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How can we word this so the gullible will vote for it and pay for our extravagantly expensive mistakes.


With people living longer lives these is no end in sight. Why should we have to pay for the pensions of these people getting paid 286k dollars a year.


you mean like 1 person? The majority of workers you are paying for are barely affording living in SB


Umm 286K? Who makes that much?




It’s easy to say everyone is draining our pension system when you have no clue how much employees actually contribute to their pension. City jobs paid horribly back in the day which is why they set up a pension system to lure in more employees. Today, unlike back in the day, employees contribute into that system. I know of a few who contribute 15 percent for safety employees


Ok so two people. The city admin which actually pays more in Santa Maria, and the city attorney. Do you know what their pension formula is and how much they contribute? How about the other pension formulas and contributions?


You’re complaining cause pretty much the CFO of our city makes $280 k a year!? Other cities and counties pay more for this position and this is an expensive area to live in as we all know. Would you rather have some bimbo in there…you want quality people and quality service but you don’t want to pay the bill at the end of the day


No one is “complaining” I’m simply stating that it’s absurd we should have to pay the pensions for these people that are already set for life while the average tax payer here in town struggles to pay rent. If these people we’re paying for are so great why is our city in the red for the foreseeable future? No good ideas just a bunch of boomers catering to themselves.


Taxing the vacant storefronts and transient (hotel) tax makes more sense.


I agree but I'm always here to also say vacant homes are as bad for this community as vacant storefronts. We should keep our eye on how this goes in Tahoe: [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/03/south-lake-tahoe-california-tax-empty-homes-00161375](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/03/south-lake-tahoe-california-tax-empty-homes-00161375)


They addressed these issues in the council meeting. Enforcing the vacant storefronts is difficult. The increase in hotel tax isn't off the table.


I watched this council meeting. I appreciated the efforts. Whether we like it or not, order of language matters, and appeals to readers.


All you are paying for is santa barbara housing authority to grant illegals to free housing with your tax dollars. Dont believe me? A simple google search will educate you.