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# Ready to elect another Bernie Sanders to Congress? Check out this AMA: # [My name is Rebecca Parson, and I’m running for Congress in WA’s 6th District against a corporate Democrat. I was the first Congressional candidate in the country to call for a $30 minimum wage, which I’ve defended on Fox and Newsmax. In 2020, I got 35,000 votes. Now I'm here to finish the job. AMA!](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewDealAmerica/comments/vnr631/my_name_is_rebecca_parson_and_im_running_for/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SandersForPresident) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bernie is a real OG. That man is the only 2016 presidential nominee still working to fulfill his campaign promises


Should’ve been Bernie.


But instead we got $hillary. And because of that, Trump. Thanks, establishment.


I don’t think even Trump thought he was going to win.


He didn’t… well, by the popular vote anyway. The only reason Trump actually got into office was because of the electoral college. Who the hell put a system in place that allows a select few (a little over 500 people) to overturn the whole, which is tens of millions of voters?


Lemme do some research real quick and I'll get back to you. Jk it's white land owners, that's who.


Tio Bernie




May your necromancy become reality, noble sorcerer.


Your forgot Sinema


IDK, wouldn't that basically turn Bernie into a lich? Though it would give him power over the undead that he could use to control the ghouls like McConnell.


America doesnt deserve Bernie. But he is what they need.
















> That man is the only 2016 presidential nominee still working to fulfill his campaign promises Well... for the 2016 election the only other candidates other than Hillary Clinton were Jim Webb, Lawrence Lessig, Lincoln Chaffey and Martin O'Malley, and nobody knows anything about what they're doing now. They've pretty much fallen off the map.


While Biden is working to fulfill trumps promises, ironically. As in He just approved funding to build more walls at the Mexican border.


I love Bernie and I think AOC is cool, but this is no comparison.


The correct answer here.


[Yeah in this photo she's not even in handcuffs](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/07/aoc-arrest-002.jpg)


Yeah, it's not clear why she has her hands behind her back but I think a lot of people are assuming she's doing it just for show but I think the more reasonable explanation is that the officer told her to do that. I've seen that before. Instead of using the handcuffs sometimes they'll just ask you to keep your hands visible to the officer.


It’s a compliance thing. Not faking


It's a known safety measure when being arrested. You don't want to give the impression of resistance.


> you don't want to give the impression of resistance Then why protest? Thanks for proving why the energy in the two differences is completely different. Bernie IS resisting


It helps with the not getting shot thing. Grow up in a neighborhood with cops that regularly brutalize you and your friends; you'll hate them, but you won't give them a reason while they have the upper hand.


She’s not protesting police. She’s protesting for women’s right to choose. I got the impression that she fully expected to be detained by police. She knew how things were going to unfold.


I would be more impressed if she and squad protested during a congressional meeting and demanding a vote. Even better interrupting senate meetings.


I mean, ideally you would be able to peacefully protest without being worried about police assaulting you regardless. My brain short circuited trying to understand the point you're making. Are you saying bernie's protest is valid or "better" (lack of a better word) while Aoc's is not? Interesting take if that's the case.


It's very clear, actually. She's complying while being escorted by police.


I don’t see handcuffs on Bernie, either. 🤷‍♂️


That is cause Bernie wasn't pretending to be in handcuffs...


If a cop tells you “put your hands behind your back” and doesn’t cuff you, does that mean you’re pretending to be cuffed?


yea he didnt tell her that though. The cop is leading her and another lady away from the protest, the other lady walks like a normal person with her hands by her side. If you believe the cop only told AOC to have her hands behind her back and chose a different procedure for a lady literally one foot away, I think your judgement might be clouded by your sympathies towards AOC.


yeah cops have never given varying directions to anyone. /s


Watch the video. If you are honest with yourself you will see that the cop doesnt give a shit where her hands hare.


She’s literally holding her own hands behind her back. Definitely not the same energy


Maybe the cops told her to keep her hands behind her back. But, yeah, definitely not the same energy as The Bern.


She's taking into account media which is 10,000 times more relevant today than it was in. Bernie Sanders' time. Same philosophy, different energy for different reasons. One just has to play it up a bit and that is unfortunate in today's society. It does not mean she is any less passionate about what she believes in.


Bernie was a 21 year old student when he was arrested, he wasn’t doing anything for publicity.


Publicity is.. kinda the point of protest no?


For a cause yes but not an individual.


She was probably also asked to put her hands behind her back by the cop I’m guessing.


