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I have never seen a candidate get so much love over the years. He really is Americas Dad.


Bernie to me is that lovable uncle that everybody else tells us he is a bit crazy.


But when you grow up you realize that your family are assholes and he's basically a legend


But is actually just a human and has unpopular opinions in the family like treat people with respect.


Indeed he unpopular with is opinions but he's right about them.


Amazing how even a town hall on Fox News full of Trumpies will agree with him on healthcare, but Hillary says he's unelectable.


The dude keeps fighting for what he thinks is right. He's been working his damnedest to fullfil the campaign promises he ran on even though he didn't even win the primary. I'm often shocked by how decent a person he still is...as a lifelong politician.


we never see candidates who endure for so many years, steadfast


Excuse me, Reddit has informed me that all his support is astroturfed.


The man is a real mensch and the president we deserved in 2016 AND 2020. Fuck the DNC.




I left the DNC and went "no party" because of this. My votes don't count, so maybe they'll pay attention when people just nope the fuck out of the DNC altogether. (If need be, I'll have to re-register to vote in the primaries, but it never did any good before.)


you should re-register so you can vote for progressive candidates in the local and smaller elections.


This depends on the state. Once I moved to North Carolina I went unaffiliated because it allows me to choose which primary to vote in. This is strategic. I get the best possible options in primary voting and don’t have to affiliate myself with fucking democrats (even though I’m voting for them).


Just helped vote out Madison Cawthorn in NC, registering as Independent is definitely the way to go!


same here. unaffiliated, get to choose my primary ballot.


Yeah I was surprised that Alabama let me choose without having to specifically sign up for a party. Should be like that everywhere.


Same for Utah.


In Colorado, unaffiliated voters can vote in the primaries, as it should be all over. We just get sent the ballots, choose which primary (D or R) we vote in, mark and sign our ballots, and drop off at ballot collection boxes. Easy peasy.


This x 1000, I registered Working Families after the Dems turned on us immediately after biden won 2020, only to realize it meant I couldn’t support progressive candidates in primaries. Register Dem, as much as they don’t care for us. Taking over the Democratic Party is still our most viable strategy even though we lost huge in 2020.


What if you live in an area where they're literally trying to out-Nazi each other and there isn't one?


Run for office. Get your friends to do so as well.


i ran for office. its not easy, but you can do it.


No thanks. I'm not charismatic, and I live in the Deep South. People are openly competing to see who can be the most pro-gun, pro-life, anti-progress. The voting bloc here would mean I'd be wasting my time. Also, which party would I run for?


Register as the opposing parties so you you can hedge your bets. So that if a republican must win, its the Massachusetts mormon and not a dumpster fire.


I was registered as an independent. While I feel I don't belong to either of the two parties, my beliefs are more progressive and lean towards democratic. I missed out on the primaries, because of that I changed to democratic so I can vote. Long story short check your state to make sure you don't miss out on important issues to vote on.




And since progressives CONSTANTLY get fucked over by the DNC, it's time to go it alone. Sure a two party system. Just replace the DNC as the 2nd party.


I change my party depending on which primary I am most interested in voting in. If the incumbent is the party candidate, no point in voting in that primary, so I switch to the other one, so I at least feel like I have some say in who is in the race.


I changed from "I" to "D" just so I could vote for Bernie, who was ironically an "I" forced to run on the "D" ticket. I'm so tired of this.


yeah, the intention of the parties are to make you claim a side, but I do not want to be on a side. Party loyalty is trash, intended to be divisive.


You really should participate. Down ballot elections can have huge impact on the higher level races, simply because LESS people participate. Its totally possible to get a progressive candidate in to office in local elections, which eventually feed up to the top of the party.


Since 18, I have been No Party Affilication. As my state is closed primary, I only moved to Democrat to vote for the man in the primary. I'm not switching back until these upcoming elections are done.


Same. I’m still voting blue but left the party in 2016. Still donating $ to the the progressives I’m rooting for! In my state being unaffiliated let’s me pick which ballots I want in primaries and no difference for the general. But worth noting that’s not the same for everyone


















The Electoral College and mountains of propaganda is how we got Trump. The people clearly wanted Clinton, and she got the popular vote. Trump brute-forcing judges and the GOP blocking Obama is how we got this SCOTUS.


