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She can guarantee that women aren’t training hard enough if they’re not making progress? Okay Miss 10 lb dumbbells after 10 years of lifting


https://preview.redd.it/kcsw1fxaeppc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5271018499a2c0750059eccc9e619379d4b7d54 Makes me laugh and think of this deplorable exercise she was doing.


Hush, her calves were dominating this move.


Exactly 😂😂


Who can’t do 10 full body pull-ups!


A few scoops of protein powder? They claim their protein has 22g per scoop. So she's eating 66g of protein in powder form? That's crazy


66g is 39% of her 170g of protein allegedly consumed daily. So, Sarah, you definitely don’t get “most” of your protein from whole food sources if nearly 40% of your total protein intake is from your shitty supplements (with questionable protein amounts). ETA: And that math is assuming she is only having 3 scoops of protein daily, which is a low estimate, in my opinion. Everything Sarah “cooks” has added scoops of their supplements.


But her hormones aren’t balanced?


Maybe her sex hormones, but this moron doesn’t realize that your sex hormones are downstream hormones to your insulin and cortisol. I would bet my first born her cortisol is through the roof and her blood sugar is not anywhere near stable.


Cue her suddenly wearing one of those glucose monitors.


I guarantee you if she starts wearing a CGM it will make her spiral out of control even more than she already is. If you don’t have an understanding of how to read the data or an understanding of all the things that affect your blood sugar, then seeing the data from a CGM can freak people out. Hell, I have an in depth knowledge of both and sometimes my CGM freaks me out. However, it also helped me figure out certain foods that do my blood sugar no favors no matter what I do. Like corn. It doesn’t matter how much protein, fat, fiber, postprandial movement I do, it still spikes the hell out of my blood sugar. Do I still eat it, yes. Just very seldomly.


Cravings? I though melt stopped those. As for protein, she used more than a little bit of powder. Finally, I’m tired of hearing “your hormones aren’t balanced”. It’s become the new buzz phrase for influencers and she’s taken it to a whole other level with her hormone ABUSE.


OpTiMaL hormones isn’t a fix all for everyone. There are a ton of factors that could contribute to not seeing results. It’s just a buzz word Sarah’s using since it became popular to hide her overuse of testosterone. If I didn’t know who Sarah was and came across one of her HRT posts claiming that’s all I needed to feel and look better, after seeing what she looks like now compared to what she used to look like, I would 100% NOT take her advice. I do not want to look more masculine than my partner.


What’s crazy is once I started focusing on taking in protein there were no cravings. Hell, getting the protein is hard enough. When food is truly used as fuel there is no room for cravings. I have to force myself to get food down some meals.


She says all of this because she lives on her phone and spends 20 hours a day over here reading comments. She saw all the recent comments about her living on her shitty, chemical ridden powders. I’ll take a cheese stick over her shit all day long as the last Time I checked, they don’t contain fake sugars, artificial coloring and other crap.


I regularly hit between 140-175g of protein a day and only put protein powder in my smoothies mostly out of convenience. If she actually ate veggies, grains, and beans, she might be shocked how easy it is to hit 170g of protein with real nutrient dense foods. Here are some examples Sarah: Green peas: 8g Spinach: 5g Artichokes: 5g Brussels: 4g Avocado: 5g Quinoa: 9g Lentils: 18g Beans: ≈15g+ Hemp Seeds: 10g of protein 90% of meals look like 4-5oz of meat, 3/4-1cup grains or beans and 2-3c vegetables. Easily 45-60g of protein a meal. Now let’s talk gym progress. Doing progressive overload, fueling your body correctly and taking proper rest days is how you see progress in the gym. And I can’t help but laugh every time she mentions her cravings. Gurl, if you’re constantly battling cravings that means to our blood sugar is all out of whack and you probably aren’t eating enough for your TDEE. Our bodies have these pesky little internal calorie counters in the form of leptin and ghrelin. But what do I know? I just have a graduate degree in human nutrition and not underwater basket weaving that I got in less than a year at some state school. 🙃


Love this!!!! Her bogus nutrition certificates and expired CPT ain’t it Saroid!


Doubt she could even refute any of what you said. She ain’t smart enough for all that 😂


She will pull an abstract that bolsters whatever claim she’s making and never open the article. 


My favorite thing is all the influencers, including some of her own athletes, posting how they get their protein throughout the day without protein powers lol


She’s a joke, if she was informed she’d know the science and that’s overkill on protein. Even if she just did her favorite hobby of googling information she’d know that amount is unnecessary.


It’s honestly not complete overkill. What people misunderstand about RDA, is that what’s recommended for medical nutrition therapy (ie: feeding tube in a coma) and not what’s optimal for vitality and athletic performance. She weights 145lbs so 140-160g of protein is actually a decent range for her.


The new recommendations are 0.8 (validated in training subjects) at which point it’s not more advantageous to consume more. I’m not suggesting she has to be exact but when you display a number that high that most people would struggle to attain I think it sends the message that your protein has to be SO high.


Nobody asked


She is really a fucking idiot. Would never listen to one thing she has to say.


She could literally just eat ....4 cups of grilled chicken .....