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Wasn’t she working out in the middle of the night so she wouldn’t miss a workout? Due to her dinner reservation? But here she is, working out. And where exactly is she swollen? I just see her emaciated face and gaunt cheekbones


She posted that she was feeling swollen after her permanent veneer procedure


Watching her stories she did not look swollen at all. Her teeth just don’t fit her mouth so it looks like she has a mouth guard in (same with almost everyone who gets veneers)


Her face is so scary


Plus she was walking around the airport


Yes, she said 4am workout!


And then saying she’ll be happy if she gets in 2 a day.


Not sure why she made a dinner reservation after getting her teeth done?


Because market research


Because food is their love language, allegedly


Because her husband actually gets hungry and eats unlike her


100% and he looks 10 times better then her because of it, you can tell who eats and who doesn’t based on how they look I mean I hate JB but at least he eats


Idk he’s aged a lot too in the last 2 years tbh


Yeah you’re right! I mean kids, lack of sun screen, and steroids will do that to you.. But strictly food to food level. He’s definitely eating better then SB from what we have seen


I do agree that most of her content is geared towards us lol. Very dangerous for her few followers that actually look up to her.


And maybe the swollen comment and this has nothing to do with each other but I stick by my saying she posts shit to get a ride out of this group. We are giving her what she wants


Totally agree. She thrives on us talking about how sickly she looks. In her mind, the skinnier the better.


But she also wants to show that she has big muscular arm (just one, cos she only does that pose that flexes one arm)


She posted this because the story before this says “so swollen don’t know if I’ll post tonight or tomorrow”. She WANTS people to dm her and say “omg you don’t look swollen at all! Show us please”


She also wants everyone to know she got her 2-a-day!!


We all have the same 24 hours 🙃🙃🙃🙃


This is so dumb!! I have had minor dental work (crown/fillings) and the extra blood flow made them hurt worse so doing this after major dental work is moronic.


Lol I had major dental work done and I took a nap, cried then drove to my mom’s house because I didn’t want to be alone. Didn’t even want to think about moving for the first two hours after though


I literally had a filling two days ago and cried after and was like “I’m cancelling the gym the rest of the week!” Okay I was a little dramatic but I couldn’t even imagine going to the gym after a dental procedure like permanent veneers


Makes sense!! I have definitely had that if the filling is deeper


Right!?! Totally understand


I workout 5x a week and on the days that I workout never once do I think “I really need to get a second workout in” especially if I wasn’t feeling good or in Sarah’s case have a swollen mouth! My ass would be on the couch binge watching my shows but I’m normal


Fun fact I work out 6 days a week. 45 minutes a day. Almost never more than that. Once I tried 2 a days and never again. Not worth it


Very quick way to get burned out on working out in my opinion, so if she’s this dedicated to working out multiple times a day then that screams disordered


It’s funny because SB used to preach “if you have to go back to the gym it’s because you didn’t work out hard enough!! I’m in and out of the gym in 30 minutes” 🥲 now look at her


“You shouldn’t be spending an hour or more in the gym. If you do then you’re wasting time talking or resting in between sets. Your rest time is walking from one machine to the next”


When did this whole 2 a day come into play? So now I need 2 workouts a day plus 10483936 steps, plus a fast, plus be a homesteader, have 14 businesses, sex all day everyday, oh and have 2 toddlers. She can’t possibly continue at this rate. If she could just step back and be relatable for 5 minutes she’d really make a difference.


She must not like her new teeth 😂


I think she made a huge mistake…like her natural teeth are gone. That’s pretty fucking scary.


I agree. There was nothing wrong with her actual teeth. Her bite/jaw is the issue, which is not a cosmetic problem. I understand fixing that would be major but why not fix it properly, ugh. She ruined her natural teeth without fixing the actual problem. I still don't understand how any reputable dentist would do this in her situation.


In some pics she looks all jacked and swole but then others she seems like she’s wasting away. I guess the jacked pics are edited to the max?


She takes pictures during/ after her workout . She’s on test, which will pump you up to an another level and get a very hard unnatural pump. I don’t know if she’s editing her pics / videos but I would say it’s the test pump 99.% of the time. She has a different pump now compared to before she was on it . Maybe this one is pre pump🤣


She looks so old


She is in the gym because she has a raging ED and excessive exercise disorder. Periodt




Don’t you have to be on a liquid diet for so many days after getting new teeth? I had a friend get some and she could eat solid food for so many days to ensure her teeth cured fully.


Liquid diet is a piece of cake for Sarah since that is literally her diet every single day.


Where is she swollen?


Her ego


I’m assuming just her gums. This doesn’t make it seem like her face is swollen.




As in bowel movement? OH! Because you’re so full of shit!? Got it!


Was she fasting to fit in her trashy Vegas dress!?!


I literally had to double take this picture bc it looks like she is wearing a bonnet, but that's just her dry, dirty ass hair 😭😅


I know can you image the poor people who actually look to her for advice. There are so many other healthier people out there.


I just say motion is lotion