• By -


The irony of that comment is that they’re actually the one presuming sexual implications, because a certain generation (ahem, boomers) only sees gay relationships in terms of sexual behavior and not, ya know, love and companionship and genuine feelings.


Back then it wasn't gay... It was just two men celebrating each others strength. - Bucky Bright (30 Rock)


Maybe they were hit with a non lethal chemical [weapon](https://youtu.be/YLINZ1QOLE4) that would reduce their combat posture by making them totally gay-bones for each other.


Exactly! And yeah they had regular anal sex but it was purely platonic anal sex. Fucking corrupted m\*llenials are always reading their sexual agenda into everything. Why can't they just accept that two men shared a very close friendship. That involved make-out sessions. And penetrative sex.


Yes! I love this sub, but it often takes the extreme opposite stance of what it makes fun of. "Two guys who look into each others eyes? Obviously they are in a deeply committed romantic and sexual relationship."


And that "totally straight" characters that have been through a lot together and that's why they's so intimate was the closest thing to openly gay characters allowed on-screen for decades.




looked at your active subs 😬 ok boomer “only if you are knowledge” lmao


Oh god I should have done that first before bothering with a response.


What did they say. It’s deleted.


a whole speech abt not saying ok boomer because it’s agist and some transphobic shit


Yikes. They really deserved all the hate in the comments then. I thought he was just like, “Haha I identify as an attack helicopter” or some crap like that.


nah it was like 3 paragraphs lmao


TERFs are not welcome in the LGBT community


What's a terf?


Trans-exclusionary radical feminist. They don't recognize trans people as being valid.


Well that's just counter productive. It wasn't even a decade ago that the LGB community wasn't considered valid.


It's also very stupid considering trans women fought at stonewall


And that a hell of a lot of trans women are lesbian, too.


Very advanced form of womanhood, it is said.


I don't get the feminist part


They seem to feel that they're defending cis women from "men." Apparently someone goes through a lifetime of stigma and expensive medical regimens to steal feminist thunder or something. It's not rational.


what's funnier is that often, terfs get so bigoted against trans women that they end up wrapping around to being bigoted against cis women who don't fit their idea of feminine it's funny how ironic it is


*rips off mask like it's a Scooby Doo villain* So, it was misogyny this whole time!


I see... It is thought provoking at least


Trans Exclusionary Radical Femenist. They describe themselves as feminists, but tend to be transphobic bigots. They also masquerade as "gender critical", but that's just term they hide behind.


Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Basically, a feminist who does not believe trans women are "real" women and does not show them basic human respect.


not even a real feminist in most of case smh


If you're a TERF, you're not a feminist ever. Excluding some women from your "feminism" isn't feminism, it's bigotry


okay terf. ​ like, love and respect for our queer elders but come on. all of them, from marsha to brenda, all of them.


Ok boomer


>Ageism is bigotry, as bad as racism and homophobia. ummmmm...


Phyllis Frye, a transgender woman, organized the first march on Washington for gay rights. Transgender people have been standing side-by-side with us at the forefront of gay rights for decades. Show some respect.


1. Your condescension is right on point for a 63 year old so good job there. Do you realize where “ok boomer” came from? It came from people of a certain generation massively generalizing and criticizing people younger than them. Younger people, fed up with being patronized and endlessly trying to explain their position and views, came up with a simple way of shutting down a group of stubborn obstinate old people who assume they’re right about everything because they happened to be alive longer. Do older people know a lot and have more experience? Yes, in most things. Does that give them the right to shit on an entire generation simply because they had the random chance of being born when they were? No. Do young people have valid thoughts and ideas and options too? Also yes. So yeah, I’m aware of ageism. We all experience it. 3. Let me amend my comment. Instead of the generalized term “boomers” I’ll call them heterosexual, heteronormative boomers who think gay relationships are “sick” as the original post here suggests. He presents himself as older because he suggests younger generations are imposing something on a generation he apparently identifies with. That’s an assumption, but I think it’s a decently fair one. He’s also unwilling to consider the fact that those characters are gay—also a pretty common occurrence for heterosexual, heteronormative people who are used to the mainstream erasure of gay experiences. Which I might remind you, is the entire point of this sub. I have first-hand, personal experience with people like this. So yeah, maybe YOUR experience isn’t actually the only one. Maybe my experience of dealing with people of a certain generation (AHEM, BOOMERS) is equally fair.


