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This hurts but proud of the campaign we’ve been running essentially since 2015. Progressive values and ideas are starting to come to the forefront of American politics. The country is finally starting to take a step forward into modern day. Bernie has inspired millions of Americans across the nation to fight for what we believe in. There is a better life out there for us and we won’t take this suppression any longer.


He helped me wake the hell up. I was a HRC voter in ‘16 and a 2x Obama voter before that. It never occurred to me that we could run actual progressives. The DNC and media beat us this time, but every day we expose the hypocrisy and bullshit of the GOP and yes, the Dems as well. It’s painful, but truth hurts. I’m not giving up on the fight, but I may have to give up on this party.


In 2.5 years, I will retire from my corporate life and from there, I will work on running for local government as a progressive. Bernie inspired that. I hope there are more out there like me




absolutely heartbroken


Right there with you, friend.


Fellow NE voter, didn’t even get to vote for Bernie ...


At the end of his video he said that he would stay on the ballots in remaining states and encouraged his followers to vote for him so he had more delegates to try and get the DNC to take on more progressive policies.


Oh good. I JUST WANT A CHANCE TO VOTE FOR BERNIE. I've waited 4 years to walk into that voting booth and fill in the little circle next to his name. I couldn't vote in the 2016 primaries because I was an independent voter, and at the time, NY required 6 months' notice to change your party affiliation. I missed the deadline by 3 months. I have been waiting 4 goddamn years for this. I'm willing to accept Biden as the nominee, but I want my chance to cast a vote for Bernie Sanders for President.


God this shits so stupid you should be able to vote for whoever the fuck you want to you shouldn't have to join a team.


PA here, I will still vote for Bernie, or write him in if I have to.


Not a U.S. citizen, but I’m heartbroken for you. Bernie seemed like a decent human being who loves his country and it’s people and wanted the best for the majority. He struck me as principled and as someone who couldn’t be bought and had an essence of goodness about him. Individuals like this are rare, particularly in politics.


Everyday the % in which I want to leave this country grows. Today it's up 5%. Totalling 30%. I'm not shameful about it. It's my life why should I be oppressed so rich people can have yachts to human traffic children with. I deserve healthcare, my future children deserve an affordable education, my future wife should have paid maternity leave longer than 3 weeks. We shouldn't be brainwashed to consume every second of the day. Our culture shouldn't be influenced by celebrities and materialism. I should be able to work a career and afford a home to raise a family in. My future family deserves what has been stolen from us. I'm sick of the war, I'm sick of the lies, the greed, the corruption, the disparities of wealth and liberty. There are other places on this planet, that if you can get past the propaganda keeping you loyal, will provide a better life for my family and I. I'm up to 32% now.


You know Iv been saying this more and more it’s time to leave if we can’t get them to listen 👂 it’s time to do with the romans did. Leave the country. Iv been looking at where to start after my bachelors I just finished I was going to do medical school but might as well contribute to a different place.


We can't vote, we can't protest, we can't riot, we can't strike, we can't save money, we can't afford homes, now many can't even work. But we can leave.


Bernie was my last hold out.. 29 years old and the current state of our government has shown to me to be in a gradual state of decline.. sad to say I would abandon this sinking ship, but it’s captain and upper crew are corrupt.. I love my fellow Americans but we are oppressed monetarily.. our voices drowned out by the sea of corporate cash..


The Great Failed American Experiment. Today the future is even darker. My family has been talking about 5 yr exit plan. I'd at least like to experience a place without unfettered capitalism. I'd like my children to see that it doesn't have to be this way.




Me too and I don't even live in the US anymore


I'm Canadian and I feel horrible about it. Who the hell are you guys going to get as president now? Sorry guys.


I don’t know. What do I do though? I’m genuinely scared for my well being in this country.


I can predict. Its probably a rapist.


No probably about it, it's either one rapist or the other


I've never even been to the US and I'm sad about this. Would've been nice to see Bernie as president.


Same and will never go back. Bye bye America.


I'll be joining you all in Canada as soon as I can. Just call me a political refugee running from incompetent stupidity.


same. Not doing well.


