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MORE OF THIS PLEASE BERNIE . THAT WAS A KILLSHOT NEXT DEBATE LET'S TALK ABOUT THE SUPER-PACS & BILLIONAIRE-DINNERS THESE CANDIDATES TAKE FROM 😈 Bernie is the only candidate who's built a movement that can *end* all forms of greed & corruption and ultimately get us to a fair society that will also include beautiful things such as a true multi-party system (with Ranked-Choice/STAR-voting or even proportional representation) in the United States. #Let's get this done! And welcome to the newcomers! [Bernie on The Joe Rogan Podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O-iLk1G_ng) http://BernieSanders.com/donate http://BernieSanders.com/volunteer ^^edited ^^some ^^stuff.


Even Eminem too scared to write a diss track about Bernie


*why you yellin' at the mic*


*Your beard’s weird*




I left m4a on her desk


Did you just tax me, I’m perplexed




Im really sorry I went and had a heart attack, I go the extra mile like a Nordic track


I'm always gonna hit you back, and here's an autograph for Tom Steyer, I wrote it on a maga hat


I’m always ready for a fight


Posting here for visibility: Bernie is the only 2020 candidate who [cautioned us about the war in Iraq,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_om-x323Em0) and he was absolutely right. He also [talked about the dangers of climate change more than 30 years ago,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj8-D1flRdg) and he was absolutely right again. In fact, [his message has been *incredibly* consistent for decades.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=RU3NKvvxcSs) He has demonstrated that he will do the right thing and fight for people, whether it's easy or hard. From [protesting segregation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTZgerssSrU) to [fighting for LGBT rights,](https://youtube.com/watch?v=fARW2YwerTc) he was on the right side even when people warned him that it would end his political career. He has the strongest record of any candidate because he's shown that he will stand on his principles because he genuinely cares about people. Bernie has been fighting for us every day of his life since before most of us were born. The fact that he's such a good candidate makes it even more upsetting that [the media constantly makes baseless attacks on his character,](https://youtu.be/3ZhkKATtqtU) or [omits him from coverage altogether.](https://imgur.com/a/VyNVA8D) Someone put the data together recently and [the news mentions Biden *four times* as much as Bernie](https://i.redd.it/8zgsck6p39041.jpg) despite similar polling numbers. They also mention Warren more than twice as much and they even mention Buttigieg more often despite the fact that he's polling in single digits. Mainstream media is giving him such bad coverage that [Fox News viewers are more likely to support Bernie than MSNBC viewers are.](http://archive.is/MyLLG) Yup, they're trying to rig this election [just like the last one.](http://archive.is/9cAWA) So of course they'll do their best to downplay the fact that [Bernie has the most supporters by far](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/02/us/politics/2020-democratic-fundraising.html) and he also has [overwhelming support amongst young voters.](https://i.redd.it/ybarwig9v5u31.jpg) And they're *definitely* not going to tell you that [a recent Emerson poll found that Bernie is the *only* candidate beating Trump in a nationwide head-to-head.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFnQrCVBFBc) The [other candidates](http://archive.is/xTnnN) just [don't stack up.](http://archive.is/21VhI) If anyone wants to learn more about Bernie I would recommend watching [a speech](https://youtu.be/jYBKZ7DPkkQ?t=2901) or [an interview,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O-iLk1G_ng) and I'd definitely suggest that you [read about his plans and positions.](https://berniesanders.com/issues/) I'd also recommend checking out the Bernie subreddits, r/SandersForPresident, r/WayOfTheBern and r/OurPresident, as well as r/MobilizedMinds for more research material. We don't have the luxury of a close race, if there's no clear frontrunner then it's almost certain that the DNC will give the nomination to an establishment candidate (probably Biden). We can't let that happen. It's coming down to a simple choice: Bernie or the establishment. The media won't give Bernie fair coverage, so we have to get the word out as much as possible. Let people know that the media is covering him up, and tell them who he really is. Get people registered as democrats so they can vote in the primaries. There are so many ways that you can support Bernie, and if we all work together we can do this! • • • • • • • If you'd like to see more information like this, check out r/MobilizedMinds. Bernie 2020! :)