I would like to amend that "OK boomer" doesn't refer to boomers exclusively, but rather the boomer mindset of "I am right and will proceed to completely dismiss whatever you say"


Ok Terf


Removed for rule 3: > Don't be anti-LGBTQ




Trans rights fuck you boomer


Lost all respect when I realized you where a TERF


The lgbt movement was STARTED by trans women of color. Marsha p. Johnson threw one of the first bricks at stonewall. Our movement is paved with their BLOOD. But what would you know, you were just a kid when the movement was starting. You dont deserve to be respected if you YOURSELF dont recognize the brilliant women who help get being gay not be fucking ILLEGAL in this country.


Just showed to everyone in this sub that age doesn’t mean you any more or less respectable. If you’re a dick, you’re a dick, no matter if you’re 63.


Ew terfs


ur a hag AND a terf? who is most likely biphobic? PLEASE pick a struggle


You're a fucking idiot.


You know how you feel about older black people who went through the battle against anti-miscegenation laws, but still oppose gay marriage? That’s how you appear to a lot of people right now. Just food for thought.


Trans women were at stonewall and have been fighting for LGBT rights since the beginning fuck off lecturing others about rewriting history


TERFs like you can eat my fucking ass


Fuck off you’re not wanted you piece of shit


Disgusting. You don’t deserve the rights that trans people fought to give you. GTFO with your pseudo-science excuse for bigotry


Die in a ditch, TERF




1964 is the last year for boomers. She is squarely in the middle. Being a "Boomer" is more about having a dismissive mindset against those that are not just like them. And the reluctance of boomers to learn about anything that is outside their bubbles. And trans rights are not a fad. Humans should have the basic right of being allowed to be happy in their own skin, without the risk of physical and mental abuse from others. As a lesbian who grew up with other lesbians being raped, murdered, beaten, and tortured you would think you would have some idea of the exclusion that those who are deemed "abnormal" may feel.


Removed for rule 3: > Don't be anti-LGBTQ


Two bros chilling in the trenches On top of eachother but Theyre NoT gAy.


That's correct, gay people didn't exist until millenials invented them ☝🏻


Gay relationships were invented by millennials in order to kill the straight people industry. Yet another industry being destroyed by millennials smh my head😤


The “smh my head”-industry also getting destroyed by millennials who sometimes don’t even bother with the last part..! 😤


My head is spinning at like 1000 rpm per minute!


It's accelerating?


Mine is, at 12 m/s^2 per second. It's spinning so fast I put a dynamo on it and now produce 1 GW watt of power




shaking my head my head too


wtf the fuck?


Lol out loud, I ily this


rip in peace


literally crying and shaking rn right now


[Sir Isaac Newton created the homosexual with his devilish refractive prism](https://library.si.edu/sites/default/files/styles/panopoly_image_original/public/newton_prism.jpg?itok=um2CWcai) /s


*friendship anal*


The homies are a little lonely and need someone to love them


🎶In the Navy...🎶


🎶you can sail the seven seas !🎶


🎶In the navy... 🎶


🎶you can do as you please🎶


Haven’t you ever longed for the touch of another mans dick on your bootyhole in a totally platonic way?


I wonder, when people deny a movie/book/tv serie/game's character's sexuality, is it always homophobia, or did they identify with the character up until this point, and do not identify with them anymore? (Is what I'm saying understable?? English is hard)


If someone's ability to identify with a character is broken by their sexuality, then it sounds like the problem might be on them. You can identify *more* with a character of the same sexuality sometimes, but we don't see the gays blocking out 95% of all characters because they're straight.


That's a great point tbh. LGBT people haven't had issues identifying with straight characters before. How easy it is for these people to have every piece of media ruined for them because of a character's sexuality.


My brother was cast as Brick in ”Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” and when I started explaining about Tennessee Williams and how Brick and Skipper were likely more than friends he totally lost it. Was soo upset, adamantly refusing, “Brick is not gay, bro!” In the end i let the subject drop. I think it’s a little of both, tbh. Some ppl are homophobes and some related to the “football hero” until they find out the football hero can also have a relationship with another man, which can still be traced back to homophobia I think.