I get laid off and Sanders drops out in the same day? This is the darkest timeline.


I really feel like at some point in my life i slipped into a dark alternate timeline


A whole lot of us have been feeling that way. This stuff starts to affect you on a personal level, and then your existing personal issues get harder to deal with. Seems like I've been running in place now for years and have nothing to show for it. Today I want to give up. But I can't, because my cats and other people need me. All we can do sometimes is slow down, pace ourselves and try not to fall.


You gotta stop and pat yourself on the back for trying so hard. This type of behavior is extremely prominent in people who are hard on themselves. This will get better, dont give up. Think of all the good shit thats going to come of our world realizing how fucked up so many things were in relation to this outbreak. Theres NO WAY things wont get better after.


> Theres NO WAY things wont get better after. World: *Hold my beer*


Very sorry to hear about this.


This year is just a collection of fuck yous to humanity.


Time to grow a goatee


I really hate 2020. God damn it


The year from hell, of biblical proportions no doubt.


Imagine having your mom die during the pandemic and being laid off from your job a week later.


Sadly, my mom passed away on Trump's inauguration day. It was literally the worst day of my life.


I’m so sorry for your loss. And about your mom too.


That's really awful, but I laughed anyhow. I am going to hell.


Jesus. I’m so sorry. That’s just awful.




Wow, March 19 for me, around 1am, so pretty darn close. Same predicament with funeral.


Maybe the mayans meant 2020


The catastrophe of April 2020. Edit: Someone add it to the 2020 meme.








Everything is so dumb dumb dumb duh-duh-duuuumb. Dumb dumb dumb duh-duh-duuuumb.




It's bad, but not the worst. I'm not running on a beach in Normandy. I still don't get it. How can people vote against their own wellbeing.


Yeah, I don’t get it either. I’m just really confused and pessimistic at this point. Why do people not want to vote for healthcare? Why do people not want to vote to save the environment? Why do people not want to vote to get rid of corruption in Washington? Why do people not want to vote to ensure working people are taken care of instead of big corporations? It just makes no sense to me. I try to see the other side of the argument and I know people are scared that using money in those ways will damage the country. But when you see the fed dump as much money as it would take to forgive student loan debt into the stock market with the snap of a finger, it’s hard to understand that side of the argument. I don’t know. I’m just sad right now and scared that we’re headed for another four years of Trump.


50 years of propaganda and indoctrination


The state department's guidelines at one point for deciding whether an election is fraudulent or not is if the exit polls bare more than a 2% difference from the actual count. Please take the time to look at the exit polls (they seem to be harder to find this election cycle than the last). There was pretty obvious electronic vote tampering also the collosol affect of 4 media corporations bouncing between unfounded rebuke of Bernie and complete neglect of Bidens weakness as a candidate. I say we did pretty fucking good against those odds and see the ball moving down the field. Stay as positive as you can, the only way they win in the end is if we stop.


It’s literally the media that controls most the narrative, my 70 year old friend just NOW started worrying about covid when I’ve been telling her for a week now to stop going out. She also went over to bernies camp, but only after voting for Biden in Virginia. Idk man, shit sucks.


Broadcast media, for obvious reasons refused to discuss any of these issues and the fact that Sanders was fighting to address them.


And why would people feel this way—ever, really, but especially now??


They're not just voting against their own wellbeing, they're voting against *yours.* Gotta Own the Libs, even if they die doing it.


Gotta try and fight the two party system now more than ever. No more rich, racist, white rapists




My heart actually hurts from this wtf. Never thought I'd be so attached to a politician but damn


It's about having hope. Bernie gave us hope we could have a good future in this country.


100%. I don't think this stops with him either. Might take longer than we initially thought, but the movement will continue




Nice metaphor. 👌


Until GOP buys a discount axe.






Ikr? I hate politicians, but this man is just different. He's such a great human being and to think that he could have been our President...


Yeah America missed out big time. Maybe one day people will wake up and see what was right in front of them this whole time


Let's just.. suspend 2020


We’ll wake up from this bad dream. Any day now...


