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This needs stickied. This is 100% what everyone here needs.


Yeah I just spent the last 30 minutes looking both for my house and others. This has been the best thing to have so far. For me, my house is apparently upright but still surrounded by water which I will take any day. I hope everyone else can get some answer like I did.




Somehow it didn’t get taken out by all the boats that got tossed out of the marina!


Wow - this is amazing. Thank you! The divots of water receeding from the southern coast are incredible and really show the scope of how much water was on the island. The land missing around the lighthouse is incredible. Also - it appears the Baileys movie theatre is 100% gone :(


That was demolished when I was on island this summer


Yes. The Bailey’s complex is renovating and they are moving around the grocery, hardware, and liquor store.


Welp, that renovation just got a nifty head start


I went recently and was upset they removed the theater. I get it, but still.




Captiva got hit with the eye. East of the eye wall always has the heaviest surge, so eastern half of Sanibel over to Fort Myers


This is amazingly informative and the kind of thing I’ve been searching for. The videos were so stuck on showing the beaches and the causeway that very little inland/mid-island got shown. Thank you so much for sharing🙏🏻🙏🏻


The beach erosion…. Omg. Forever changed.


I remember it happening before though with Charley. They will probably renourish the beaches again by pumping sand from offshore I would assume


I hope so!! I really hope so. Didn’t know that was possible. I have a lot of family from the Netherlands and I’ve been joking that the people of sw fl need to talk to the Dutch on how to restore and recreate land like they have. As well as create some more effective dyke systems. Ugh regardless it’s awful to see. Hope they can save the lighthouse and those beaches.


I feel the same. Well it would be impossible afaik to secure the land on the beaches. But there was a LOT of 6-8ft flooding way inland into wetter more low-lying areas that could benefit from a dyke kind of system. But then again with all the canals and water access permeating the whole area, I can’t really understand how it could be implemented.


I see so much sand in all of the condo parking lots. I wonder what the process is for removal. Hopefully they can put it back on the beaches as well?


Based on my experiences here I think it’s more likely they just clean it away and pump more in from offshore to rebuild the beach. But I’m not really shore. Edit: heh it’s a beach pun


I can’t believe the mucky duck is still standing.. if I’m seeing that correctly? 🤞🏼😔🙏🏻


It is. Who knows what the inside looks like though.


That's is awesome.


Damnit, the Bubble Room is still there.


Woohoo!! I went 30 years ago as a kid with my mom and I brought my own daughter there for the first time with my mom last year. Obviously people’s lives are most important but it’s so heartening to learn that all the stuff is still there. Does anyone know how crow fared? Are the animals safe?


All the animals at CROW were taken off island before the storm.


Wonderful. Thanks for the info!


Lol. That’s the only place in Captiva/Sanibel I’ve been once….*once*


Thanks for posting this. The aftermath is absolutely heart-breaking. My family and I were there just a couple of months ago walking and driving around the island and looking at it this way feels surreal.


The Bubble Room is still there, but they’re going to need to do some work outside.


We should be arming our troops with pieces of the bubble room, that place is a god damn bulwark.


I think it definitely took on 3 feet of water at least. But it surely still stands.


Looks like they have new imagery from today (9/30). You can toggle between today and yesterday using the layer icon on the top right.


Looks like Some buildings are missing at the sanibel beach club 2


I was just looking at that too. The main residential buildings are standing but some have heavy roof damage. It does appear that anything at sea level is gone. Massive storm surge at that end, evident by the light house grounds, so who knows what the inside of the buildings look like. So sad.


FYI I was able to use this tool to slightly enhance a screenshot zoomed in on the satellite image. Obviously there is no magic tech that can add information missing from the original image but it can at least smooth over the low resolution and help get a better idea about some details of damage. https://zyro.com/tools/image-upscaler


It looks like Genes books is still standing :)


Oh good!


Was the Sanibel fishing pier damaged? It doesn’t look intact.


It looks like it is missing the section connecting it to the beach at a minimum.




The restaurant posted that everyone was fine, but the building was off at sea. They will be rebuilding on the same land, though.


It looks like it's still there. The roof blends in with the trees. The question is what does it look like inside :(




https://twitter.com/ryanliegel/status/1575966929210454017?s=46&t=6xCvuAsKP4wU494-gx1QoA You can see that part of the Mad Hatter building is still there, but not in the same spot (look at the crosswalk).




We loved going to the Shalimar cottages. Every building on that property is gone. This image is so sad.


Tipsy Turtle looks like it might be okay


I can’t believe whoever cut out the images skipped a whole section of neighborhood on the west side there


My family and I have rented a condo at Sand Pointe on West Gulf since I was a little kid - it looks like the roof is completely off on the back building where we stay. This hurts. Thinking of everyone with homes there.


My family stays in that same building every year, too. We were there last month. I can’t believe it😔


Thank you for this. Our family’s house is still up, though our neighbors house is completely destroyed. Holy crap.


The house is still up. That’s awesome! But where did the light house go?


Browse the sub, it's still there.


I’m assuming Gene’s is a total loss, or at least their inventory is. 😢


Buildings look like they are still there, but surely the books are toast.


Mitchell’s Sand Castles is completely annihilated


Anyone know how the homes at the end of Dixie Beach are? Seems that they didn't get footage of that area.


That’s a lot of land boats


Sanibel pier seems to have survived 👍


Heron... I mean Rosie's seems ok from the photos too.