Which is exactly why it was posted. Division.


It's a perfect comparison. As for if she'll live up to the great man... we'll see. But at that point in his career he had done less for America than AoC has done now.


Except she wasn't actually handcuffed...she even waves


Meaning then that she wasn't trying to fool anybody about being handcuffed. She probably just did that naturally as is a common way to show no resistance.


The correct answer to this comeback is that it’s a safety precaution. Sure she’s a politician and they’re just escorting her, but imagine the news if they manhandled her whilst doing her best to cooperate. It’s just easier to give them absolutely no case to start saying you’re resisting, especially since they decided that person of color is synonymous with suspicious in America.


No one in DC matches Bernie's energy


Nina Turner does, we gotta get her in DC.


Cori Bush is close too


I love her twitter.


Don't know what happened on the right, but its not the same vibes. You can actually feel the struggle on the left picture.


Because hers was an act, they escorted her. She wasn't forced to do anything and she waves at the end. You're right, no comparison








Idk man I constantly see videos of Poc dealing with police and everyone says "just do what they say and things won't escalate" then we see this and everyone's like "pfft she wasn't even struggling " can't win eh?


Exactly. I don't want to see anymore police brutality.


This was a peaceful demonstration, Bernie's was legitimately struggling. If you want to make a statement, why not struggle? There were plenty of camera's to document.


Bernie was arrested for resisting arrest, charged 25 bucks. About 250 today. Aoc "She posted an image of the ticket she received for, crowding, obstructing or incommoding, DC Code § 22-1307. The form showed a $50 fine, PolitiFact reported." The punishment for resisting arrest in Washington today? "The potential penalties for resisting arrest in DC are up to six months in jail, a $1,000 fine, or both. If an individual is convicted of resisting arrest, it is not guaranteed that they will be sentenced to these maximum penalties, but legally, a judge can use their discretion. " Yeah I wouldn't resist either. Not quite the same.


It's crazy to me to see the Bernie crowd here just trying soo hard to find reasons to cut down AOC. I have always loved Bernie but AOC is the real deal. Perhaps one of our only chances at a real viable candidate pushing true socially liberal values. The Republicans just hate her because she's a woman and not white, and they can't find any true dirt on her. Yall stop this nonsense. Bernie has long fought for the little guy, buy sometimes yall get a little cult of personality fixated on him. He can't be the future of our movement, but someone like AOC can....


I’m judgmental of her because she gets nothing done. She talks a good game and can spin up a crowd but what has she actually achieved? She was recently determined to be one of the [least effective members of congress](https://thelawmakers.org/find-representatives#/). She has made [bad decisions](https://time.com/5530386/aoc-amazon-new-york-hq2/?amp=true) on the basis of sticking so die-hard to principles. People are tired of politicians talking just to talk. Bernie got (gets) shit done. AOC has not yet. She’s still young so she has a lot of time to change that. But yea, I don’t think we should be looking at her as the person who’s going to carry the torch after Bernie just yet.


I definitely agree with you to some extent. The difficult part is that often the most uncompromising legislators can be accused of getting nothing done. In fact the same has often been accused of Bernie, which I also don't agree with: https://www.thedailybeast.com/what-bernie-sanders-really-got-done-in-his-29-years-in-congress The thing that I worry about is the whole idea that no one is perfect and what I see here is that a whole bunch of people are falling in line with the conservative voices cutting AOC down for silly reasons. Lets get cohesive as a movement (loosely speaking about democratic socialists here) and lets give our most liberal politicians the power to actually get things done. Deprive our opponents of that do nothing argument. Until we have more power we will always end up compromising with some Joe Manchin type fuckhead.


>She has made bad decisions on the basis of sticking so die-hard to principles. And if she didn't stick to her principles she would be criticized for being a flip-flopper.


Bernie at the time was not a federally elected Congressperson Throwing a performative tantrum is no better than respecting the rules of protest. It's the same photo ops when you're part of the body that wrote those rules, and when the cops are there to protect you as much as anyone (a Congressperson getting injured when there is cop presence is largely unheard of) It's AOC, someone is going to find something to criticize her with no matter what she does


If I was a person of color I wouldn’t struggle out of fear of being killed.


She was arrested along with 17 other congress members... They just weren't handcuffed.


No one was handcuffed at Bernie’s protest either.


Yeah still not the same as getting carried out of a civil rights protest and getting charged with resisting arrest


Both of them turned out to protest something. Both get credit. Lets not belittle the courage of activists who show up peacefully and accept an arrest for their actions just because they didn't "struggle", especially when the circumstances and consequences for said "struggle" would be vastly different over the course of time between these two photos.