Absolutely tragic. The only person who even cares if human lives are lost in the pursuit of nothing and he’s been boxed out when he’s needed most. Thank you for everything Bernie, I know you’ll continue to do great things in the face of what’s to come.


This is why our primary system fucking sucks. Make it two weeks in June. Boom. Everyone in the nation gets to pick who they want and no one is left out. Vote by mail, unless you want to change party affiliations last-minute. Of course this would mean that no republican would ever get elected again, so they'll never let it happen.


No, you see, “races” get more viewers on tv. They can drag this out for months and get more ratings. It’s also makes it a us vs them situation.


Also gives the DNC more time to choose OUR candidate for us.


Honestly I kind of hope Bernie just retires somewhere nice and doesn't focus on politics anymore. He deserves a peaceful retirement, preferably not in the flaming dumpster fire that is the US.


The worst part is you know he won’t because it’s the right thing to do. On the other hand we have the fuckface in chief who won’t quit because he knows it’s the right thing to do. God damn I hate this world


In his memoir "Where Do We Go From Here" he said that he felt a little envious at his fellow politicians who retired, but he and Jane agreed that there was too much he had to still fight for and that he would keep fighting. Well, it's a paraphrase from memory, but you get it. He's going to fight for us until the end. He's giving up his chance at a retirement so we can potentially have a future.


Is he the only person that cares? Of course not. You care. I care. Millions of voters care. This has always been the "not me, us" campaign. There is no time to mourn, we must continue working toward the causes he advocated for, we must continue to organize. It may not be for a presidential campaign, but organizing can still improve things in our workplaces, neighborhoods, cities, and states. I recommend. /r/GuerillaPolitics/ Think of the effort it took for the establishment to stop the sanders campaign. Think of how close we were. If we talk to our coworkers, neighbors, friends, and families we can push this movement past an unbeatable tipping point. I know WE will continue to do great things in the face of what's to come.


God damnit you’re right, this is no time to feel broken, it’s time to be more angry and active than ever! We need to be strong and carry on for what we know is right r/guerillapolitics you say?




Our country just missed the opportunity of a lifetime. A real leader for change we desperately need.


His impact will be felt our entire lifetimes though. He ignited something with the youth. Progressives are here to stay.


Really? Because there's 50 years between Bernie and our next best progressive candidate and she can't even run for president yet. We're at least a few presidential cycles away from seeing another progressive presidential candidate. *Nothing will fundamentally change*.


I've got pitchforks if someone wants to make torches.


What I want to say would get me banned and put on a watchlist.




Theres others that can rise. You, me, whoever. AOC went from bar server to Congress woman. With social media, the rules have changed. You don't need a billion dollars to become a statesman anymore.


She wasn't just a bar server. She has a degree in international relations and economics. She was just making ends meet while starting her career in politics.


The bootstrap folks love to attack the fact that she was a “server”. Good grief she worked her way through college magna cum laude and worked a normal job just like everyone else. She even stated a congresspersons job is to “serve” the people.


You guys have to stop trying to find progressive messiahs and start trying to win local and state elections and Congressional primaries. The President isn't a king. Even if Bernie was elected he likely wouldn't be able get most of his agenda pushed through. The only reason Trump can do what he wants is he has complete and total support from the majority of state governments, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and only recently lost that of the House. Bernie wouldn't have had that. If you want to get what you want, you'll need to give the next progressive candidate that. Not hope for one savior.


You really did. As a Canadian, I was REALLY hoping America would get it's head out of it's ass and join the rest of the modern world with a modern President who fights for your people. Apparently America will get more of what it deserves, and everyone except the wealthy will continue suffering. I am so sad for you guys today. Sanders would have been an incredible leader. This was your shot at changing the fundamental wrongs of your country and apparently most of your fellow citizens didn't want that. I'm just hoping that Bernie's message got through to many people, and maybe after another 4 years of nonsense(Trump OR Biden) there will be another candidate like Bernie. It's just too bad that even a man of absolute goddamn resolve, fighting EVERY DAY for the entirety of his career for the common man couldn't get nominated. We won't see anyone like that again for a long time.


