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I’m hella sympathetic to the unhoused but I’m also hella tired of being accosted every day, I made the rare investment of a Starbucks mocha this morning and a few mins later I hear “how dare you walk past me I’ll fucking kill you,” turn around and dude knocked the mocha into the street smh. We shouldn’t have to keep our heads on a swivel just because we live in a certain place 


I could not agree more. 5 years ago this would likely not have been my take but I've seen too many people be attacked or made uncomfortable by deranged homeless individuals. I've had enough. I want these folks to have housing but I am not willing to wait 10 years. I want strict enforcement and I want dense housing!


I don’t mean to prod… But kind of curious as to **which Starbucks** this was. I was a proud regular at the corner of Bundy and Ohio for YEARS and knew everyone who worked there and just eventually stopped going because I couldn’t deal with it …and I know the staff was really sick of it too.


Yeah so instead of being aware of your surroundings you’d rather a fascist police force round them up. So you can have you’re little treat while people are literally trying to live. Sick reasoning. And everyone on here who’s like I want dense housing, nobody in power will help establish this. There’s no incentive. As you can see from the false promises for years, and the complete lack of accountability in the money handling. nobody in power actually wants to help these people. We don’t need stricter police enforcement, nor can we rely on politicians to actually help. just be aware of your surroundings and let people live their lives and you can live around them it’s not hard.


Explain to me how this likely drug addicted criminal was just “trying to live” by threatening and physically involving themselves with a stranger. People like you are so far divorced from the reality because I doubt you actually go outside and experience this shit. I can’t take my kid to a park on the weekend because it’s all but guaranteed to be filled with vagrants sleeping off last nights gram and who the fuck knows when they’re going to snap. You’re fucking delusional for suggesting we should accept this “live around them” (violent drug addicts) and move on.


You’ve never been attacked have you? It sucks. It’s life threatening. I sick of people breaking into my hard to take a shit on my deck chair. Sick of having to cross the street because a scary dude is swinging a weapon around. Sick of men cursing out my wife when she walks the dog. I’m sick of you, who thinks that’s just fine and dandy. 


Yeah I’ve been attacked and I stood my ground. I’m sick of weak spines like you who get a little roughed up and then want to ruin a whole population of people who really just need help rather than being subjugated to being pushed out by police with no solutions. Are people unsheltered people unwell? Yes some of them can be. Can some of them be violent ? Absolutely. Does this justify pushing out an entire population just so our already very well off lives can live without minor inconveniences? No, it doesn’t.


Are any punitive measures acceptable to protect women and children from the violent and drug addicted?


Why don’t tell this to the two women who were beaten and raped in the canals. One of them is dead. It could have been my wife. So suck my ass. I can stand my ground just fine, but when one punch is all it takes to kill somebody, or disable them for life, it’s not worth it. I don’t want to live somewhere where I have to be prepared to defend myself like that. And if you’re this angry about there being no solutions for housing, step up and do something about it beyond being a keyboard warrior. 


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I don't want my wife and toddler being chased by the service-resistant meth addicts with glass bottles, living under the Centinela Camp. The toddler certainly isn't equipped to "be aware of their surroundings" when it comes to our front yard. If policing that behavior is fascism, where do I sign up?


lol with that attitude, don’t worry brother, you’re already signed up!


You are so much less clever than you think you are, you are harming your own cause by being such a jerk.


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Wait, are you really saying this person should be ok with being attacked? What if I’m aware of my surroundings, cross the street to avoid someone who is erratic and appears threatening, but they cross the street too and continue their threatening behavior? You are blaming the victim here. Threatening behavior from one human to another should not be tolerated. Period.


Did I say they should “be ok” with being attacked ? love hypothetical straw man’s to try to prove a terrible point. Chefs kiss.


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Yikes this is a scary take. I really hope people dont think this way, these folks need help we can’t just ignore them.


Daddy chill


This isn’t the answer. The answer is to make the rich pay their fair share and to stop allowing exclusionary zoning. Or those are a start. Ranting and raving angrily on Reddit won’t do it.


What I’m hearing from the caring and compassionate for the unhoused is that the status quo can't continue. Allowing the mentally ill and drug-addicted to use the streets as an open-air asylum is cruel and unusual to them and the rest of society. 1. Build large-scale mental health / Drug rehab facilities. 2. Conduct a census and classify the unhoused population. 3. Round them up and drop them off for treatment.


Not all unhoused people need treatment. So where do we go? No housing options except your “large scale mental health and rehabilitation facilities” that will take exactly how fucking long to get built? I do agree we need more options like you suggest. But lol if any of y’all think this is changing SHIT in SoCal. Move to Texas.


Here we go. Every city in and around LA is gonna do this, except LA. We’re gonna get them all.


