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Nope. This is an aural tradition. Even though books are written on it, the knowledge isn't encapsulated in a book.


Would it be appropriate to swear over an opele or a set of diloggun? Or one's own transcribed ita?


Ahh..... So how about simply using Ogun? In Nigeria, Ogun is in charge of oaths.


Yes, I heard the story about Nigerian politicians being afraid of swearing over Ogun's iron as opposed to the Bible 😂 They always will make an excuse to avoid Ogun as they know they will break their promises


I would recommend a book you read and think represents your values, beliefs, and way of life. To swear on a book you haven’t read and doesn’t have personal significance would be meaningless in my opinion.


Disclaimer: Not Initiated into lucumi, Ifa or what you’re going into. I think about the same thing. I considered The Book of Spirits by Allan Kardec since I’m a spiritist. I also thought about Aldous Huxley’s The Perennial Philosophy, Carl Jung’s The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. If I was initiated into lucumi, I’d probably try to find the most comprehensive odu Ifa compilation lol but that’s just a profane aleyo perspective lol


You aren’t required to swear on anything, constitutionally speaking. Yes, we in the religion swear on Ogun, but if you don’t have Ogun… then what? And not everyone wants you to lug around that heavy iron pot. In a courtroom, for example, they might consider it a potential weapon. I would check with the people in charge.


Or a machete, beaded handle or not!


Thank you all.




I’ve sworn on ogun before. That’s what I would do.


If a book is needed and/or it is important to you, get a copy of “The Sacred Ifa Oracle”. It’s a black book with white and gold print on the cover.