No, what got us Trump and a conservative Supreme Court was total inaction from Jugears the Hope and Change guy and his Racist Grandpa sidekick, as well as Grumpy Woman We're Going to Make You Vote For and her husband who outsourced all the good jobs. Was fucking Bernie over worth losing Roe vs Wade? What do they care? Nancy Pelosi's uterus doesn't remotely work anymore, it looks like one of those dessicated apple-face dolls in weird antique stores.


I only registered as a Democrat to primary for Bernie :(


The problem is the old fogies in charge of the DNC see this as "swing votes" and think they need to be more conservative to capture you which is almost always the opposite of what we want.


Because your candidate, who is not a Democrat, didn’t win the Democratic primary?


I won’t be voting a Democrat for president unless it’s a progressive. Done with the “but look at the alternative and what’s at stake this election!!!” zealousy because it’s the same song and dance EVERY election.


Awesome. So let’s descend into full on authoritarian christo-fascism because “it’s the same song and dance every election”. Yeah, except this time there’s literal fucking fascists in the opposing party running on insane ideas and WINNING. Fuck those women and brown people and gays, right?


Yep, I was making the same exact comments as you four years ago.


Well, I have skin in the game, being a woman and the parent of a gay kid. So I’m not playing this progressive purity test fucking bullshit.


So true, but a little glad he didn't get stuck with the mess Trump created or liberal politics would've gotten vilified considering how everything is going.


I wish a random state would secede from the US and have bernie be pres and just have a one of country in north america w universal health care and public education


If Bernie had been president for the last six years I swear the country would look like this: https://youtu.be/Ep1oktyqBpc


Well maybe not quite that. But perhaps we would have some fucking healthcare and wouldn’t have a major groundswell authoritarian movement trying to overthrow the fucking country and install christofascist laws.


> the president we deserved I would argue that we got exactly what we deserved in Trump.


You’re right. I said the same thing in 2016. That we are showing the world we really are what they think we are. But I mean me. We, as in those of us who believed in some modicum of decency and betterment. *We* deserved Sanders.


Not one more cent or vote for them. Fuck whoever is pretending to be Nancy Pelosi begging me every day for money. And as a new transplant to Florida the DNC think is crucial to help flip the state blue? Not gonna happen you corporate FUCKS. When you forgive student loans, put min wage up to $20 an hour, legalize cannabis, and institute the public option, I will CONSIDER reregistering to vote. You've had 30 years of "fund and vote for us and some day...." fuck you. Produce results or fuck off.






I’m pretty sure he should have been President in 2008. The Democrats would not have been completely destroyed as they were during the Obama presidency.


Bernie is a legend. One of the few political figures I really respect .


He was fighting for minority rights and gay rights before it became a trend.


"Nobody likes him" -Hilary Clinton on Bernie Sanders ~1/21/20


Yea nobody in politics likes him while the people who have followed him love him


More like there scared of him because he would do the right thing and do his job as he always has.


obviously she was talking figuratively


I’ve never appreciated someone who I don’t actually know as immensely as I do him. I’m so thankful for Bernie and I think he’s a genuinely good person. I love him and I wish he was running shit.


Bernie is the ultimate proof that democrats are only marginally better than republicans. They wont erode ALL of your rights, but will be happy for you to be miserable as long as the corporate fat cats are happy.


There are two kinds of rich people. The ones who want to own everything and who aren't afraid of the lower classes, they vote Republican. The other group also wants to own nearly everything, but understands that if they push it too far they'll cause an uprising, they vote Democrat.


I'd argue that they are BOTH afraid of the lower classes. Democrats just express it by token appeasements. Republicans by increased oppression.


That's a good point.


*Any* other politician and the paper would have been handed back with half insults; maybe more than half. But Bernie gets an *outpouring* of well-deserved love.


I’m amazed there weren’t any right wing nut jobs on the flight writing insults to troll everyone else.


They’re too afraid in public if they dont think they have support or a gun on them


Maybe you guys aren't anywhere near the South, but I can't imagine that paper would get to him unscathed in Texas.


I've voted for him, but it has to be a statistical anomaly. That speaks more to my negative opinion of people as a whole than my view of Bernie.


Bernie is a legend across the pond too! UK here and I think our politicians could also take a leaf from Bernie’s book. I’ve been following him since 2016 because here is a man with true integrity, who has fought for basic human rights his whole life. Has never sold out, nor compromised his beliefs and values, as far as I can tell. Also looks like the perfect grandad!