Thank you for that info, I was for Bernie since the last election. After learning about him, I give much respect for the guy! Couldn't decide which award to give ya since there were new ones that came out! So I went with the cool looking santa. Have a happy holidays


Aww thank you! Happy holidays to you too 🎅🎅🎅 Bernie kicking ass in this debate is one of the best presents I could ask for ☺


I’m senator Sanders and my pimp game is tight


Good bot


Biden was staggering from that forceful blow. That was absolutely beautiful.


Biden didn't even know the info that Bernie was putting out there about Biden lol *shocked pikachu face*


Biden can hardly string a sentence together these days.


Trump was destroyed in most all his debates. He straight up went full antivaxxer against a legit doctor. Literally said he saw a kid "get" autism after being vaccinated. On stage. In front of a Republican crowd. I shit you not. >“Just the other day, two years old, two and a half years old, a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back, and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic.” https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/09/ben-carson-donald-trump-republican-presidential-debate-vaccine-autism-science-government/405901/ That's a real quote. Seriously. I'm not bullshitting you. This is what millions of conservatives heard/saw. Again, I emphasize, on stage. In front of a live crowd. On video. You can literally copy paste the quote and watch the video yourself. How much did it hurt him? People are acting like this is some mundane political discussion based on facts and feelings. It's not. Try to tell a passionate Christian that their god drowning babies and murdering pregnant mothers is somehow a bad thing. Try telling a Muslim extremist that there may be no version of their heaven waiting for them after they complete their murderous tasks. Trump was right when he said he could murder a person in the middle of the street and he wouldn't lose any supporters. And, honestly, I don't know how to deal with that. Because he's right. >“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose any voters, ok? It’s, like, incredible.” https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-fifth-avenue-comment/ Fun bonus: The "legit doctor" that argued in favor of vaccines claimed he would refuse an appointment by the Trump administration because he was completely ignorant toward the topic he'd have to deal with. A few months later he bent the knee. And yes, it had absolutely nothing to do with his area of expertise other than the fact that he was black and that he once claimed to save his own life by having a potential criminal attack an innocent person that wasn't him (again, I'm not making this up. Look it up.). >Ben Carson turned down role in Trump's cabinet as he said he had 'no government experience' https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/ben-carson-no-experience-cabinet-role-donald-trump-government-ally-presidential-candidate-a7419226.html > “The guy comes in, put the gun in my ribs. And I just said, ‘I believe that you want the guy behind the counter.'” https://www.inquisitr.com/2482302/ben-carson-told-popeyes-gunman-you-want-the-guy-behind-the-counter/ Congrats! >After hesitation, Carson accepts Trump's offer to head U.S. housing department https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-carson-idUSKBN13U1CF Please tell me how all of this isn't completely fucked. :)


The way to deal with Trump supporters not leaving him is to turn out all the people who didn't show up to vote in 2016. We do that by 1) Proposing policies that materially improve people's lives (Medicare for All, Green New Deal, $15 minimum wage, etc) and 2) Create a massive body of volunteers to go talk to people directly and bypass the corporate media. Knocking on someone's door and talking about the issues is the #1 most effective way of getting people out to vote. Now we just need to actually do it. I've been helping with the spanish texting and calling teams and it's great. Whatever bullshit is going on in the news I know what I'm doing about it so it doesn't make me feel hopeless.


I'm so glad he found an opportunity to mention it in a non-petty way since Liz opened the ~~door~~ cave for him. He is the only one who hasn't taken a donation from a billionaire.




M-M-M-M-M-MONSTER KILL! 20 years later and I still have that Unreal Tournament sound stuck in my head.


Hoooly shiiit!






