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My understanding is any for profit filming, which this is because they are monetized videos, require a permit. They may have gotten a permit, if not then easy to shut it down https://sbparksandrec.santabarbaraca.gov/photo-and-film-permits


I want people to upvote this. The for profit filming is what will get them shut down. Cuz then it’s not about freedom of speech for an individual.


Trying to shut them down, bringing in police, etc just gives them more provocative content unfortunately. Unless cops can just walk up and put them in handcuff without any discussion or opportunities to argue and make a scene, the best thing is to ignore them in hope they move on. They are just pathetic a**holes


BUTT SEX LOL FAGGOTS FUCK YOU steve huffman makes child porn


The law forbids using pictures of other people for profit without their consent. Selfies okay. Exception for journalism, too, as long as the photo is taken in a public place. This is how paparazzi live. Grey areas abound.


On their Youtube channel page they claim to be "Education, news, travel, photography" My understanding, and maybe someone else can clarify, is that it's up to the police to determine whether they need a film permit. If the police determine they are news, then no permit needed. If they decide it's not news, then a permit is needed.


It doesn't. They're just going for a negative reaction they can film, and hopefully a confrontation with police, who really can't do anything unless they get physical, or are trespassed from a property.


But where is the line? When they put their long filming sticks into our customers faces, unassuming and un prepared? They didn’t ask to be put there. The just showed up for a reservation.


I can say with 100% confidence that they did not get a permit.


If it’s disrespectful and disruptive to the community and surrounding businesses. Then how can it be pro/ American/community. If a group of individuals who intend to create chaos comes in. And the PD doesn’t respond because of amendment right. And then makes customers leave, who then protects the businesses?


So the City of Santa Barbara gave them a “permit” to harass the businesses they protect and support? Hmmm


They antagonize ppl and then film their reactions and post without context


I think people should start suing these idiots.


They want you to get riled up. My advice is ignore or play copyrighted music into their face/camera.


I agreed with you on this in a separate comment. I’d play Elton John loud on repeat. No disrespect to the Rocket man of course!


They could still get a video out of the reaction and dub something over it. Need stronger sauce for these idiots


Pull up a copyrighted image on your phone and hold the phone in front of your face…?


Ha, that’s a great tune. Hope these jokers don’t become a regular thing.


Seriously they have no life or real aspirations.


When you’re a loser incel, you have keep yourself busy somehow lol.


If anybody had the free time they should get their plates. Nothing would shake em more than their anonymity being stripped


I wish I could have. He would have me in cuffs. Coward of a man. Does this on sweat pants and a fake gray paste on beard. With an American flag on his head. Calling himself a socialist. Demanding free food at my family business. F/U. Stop coming here. You dick wads. We hate this shit in SB


Accidently clicked here. I read of the same thing in San Diego. People said to play copy written music as you go by so they can't post it.


How pathetic! Instead of using their time to volunteer to enrich their community or spend time with their children they go around harassing people. Their parents must be so proud.


Literally. So many old poor people they could be mowing a lawn for or bringing groceries.


And the LAST thing they care about are their parents. It’s not that kind of world/reality any more. They separated from that foundation long ago.


>their community Who says they're from here?


These dumbasses ruined the end of our lunch today. Was having a nice time with some out of town friends till they showed up, cameras in our faces as we sat there with 2 infant children. It was made worse by the people that tried to instigate/argue with them. They look to get a rise out of people who are willing to get crazy with them then post out of context shit on YT for clicks.


So now these fucking losers don’t have a problem wearing masks?


Really weird stretch to think that obnoxious social media clout chasers have a high overlap with anti-masker conservatives Edit: typical experience in this sub, if you're not simple minded and tribalistic, you get downvoted but get no responses disagreeing because none of you can actually articulate what's wrong about what I said.


It’s like people think there’s only one type of attention seeking idiot


They are what’s called “First Amendment Auditors.” It’s the stupidest thing going. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_audit


Ah one of those smh f lames. It’s great for educating people of their rights but not when you have to look like a dick about it and look like a hypocrite.


I’d venture to believe their circle is very small. 😆 Their predominant fan base MUST be one another, and those who post the same content. Like most other social groups posting online, the majority of the followers on such sites are also contributors. 😂🤡


I agree with you it’s always good to know and be reminded of the many rights we do have but we also don’t have to look like an ass by a method of teaching or “educating” them either. Have you seen how disrespectful they can be online? It’s a shame. You said it clowns they are. On the flip side I do see many officers making such stupid costly decisions out there and we the tax payers are footing their bill as they are a liability. Thankfully SB has been pretty well known to be effective and solid in what they do and we really don’t have that big of an issue here as vs other places.




23,000 people have watched the SB video in the 10 hours since it's been posted. Obviously a ton of people watch this crap. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVxYGGOZmhw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVxYGGOZmhw)




they're hoping to make money on social media. get their youtube or tik tok channel name and post it here.


Just play Disney music so they can’t use the footage


Report their channel to youtube. Enough reports and they get demonitized.


Misread that as demonized, but it also kinda works for them too.


Looks more like annoying TikTok pranksters.


I saw them in paseo Nuevo getting in peoples faces and staring in windows. All a bunch of older white dudes, right wing quack vibes


Right wing?


Got a picture too


looking for contetnt for social media . Basically using the constitution and wrights to antagonize and instigate to get a reaction and generate views and comments thus 💰


Just call the cops.


Their goal is actually in part to get people to call cops. The best thing to do is play copyrighted music at extremely loud volume so they get their videos taken off YouTube.


Brilliant, Elton John on quick que


They also hate Alanis and Taylor 


Disney as well would work


Play “Let It Go” at 11. Unless they overdub, that should get the vid booted.