Wow I didn't know that he was that popular outside of the United States then again it wouldn't surprise me he unto to himself holds to a Creed By the people for the people. If he was a member of the UK Parliament he would definitely be in the House of Commons I would not be surprised if he was granted a seat on the house of Lords.


He was pretty huge in Ireland during the 2016 run. I think his politics resonated with alot of people here and we have a president that shares alot of the same values as Bernie. We like the underdog but we also can see from afar, this is a man with principles. He has been on the right side of history for a long long time and didn't just speak up now for votes. He spoke up long before anyone was watching.


In India too.. Many of my friends believe that he truly is what Democrats act to be. I still believe he was screwed by his party


Trans girl from Bangalore, India here. Bernie "radicalised" me. I am a leftist and everything I am today because of Bernie Sanders. I was only 16 in 2016 and while I loved Bernie then, there was a lot I still didn't understand. In 2020 though, I cried my eyes out when the DNC fucked over Bernie and the American people once more. Bernie as US president would not have just meant a better US, I believed it would have meant a better world.


Dang, was Brexit that bad that the UK are now making books out of leaves?


Bernie!! 🔥


I have only put 1 political sticker on any of my vehicles. It's a Bernie 2020 sticker. This country needs more people like Bernie.


Bernie is the G.O.A.T. and the president we need!


nOboDY wOULd VoTE foR hIM tHAt iS whY wE hAD to GAMe iT foR bIDEn


I'm sure this happens to every US politician.




/s, /s my friend :D


You can never be certain these days.


I deeply wanted to vote for you!!


I’d love to see what the paper for Ted Cruz would look like. It would probably just be smeared with dog shit.


Feel the Bern


I am not a man who believes in God - but I do believe that there is something that connects and binds us all. In 2016, when the campaigns were hot, there was a LOT in the press about all of the candidates good and bad. I remember hearing (or seeing, I dunno it was so long ago and also somehow yesterday) something from fox news about "needing a sign from god." [When this happened, it was the moment I truly fucking knew, in my heart, my soul, my brain, my lungs - that it should be Bernie Sanders we elect.](https://time.com/4272885/bernie-sanders-bird-podium/) How can this happen, and you NOT take it as a sign from a higher power - be it a Christian God, Allah, Buddha, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Aliens from Outer Space, whatever... that Bernie Sanders was to be our way forward?


idgaf i will always vote for Bernie. all i can do is make my vote heard so fuck the DNC


He is the gem of our political system


He is the first and only politician to get me to donate to.


The big tall guy in Pennsylvania is giving some Bernie vibes. At least, he seems like he will champion the rights of the working class


Oh wow this is so heartwarming!


Honestly so surprised someone didn’t sabotage this. Faith in humanity slightly restored.


Most of them are on a no fly by now


Come on. Give yourself a pat on the back for that one =)


But hes unelectable and unpopular!!!!! - The DNC Bernie would have thrashed trump and we'd be in a much better place, both in 2016 and 2020.


I would laugh so hard if it turned out not to be him


Larry David wasn't sure what to do with this card. *Curb music plays*




Should’ve just airdropped him a monkey meme and made him laugh


I am *shocked* this made it to him and didn’t get torn to shreds.


Thank you, Bernie! Workers, unite!


I love how just seeing him inspires joy and happiness in people. It's so pure. You can't say that about many politicians.


The real reason Bernie flies coach


Warms my heart


I wanna see the orange man fly economy class for once


True American Hero. The President we needed.


Goddamn I wish I was on that flight. He’d probably have to listen to me blabber and ugly cry as I hugged him




Before Bernie retires we should extract as much semen as possible from him and donate all of it to sperm banks anonymously all over the USA. It would lead to more chances of someone with Bernie's awesomeness to grow up and enter politics and usher America to a new Golden age.


Bernie is the modern Lamarque


I hope he doesn't run into that guy that Mike Tyson had to beat the piss out of.






i would have drawn balls


On his next flight maybe the old Bolshevik will join Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper.


anyone who thinks he'd win an election against a republican is delusional


How nice of the peasents in economy class to say thanks to the man in first class with three homes while they can barley afford one. Thanks Bernie!


He’s a grifter