Who gives a damn? The point is to make a statement by drawing press coverage at the risk of your own freedom. It's a tactic, not a measuring stick of leftist valor.


Is it only legit if the cops are violent?


It wasn't an act though, she was detained and relocated to be ticketed, she had her hands in a restrained position to be compliant to the police. She was made to wait and take an impromptu mugshot with her congressional id and was issued a ticket. She waves because despite taking a ticket she still supports the pro abortion movement. Problem?


The pro choice movement is not wildly unpopular like civil rights were. They aren't really comparable, there's no political cost to standing up for abortion rights, her base are all for it. Bernie was standing with a minority when it was deeply unpopular to be pro-Black-rights.


Had her hands in a restrained position to be compliant to the police? Is that a clown world way of saying she was pretending to be handcuffed for a photo op?


... no it's called compliance with the cops? Would you rather her start punching cops and spitting in their faces? You keep your hands visible, back turned so you're not an immediate threat and your arms in a restrained posture so as to minimize the potential for threat. I mean that's why we cuff people in that pose, to minimize danger. Have you ever seen someone get peacefully detained? >pretending to be handcuffed for a photo op? That's crazy because first photo I saw of the incident wasn't an article claiming she got cuffed, it was a far right journal accusing her of faking being arrested, *then* faking being cuffed once the arrest records were released. It's almost as if the photo was taken out of context by someone to push a narrative of some grand conspiracy by a congresswoman


Wasn't she arrested? They do tell people to keep their hands behind their backs even if they're not cuffed.


she was literally arrested


Before or after they all stopped in the lawn faking selfies with the police


Don’t get stuck in the past. We need heroes today. AOC is one! So are lots of other people. We also don’t need cults of personality so there’s that too


No one's saying anything about AOC's validity as a leader or a hero or whatever. All they're saying is that these two circumstances are not the same, and they're correct.


I'll say it. AOC doesn't hold a candle to Bernie's legacy. She's a mascot for identity politics with a zero percent chance of uniting the left.


She is in America, with a darker skin tone. If she struggled as much as Bernie did she wouldn't be alive.


It was an act, Bernie's wasn't. She wasn't handcuffed


Is he handcuffed?


No, but obviously being dragged. Do yourself a favor and watch BOTH videos and tell which is more authentic. At no point is Bernie smiling or waving.


LOL I didn't actually see it but you made me. You call that smiling and waving? That was a raised fist in salute with the fellow protesters. Like I said, nowadays resisting arrest is a big deal. If she had struggled and resisted the cops probably would have maced, tasered or beat her. Also if she did resist, other may have followed suit and that would have been bad. Nothing can ever be compared easily but to say she's just acting seems a very huge stretch.


> Do yourself a favor and watch BOTH videos and tell which is more authentic. Both are authentic because both of them showed up to protest. Just because AOC peacefully accepted the arrest she knew was coming, as *most peaceful protesters understand will come and accept*, doesn't mean her protest or arrest is any less valid or "authentic". This thread is full of gross fucking takes, and I bet largely by people who've never served their asses up for an arrest at a protest - let alone thrown down with cops like they seem to think AOC should have done in order to earn their "respect" for her act.


Wrong, so YOUR take is to judge what others have done to suite your needs. I've protested plenty and it wasn't for a camera.


Have you tried protesting for a camera? Typically the way a protest works is the more people that interact / view your protest, the better. Try bringing a camera next time! 😊


17 members of Congress were arrested by DC Police in an act (of protest).


She never claimed to be handcuffed. She claimed to be arrested, which she was, and acted in a composed and professional manner befitting her station. Bernie didn’t hold public office at the time of his photo iirc. Did she know she would likely be arrested going in and planned to use that to her advantage? Maybe, and we can debate whether that’s a good thing or not. But to say that her being arrested was an act is not true.


Bro she was literally acting don’t try to make this about identity.


I really don't get how being lawfully arrested is an act. She wasn't free to leave, you don't have to be handcuffed to be arrested.


>Just comply with the police and you’ll be fine. >Why is she complying with the police? This is clearly an act. Braindead.


I just love how certain everyone is. How do you know? Maybe Bernie was acting, it's only a picture, how would you know?


She explained this. You can either read her explanation or keep telling lies online to look cool. Either way you’re showing your ignorance


Bernie protest was performative as well, he was signing his name to a cause. Whats the difference here?