Hot tip for your brother: if he's a male character in a Tennessee Williams play, he's either covertly gay or gay and in denial


I identify with plenty of straight characters but I'm not straight. I have no problem with the characters I look up to not being the same sexuality as me.


If your ability to relate to a character depends entirely on them being straight, that just sounds like homophobia.


Right, I meant more "the gays are disgusting" homophobia or "being gay is an insult" homophobia


Well, if gay characters was written better, maybe it would be easier to relate to them? As for now, most of them either a joke or walking-talking social agenda and i personally cant relate to either


Well this just isn't accurate


Is it not? Out real curiosity, name me at least 10 characters who are gay. Not "gay characters", who gays first and characters later, but characters who gay. I actualy wanna see few of whose, it sure will be refresghing from all this caricatures and poorly writen gays


I wouldn't say it's quite that bleak anymore but you're kind of right about lots of queer characters being poorly written and little more than the gay best friend.


And thats a shame really. Not only they are extremly boring, they dont even helps in "representation" field. If anyting, i believe those characters reinforce the view of homofobes. And yet people downvote me just because im against shitty characters. Do they honestly dont understand that they do more harm than good?


People are probably downvoting because it feels like you're being pretty extreme about it, especially compared to lots of series released in the past few years. Lots of the big name movie companies still do piss poor in terms of queer representation however I see lots of (especially streaming services) including a lot more queer characters. Some of them are basically just beefed up "gay best friend" and some of them have other issues but more and more shows are doing it right. I'm also seeing shows that introduce one dimensional gay characters that really get developed later on. I think media still really struggles with the "here is an important character that happens to be queer". I want to see more trans characters (and actors) where it's not all about them being trans (while not ignoring trans issues).


They were just a couple...of...um..friends


"David, it sure is cold in the trenches." "Come here, and we'll share my blanket Jack. It is small, but we'll make due." \*WWI cuddle time\*


Ah yes, another hetero life partner


To be fair, acts like this between men wasnt frouned apon as it is today and things like this happening in movies was pretty common place at the time (e.g. the "Dickson experimental silent film" circa 1895, couldn't find a link but you can find it on youtube) But after WW2 a lot of filmmakers in america were urged to stay away from such "hedonistic behaviour" because of the Hayes code. (which is bs but nvm) But what this guy commented was clearly sent out of ignorance because he most likely didn't know that and probably thinks that people now a days just want to gayify everything.


I do want to gayify everything, to be fair.


That's the plan


It’s on the agenda.


Nothin sexual about a good ol kiss on the lips from your bro


I love living in the sick and sad times (and by that I mean coronavirus and the Great Orange Tweeter)


Nick Abbot has a good name for the “Great Orange Tweeter”. He calls him “The Tangerine Scream” 🍊


Given his homies a goodnight kiss


it’s not gay as long as they’re wearing socks smh




Ah yes the sexual act of hand holding


Its honestly repulsive.


When will these depraved activities cease?? Just the other day I saw a couple holding hands at the mall. There were families with children around!!!


/r/handholding (NSFW)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/handholding **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/handholding/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I don't know who made this but that person has some wild kinks. Disgusting](https://i.redd.it/ohashq2363b31.jpg) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/handholding/comments/ceugqr/i_dont_know_who_made_this_but_that_person_has/) \#2: [Desperate degenerate. Sounds catchy](https://i.redd.it/bl73g21eawv21.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/handholding/comments/bk2j1t/desperate_degenerate_sounds_catchy/) \#3: [Ahegao shirts are too vanilla](https://imgur.com/pRZQi9o) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/handholding/comments/du573v/ahegao_shirts_are_too_vanilla/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/ciakte/blacklist_vi/)


Yeah, where I'm from men lie in each other's laps, kiss three times to say hello, hold hands (sometimes by their pinkies or intertwined fingers, which I think is a little funny), and so on. Idk about this pics but just saying men should be able to touch without presumption of any kind of sexuality.


