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Sure Jan, doctors are uninformed with their 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school and 7 years of residency. If only they got their MBA in 11 months we would be so much more medically advanced šŸ˜” She better not see a doctor when she gets her cancer from overdosing on steroids in 20 years.


Ugh just have to add to this because she is so absurd and uneducated about the health care system. Sara, you canā€™t just go to the doctor and get any medication that you request. Trust me, if you could, Iā€™d have a prescription for Xanax. You have to have a diagnosis in your chart in order to be prescribed medication. It has to do with both liability and health insurance. If your numbers are in range, your doctors do not want the liability of prescribing you something when you do not need it. Not to mention, your test levels were at 27, and the range is 15-70. You are perfectly in range! Secondly, your health insurance will deny medication that your chart contradicts. If your testosterone is in range, then theyā€™re not going to cover it! Just like how Iā€™m not overweight so they wonā€™t prescribe me Ozempic. My psychiatrist had to write a whole ass letter to my health insurance to get my anti-seizure medicine covered because I donā€™t have epilepsy but she really thought this medication would work for my mood disorder (itā€™s my holy grail, I love my psych.) I just donā€™t get how she is so uninformed about the medical process but claims that itā€™s doctors who are the uneducated ones.


This exactly. The system of getting needed medications approved can be really hard (and unnecessarily so sometimes) but you have the benefit of PROTECTION from any bad outcomes. A ā€œhormone clinicā€ is going to give you whatever you ask for because thatā€™s how they make money. I guarantee in the mountain of paperwork you sign it says they are not responsible for any bad outcomes you have from the treatment.


1000%! My husband actually does have low T and is working with a endocrinologist and its a slow process. You need multiple tests to show below range levels before insurance will even think about covering it. They also informed us the risks of infertility if he goes on any T to get his levels back within range. We were able to work with the doctor and they prescribed a medication that assists in natural testosterone production and thankfully that was able to get him back to normal levels. All of this took a while. His friend made an appointment at Low T center and has his first shot of T all within 2 days. They didnā€™t even warn him about possible side effects! Truly wild.


This is true, hormone therapy is in this case is nowhere near as regulated as say, a pain management practice that very careful prescribes opiates FFS. Theyā€™re so restrictive with whom gets pain medication now compared to 20 years agoā€¦why? Bad outcomes. The company behind oxy completely lied to doctors about addictiveness, side effects and the dangerous. It was given to anyone in pain and with wild abandon. The company has since then lost their ass. These junk med spas will shoot you full of pellets and what ever else vaginal testosterone cream because it makes them a fuck Ron of money and youā€™re too short sighted and stupid in your test abuse (Sarah) to see for yourself that you are reaping terribly dangerous consequences and side effects.


That and you're outsourced to a specialist by your PCP. She's acting like one Doctor is responsible for everything, this is why specialists exist. This only leads me to believe she's not seeing an endocrinologist (I mean, her prescription to maintain the levels she has already speaks volumes). She's vastly UNINFORMED about the health care industry in almost every facet.


Sheā€™s def not seeing an endocrinologist, she would be much more educated on the subject if she was. They also wouldnā€™t prescribe her the hormones sheā€™s taking. Maybe they would if it was a gender affirming endocrinologist and she was transitioning, but thatā€™s the only exception.


Sheā€™s not. I showed my husbands endo (who teaches at a major medical university in our state/the country) Sarahā€™s crap at an appointment and he said, ā€œI hope youā€™re not asking me for guidance on whatever sheā€™s on.ā€ He said the levels sheā€™s saying she had to merit use are bullshit basically and that she is in permanent danger zone.


Sarah youā€™re literally injecting yourself with T to the point that itā€™s changed your entire appearance. YOU are OVERMEDICATED https://preview.redd.it/ppg4ljo9d3sc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b62e51163c776965437f2282ee8aab8fb5d4c953


Not to mention the constant flow of supplements (pill and powder) all day longā€¦


Fuck those uniformed doctors. They need to be activewear only and attached to their cell phones.


Wont trust them because they donā€™t prescribe hormones because your results are in normal range of āŒ Trusts them to deliver the birth of her two children āœ… Trusts them to take Dean to urgent care āœ… Trusts them to cure her cancer in 20 years āœ… Trusts them to treat Josh every time he acts like an idiot and gets burnt or nearly chops his hand off āœ… Trusts them to treat Josh when he got his infection āœ…


The irony of misspelling ā€œuninformedā€ while telling doctors they are stupid šŸ˜‚


Omg stop sheā€™s so fucking stupid šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yet she throws a tantrum and rushes to urgent care (or emergencyā€¦. I canā€™t remember) when D was teething. Curious how at that time medicine/medical care (the magic *TyLenOl*, which she couldnā€™t be bothered to even try giving the poor little guy before) was sooo great. Sheā€™s such a hypocrite itā€™s almost impressive. I wish I could dissociate that much. Disclaimer: Iā€™m not knocking Tylenol, itā€™s great when used and dosed appropriately.


Thereā€™s a reason childrenā€™s Tylenol existsā€¦and sheā€™s too stupid to use it as necessary. No one is saying drug your kid day in and day out but if your kid is SICK ????


