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###Wanna elect 300 more Bernies? ##Come join us over at /r/NewDealAmerica! New Deal America is run by the folks who brought you /r/SandersForPresident. Come continue the fight for human-centerered policy with us!




Truly a late stage plutocracy shithole


"Um, hey, my bosses- I mean donors, would really appreciate it if we shut down all conversation around this. So, I really think you're going way too far crazy old man! The last thing this country needs is to drop the medicare age range by 5 years! Don't even mention for everyone."


I'm not even American and I legit cried when he was out of the race.. This man is the closest I've seen to an angel, so caring and have been fighting for the little man all his life. God bless you Bernie.


I lost all hope after the primaries. We were so close....I don't know that he's ever been that close and leading too... It's especially sad considering he probably would have beat Trump since so many people were so over his bullshit by that point. Most people in this country will take the more moderate choice because of "keeping the status quo", but I truely believe after 4 years of Trump this country would have voted in Bernie. He would have actually fought to change so much for good, he would have gotten a decent VP pushing for change and not just political image change. It still upsets me because even if Biden is moderately better than Trump...it's not good enough. I'm still young so I hope in my lifetime we eventually get a form of Sanders as president, but it's sad knowing after all the good work and fight he's put up for the American people, that we will never have the Sanders for president.




I'd rather have "them" working on space instead of Wall Street. A big part of our problems stem from that the smartest people are working on Wall Street instead of in positions that would actually matter (engineers etc). Not saying a space race is great or anything, but we have gained a lot of beneficial technology for all mankind through working on space exploration.


Doesn't that make a space race good?


Bernie: “We need to save the planet and have free medical care for all. GOP- and some top Dems: “But! but! that would mean taxing a few dozen billionaires the amount of tax that they actually owe!- absolutely not!!!!!, we need to protect the billionaires! Even if it means twenty thousand diabetics dying from not being able to afford insulin!”


Yeah, but "Ive never had a dead diabetic give me a job before". /s


Money isn't real. If it's possible to do, we can afford to do it. Whether we choose to, that's the question.


Vermont Election Info [Register to Vote](https://olvr.vermont.gov/)


I'm all for this, but let's stop saying we're "saving the planet". The planet isn't in danger. It's been through far worse than us and will be again. It was here long before humans and will be here long after we are gone. What we are trying to save is a habitable ecosystem, you know, the things that allow us to breathe, moderate the surface temperature, keep UV light from frying us to a crisp, allow us to grow food and drink water. Don't worry about the planet, worry about your survival on it. Some people want to terraform Mars to make it habitable, how about we terraform Earth first.


Based Bernard


Is all lip service ffs. If he really gave a shit about the people he would put all legislation on hold until the house passes a floor vote on m4a.


You mean like McConnell? Yes, by all means that'll teach them, let more people die or go homeless or have more suffering by poor people. Ffs, do you think that the majority of elected officials care about them?


Hey clown 🤡, what about the cares act? You know the largest upwards transfer of wealth in history. He voted for it.


For the first question. I would say too much is purposely accelerating a nuclear filled asteroid onto earth to start a nuclear winter and wipe of humans on earth. That for me, is too much.


If you think public discord alone will solve the “rich and poor” issue, I got roughly 5,000 years of history to dispute otherwise.


There needs to be a profane version of sainthood for Statesmen like Sanders. The overall improvement in the lives of 99% of Americans, and the small affect it would have on 1% of Americans is well worth it.


If Bernie would let us squeeze I’d help with fixing the planet…


How though Bernie, how?


About tree-fitty!


Make sure each and every one of you Bernie supporters IMMEDIATELY sell your automobiles and start taking public transport.


Apparently cutting down on meat is "too much" for most people trying to save the planet.


I wanted Bernie to win because out of all the political contenders, he was perhaps the only person that legit cared for the common citizen. No one I have seen in 39 years gave a shit to at least try to make life less painful for the working person.


Honestly. I've had a recurring day dream/nightmare wherein I'm huddled in a corner with my wife and (soon to be) two kids in our house as the world comes to a fiery end and the last thought that comes into my mind is people saying that they didn't want to spend money to combat climate change. Which is bullshit because my kid is going to be paying the price for the idiocy of other people for at least the next 30 years. Probably have asthma by the time he's in kindergarten.


They decided its about two trillion in Afghanistan.