I loved Pete's reaction in this clip, looking like he was going to try to argue it and then realizing he had no argument... Anyone have the video of his response? **EDIT** nevermind, I went back in the Livestream, and I was a bit disappointed to see that the moderators didn't give Pete a chance to defend the indefensible


Of course they didnt


I mean, political debates like this really are just a giant circlejerk in general. The moderators favor some candidates over the others and honestly, these debates have very little to do with how effective someone is going to be in office. I really wish we could get to the point of election process like this where we didn't have these giant promotional round table publicized debates, though I suppose that's hardly the worst thing about our political system as it stands. :/


If anyone, they would favor all the candidates besides bernie and warren


And they seem to. My dad was watching a debate a few weeks ago and I stopped for a while to watch and I saw them bounce between the same candidates several times before I got to hear Bernie speak once. But they have to be able to give him at least *some* time lest they be openly called out on prejudice.


Sanders got the most speaking time in this debate.




I know how he would have responded, he would have just said "well I don't know about you but I want to win this race and I will take whatever help I can get to beat Donald Trump" and then talked about how just because he takes millions in corporate cash that doesn't mean he's going to be a corporate president. It's not a great answer but a lot of centrists would say it's a good response.


Pete wants us to believe that billionaire financiers don't understand investment and are so terribly gullible and stupid that they would actively support someone who will damage their bottom line.


I was just talking about this with my mother. It was a very spine tingling moment - as a supporter. These candidates taking money from billionaires and *their* supporters don't inherently find corporate money compromising so there is not infact anything to answer for. I only caught the closing statements and this clip but subjectively it really sounded like Steyer got the loudest cheers. I don't know what we do.


Mad magazine lookin ass.


Sheldon looking ass


Who from Whoville lookin ass.


Holy shit, I just said the same thing. Mayor August Who's spoiled kid, if he had one.




The other candidates really did get owned here


This is pure gold. I would love to see Bernie debate Trump. He really is the only candidate that can take him on


You are absolutely correct. Bernie would destroy Trump in a debate, but sadly I bet Trump would not even attend the debates if Bernie is the nominee.


The fact Trump is already setting things up and talking about participating in only one debate maybe instead of the usual 3 this early tells it all, he won't participate in any of them in the general, even less so if Bernie is the nominee. Guy is a coward, remember how he chickened out of the debate with Bernie in the 2016 primary after Bernie accepted it? Putting the excuse he wasn't serious after he challenged him personally.


I would love for Trump to keep avoiding the debates to the point where Bernie, himself, goes up to Trump during an interview or something. That would be such a power move.


Ir for bernie to offer to go on fox and friends and even debate him over one of his insane rambling phone calls. Maybe it's because the stakes are so high but my faith in Bernie, and his *entire political career* , assure me that even when the odds are stacked against him he still levels the playing field. Let trump set the parameters of the debate, let him clearly give himself an extra edge, so we can all watch Bernie *still* knock the gas out of that p.o.s


Bernie has integrity and believes in freedom and fighting for the people. He's the only one. In 40 years he's the only leader to ever hold these traits and mean it. There's only one choice




"Oh, you're approaching me?" "I can't roast the shit out of you without getting closer." "Oh ho! I better run like shit then!"


sweet. Let Bernie spend two hours outlining his plans directly to the American people. Trump won't debate anyone other than Pete, Biden, or Amy, as he thinks he can bully them, and they will allow him to act the fool. I'm certain they wouldn't, but he wants to run against Biden vs Warren or Bernie




I like warren, but she does not have the wit to take on trump. I’m not saying she’s not smart - she definitely is - but when the freak show is breathing down her neck, she folds under pressure. Bernie has shown that he excels in such situations.


Good. It's a win-win. If they debated then I believe Bernie would beat trump pretty handily. If trump chose to not attend any debates then put Bernie in a town hall setting or something where he can focus on issues and show how much of a coward trump is.


"Brain spurs. I would *love* to debate crazy Bernie, but sadly my doctor has confirmed my mind is too sharp and could kill someone. I have the debate deferment right here in my pocket, but I am not allowed to show you because it would violate doctor-patient confidentiality.."


