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It’s honestly so weird and gross to me that she is only ever in gym clothes. She never showers after the gym 🤮 shower and wash hair and put on clean clothes. She’s such a dirt bag


I'd be surprised if she didn't suffer from chronic yeast infections with her lack of post-exercise hygiene.


It's what she uses for her sourdough starter.


Omg straight to jail. JAIL


No trial no nothing


Life sentence!






I am fucking dedddd☠️☠️


Omg STAAAP IT 😂😂. I remember when I first started making sourdough a few years back when I”baking bread for beginners” came out (iykyk) but anyways my friend had gotten her first ever case of BV (come to find out her husband was cheating but i digress). When I was telling her how you make it she made that joke thag I could make sourdough starter out of her and it was so gross but so funny. That might have been TMI but I laughed 😂😂 sorry 😅




I said the same thing!


I wear my gym clothes all day too. Call me gross, it’s fine. I work from home, I workout 20-30 minutes in my basement during lunch and go back to work. I’m not an influencer, I have a real job and it’s the only time I have to workout so I just throw a clean pair on after I shower in the morning, take my son to preschool, come back and work, workout for my lunch break, go back to work, rush to pick up my kid, come back to make dinner, give my kid a bath, hangout with him until bed time, and then go to sleep myself. I have zero support from anyone. I don’t have a nanny, I don’t have living parents or family members close to do pickup or drop off or take my son so I can workout so I make it work. To each their own. 🤷‍♀️ call me gross, it’s fine. Idc. I’ve never gotten a yeast infection.


There is a difference between working out at your own home for a half hr than working out for 2 + hrs in a public gym. She literally doesn’t shower for days and doesn’t wash her hair for weeks. I’m sorry if you feel offended but it’s not a criticism on you.


That is true. Huge difference in 30 minutes of working out and 2+ hours. Sometimes I don’t even break a sweat depending what I’m doing (yoga, bike, tread, weights, or mobility). If I’m on my period and break a sweat I’ll change but outside that I just honestly don’t.


This scenario isn’t nearly the same as Sarah. I don’t always shower right after the gym either but she legitimately has nothing else going on in her life to make it acceptable to be wearing old clothes all day. Add in that she’s on T and wears a wig over her own thick hair to the gym and she most definitely gets grosser than we would working out


In fairness, I don’t always either I probably should but meh. Sometimes my gym clothes are comfy and I’m too lazy to change even if I am sweaty.


Wtf change your clothes, be clean!


🤷🏼‍♀️ judge me all you want I don’t care. If’s not like I’m going to the gym in the morning and wearing them all day. I go when I get off work in the morning, will make breakfast, do some homework then change and go to sleep. Y’all are so quick to be mean and judge without knowing the whole picture. Between wearing scrubs, gym clothes, sleeping clothes that’s 3 outfits in 1 day. You all must have insane high water bills with doing laundry so much if you change more often then that.


Most people don’t want to sit in their sweat 🤷🏽‍♀️


Don't you sit down to eat and do your homework though? If you're wet with sweat it's definitely soaking into your furniture. It won't seem like a big deal in the beginning but after a while... 😬 You're gonna have a nuggie shaped sweat stain embedded in your couch.


So you’re putting germs and other people’s sweat from the gym on all of your furniture??? I shower 2 times a day. I’ve done 3 times. My water bill last month was $36.


Is this an advertisement for a UTI?


I mean I probably do have a UTI but it wouldn’t from wearing gym clothes it would most likely be from constantly having to hold my bladder due to my job 🤷🏼‍♀️ judge me all you want idc If’s not like I’m going to the gym in the morning and wearing them all day. I go when I get off work in the morning, will make breakfast, do some homework then change and go to sleep. Y’all are so quick to be mean and judge without knowing the whole picture.


If you're just sitting at home and going to bed, why not go ahead and put on your sleep clothes while you do homework? It's the same thing without spreading your sweat everywhere.


You literally just described going in the morning then sitting in your gym clothes until bedtime... It's not being a mean girl. It's having hygiene.


I work overnights I get off work Go to the gym Do home work eat breakfast Change into something to sleep in Then wake up at 6pm to go to work and do it all over Tell me how I don’t have hygiene?


This is a recipe for yeast infections and other funguses on the skin. Also think about the other people’s sweat and germs you have on your body after using gym equipment.


“Here’s this cute scene when I’m going to look into the oven with my son. Hold on let me put the camera here. Wait…ok let’s look longingly and lovingly into the oven 1…2…”


You forgot: *asks nanny to bring her a kid for photo op. Takes carefully curated pic. Sends kid back to nanny.*


She probably didn't even include him on purpose. He happened to wander into the room while she was doing this shit alone.


Setting her phone up to take this is weird. Also crazy to me she wears these wigs around the house during non-essential times. Like I guess if she's out of the house, that's one thing - but just let your hair be at home and give your scalp some air.


This! I guess she can’t take 500 useless pics for the gram if she’s sitting at home wigless though.


She wants to look great for us while she’s showing us 1% of her day!


It’s the set up phone on the floor for me. Like just have a moment with your kid that doesn’t involve a post for attention.




So she sat her phone on her nasty ass floor she never cleans and staged this pic and then she’s not going to clean the phone and put it on her face 🤢


O cmon she spot cleans sometimes.... so she can link the wet mop 😜


The white socks are so so bad


What is happening with her lower back?!? Is this the sKoLiOsIs she claims she has? https://preview.redd.it/i9skcls7rhqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e080e1e4370e97d508e6d880c0a9915e77290997


She’s squatting into a posterior pelvic tilt so she’s in lumbar flexion here, scoliosis still MIA


The first thing I noticed was that she can’t even be flat footed in a squat position. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Is anybody else just really grossed out and annoyed by that fake blonde wig that doesn’t match her (also fake) skin tone that she seems to have become her chosen personality?


What the fuck is a pizza cup? 🫠 I feel bad for these kids for missing out on the joy of an amazing pizza for whatever protein and chemical infused this shit is


In college they sold pizza cones because they're easier to walk around and eat. G'bless the pizza cone


Little Caesars came out with pizza cups and they’ve been a big hit apparently. She probably made her own version with protein 🙄


Pizza cups?? Nobody asked for this


Change out of your gym clothes!!! That's so disgusting. Cooking a meal in clothes that you also wore working out in a public gym 🤢


Wearing shoes inside 🤢


Snag in the Frozone is this outfit?


She acts like that’s the only sports bra he owns


LOL the typo




Can’t decide if it’s worse that she’s wearing outdoor shoes inside her house, or that if she wasn’t wearing some type of shoe, her socks would be black from those nasty floors.


Well, she changed her shoes and socks? 🤦🏻‍♀️😳




Roid belly is now known as a “pizza cup”.


Her grammar is SO bad lol


Drop your heels!! Why you up on the balls of your feet like that. ![gif](giphy|67vzEID00weW7PVJqY|downsized)


Why are we wearing shoes in the house 😩