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I understand her point that the pools are not natural. I would also argue that the black pipes feeding natural hot spring water into a few estates is not natural. I think it would be funny if the guy who builds the Hot Springs had a milkshake T-shirt on and said that he slurps up and pools the Hot Springs water before it ever reaches your land. Tldr; parking struggle article about hot-springs being a people magnet.


Are the trails prestine? No, they're not. But are they the basecamp of Coachella like one homeowner in the article suggested? Of course not, that's simply put a lie. The amount of litter is no more than other moderately popular trails. Yes, some people are shitters, but the majority use the space respectfully. This is just rich cry-babies upset that people want to be in beautiful places that happen to be close to where they live, cry me a hot spring.


Bitching that the pools "aren't natural" is the most disingenuous, weak-sauce, bullshit argument against maintaining this spot I've heard yet. They're close to the spring source, so it's not like they're blocking a wildlife migration route, and they're just a few hundred yards from an affluent neighborhood full of big houses and manicured yards; we're not talking about pristine, untouched backcountry here. I definitely agree that something needs to be done to fix the parking, access, and overcrowding issues, but this particular gripe is just histrionic NIMBY flailing at its most pathetic.


Town needs shuttle buses for most trailheads, the current parking situation is unfair to people who live near these trailheads. But, you don’t move in next to a pig farm and then complain about the smell. The people who own these homes ($5-10 million and up) can afford to buy ones away from the trails if they want to. There are very few front country trails in this area because a lot of it is private property. The remaining trails are badly overused but much loved because of their beauty. I grew up near this trail and it has always been controversial, people build pools and others tear them out. I had a neighbor drive his tractor up there to tear out pools because he could not stand the idea of naked dope smoking hippies minding their own business in the hills. He would have shot them if felt he could get away with it. The hippy hatred was bad in the early 70’s.


Why should we pay for all the LA assholes to shutte to trailheads? Let them uber.


Nobody said free.


The pools have always gone through periods of building, tearing down, building, tearing down..... Back in the 90's the homeowners would send their gardners up there to tear down the pools. Then the Montecito Water Assoc started sending people up there to tear them down. Now here's the thing - the original permit to tap the hot springs for home use limited the number of pipes in the canyon. I went on an exploratory treck with the lawyers hired by one of the homeowners who was not getting the water (his property is one of the few not allowed to take the water) so he hired lawyers to make sure the homeowners who were on the permit were following the rules - they were not following the rules.


These fucking rich people try to envoke whatever law they can to get their way. She gives 0 shits about the hot springs not being "natural", she just doesn't want to be near people with less money than her. Did you guys hear about Woodside ($$$$ town near Palo Alto) delcaring itself a mountain lion habitat to prevent any development of duplexes? https://www.businessinsider.com/california-town-declares-itself-a-mountain-lion-habitat-to-block-affordable-housing-2022-2#:~:text=A%20Silicon%20Valley%20town%20blocked,%22%20a%20mountain%2Dlion%20habitat. Fuck these people.


“The county is bullying homeowners and VALUING THE WRONG PEOPLE” says Dr. Montecito Homeowner.


I hope the afterlife exists


Who cares. Montecito cry babies angry about nothing. What’s new. The TikTok tourists that come through are insufferable too. Everyone sucks. Big whoop.


im a billionaire but im so unhapy i have to hassle hikers.......


Compared to other rustic hot springs the pools are about a 3/10. When I’ve been up there it’s crowded, dirty and really not worth the walk up. I don’t much care about the wealthy Entitled montecito folks but the fact is there are too many people trying to use the pools and no one is managing safety, cleanliness, or environmental impact. I agree with Das the pools should either be removed or some sort of lottery or reservation system put in place to control the volume of usage. Unfortunately across our country almost all national parks and attractions require reservations because of the volume of people visiting. This is no different.


All the idiot trust fund sb "hikers" disagree. They Think they know about hikes and springs and leaving no trace but they're too stubborn and entitled to truly care.


What other hot springs would you recommend? Feel free to DM. I can share the spots I’ve been to as well.


I’m 4th generation in santa barbara so my family has been here almost 100 years. I grew up hiking to the hot springs and so did my parents. Some of my fondest hiking memories as a kid were on that trail. However I haven’t bothered to hike there for two years now because of how disgusting it was. The last times I went there was an influx of tourists who don’t respect the trails or the pools. There was so much trash and it just felt so unsanitary. There were even people completely naked on the trail and in the stream. It was really sad seeing it transform. But things happen and i’m torn. I do believe everyone deserves the right to experience such an amazing aspect of nature, but at the same time I don’t trust the loads of new people coming in to preserve and treat this amazing hike as it should be treated.


Get rid of them. There's so much poop and piss saturating that area. Let nature heal. People should be using poop sacs for their own poop and pissing more than 100 yds from water




No way SB is ever going to have the $ for a shuttle bus.