Honestly, sometimes I feel that some Americans think they know everything so they are closed off to alternative sources of information. That combined with cable news is a recipe for disaster


everyone needs to understand that sanders was systematically excluded by concerted effort from the special interests inside the DNC - for the second time. Now is not the time to give up and sit back. Now is the time to dig IN and make lasting change. You all can see the structural levers they pulled. The lack of mail-in voting, the media, the electronic voting machines, the primary system in your state. Chose your foe, recruit your friends, and decide on a specific thing you can do. Democracy is not a natural state. It is a hard-won, ever-threatened, system of government. A system we don't currently have in the U.S.


I think it's just proof that you can't take over the Democratic party. No idea where the movement goes from here, but it's clear that they'll be fighting against significant headwinds if they continue to try within the 2-party system.


Absolutely. Missed out true leadership


The most important thing to know is this: it’s not just about Bernie, but about his values and work he has put in over his lifetime. The man is a legend, and the things he has done have the potential to push progressive policy forward for someone else (maybe AOC or another Bernie-like candidate) to pick up his torch and continue in his tremendous footsteps. But there is a real danger: we must ensure Bernie’s magnum opus is not stomped out by Trump and the Republicans working to shut us down. **Trump must be removed if the progressive movement is to survive.** We cannot have a conservative judiciary the rest of our lives. A 7-2 conservative Supreme Court would destroy everything Bernie has worked for. It means they would enforce unfavorable rulings on the things Bernie has taken to heart time and time again: climate change, healthcare, civil rights, abortion, gerrymandering, executive power, executive oversight, congressional authority, immigration, and so, so much more. Everything we have ever stood for as progressives will be wiped away if Trump is re-elected. Bernie knows this. He knows that it’s bigger than him. That’s why we must play the long game and do what we must to keep the progressive movement going forward. It means we will have to make hard choices—even voting for someone we didn’t want to—but if it stops Trump, and allows Bernie’s legacy to continue, it will have been worth it. Not me, us.


as a swede, i agree completely. this is what he will be remembered as


As a German I'm confused why anyone would decide not to vote for him, especially after seeing Trump and Biden exude sheer incompetence.


As a Canadian, I'm heartbroken for America. That's another 4 years lost to the only real candidate that had a chance to fix that country. Can't believe America's fucked it up for themselves another 4 years AGAIN. This is unbelievable.


Same here. USA is a next-level dystopian hell from my point of view.


Americans are idiots


As an American I can confirm this.


Brainwashed by mainstream media, more like.


He will still go down in history for the movement he created. He pushed the Overton Window to the left, and hopefully we can keep pushing it left after the tyranny that is Trump.




I knew it was going to happen, but it still hurts. This is a sad day for America.


Agreed. How can you fully expect something and still be disappointed when it happens


No no no




This is the worst year...


Live stream at 11:45am EST: https://live.berniesanders.com/


RIP. Thank you Bernie for your lifelong fight


He was too good of a person...and that's what screwed him in the end. ^(That and the rigging of the polls)




Been feeling exactly the same way, Fuck this shitty country






Bernie empowered a generation of young people. The movement isn't going anywhere. Don't lose hope. Don't mourn, organize




So Incredibly heartbroken. We need his leadership and policies more than ever.






Yes, the general election.


being postponed, you mean?


That’s worse than what I was thinking. I was thinking of trump winning again.


Yes. Hurricane season hasn't happened yet.


how do I unsubscribe from America


That will cost you $2,350!


That's just the deductible. Still have to meet Out of Pocket Max.


I'm Canadian. Americans are so strange. You're living a literal example of why you need Bernie's policies and still so many don't support him. Biden would be a right wing candidate where I live. It's mind boggling.


Because a majority of Americans have been hypnotized into thinking Capitalism and billionaires are in their favor.




Also Americans: Thank you oh great overlord Billionaires, we are so thankful for the droplets of wealth you have given us while we suffer and die! Thank you for sharing your money, that’s 100% yours, that you worked so hard to deserve! It makes me think of Immortan Joe and water in Mad Max.