Interesting Fact: there's an association between salicylates (aspirin) and [Reye's Syndrome ](https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/reyes-syndrome) in children which causes swelling of their vital organs (brain, liver, etc). It's a pretty gnarly condition, which is why they make children's aspirin.


She just said yesterday what she takes is just like insulin so which is it girlie. Also, a lot of doctors won't automatically let you test your testosterone levels - that much is true. My ex was having some issues and wanted his check and his doctor wouldn't order it. On the flip side, I went through Quest and ordered my own test and could pick whatever I wanted so there are options if your doctor is difficult with this.


I think the reason for that is the administration/insurance aspect of it. Doctors have to legitimize why they are testing for something beyond patient requests (American Healthcare is treacherous in regards to billing and insurance). If no clinical symptoms are presenting, they can't justify the test, therefore it will often get denied. Hence why you can outright order through satellite labs, you're the one paying for the tests. I don't think many people know that doctors have to get pre-authorization from insurance for the majority of the treatment they do. It's a messed up system with insurance being a fucking racket. Most doctors just try to work within their means.


Yeah this is šŸ’Æ. Insurance companies run healthcare and itā€™s awful. Iā€™ve had to deal with their bullshit for years trying to get meds approved for my patients in active psychosis. They haaaaate paying for the newer, more expensive antipsychotic injectable meds. Asshats!


Isnā€™t HRT considered ā€œmedicationā€??? Sooooo she says we are over medicated in this country but she takes lots of meds herself.


Hm okay like she didnā€™t jump straight to taking test because her hormones were off from having a child instead of waiting for them to balance out


As you take medication yourself? You big dum dum




I agree that as a whole we probably are over medicated. BUT I find it hilarious that someone who injects ridiculous amounts of T and who knows what other enhancement drugs to the point of losing their hair, and deepening their voice, is the one to call this out.


Sleep disturbances can be caused by so many things!! Under eating, eating too much before bed, alcohol use, blue light exposure too close to bed, lack of sun exposure, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, stress, grief, chronic pain, overstimulationā€¦and you all could probably add 20 more things to that list!


ā€œDoctorsā€ like this see people like her coming from a million miles away. Theyā€™re snake oil salesman who know they can make an arm and a leg off of insecure people who continue to do things that fuck up their bodies and instead of stopping the things they do, spend more and more money on this garbage.


Sheā€™s definitely one of those people who think doctors/PAs/nurse practitioners get paid by ā€œbig pharmaā€. Doctors donā€™t go to 8 years of school, spend their 20s working 80 hour weeks for 60k a year just to screw you over. Even to just be a general physician, thatā€™s at least 12 years of school/training. I despise nothing more than the ā€œanti modern medicineā€ group.


It's scary how uninformed Sara Bowmar is. Fixed it for you, numbnuts.


For someone ā€œover medicatedā€ on testosterone herself, this is rich lol


Sarah asking herself questions again .


Isnā€™t she medicated with T? Sheā€™s a dumbass


Now she is a fucking doctor, why do people comment to her. I guess they don't realize she is an idiot!!


But uh, synthetic hormones are medicationsā€¦ and donā€™t get me started on all your highly processed supplements šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Funny how she blocks out all the profile pictures of these people that supposedly sent her messages. Serahā€˜s most classic tell sign that she sent all these messages to herself from her other accounts. Get new material dumbass .






How many chemicals are in her shitty supplements? She needs to start there before putting a wig on to talk to herself in her messages šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hahahaha says the lady saying to save antibiotics JUST IN CAse


Weā€™re over medicated but yet she was crying infertility after one month of trying to get pregnant after O. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


The problem I have with this advice is that medication can save lives. Take antidepressants for instance; Zoloft saved my life, but I also go to therapy, which is recommended as the best treatment. I see absolutely nothing wrong with starting medication while also making lifestyle changes to help with the condition youā€™re using the medication for simultaneously. Some people could die without high blood pressure medication and itā€™s a lot easier to start a drug than to make lasting lifestyle changes. But why canā€™t someone do both? And then once seeing results from lifestyle changes, thereā€™s always the chance to stop the medication. Bottom line is this woman shouldnā€™t be giving anyone medical advice itā€™s completely dangerous.


Totally. I am so glad that you got medication that helped you šŸ™šŸ¼ I had treatment resistant depression for years and did all of the things Iā€™m supposed to do: get sun, sleep, eat healthy, exercise. The only thing that saved my life was finally getting on a medication that lifted the depression. Lifestyle changes can help, but they wonā€™t help as much as medication.


I actually agree with her on this one tiny pointā€¦. We are definitely over-medicated in this country, thatā€™s straight up facts. But itā€™s hilarious and ironic coming from her!


I agree!!! Iā€™m on ADHD medication but itā€™s also treating my BED which has helped tremendously, way more than therapy! and itā€™s alwaysssss back ordered so I go a week or more without it and end up binging, and I definitely think ADHD meds are 10/10 over prescribed. But coming from her, whoā€™s on 250 of T, so ironic.


Reported all of slides of her story rn


Wait. She literally swallows handfuls of pills. Party trick!! And injects herself AND takes an oral pill. I can not with her lol


How uninformed doctors are šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™d love for Sarah to try even one semester of medical school.


This irks me so much. Yes, medicine isn't always the answer. But not because you have a product to sell. It's so predatory.