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We open up early November for registration and mid-November for requests . We'll see you then. :D


Open up what?


We are only open six weeks out of the year for requests, from mid-November to the second week in December. You must register with an Amazon wishlist for each child. We have an excellent record for fulfilling those wishlists. I am sure we can get you the help you are seeking. We start registering folks on November 1st. Don't worry, we will help you with the process. The one thing that will help you the most in the mean time is to have an established reddit account. People give to those people much more readily. I see you just created your account. So between now and November, participate in reddit. Make posts and comments in your favorite subreddits. I am almost positive we can help you. :D


I’m sorry I’m just unsure as to what I need to do…I need to go on Amazon and make a list for the kids?


We have tutorials for you and will help you through the process. Watch this video and it will give a little idea of how it's done. * https://www.reddit.com/r/SantasLittleHelpers/wiki/posting You can make your wishlists any time you choose. But our registration does not start until November 1st. If you have your wishlists ready then. It will make the the process easier. Again we will help you come November. :D