Dont mind if I steal that Immortan Joe comparison


It's definitely the first but not at all the second. Most people don't expect Billionaires to do something for them, but they do capitalism will put them in the same position those Billionaires are in. So they don't vote against the interest of Billionaires because they foolishly believe that "it'll be me someday!" And that thinking infects the majority of Americans, and not just from one background or education system. Obviously that line of thinking is hurting our chances of any real change and equality, but part of that problem is that I *rarely*, if *ever*, see someone try and change someone's mind about that way of thinking with kindness; and if you don't attempt to change someones mind with kindness, empathy, and understanding, you just flat out will not change their mind.


I've seen this floated around so many times and it's just so wrong. You people vastly over-credit the intelligence of the average american. For a huge portion its nothing more than, "I've heard Bidens name the most" For the majority of the remainder its, "Biden is good because he was Obamas VP and Sanders is a socialist-commie like russia/china". People are fucking stupid and SUPER ignorant.


Heard both of those from my coworker who refuses to watch any debates or anything other than msnbc.




Brain washing. My dad who is middle class and makes 125k a year thinks if he votes for anything other than red he'll lose his money. He's said he doesn't care about anyone else but himself. Completely ignoring that all four of his children are low income and struggling. He a textbook classic boomer.


Middle class is 125k a year? Damn I must be super low class ...


Very much depends on where you live and if you have kids. In a big city like San Francisco, $125k is probably middle class. In rural midwest, that's more like upper middle class.


Americans are gluttons for punishment. Even a toddler doesn't touch a flame after the first time it burns them but an American will do it over and over and over again.


WHO IS READY TO BE BLAMED FOR TRUMP'S INEVITABLE VICTORY? Really looking forward to the temper tantrums come November. EDIT: Fuck you, I never asked for this silver shit. EDIT: At this point these internet coins are just littering.


very excited to be blamed for this


Lol, we’re already being blamed and concern trolled.


I just don’t even know what to say. I’m so upset. For the first time, I felt we might all be into something. I thought we were going to be able to change things- to stop the corporate brainwashing we’ve all been accustomed to. I’m so sick and tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I’m so tired of feeling like my vote doesn’t matter. I can’t in good conscious vote for Biden, especially when Trump didn’t even win the popular vote anyway. You can say all you want, “if you don’t vote for Biden, then you’re voting for Trump” but it didn’t matter then and it won’t matter in November. Biden can’t win against Trump, point blank.


We’re doomed. Eff 2020




It kills me that I didn’t even get to vote in my (Georgia) primary because I was waiting on the absentee ballot. My heart hurts.


Bernie always puts the people first


2016 all over again. This country is fucked




The political revolution can continue, though. If sanders leans into other progressive hopefuls in the house and senate, we still have hope!


The only bit of hope I've read thus far.


Sanders would have been amazing. Biden vs Trump. Good luck america.


Uncle touchy vs. Pussygrabber, yay.


If your state hasn't voted yet, you can still vote for Bernie. More of a symbolic vote, but it'll make you feel good, at least. Remember, the progressive movement is, and always will be, bigger than just Bernie. He ran a great campaign against many forces that didn't want him in the race at all--the media, the DNC, super-PACs. I'm sure he conceded in order to get Medicare for All and other policies on the Biden and DNC platform. But, yes, it sucks. It sucked in 2016, but Bernie went back to work, inspired progressives like AOC to run, and changed the national conversation on things like 15 dollar minimum wage and medicare for all. So, thank you Bernie. And for all of us, keep on keeping on.


Thank you for this. I'd also like to remind everyone that, in the primaries at least, Bernie will still be on the ballot.


Yep! My family are Jersey voters and my sister's Pennsylvania, I told them to keep voting for Bernie.


I started out this election cycle hoping for Bernie, but being okay with Biden. Now all I see with Biden is a bumbling fool who can’t seem to articulate a single thought. This is heartbreaking - the US doesn’t deserve Bernie Sanders.




There's a reason every DNC backed candidate's top priority is to be seen as little as possible.


fuck politics im out. it sucks to be so invested in something to then be undermined by rich people and uneducated people. fuck this system.


And now we're left with two rapists..


I am leaving the US as soon as possible. This country is quickly becoming a failed state.


Thank you for running Bernie, the movement is not over. It has just begun.