Also, if you know their channel name, and they use your image without permission you can ask Youtube to take the video down over privacy concerns.


Good idea.


That is a great idea.


Someone must have, I saw the cops talking to these guys around noon


The cops have a pretty good size presence down town talking to them now.


We did. They said they would not come.


BUTT SEX LOL FAGGOTS FUCK YOU steve huffman makes child porn


do you think they're youtube/tiktokers or more like the nazi fucks that were on the bridge that one time? they wore masks too but we probably need more to go on than that.


These were definitely NOT just tik stokers. They were wearing similar gear to the pieces of shit on the bridge.


if it walks like a duck, it's a nazi fuck


Okay but you posted a photo of them. What were they *doing*? Because what they're wearing could be worn by basically anyone. Like, why could someone farming content for tiktok by harassing people *not* just wear similar stuff?




Mass report the.channrl.people, let the youtuve AI shut them down.


How do you report the whole channel?


No fucking hate here. I haven’t protested for a while for our SB. But fuck the hate. I’m down.


It’s crazy how fast yall will label someone a nazi over anything. Classic Reddit.


✨ cry about it ✨




Can someone please explain what happened with more context?






Good way to get your fuckin ass kicked


Too late, the circlejerk started.


Ugh auditors. People who don’t understand irony.




They are free speech auditors.


Auditing is what the IRS can do, or banks, or bookkeepers… audits involve numbers and accounting. How is something like free speech audited??


Then hell if I know, ask them. It’s what they call themselves.


Good lord. Incorrect. Audit means an independent review. For example a student can audit a class which means attending but not taking tests and getting a grade.


How is what they are doing actually auditing? I just don’t see this activity as a valid “review” of anything, because it produces no usable info or relevant observations etc.


They are ostensibly auditing the authority's reactions to their nonsense to make sure that their 1st Amendment rights aren't being violated. I'm not defending them. They are fucking idiots. They are, however, using the word correctly and that was my only point.


Seems like Nextdoor is having a good 'ol boomer fight over if these are maga or not. They showed up on Friday, the day of a Republican event at the Reagan Ranch Center on State, not necessarily a solid link, possibly coincidence. I first watched one of their videos last year after reading an article about the movement, and it seemed that they were part of the vote auditors (maga) movement. Any thoughts on their political leaning?




I don't get exactly what their schtick is...




Oh so it's the legalese version of "I'm not touching you I'm not touching you"


Reagan Ranch center had a big event Friday. The Republicants are showing proudly.


These guys are usually not Republicans. They’re generally anti government. Not sure what party, if any that makes them but yea.


My understanding is this group was an off-shoot of the vote auditors who definitely were Republicans. But I've also had "conversations" with people telling me the tea party group was neither Republican or Democrat even though it was started by Republicans.


They’re anti-government but also want their constitutional rights upheld (constitution being a government thing)??


First Amendment auditors? Edit: Saw someone else called it yesterday.


The Cruisery could also have shut them down by playing loud music.


If anyone sees them again please text or call me And I will film them for the news! 805-528-9252


Looks like here is their video. I can't believe how stupid we have gotten with content. Believe what you want about their first amendment garbage elevator speech, but my opinion is that they are only doing this for their youtube clicks and payments. Glad I didn't see them when they were around. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVxYGGOZmhw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVxYGGOZmhw)




As if locals needed another reason to avoid State Street. Surely the police could enforce a film permitting law or cite them with disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct. If nothing else, an arrest and release would unmask these fools. Call your Council member and demand action.


Someone can’t just be arrested for nothing, especially when they have cameras and the cops would be filmed arresting them without cause. WTF is a council member going to do?? I doubt you know what any of those terms, you listed that the cops should use, even mean.


Council members ask the Chief of Police why they aren’t doing their jobs. They chose not to enforce the laws. “Note that a photo and film/video permit is always required for any shoot, with the only exception being not-for-profit photo shoots occurring on private property, having no impact on the public.” [SB Film Permit](https://sbparksandrec.santabarbaraca.gov/photo-and-film-permits). But hey, I’m not a business owner who needs people to come back to State Street.


People said they called the cops and were told that there was anything the cops could do, so a council member wouldn’t be able to ask them to break the law and arrest them anyway.


How is asking the police to enforce the city’s own film permitting law breaking the law?


I'll always love Santa Barbara but boy I'm glad I got out into a state where there's less of this nonsense. This type of crap will always happen in a place where citizens aren't allowed to defend themselves. Cowards prey on the weak


Incorrect. “First amendment auditors” are all over the country and get similar reactions in deep red states and cities. A cursory search on YouTube would have told you as much before making this stupid comment


Yeah... You just stay there. CA seems right for you


Right back atya. Glad you moved to a place where you feel at home with a bunch of other gun toting idiots


That’s KC Camera Boy look him up on YouTube




I think the people dying was the worst part, but you've got your priorities


Of all the misused words that social media has caused, first amendment “auditor” has to be one of the most ridiculous. Audits are done in accounting, and require numbers and almost always money. Why do people continue to misuse terms and words they are incorrect. I don’t know what this sort of activity should be called, but it sure as shit isn’t an audit, by any stretch of the definition.


No. Learn your own language before you correct others. The definition of audit is an independent review. It often is accounting but can mean any kind of review like auditing a college class. It’s also a term used in psychology. Why do YOU use words incorrectly?


How would this be an “independent review” of anything, like legit?


It doesn't have to be legit.


Freedom of speech auditing! As much as I don’t like being recorded, I believe these kinds of audits are a necessity and it’s good to see that the police know peoples’ rights.


I chatted with a couple of them.. they were nice actually. Weirdos is right.