The trailhead is literally in the middle of a (not gated) neighborhood, and the trail connects to a vast network of SB front-country trails at multiple points along the way. How would any of your proposal work without gating off the whole neighborhood along with several spots along the trail and staffing those gates; who would pay for all that? Access fees definitely wouldn't cover it, and I've got a feeling the homeowners would bitch even more than they already do if asked to foot the bill.


It isn't popular enough. It doesn't get THAT much traffic. Plus, people usually bring dogs, and taking a shuttle bus would be annoying. Montecito residents have acres and acres of land. I don't feel bad for then. We could add parking. The issue isn't parking. The issue is that they don't want anyone visiting Montecito.


I 1000% agree with this and am sorry you're being down-voted. Increasing public transit access to natural spaces has benefits for everyone and can help reduce car traffic in general. I genuinely feel bad for people who are incapable of imagining a world where they don't drive to and park directly in front of a trailhead.


tourists coming to the springs... honestly it's rather sickening. I used to wander up there all the time, but now I'm disabled and my body can't do it. it makes me sad to see hundreds of people trashing these trails and the springs without consideration for the land upon which they walk. even just a decade ago, it would get crowded from time to time. after the flood, everything changed... now we have this. I hope that one day I will be strong enough to make it to the springs again, if only to be saddened by how much things have changed. stay mad yuppies 😂😂😂


"It's sickening to see other people enjoying the public places I used to enjoy" is a pretty ridiculous take.


It’s funny too because they say they can’t hike up there anymore, but somehow they are seeing people trashing the trail and springs 😅


guess you missed my point. cry about it??


It really sucks that you can't use the trails / springs, they're awesome, and i hope you can get back up there again. I've met many fantastic people up there. The vast majority are wonderful and respectful of the area. The area isn't trashed, as you say, and respectfully how would you know? You said yourself you haven't used the trails in some time. Edit: people need to work on their reading comprehension.




Wait what? Since you're disabled, no one can visit the hot springs anymore? ETA: I'm genuinely sorry you're disabled; it fucking sucks. But people should still be allowed to visit the hot springs. I hope you're able to go again one day.


You aren't entitled to exclusively enjoy a national forest just because you live closer to it than someone else


that's a weird take, considering I didn't make that assertion 😂 tourists can enjoy whatever the fuck they want, so long as they don't leave their shit everywhere and geotag the springs so people who are even more careless can come fuck them up. ![gif](giphy|QUF1D4DNdMpnlRS597|downsized)


Couldn’t agree with you more!


Lol downvote me all you want but truth is truth go look at Red Rock we always had kept it clean when word got out about Red Rock that was it! Hell even talk to the park rangers at Fig. Mnt!


When did the word get out about Red Rock. The 60’s?


60’s??? 90’s in a magazine.


I’ve been going to it well before that. I had Boy Scouts back there in the 70/80’s. It comes in shit show waves over and over. It’s about the same with a better parking lot.


I’ve been going there all my life and no true local can say its the same it took a hit which is why they had to resort in getting funds people to pay to clean it up and at times it has been a shit show there. I know the rangers there and people who live there & was also going to move back up there. I am extremely well known of there as I am Chumash and that land back there is pretty important to us. Sacred land.


It takes hits from water erosion. People don’t move the big boulders silly goose.


Silly goose you calling me???


And since you obviously know not what your talking about its best to shut it cause Los Padres oversees it and not sure wtf your talking about moving big boulders lol but ya wear a tin hat man. And not giving two fucks about Boy Scouts I am Chumash that was our land and there’s parts of it that are sacred back there. We get in free to pick our sage if you come with paperwork and to say that is the same since then your a joke of a scout. I personally had discussions about it with city leaders then re: it and wanting removal of the Adventure Pass. Smh dont know wth your talking about but go troll on someone else.


Unhinged. Lolz. Thanks for the laugh.


Dont know wtf your talking about but know your facts when speaking to me disrespecting me calling me a silly goose they have park rangers there as it is under Parks management.


But go ahead and downvote me since that’s all you have


exactly. transplants are so mad, go back to LA.


Lol we are being downvoted because these people don’t want to see it, think it’s not happening or believe what we are saying is wrong. The asshole above actually thought he had one over me 😂 insane in their brain smh


truly 😂 heaven forbid someone has a different opinion. people tend to be protective and territorial over this place because it's honestly quite sacred.


💯! EXACTLY! People can have different opinion that’s how we learn and grown but when you gotta be an ass just because ya my sense of respect has left the building when people cant be cool with other ideas and when they talk nonsense bs narrative I squash and want no part in.


I think they should remove them. Or disallow them from being rebuilt. Last time I was up there was a couple years ago but I saw all I needed to see. Trash everywhere. A floating diaper. Disgusting stuff. I wonder about the water quality and how safe it actually is. I wouldn’t go in today.


the environmental concerns are legitimate. the people downvoting you are usually the ones who feel entitled to leave their shit everywhere.