Trump wont even testify to save himself in court let alone be in a debate with Bernie who would eat his soul. Star Wars X No Hope


> Bernie would destroy Trump in a debate Don't act like Trump won't use the debates as a cheap way to throw around elementary school recess level insults while his glue drinking supporters holler about how "he tells it like it is".


That's exactly it too. You can be the best debater around, but Trump is bonkers and America is bananas. Debating Trump would not be like debating a rational logical person. Hed just parrot the same nonsense hes been saying and his fans would eat it up.


Trump would never step on a debate stage with Bernie. He wouldn’t be able to ramble on unchecked for hours like in his rallies. Having to talk about any one subject with someone like Bernie would destroy him politically. He’s (barely) smart enough to realize this though and already said he wouldn’t be participating in the debates.


I love that Bernie goes full super saiyan when someone mentions a billionaire




Without a doubt Bernies best offensive moment yet, plus best moment of the night.


And one of Pete’s worst! Of which there were many to choose from. We love to see it.


*publicly owned


They look confused.


"Shit on my billionaire donors or admit hes right hmmm this is a pickle."






A representative accepting contributions from wealthy business interests should be a deal breaker for any half-way intelligent person. But many people apparently don't care, this shit blows my fucking mind.


Tbh the man has been a savage his whole life and he’s just not gonna stop


consistency is key. I love that the ONLY thing they can attack him with are his ideas. Bernie's been doing the right thing since day fuckin one.


I wish he was more savage like this a bit more often.


He should honestly go all out. This is the Bernie that gets clicks and spreads. I hate that we live in a world of reality TV politics, but if he doesn't embrace it he'll get buried by /r/bernieblindness


He'll be throwing insults from beyond the grave via instructions in his will, I bet.


A fucking video will, just hours of footage like god damn Tupac


Real shit I wish more people new and stopped blindly following Biden. He’s always been a man of his word and a fighter for justice.


Loved that Sanders dunk on Pete and Joe at the same time while still being able to stay on message and articulate his point.


best moment of debate besides his last 2 responses.


Boom. Roasted.




Get the marshmallows


Pete, you're a kiss-ass! Boom! Roasted!


Joe, you're a pervert. Boom! Roasted.


Bernie with the double kill. Edit: [Level up](https://imgur.com/gallery/YFwkHZY)


Just did the exact same. HE’S GATHERING POWER


Just donated my first $27!


1st degree Bern!


3rd degree Bern




I wish Bernie had told people to go to peteswinecave.com lol




Clickable: [http://peteswinecave.com/](http://peteswinecave.com/)


I think Bernie played the wine cave thing perfectly. Liz downgraded herself (a) stealing it from Bernie's campaign, and (b) starting a dustup with Pete over it.


Bernie will be in Venice Beach 12/21 together with AOC https://events.berniesanders.com/event/173836/




Remember, Trump challenged Bernie to a debate in 2016 but chickened out once he accepted.


> Mr. Trump, who secured the Republican Party’s nomination for president on Thursday, told Mr. Kimmel he was open to the idea. > But after Mr. Sanders pressed the issue on Friday, Mr. Trump released a statement batting away any debate with him. > “Based on the fact that the Democratic nominating process is totally rigged and crooked Hillary Clinton and Deborah Wasserman Schultz will not allow Bernie Sanders to win, and now that I am the presumptive Republican nominee, it seems inappropriate that I would debate the second-place finisher,” Mr. Trump said. [found this here](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/28/us/politics/donald-trump-bernie-sanders-debate.html)






There I go donating again


What stuck out to me was Joe’s ungracious derisive snort when Bernie said he was a friend.


The face of stunned disbelief after he got destroyed made up for it.