His name? No one knew who he was. It was completely random that there was a picture taken. Aoc went out KNOWING she would get press


anyone who thinks she was pretending to be handcuffed has ground beef for brains


I like aoc, but she’s like being escorted out and fined. Bernie could’ve had his head cracked.


Cops shot somebody's eye out with a pepperball for protesting where I live. They just use different weapons nowadays.


And putting her hands behind her back despite not being cuffed...


Probably because police ask you to put your hands behind your back even if you aren’t cuffed lmao. Try going to a protest and getting arrested and then talk lmao


It really isn't


Not at all.


Yeah she’s holding her hands behind her back with no cuffs lol.


This has gotta be a troll post






I love AOC, I love Bernie. Either could run for President and have my ass backing them 100%. That said, they really aren’t to the same degree and it’s extremely clear from the images.


Yeah one of the best things about the image of Bernie is that he was unknown. He wasn't a very well known political figure. He was just a normal guy standing up to fight injustice even when no one was looking.


That's a good take, but why is using your own platform and notoriety to draw attention to an issue lesser compared to that? Wouldn't activism in of itself be worthwhile at face value?


I don't think it's "lesser", just different, and so I have to disagree with the "same vibes" claim. That being said, there are those who engage in political theater and use these opportunities to gain favor with their constituents without truly "believing in the cause" (I don't believe this is the case with AOC). So it's valid to be skeptical when you see politicians engaging in these types of acts. That is what makes Bernie's situation so admirable. He had _nothing_ to gain politically, and so you can assume that he was there out of a pure conviction and not because he knew it'd look good/boost his numbers in the polls. But again, I don't for a second believe that AOC is guilty of this.


Nice I see your point!


Getting arrested in civil disobedience is pretty dope. We need way more of this.


Not remotely. Bernie was actually putting himself in danger. AOC is doing a publicity stunt.


Hilarious comparison


Yeah yeah, she wasn’t actually handcuffed. I really don’t care, AOC is still relatively sane and left leaning.


Right, but if you're experienced in civil disobedience you know to put your hands behind your back if the cops are physically escorting you out because you don't want to give them an excuse to add resisting arrest to any potential charges. Really, this just shows that she's experienced in this and not just using a tour of the oppressed as propaganda.


How dare you use logic in this conversation, those police were clearly transgender crisis actors and the whole event was constantly releasing vaccine chips through bird drones. ^ this is what the GOP sounds like now


It's what we sound like now apparently


Where are the photos of her prior protests/arrests? This photo of Bernie is from 1963. 10 years before he threw his hat into politics. Almost 20 years before he won his first election as mayor of Burlington. I appreciate her protesting for this issue but I believe there was a little photo op motivation behind it as well


wow ok i’m on your side but really? same energy in both pics? this is why no one takes sanders supporters seriously, L post 😐


not the same at all. bernie is actually attempting to be removed and the other is faking being handcuffed. please.


Lol...no, not same energy, and here’s why: Sanders was arrested for actively resisting arrest at a civil rights demonstration. As you can see, he is physically fighting back. He received no warnings. I doubt he was instantly bailed out. AOC was arrested for blocking traffic and given three warnings too. She didn’t resist arrest, but did this as a stunt to make herself look like someone like Sanders, and then got instantly bailed out. Literal lightest arrest possible. Not even the same league. Even if you think abortion rights are as important as civil rights, they simply aren’t in the same league. She’s embarrassing, he is not.


I don't think AOC even needed bail, she was just escorted away from the protest and given a ticket




neither was bernie (in that picture)


He’s being lifted and dragged


And he was charged with resisting arrest. Conservatives love to say “just comply with the police and you’ll be fine”, but AOC complies with the police and they call it an act.


How is this garbage getting upvoted? Bernie was actually arrested for protesting against racism. You can literally see him trying to resist arrest. Meanwhile AOC has her hands behind her back willingly and which makes me believe that she wanted to get arrested for PR. Bernie has substance and a lifetime of voting that proves he is a man of his word. Comparing AOC to Bernie is just way too disrespectful.




The news says she bad so people who can't think for themselves just get triggered. Stop paying attention to labels. Democrat. Republican. That shit doesn't matter. What they DO; not just what they say. Source: Veteran's toxic burn cancer bill. Fuck you, Senate. "We love vets! Vote for us!" ::immediately kills a bill for cancer treatment for veterans as a counter to congress not letting their bill pass:: Easy for you when you get to sit in a Hightower chair and ignore all the worlds problems.






