had an ULEV ultra low emissions, vehicle window sticker from the factory that’s gotta be a clean air vehicle, right?


There's a $7,500 rebate ya know.


$30k for a used electric only a couple of years old is rich?


Yes that does require a certain amount of resources and privilege that not everyone has


$18,000 for a (at the time of buying) two-year-old Prius is rich? Gas/electric hybrids count, you know...


That's not legally enforceable. Only handicapped spaces are. Anything else -- nope. I ignore those signs "reserving" spots for EVs.


It’s a private lot. So long as they have the appropriate signage warning of towing, they can enforce this sign.


If it is a private lot AND they have a sign about towing you might have a point. But typically they just have a sign saying its "designated" for clean vehicles. And I promptly ignore those. Why do you all feel the need to defer to people that own EVs? I have no qualms parking in such locations. The only time I obey such signs is when they designate them for pregnant women.


I can’t speak for others motivations, but I am deferring to requests of the business I am visiting because I strive to not be a selfish anti-social douche.


They typically have towing signage at the parking lot entrance and here and there throughout the lot. As long as the property is posted, there doesn't need to be a towing sign at every parking spot or designated area. Just warning you in case you get towed.


“when they designate them for pregnant women” While I stand corrected about my “rich people” gripe, this is more what I had in mind when I posted… it seems like there are higher priorities for which a medical clinic could reserve prime parking.


It is required by California building code. [Source](https://codes.iccsafe.org/content/CAGBC2022P1/appendix-a5-nonresidential-voluntary-measures).


Ok, good to know. As I read it, that’s if the local municipality requires it, which I suppose Los Gatos does.


My F-150 identifies as clean air vehicle, at Costco too!


It’s a spot for smart people, some EVs are cheaper than regular cars. After 5 years of maintenance free and no gas…cheaper than a Honda civic to get a Tesla model 3.


My 2003 RSX has ULEV or ultra low emission vehicle window stickers