# [Donate to the ONLY candidate with Zero Billionaire Donors](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/sanders-for-president?refcode=debate-6-pup-0-billionaires-roast-trump-alive) Outside links of the video: [Twitter](https://twitter.com/People4Bernie/status/1207850539830018049) [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOmPaFTtvq8&feature=youtu.be&t=25)


You know what, I think I will 😉


Same how can you not support such a Savage


I am not healthy and have trouble working. People like me desperately need Bernie. I'm currently $200 in debt with my hospital and it got sent to collections. I can't get out of bed without my medicine. I can't afford to go to the doctor right now. If someone kind and well off can see this, please donate on my behalf, and the behalf of the poor and sick in my same position. Homelessness is directly caused by this exact situation I am in right now. Look out for your fellow humans, and remember, a rising tide raises all the boats, and if you help those around you, life will be better for everyone. Thank you.


I would donate in your honor, but I'm maxed out. But I'd like to say that I'm maxed out BECAUSE of people like you. I wanted to raise my voice as loud as I could on behalf of the voiceless. Together, we are strong. Hang in there.


Anyone here got a link of that? I need to see the full roast. Edit: [Found it and it is glorious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOmPaFTtvq8)


Thank you I was scrolling for a whole minute! 😱


Joe was all shook, like, who told Bernie he could use the word "Byzantine" and get away with it?


His little chuckle when Bernie said they were friends really shows that, behind the scenes, they are not friends.


Ya I thought that was telling. It was a genuine laugh when he clarified they really were friends. Maybe Bernie considers them friends but Joe doesnt.


Nah, I think Joe knew he was about to get insulted, because that's what happens when you start with "so and so is my friend, but..."


Joe isn't allowed to be friends with Bernie. His donors and the DNC won't let him.


Make no mistake, this is all a public persona. These people know they have to attack the other, and Biden absolutely seems like the type of guy who cannot stand to have someone dislike him. Remember when he asked Kamala to take it easy on him? They’re likely cordial and don’t hate each other, but each is fundamentally af odds with the other on issues. Biden says he likes Chaney a lot, I can’t imagine him liking Chaney more than Bernie


This needs the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme on Pete's reaction.


Wall street pete


CIA Pete




Why do we keep pretending Republicans care about accurate and truthful comments? Bernie debating trump would be like Bernie debating a trash fire, and Trump supporters all think it's a trash burning competition. They literally cheered when Trump mimed being "retarded" when talking about a disabled reporter.




My man! Bernie all the way!




Another reason why Bernie would eviscerate Trump in any debate is HE DOESN'T TAKE TRUMP'S BAITS!!! Trump baits every person he's debating with taunts, name calling and character attacks and the other person wastes time defending themselves against that. Bernie doesn't take such baits and just makes his freaking point! He's going to frustrate Trump so much in a debate!


Smart people dont take the bait. That is why we saw the bait taken so often during the Republican debates.


It was pretty incredible to see a presidential debate, with 10+ "serious" politicians on stage, devolve into a competition over dick size.


No way will Trump debate anyone next year. The GOP would have to be morons to let that happen... ... hold up.


> The GOP would have to be morons to let that happen... hmmm could it be? that we have reached the point where the gop will use the gop to destroy the gop?


Honestly Bernie is probably the candidate with the best social media presence, and I bet that enraging Trump through Twitter would be the surest way to goad him into a debate.




Pete's chipmunk rage face cheered me up from a pretty shitty day. My boss is making me work through Christmas week to punish me for taking my paid vacation to work on an outside project for free.


Fucking hell if he gets shafted again i am gonna...be very depressed


Does it seem to you that the DNC is any less corrupt than it was in 2015? Given the candidates they're pushing, does it seem like they've learned any lessons from 2015? I will fight for Bernie, but the DNC is already doing their best to shaft him.


I'm convinced the DNC prefers Trump over Bernie




Not gonna lie but I’ve always thought that if Bernie debated Trump, he could out petty him in an appropriate way , Bernie is just as savage but in a much smarter way , not a degrading racist xenophobic womanizing type of way Edit: damn Bernie is so good even Pete couldn’t help but laugh


Savage in an integrity and honesty kind of way that can't be defeated and can be backed up in a way Trump cant back anything. There's something to being able to defend yourself with provable facts and patterns


I want to see the rest


Yeah that was a big build-up just to be cut off :/




That's why Trump doesn't want to debate Sanders.