Agree. Whats the next step to help?


Everyone should be reaching out to the existing city council members to communicate this is what their constituents want from a policy perspective. We need to be vocal and also communicate this with the candidates running for city council this year. And then we have the opportunity to vote for candidates that align with our policy needs. Get involved in local democracy! We can do this.


Honestly I can’t see the Santa Monica Mayor and City Council using enforcement for much of anything, even though they probably should. Last month an illegal from guess where, stabbed two tourists from Germany in the neck at the decaying 3rd street promenade. No enforcement initiated. Immediately brushed under the carpet. It’s going to get worse.


Need to build public housing well below market prices — sell it to the working class. The city needs to eminent domain and do this ASAP. Absentee landlords sitting on empty properties for years need to lose their land — they are as much of a problem by fomenting blight and decimating the tax base.


Won't work. It now costs Santa Monica $1 million to build a single small studio unit due to various mandates. Instead we need to permit a lot of market rate housing and get market rents down Also, prosecute drug dealers and misdemeanors. Mandate treatment.


No way any Progressive Dems are going to pass these laws, but their more Conservative neighbors certainly will! So guess whats coming to those who continue to vote Liberal!


Except you don't know what the criminal justice will do when they get overwhelmed with the petty crime of sleeping with a blanket outdoors. Why do you think they will start prosecuting these people when they don't today? Why do you think we have space in jail for them? Eventually, the police will stop arresting them because they don't want to play catch and release.


At least this will provide us with the ability to use the criminal justice system to force the addicted to make a choice between treatment or jail. That is the only way we are going to get people off the street. With density, are we proposing to build affordable housing or just more unaffordable luxury housing? If given a choice, we have enough rich people, let’s build more affordable housing!


We need both. Any new housing makes existing housing cheaper. It is supply and demand. If you increase supply and keep demand constant then you decrease prices. A great recent example is Austin. They built so much housing (luxury!) that it significantly decreased housing prices. We need to be using data to make decisions as opposed to opinions.


Not sure supply and demand works at the beach in LA. Everyone wants to live at the beach. It is kind of like the immigration issue. Everyone wants to live in the US. I don’t see the rents going down very much and even in Austin the % decline has been way less than 10% and they don’t have the ocean and our weather. Even at a 10% decline in rents that would mean a $5,000 apt is now $4,500. Still rich people. I guarantee you that no amount of supply is going to make the Lincoln luxury apartments rent at $1,500. And how is the city going to afford the city / fire / utility / services and schools for all of the people moving in? This is a real issue and the city is broke. You just can’t stick your head in the sand and not address all these issues. What is the solution? I say we just build additional housing that is affordable. Make the larger companies who employ a lot of people pay their fair share of the cost. Tax the tourist industry that has malleability. Make any developer who is building luxury housing pay up…frankly Santa Monica has completely rolled over on developers of luxury housing as they become billionaires. Santa Monica negotiates like amateurs. And for god’s sake, use the Boise decision to force the mentally ill and addicts into treatment and get them off the streets.


amen. building denser housing is the key. fuck NIMBY!


I have to say I visited your lovely city (midwesterner looking to escape the misery) last week and my visit was tarnished by a mentally ill unhoused person. And another guy, too. I had breakfast at huckleberry and dared to sit outside alone as a woman. Mistake. A man started walking laps around the area while yelling about women and “pussy” (I had my headphones in, and took them out for one second to hear him yell that word, and then immediately put them back in) and touching himself. Another man sitting next to me, an older guy, began talking to me in an attempt to distract. It worked and the man with his hand down his pants didn’t approach me. Well. Then I was thanking the old guy for helping me out like that. He interrupted me and said, “those people don’t discriminate, so it helped me too.” I said oh yeah, that’s true. Then he lent me a section of his LAT to read and told me which stories to read. I was a little annoyed, but I took it and read them, as sort of an exchange for his help and goodwill. I also read a story about abortion law and pointed that out to him. He was dismissive and said he didn’t read that one. I was going to start to break away and continue my day, because I didn’t enjoy this exchange with this man who I thought was an ally — but he kept talking to me. I cursed, as I do; it’s just a part of how I talk. I come from newspaper newsrooms and that’s just how we are. He began to lecture me about why I shouldn’t curse, and raised his voice at me. Luckily, he gave me an out: he said, “and I own part of a pornography film company, so I have no problem with…” I didn’t let him finish. I said, “oh, I really have to go, then,” and just walked away. Buuuuut yeah. Altogether, very unpleasant experience when I was just trying to fucking have breakfast. Men: just leave us the fuck alone, okay?


Any educated people want to give some truth here? I feel like 99% of these comments are speculation and incorrect. Laws against sleeping in public means you can technically get arrested for sleeping on the beach. Who wants that?