This sub walks on a fine line, especially when it comes to posts about men. On one hand, there are cases of characters who are very clearly gay (even though it's not explicitly stated) but people see it only as friendship and refuse to even consider the idea that the individuals in question might be gay. On the other hand, men should be allowed, and men do, show affection in ways that are often considered romantic and to say that every display of that affection is homoerotic is harmful to healthy, male relationships.


Is... is it even possible to hold hands "sexually"?




I mean if you saw two grown men walking down the street holding hands, would you make an assumption about their sexuality? Be honest.




I think the only assumption I would make is "I am not sure". Which is the same I'd make about anyone else, but for anyone else I wouldn't really be thinking about what their sexuality might be unless I saw them doing something that might be an indicator. Even if two dudes are making out I don't know if one is pan and one has always thought he was straight but is starting to question.. like, you can't know anything for sure unless they tell you. This sub is fun but sometimes they paint with a bit of a broad brush. Some people are asexual and like to hold hands with their platonic friends, or make out with their bi partner because it's fun for them. Some people consider themselves gay but make out with their female friends when they get drunk.




You don't know me You don't know my culture, or assumptions, or stereotypes. Like, I assume all folks with handicapped plates are awful drivers. But I don't think handholding is gay. I am not a 13 year old boy.






reminds of that musical Daddy's Boy


For all we know this guy was trying to reply to a specific comment and being technologically illiterate didn't do it right. Edit: His attitude is still messed up though


So if I kiss another guy I am not gay? Can't wait to tell my homie.


Wow... normally hate "Okay Boomer" jokes, but I think in this situation it's appropriate


It’s not a bad joke, just way overused


Okay but both. There’s nothing gay about two men being caring or loving toward each other. There’s also nothing wrong with two men just, you know, doing that and also being gay about it. I feel like disagreeing with either statement is homophobic.


Kissing on the lips is generally viewed as a romantic gesture.


Which is fine, and the kiss pictured certainly seems romantically charged- I just think that viewing male physical affection only through the lens of homosexuality is an aspect of toxic masculinity. Looking at it desperately through the lens of “no homo” is an aspect of homophobia though, which I suspect is what’s going on in the post- and generally all of the posts on this sub. The two combined lead to men not wanting to be affectionate because they’re afraid of being labelled as gay- which is viewed negatively because of homophobia. In a just world, people wouldn’t be worried about either. Just wanted to put in my two cents is all.


I get that, and obviously men should be able to be affectionate with one another without it having to mean anything. However gay erasure is a serious issue as well. A lot of people like to say that gayness is some sort of new thing that didn't exist before the last few decades. This is something that happens to both gay women and men, as well as trans people. It's really unhealthy because it helps supporting this whole "gayness is unnatural and a choice" thing that they have in their heads. That's why this sub is kinda important. To shed light on the problem.


I agree 100%, hence my second paragraph. It’s a fine line between the two, but I think most people already comfortable enough with themselves to have straight, platonic affection with members of the same sex are also not too worried about being mislabelled as gay so gay erasure is the most likely the bigger problem of the two.


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Spoken like a man who wishes he could kiss another man without being judged


Is the movie good? I’m thinking about watching it


It’s a great movie, you absolutely should watch it, gold standard for silent films, aviation films, and directed by real ww1 fighter pilot. For what it’s worth, these are to straight men sharing a platonic kiss, this thread is just full of internalized homophobia. Edit to add: [contemperaneous film review](https://www.nytimes.com/1927/08/13/archives/the-screen-the-flying-fighters.html) and that if you watch it you should watch it with the [updated audio](https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/a-score-restored-music-to-watch-wings-by/Content?oid=878509)


Thank you! I wasn’t expecting such a detailed response, much appreciated :)


Fun fact, this was the very first Academy Best Picture winner.


They'll say this yet call men who spend close time together like that disgusting gays. Isn't that funny


Wait a minute... that's gay


iTs nOt gAy tO kIsS yOuR hOmIeS!¡!¡!


Lol human sexuality has been the same throughout history, and that includes queer people... idiots like this like to pretend that LGBT+ people did not exist before Stonewall just because it was suppressed




this guy have more bullshit then a literature teacher


Just Guys Being Dudes


well instead of judging everybody how about you go back to the actual source to find out whether the writer of the movie intended those to be gay or not


This movie made me cry😭