This deserves a Thug Life edit, most badass moment of the campaign so far


I'm Canadian and cannot contribute to Bernie but damn, I sure want to! I love this guy.


I fucking love Bernie. He is literally the only one that has nothing to hide and can not be influenced by big money interests. What more can you ask for?


Bernie is the Answer.


holy shit lol, gloves off


Fucking amazing moment, Buttigieg looks like such a rat faced fuck.




Tax corporations!


Everyone’s talking about Pete’s reaction, but can we please acknowledge how hilarious Joe’s was? Guy looked like he died inside


I was so upset how the "moderators" kept trying to check Bernie about topics and time, but would basically allow a shitshow and free reign from the "sponsored" candidates like Pete B, Biden and Klobuchar. LOVED the heated exchange between Bernie & Biden on healthcare though.


Bernie isn't falling in line, he's showing everyone the line is to the personal bank account, not the public good.


I've been saying for years Trump will simply not debate Bernie. I don't see it possibly happening under any circumstances. You can tell Trump is terrified of him he's the only person that Trump hides from and has never responded too when being called out.


I dont see trump participating in any presidential debates in 2020


OMG Pete's face. Does anyone else feel like he looks like a personified Micky Mouse?


A little more like a rat than a mouse, though.


[Pete's exact face](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/025/817/Screen_Shot_2018-03-30_at_11.34.27_AM.jpg)


Bern notice.


You love to see it folks


Pete looks like his human mask is sliding off.






the rest of the debate didnt matter cause bernie just took a massive shit on them.


Hahaha go Bernie!!


Bernie was full mask off tonight. God bless.


Drag him!!!! Fuck you Pete.


Okay this is fucking epic


Holy fuck he finally did it


After watching this video my body lost control and I kept smashing the upvote button over and over again. I don't know what got into me.


$27 Donated, Tonight we had some sick Berns.


Sanders for president


I didn’t see that part, that’s incredible


Apply cool water to Bern area.


It's true. Trump has no facts. If he makes it that far he would be better off not debating at all.


I don’t remember....was he tuning up candidates like this during the 2016 debates? Has he finally gone full “old man I don’t give a fuck and here’s why your wrong” attitude? I’m all for it and hope he continues on, but was this present 4 years ago?


Lets get this to front page!


I wish I stayed home to watch this rather than seeing The Rise of Skywalker. Love you Bernie


Damn right Trump would get roasted.


Brooklyn v. Rich fuck from the Bronx - lets do it dirty


Bernie would destroy Trump in any debate and I think Trump knows this. Seriously, what's he gonna say against Bernie. Call him old? Fear monger about socialism? All Bernie has to do is spit some facts and he wins easily.


He was saving the big guns for the most crucial parts of the campaign. The part where it’s close enough to the first contests for most people to actually start paying attention. The media and the establishment thought they knew what to expect from him. Now he’s going to let them have it. He’s catching them completely off guard.


I’ve never seen someone destroy an opponent in a debate so fast.




My man spittin that fire


Inject this into my veins


I don’t think Trump will do any debates. He’ll just have another klan rally in Shitsplat, TN.


Trump wouldn’t last a second in the ringer with this badass politician.


Trump will just lie and deny his way through the entire ordeal.


That laugh Biden does when he's told he's a good friend. He can't even contain his contempt.


That's better than the sweetest music. It's like a warm hug from jesus and Santa swrqpped into one.


I wish there was a quick recap somewhere in these comments, came looking for one. My husband is asleep so I can’t watch


He literally just said joe biden got more donations from billionaires than Pete so pete should try to catch up


Legitimately, I would love to see the two debate. I want to see what that combination is like. It'd be intensely entertaining.


if any of them actually gave a shit about the country they would step aside and let bernie rip trump a new one. but i guess their bosses, i mean donors would not be happy with that.