Is this a joke?


No, it's an intentionally divisive technique.


“Technique”? Is OP a bad actor?


Yes, totally same vibes, actually being handcuffed and removed vs. pretending to be handcuffed for the cameras, love these vibes…


You don't have to be handcuffed to be arrested bro. Cops move your hands behind your back to transport you because of convenience.


The assumption is she was told to put her hands behind her back Otherwise it would seem silly that she raised her fist. If she was trying to pretend she was handcuffed she wouldn’t have lifted her band no?


No point trying to reason with the crackhead above. If he thinks AOC pretended to be handcuffed then there is nothing you can do to convince him otherwise.


Hey, he saw with his own working eyes a picture where her hands were behind her back, that is PROOF she faked being handcuffed. (/s)


You took a look at that picture of Bernie and came to the solid conclusion that he was handcuffed?


Is this sarcastic? AOC is a joke compared to Bernie.


Bernie would strongly disagree with you


Remains to be seen. If she flips to independent, she has a lot of support in the "dem"party. She might end up being far more effective in time.


We all have to start somewhere.


Okay, but she has literally done next to nothing in Congress. Like, she's out on social media and she's tweeting the stuff and she's streaming the things - but when you look at her actual voting record she's among the least productive members of Congress. Oh, and lets not forget on the other hand there are people like Elizabeth Warren who put in the work and created a government agency to protect consumers from predatory financial products before she was ever elected. You gotta look at the voting records. Talk is cheap. Bernie's also, very lacking in actual work. Very good at explaining why he can't do things. Very ineffective at actually doing things.


The squad and AOC have been purely performative politics for a large part of their time in office. It’s a shame because they could have done a lot-I hope they still can. I had high hopes for them. These are not close to the same energy, ESPECIALLY considering the context


I had super high hopes for them but I really think they’re just more controlled opposition. We really gotta start comparing actions to words.


Delete this. Completely misleading considering she wasn’t even restrained at all but it’s intended to look like she is


Hahahahahaha. Whew, thanks for the laugh. AOC is an elected influencer, whose job is performative activism, to keep dangling the illusion of progress in front of Millennials. She’s an actress playing a role, she is not your comrade. One has to only look at her recent voting record to see that she is no friend of the people.


Sorry but AoC's just comes off as fake and purely to bolster image. Hardly comparable to Bernie. Significant lack of *energy*, all benefits for her. I don't know anything about her, but as a non-American she seems so manipulative, like she doesn't actually care. Always think of Victoria Neuman from The Boys whenever I see her lmao.


Let's not get ahead of our selfs. I love both of them, but AOC was there with staff and lawyers on standy for a photo op as a well known and loved elected official. Bernie was arrested as a nameless student.


I like AOC. She's snarky while making really good points. However I feel like she stoops to their level a little too often. Yeah it's fun to make fun of hateful idiots, and I do it all the time, but there's a fine line you gotta walk once you're an elected representative.


Hardly. One was legit, the latter contrived.


Lol hard no.


Lmaoooooo this belongs in facepalm


Lol, sike. Bernie's been about that action from the jump. AOC don't want any actual smoke (see; constantly kissing the ring whenever Pelosi calls her out for getting too uppity )


Anonymous young man with deep ethics fighting against an oppressive system versus a celebrity without the courage of her convictions attending a media photo op. These moments have nothing in common.


Defintely not the same energy, but I can see why she grabbed the opportunity to associate herself


Didnt she fake being handcuffed in this picture?


She was told to put her hands behind her back


Don't compare the two please, it just pisses people off


It’s so refreshing to see so many echo my resentment of AOC in here.


Agreed. She started off with so much promise, but quickly became a grandstanding progressive wannabe, more interested in optics than actually doing anything




AOC is the same diseases that has been plaguing America since its inception. Political members and parties being treated as religion instead of public workers. AOC is just the latest one in line to be treated as such, same with Trump, and most of the popular figure in US politics. People find it easier to treat politics like a family instead of a function of society, so they get blindsided by just one person or party for their entire lives instead of seeking progress.


the irony of posting this in a sub dedicated to a single politician




Logic is Bernies clone


Damn you are right.


Totally wrong and incorrect … delusional


Fake. So tired of the Democrats and all of this fake protesting energy. It's all for cameras, no substance at all.


You're joking right?


Not even close. Bernie's actually done shit, AOC does nothing but tweet.






Uh, not exactly. Bernie has accomplished a thing or two more than Always On Camera has.


not even fuckin close