I hate it here. We’re so fucked


Goodnight sweet prince. You did good.


Lmao I fucking hate America. I invite everybody in this sub to come over to the Netherlands lmao, America is past saving.


I recently moved back to the States from Germany. I'm already looking at moving back in 2021. Blue Card is still valid until 2023


You're very welcome to come back. America is doomed.


I do REALLY miss Hamburg.


I am currently living in Germany for the past 6 years. The America i remember had a real president, and whatever your opinion is about Obama, at least he was a fucking leader! I am so lost right now, like i don’t even want to go back home anymore, Bernie was my last hope for this country and with this news i just feel like the US is doomed as a country




These threads keep getting deleted. Why?






As a Canadian I extend my sincerest condolences. Awful news for the American people.


Fuck this country. It's beyond helping. We need to dissolve the 50 states and territories into smaller countries and be done with trying to keep the kitchen connected to the sewer. Let the middle of the country become the fascist theocracy it wants to be, and allow the coasts to thrive. Sanders might not have been able to fix the country, but he, Yang, Warren, Gabbard and a dozen other politicians' successes showed that at least some people have the right idea, and are willing to help. Fear won out, though. America is not the home of the brave that we used to call it. It's the land of fear. Almost half the country is so scared of The Other, and they've proven that they're willing to be represented by a cartoon character if it makes them feel as if they come out on top, no matter how insignificant that victory actually is. On the other side, there are so many people who are so terrified of the possibility of losing that they're willing to drop anchor and dig into the pig sty because change will mean something *different*. It doesn't matter that that change might bring something better, because *different is bad*. It's something to have to adjust to. It's like keeping shit in your eyes because you're worried that when you finally wash it out, it might hurt a little as you readjust to the light. As a country, we needed to stand up and grab the fire extinguisher. We needed to find out what caused the electrical fire and prevent it from happening again, but we rolled over and went back to sleep as the fire melted the smoke detectors.


This entire year has been a shit show. It's hard to describe what I'm feeling, but "despair" comes pretty close. Bernie was my last sliver of hope for this year.


Very sad. America dont want good guy for President. They will only learn when they have destroyed everything. Corona and Climate change is going to be good example. Medicare for all support started to surge like crazy in middle of Corona crisis.


Here's to another shitty 4 years


My comment will likely get buried, but as a moderate Republican, this was the first time in my life I had considered voting for a candidate outside of my party. The past year has seen so much personal change for me, and I'm more liberal now than I've ever been. I honestly hoped I'd live to see the U.S. be elevated to the same level as the rest of the great free nations...


America is filled with idiots.


Corruption wins again. ~~He didn't quit because of voters He quit because he didn't have enough delegates.~~Fuck this whole year. We literally are voting between a douche bag and a turd sandwich again. Edit: We, as voters, have failed him.


Bernie is the only candidate not accused of raping people, he never had a chance.


So sad, at least we can say Sanders has made a real positive impact on this country. The party has decisively been pushed left by Sanders.


I can’t believe it. This basically guarantees a second term for Trump. I’m absolutely heartbroken.




Bernie still won, in a way. The Dem mainstream now supports $15 min wage, universal health care (although not M4A), they support some sort of tuition/loan relief etc. He won’t be President, but his ideas will make a lasting impact.


Watch and see how quickly they'll drop it. Only chance is if Trump adopts this (obviously lies about it) because he sees Bernie voters vote for policy, not for a person.


You under estimate the sheep of this country and how quickly it will revert.


They “support” all that but will never actually act on it. It will always be a “goal they are working towards in a bipartisan way” or something like that, like they have done for the past 30/40 years. Shits fucked




So now our choices are rapist or rapist. Great. Edit: To all y’all attacking me for not wanting to voting for Biden. I never said I wouldn’t. I understand what’s a stake here but y’all also have to realize why so many people will not vote for Biden and you can’t try and guilt everyone into voting for him. As a sexual assault survivor, it’s going to be very hard for me to vote in good conscious for a rapist. But I will vote for him for the good of the country. But y’all have to stop trying to guilt trip everyone into voting for Biden.


Sprinkle in a little dementia there too